Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools

Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools

Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools


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Buried Rail Communications CablePrior to undermining the Mt Owen Rail Spur a specific management planincorporating the buried communications cable will be developed based onprevious experience of monitoring over Longwalls 7 to 9. The development ofthe management plan at a later stage will allow more detailed and appropriatemonitoring strategies to be developed as a result of previous experience.Mt Owen Water PipelinePrior to undermining the Mt Owen Rail Spur a specific management planincorporating the water pipeline will be developed based on previousexperience of monitoring over Longwalls 7 to 9. The development of themanagement plan at a later stage will allow more detailed and appropriatemonitoring strategies to be developed as a result of previous experience.6.7 AREAS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND/OR HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCEArchaeological SitesA specific management plan has been developed for Archaeological Sites(Annex L) which details monitoring programs for subsidence–related impactsand their remediation. The pre-mining monitoring will comprise an initialdocumented survey and photographic record of each archaeological site toestablish and record condition and any existing damage/issues. Monitoringwithin predicted subsidence impact zones during mining will allow theimplementation of subsidence impact management processes, application ofany permits and remediation works as required. The plan was developedbased on consultation with the Aboriginal community representatives andadvice from specialist consultants.6.8 RELEVANCE AND ADEQUACY OF MONITORING PROCESSESAs noted in Sections 6.3 to 6.7, each of the identified features which requiredetailed monitoring have their own specific monitoring programs andregimes. The intensity of monitoring for each feature is appropriate to thelevel of potential subsidence-related impact and was based on riskassessment, stakeholder consultation and expert advice.The subsidence monitoring lines have been located to measure the varioussubsidence parameters as a result of mining Longwalls 10 to 17. These lineswill be surveyed at the completion of each longwall panel to allow processingof subsidence data for the particular panel.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200716

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