Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools

Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools
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7.2 PUBLIC UTILITIESForest RoadA specific management plan has been developed for Forest Road (Annex C)which identifies specific management measures for subsidence impacts via aresponse action matrix. The Forest Road Subsidence Management Plan wasdeveloped in consultation with Singleton Shire Council and the Department ofLands.Electricity Transmission LinesA specific management plan has been developed for the electricitytransmission line within the Application Area (Annex B) which identifies thespecific management measures in the event of subsidence impacts. In theevent that the transmission line is damaged, repairs will be instigated as soonas practicable by GCCM, in consultation with EnergyAustralia. The ElectricityTransmission Lines Subsidence Management Plan was developed based onprevious experience undermining transmission lines on GCCM’s lease andconsultation with EnergyAustralia.Telecommunication LinesA specific management plan has been developed for the Telstra assets withinthe Application Area (Annex A) which includes a specific subsidencemanagement/monitoring program. The Telstra Assets SubsidenceManagement Plan was developed in consultation with a telecommunicationsconsultant and has been endorsed by Telstra.7.3 FARM LAND AND FACILITIESAgricultural LandNo significant impacts are predicted for agricultural land as a result ofsubsidence (see Section 10.5.1 of the SMP Application – Written Report) andno specific management measures have been recommended.Should significant subsidence-related impacts be detected throughopportunistic inspections, a management process will be developed inconsultation with the relevant stakeholders (including landowners andgovernment agencies) in order to minimise the impacts and determineappropriate remediation works. Specific management plans are in place forrelated aspects such as Bettys Creek, surface drainage, farm buildings, fencesENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200720

and gates and farm dams. These management strategies have beenconsolidated and provided in the Land Management Plan (Annex F).Farm BuildingsIf the disused dwelling still standing when the area is undermined, thesubsidence movements are considered manageable and would not beexpected to significantly change the current status of the structure (Annex G).Prior to undermining the steel framed farm shed located above Longwall 10,the specific management plan will be refined based on the status of thebuilding at that time. Management of the shed is achievable as demonstratedthrough the development of the following preliminary management options.• Leave it in place and monitor its behaviour with a view to repairing it ortotally replacing it if it became unserviceable, or• Disassemble it and reconstruct it again after subsidence is complete, withtemporary cover provided for storage in the interim.Fences and GatesA specific management plan has been developed for farm fences and gateswithin the Application Area (Annex H) which identifies the specificmanagement measures for subsidence impacts. Should subsidence-relateddamage to a fence risk unplanned stock movements and the damage is suchthat immediate repairs are not possible, or there is a risk of unplanned stockmovements whilst repairs are carried out, GCCM will supply and installtemporary electric fencing in consultation with the landowner. The FarmFences Subsidence Management Plan was developed based on previousexperience undermining fences and gates, and in consultation with thelandowners.Farm DamsA specific management plan has been developed for farm dams within theApplication Area (Annex I) which identifies the specific managementmeasures for subsidence impacts. GCCM will, in consultation with therelevant landowner, restore any dam that is damaged by subsidence or has itsstorage capacity reduced by more than 10 percent to a condition similar to thedam’s pre-subsidence condition. Should water be lost from a dam to theextent that livestock are impacted, an alternative water supply will beprovided by GCCM, in consultation with the landowner. The Farm DamsSubsidence Management Plan was developed based on previous experienceundermining farm dams and in consultation with landowners.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200721

and gates and farm dams. These management strategies have beenconsolidated and provided in the Land <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (Annex F).Farm BuildingsIf the disused dwelling still standing when the area is undermined, thesubsidence movements are considered manageable and would not beexpected to significantly change the current status of the structure (Annex G).Prior to undermining the steel framed farm shed located above Longwall 10,the specific management plan will be refined based on the status of thebuilding at that time. <strong>Management</strong> of the shed is achievable as demonstratedthrough the development of the following preliminary management options.• Leave it in place and monitor its behaviour with a view to repairing it ortotally replacing it if it became unserviceable, or• Disassemble it and reconstruct it again after subsidence is complete, withtemporary cover provided for storage in the interim.Fences and GatesA specific management plan has been developed for farm fences and gateswithin the Application Area (Annex H) which identifies the specificmanagement measures for subsidence impacts. Should subsidence-relateddamage to a fence risk unplanned stock movements and the damage is suchthat immediate repairs are not possible, or there is a risk of unplanned stockmovements whilst repairs are carried out, GCCM will supply and installtemporary electric fencing in consultation with the landowner. The FarmFences <strong>Subsidence</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> was developed based on previousexperience undermining fences and gates, and in consultation with thelandowners.Farm DamsA specific management plan has been developed for farm dams within theApplication Area (Annex I) which identifies the specific managementmeasures for subsidence impacts. GCCM will, in consultation with therelevant landowner, restore any dam that is damaged by subsidence or has itsstorage capacity reduced by more than 10 percent to a condition similar to thedam’s pre-subsidence condition. Should water be lost from a dam to theextent that livestock are impacted, an alternative water supply will beprovided by GCCM, in consultation with the landowner. The Farm Dams<strong>Subsidence</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> was developed based on previous experienceundermining farm dams and in consultation with landowners.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200721

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