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24EDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>GreatInterestin Internal Traineeshipin Creative Studio(from left to right): <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan employees:Mr Edwin Geusebroek, Ms Yolanda Koese, Ms SonjaScheurwater and Mr Niels Eitze showing the gloriousresults of their training.Training of internal staff in adepartment of your own choice– this initiative came from themanagement leadership workshops.It could be a training in the factory, atthe marketing or sales department oranother interesting place. It fitsperfectly with the idea of ‘know yourown business’ and the Creative Studioproved to be very popular for doingan internal traineeship. The wishes ofthe trainees who chose to do theirtraineeship in the Creative Studiovaried from getting more knowledgeabout the activities of Application andTechnical Support (A & TS) to learning(from left to right): <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan employees,Mr Hans Harskamp, Mr Davi van Zanen, Mr PaulKoekoek and Mr Louis Thörig participating in thepopular training.about the customer relations programmeand getting to know the melting behaviourof the different fats or the temperingprocess of liquid chocolate yourself.Manager of the A & TS Ms YolandaKoese did the introduction speech in theCreative Studio. She explained in detailsabout the chemical structure of saturatedand unsaturated fats, lauric and nonlauricfats, taste, and discussed thedifferent melting curves of Creamelt ,Biscuitine , CLSP , Coberine andCouva . Additionally, Yolanda paidattention to iAvenue, the customerrelations program which will be used formonitoring the status of customerprojects. As a practical starter, we couldtaste the differences between pralines inwhich Creamelt , Biscuitine or anexperimental fat was processed. It wasremarkable how the cooling effect was inyour mouth – the ‘cool melt’ of a pralinemade with Creamelt .Evelien Zaal and Annet Frericks wereenthusiastic supervisors for the practicalpart of the afternoon where everyonelooked forward to making your ownartisanal chocolate pralines filled withmilk or dark tasty fillings. The first partwas manual tempering of liquid chocolate.For this purpose, chocolate was melted ata temperature above 40°C. At thistemperature, all chocolate crystals willdisappear. Subsequently, the liquid massin whole or in part should be cooleddown to approximately 27°C in a veryshort time. The cooling process was doneby pouring out and moving the hotchocolate on a cool marble table. Duringthe cooling process, crystals will beformed at a temperature of about 27-30°C. Those nice crystals are required togive the chocolate a shining structure.After tempering, the praline forms aremade. Now, it is time to prepare thefillings for the pralines. Everybody couldselect his own flavours obtained from theflavour company Givaudan, to composethe taste of the filling. Subsequently, theempty praline shells were filled with selfmadefillings. The next step was toenrobe the filled praline with temperedliquid chocolate. The last step was tocool down the pralines in the refrigerator.Now the pralines are ready forconsumption. In sum, all participantsreacted very positively to the internaltraineeships.£

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