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02 CONTENTSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>COVER FEATURE04 First Creative Studio in AsiaCORPORATE UPDATES06 Soaring Profitsin 2nd Quarter<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Ranked a<strong>To</strong>p Performer AgainForest Footprint Disclosurein Terms of ForestAnnual Review 2010Footprint07 <strong>IOI</strong> Wins Southeast Asia’s InstitutionalInvestor Corporate AwardsExcellent Reporting Leads toNACRA Award08 Pamol Kluang’s First AnnualSurveillance AuditNeste and MARS VisitPamol Kluang Palm Oil Mill09 The Glitz and Glamourof <strong>IOI</strong> Gala Nite 2011PROPERTY15 <strong>IOI</strong> Properties WinsPutra BrandAward 2O1116 Connecting the Communities withOne <strong>IOI</strong> Net17 <strong>IOI</strong> Properties LaunchesFree Shuttle Service18 Hope for ChangeBadminton Charity ProgrammeMaking Good Use of Used ComputersOLEOCHEMICALS19 Kicking Off the SAP Roll-Out Project20 Rewarding the ContinualImprovement ProjectsCherishing our Employees21 ‘<strong>IOI</strong> Oleo Boleh’in Gotong-Royong Activity10 Fire Awareness DrillEDIBLE OILSPUBLISHED BY<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Two <strong>IOI</strong> Square, <strong>IOI</strong> Resort,62502 Putrajaya, MalaysiaTel: 03.8947.8888Fax: 03.8947.8918WEBSITEwww.ioigroup.comwww.myioi.comEDITORKaren LiewDEPUTY EDITORCarine YapPRINTED BYST ENTERPRISEAS 8, Jalan Hang Tuah 1,Salak South Garden,57100 Kuala Lumpur.A Sweet Pongal CelebrationHUMAN RESOURCEDEVELOPMENT11 New FacesManagement Trainees’ Graduation12 Selling with Passion13 Business Writing &Communication SkillsWorkshop for CadetsSikap Kerja Positif14 Constructive FeedbackMini Workshop22 Aigremont Hosts RSPO SeminarNew Sustainability Director Appointedat <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan23 Audits Reveal Number ofImprovement Aspects24 Great Interest in Internal Traineeshipin Creative Studio

25 Go All Out forMS Research26 First US SustainablePalm Oil ShipmentDocked27 <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’sInnovation DrivesTrans-Fat Elimination<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’sSuccessful 8th GlobalMeeting28 Satiety Does Not Slow DownAppetite for Success!<strong>IOI</strong> MALLIndustry Leader GNCTakes on Clarinol ® CLA29 <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Hangs Tallwith the Longest Tassel30 <strong>IOI</strong> Mall’s FirstRabbit Show 2011HOTEL31 Great Expectations atMidori with Chef Uramoto32 Marriott HonoursEarth Hour with aLights-Out Party33 Amazing Race and Teambuilding atPalm Garden HotelFOUNDATION34 Student Adoption Programme 2011Natural disasters and political unrest in the Middle East and NorthAfrica dominate the news flow. Rising crude palm oil and food priceshave also raised fears of stagflation across the globe. Thus, amid the gloom anddoom, it is welcome news indeed that the Malaysian economy is still stable andour company’s business development is still progressing well.One of the exciting news is the opening of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’s secondCreative Studio at Pasir Gudang in March this year after the commission of itsfirst Creative Studio in Europe in June last year. Creative Studio is a new conceptfor the chocolate and confectionery industry and it is our way to provide addedservice to our customers. Find out more about this cutting-edge Creative Studioin our Cover Feature on page 04.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> also gained some recognition in our efforts to enhancetransparency in the forest footprint disclosure and adopt good corporategovernance. On the other hand, <strong>IOI</strong> Properties gained the prestigious PutraBrand Awards in recognition of its brand marketing and customer relationsefforts.In terms of giving back to the society, many efforts have been made by <strong>IOI</strong>to enhance the connectivity and quality of living in its Puchong townships.Two of the recent initiatives include providing advance broadband infrastructureand free shuttle service for the residents in its Puchong townships. The advancebroadband infrastructure will also be expanding to other <strong>IOI</strong> townships in theKlang Valley in the near future. This is part of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ overall vision ofbuilding and connecting world class development in its townships (page 16 &17).On 26 March 2011, <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> continues to support the Earth Hourmovement. Non-essential lights at all <strong>IOI</strong> buildings and facilities including<strong>IOI</strong> Mall, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, Palm Garden Hotel and office towers in<strong>IOI</strong> Resort were switched off for an hour to observe Earth Hour. <strong>To</strong> go beyondthe Earth Hour, <strong>IOI</strong> has made long-term commitments for reducing energyconsumption and improving energy efficiency for all its operation.Everything is connected. Connectivity is going to bethe key to addressing the global warming andenvironmental issues. What we do every day can have avery negative impact on an entire way of life for anentire people far away from that source. It is everybody’sresponsibility to protect our Mother Earth and build abetter world for our future generation. We can start byincorporating one simple energy-saving or wastereduction activity into our everyday lives.ContributorsCorporateMs Molly TamMr Sasidharan A/L MuniandyMs Wendy NgMs Tan Han YenPlantationMr Jerome LaiMr Timothy ChandraboseMs Kavitha MurulitharanMr Mahentira VarmaProperty (Klang Valley)Ms Kristine NgMs Janice FooOleochemicalsEn Wafli b AliMs Irin DeCruzMs Moh Soot LanMs Emily JessicaLoders Croklaan (Europe)Mr Louis ThörigLoders Croklaan(North America)Mr Tim SurinMr Kevin MillerLoders Croklaan (Asia)Ms Narjit KaurMs Subashni BahsuEDITOR’S NOTELipid NutritionKaren LiewKeep your contributions flowing in!The Editorial Team would like to express its heartfelt gratitude for the input of Berita <strong>IOI</strong> from thecontributors mentioned below. We look forward to continued contribution of interesting articles andpictures from all of you. After all, Berita <strong>IOI</strong> is a newsletter for all the staff of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> and we would alllike to see this newsletter as a publication that we are all proud of. Kindly forward your contribution tocarine.yap@ioigroup.comMr John KurstjensMr Dieuwke Vogelzang<strong>IOI</strong> Mall PuchongMs Stephanie Wong<strong>IOI</strong> Mall KulaiMr Kelvin TangPutrajaya Marriott HotelMs Lydia Mae HendroffPalm Garden HotelMs Audrey Yap03BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>

04COVER FEATUREBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>First Creative Studio in Asia<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Asia launched the much-awaited Creative Studio on10 March 2011 at Pasir Gudang in Johor, Malaysia following the success of thefirst Creative Studio Europe which was officially opened in Wormerveer, theNetherlands in June 2010.Creative meeting room for customers to brainstorm ideas.Interior of the Creative Studio.The Creative Studio Asia was launchedby <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Director Dato’Lee Yeow Chor together with the ChiefOperating Officer of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders CroklaanAsia Mr UR Sahasranamam and SeniorGeneral Manager (<strong>Group</strong> Engineering) of <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong> Mr Wong Chee Kuan after a lion danceperformance and ribbon-cutting ceremony.Over 100 delegates from 20 countries alsowitnessed the opening ceremony.Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor said at the launchingceremony, “The Creative Studio Asia is anoutcome of a successful penetration of thisconcept in our European facility... we’reprivileged to be able to build our new studiohere in Malaysia, where we can benefit froma large skilled workforce, a supportive,business-oriented government and anexcellent infrastructure that will providebetter and excellent innovative services.”The Creative Studio is particularly suitablefor working with chocolate confectionery;however it is also available for other productdevelopments like bakery, dairy and culinary,etc, with specific oil or fat related projects inmind.“We’re privileged to be able to build our new studiohere in Malaysia, where we can benefit from a largeskilled workforce, a supportive, business-orientedgovernment and an excellent infrastructure that willprovide better and excellent innovative services.”Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Director

Now, Asian productdevelopers will have a chance towork under the guidance ofworld-class chefs and chocolatiersto test out the latest coatings andflavour combinations, createinnovative, artisan-made designsand pioneer the latest trends inconfectionery.The Creative Studio Asia inPasir Gudang, Johor, is wellequipped with essentialequipments to innovate productssamples with the help of alaboratory area and sensory Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor led the guests for a tour of the Creative Studio.facilities. The studio also has a brainstormingroom and a creative meeting place whereproduct developers can try out new ideas,share inspiration and test new applicationstogether with <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’s technicalexperts. When the product samples meet thesensory requirements, our application expertswill help translate the artisanal recipes intocreations that are suitable for large scaleprocessing.If the aim of the product developers is toproduce a chocolate with a balancednutritional profile for the health-consciouscustomer, or whip up the ultimate decadenttreat for more indulgent moments, <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan can provide the support andexpertise to help them create high-qualitychocolates that are perfect for chocolatelovers.<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Asia believes thatthe Creative Studio will be instrumental inaccelerating product innovation process andreduce the time to market through this directcommunication and creative collaboration.The opening of the Creative Studio is alsoa customers’ preview event for the new <strong>IOI</strong>Lipid Enzymtec plant complex which is goingto be ready in the second quarter of 2011.Short guide tours were organised after theofficial ceremony for customers to view thenew facilities. It was a fantastic and successfulday with a lot of positive remarks from theinvited guests.£COVER FEATUREBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Creative Studio– the place forproduct innovation05Creative Studio was set up with the objective tofacilitate product innovation and development.Here’s how this can be achieved.• Product developers can try out new ideas,share inspiration and test new applicationstogether with <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’stechnical experts comprising world-classchefs and chocolatiers at the brainstormingroom and creative meeting place.• The product samples can be tested at thelaboratory and sensory facilities to seewhether it meets sensory requirements.• <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’s application expertswill then help translate the artisanal recipesinto creations that are suitable for largescale processing.For further information on the Creative Studioand its workshops, e-mail your queries to:Creativestudio.Asia@croklaan.com.The guests at the launch admiring and enjoying the chocolate creations by the Creative Studio.

06CORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>+12.8 % <strong>IOI</strong>SoaringProfitsin 2ndQuarter461.2520.2Q2 ‘10 Q2 ‘11<strong>IOI</strong>’s Net Profit(RM million)Corporation Berhad’s second quarter profit surged12.8% due to higher prices for the cooking oil andcontributions from its property business. In the three months ended31 December 2010, net income gained to RM520.2 million fromRM461.2 million while sales increased to RM3.97 billion.<strong>IOI</strong>’s plantation operating profits rose 14% to RM363.7 million fromRM319.9 million a year ago. This was mainly due to higher CPO andpalm kernel prices. The average CPO price was RM2,800 per tonnewhile the palm kernel price was RM1,979 per tonne.During the quarter, <strong>IOI</strong> also gained RM61 million when a portion ofthe investment properties was sold off. Yet the resource-basedmanufacturing segment recorded lower profits mainly due to fair valuelosses on the adoption of FRS 139.“The group is expected to perform satisfactorily in the currentfinancial year underpinned by strong palm oil and palm kernel pricesand a resilient property market,” said <strong>IOI</strong>.£<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Ranked a <strong>To</strong>p Performer Againin Terms of Forest FootprintForest Footprint DisclosureAnnual Review 2010Once again, <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is rankedas the best performer in theFarming sector for its reporting andtransparency in the Forest FootprintDisclosure (FFD) 2010 Reportpublished on 27 January 2011.FFD is a non-profit organisation anda special project of the Global CanopyFoundation, a UK-registered charity. Itwas launched in June 2009 with the aimto improve corporate understanding of a‘forest footprint’ generated by the use ofkey forest risk commodities such astimber, soy, cattle products, palm oil and biofuels.“<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> applauds the efforts of the FFD to increasetransparency in the area of forest protection. Our efforts toenhance transparency are well aligned with FFD throughour own CSR policies and programmes. Additionally, ourspecific actions tow ard sustainable oil palm cultivation andpalm oil production are guided by the principles and criteriaof the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO),” said <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong>’s Advisor of Sustainable Development Mr Donald C.Grubba.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> has long been hosting seminars and meetingswith its business partners and suppliers in promotingsustainable palm oil as well as promoting collaborativeefforts to drive sustainable development in our industry. Wehave transparent best-practice sustainability criteria for ourexisting suppliers and sustainability audit program for newsuppliers. We target to source all the feedstock from RSPOmembers by year 2013.In 2010, a total of 285 international companies wererequested to disclose information in areas such as riskmanagement and sustainable supply chains management forthe FFD Report. The results were then assessed by a jury ofsupply and forest conservation experts.£

<strong>Group</strong> received a few accolades in<strong>IOI</strong> the inaugural Southeast Asia’s <strong>To</strong>pCompanies Poll conducted by the Alpha SoutheastAsia recently.In Malaysia, <strong>IOI</strong> Corporation is among the topthree companies which won two of the four mainawards – “Best Senior Management IR Support”and “Strongest Adherence to CorporateGovernance” – together with other conglomerateslike Axiata, CIMB, Public Bank and TNB.The results were published in the Alpha SoutheastAsia March 2011 Issue magazine which cited that, “InMalaysia, eight publicly listed companies with the bestperception among investors include regionalpowerhouses CIMB <strong>Group</strong>, Maybank and PublicBank, Asian focused telecoms group TM and itssubsidiary Axiata, efficiency-focused palm oil producer<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, power producer Tenaga Nasional andconglomerate Sime Darby.”<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation was also ranked as one of thethree best-rated conglomerates in the mining andnatural resources sector in Southeast Asia along with Antam in Indonesia and Wilmar International inSingapore.The poll was conducted by the first and only institutional investment magazine in the Southeast Asia regionwith participation from fund managers with investment interests in Southeast Asia, large institutional investors,insurance companies, pension funds, funds of hedge funds, private banks, equity and fixed income brokers aswell as buy and sell side analysts. Over 3000 qualified participants were sent questionnaires in mid-October2010 and all responses were received by mid-February 2011.£<strong>IOI</strong> Wins Southeast Asia’sInstitutional InvestorCorporate AwardsCORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>07Excellent ReportingLeads to NACRA AwardCorporation Berhad received the Certificate of Merit at the National<strong>IOI</strong> Annual Corporate Report Awards (NACRA) 2010 in recognition of thecommendable high standards of annual reporting achieved.Jointly organised by Bursa Malaysia Berhad, the Malaysian Institute of Accountants(MIA) and The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), NACRA isaimed at assisting the nation’s aspirations to promote greater transparency andaccountability by respective parties in their financial reporting as well as to furtherenhance growth and development of the Malaysian capital market.Ms Loh Lay Choon of the NACRA Organising Committee said that annual reportsthat provide reliable, adequate and relevant information which strongly reflect anorganisation’s commitment to efficiently serve the needs of its stakeholders are crucialin ensuring a strong and competitive capital market. In this regard, NACRA recognisesMalaysian companies that have taken that initiative to produce exemplary corporatereports, both in content, appearance and design. Such companies deserved to behonoured.Indeed NACRA sets the benchmark for excellence in corporate reporting. Theawards aim to promote greater corporate accountability and more effectivecommunication by organisations through the publication of timely, informative,factual and reader-friendly annual reports. This is the very essence of NACRA’stheme – “<strong>To</strong>wards Accountability and Excellence”.Well done, <strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Bhd!£

08 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>CORPORATE UPDATESPamol Kluang’s First Annual Surveillance AuditIt has been a year since the Pamol Kluang region received its RSPO certification for producing sustainable palm oil. This year,the first annual surveilance audit was conducted from 8 to 10 March 2011 at Pamol Kluang Palm Oil Mill, Mamor Estate andKahang Estate.The RSPO audit group consisting of Mr Charlie Ross and Ms Robyn Ross (husband and wife team), Mr Iman Nawireja and alsoMs Nuryati Hambali arrived from Singapore. They were welcomed by General Manager (Plantation) Mr Tay Ching An, Estate andAssistant Managers of Pamol Timur and Barat Estate, Kahang Estate, Mamor Estate, Unijaya Estate, Swee Lam Estate, Pamol KluangPalm Oil Mill as well as Mr William Quah who was in charge of <strong>IOI</strong>’s RSPO sustainability and Mr Ravi <strong>To</strong>ny who was the SafetyOfficer of <strong>IOI</strong> Peninsular.The entire audit process went smoothly from beginning till end. On the first day, the RSPO team divided into two teams – thefirst to audit the mill and the next to audit the estate dispensary as well as the mill camp workers’ quarters. On the second day, boththe Kahang and Mamor estates were visited. On the final day, the team held a closing meeting with all the Pamol executives tosubmit their findings and disclose the observations that were done.Neste and MARSVisit Pamol KluangPalm Oil MillPamol Kluang Palm Oil Mill played host to twointernational bodies that showed great interest in howit conducted its daily business.On 14 February 2011, the entourage from MARS Globalincluded the Vice President of Global Chocolate CommercialMr Barry Parkin, Vice President of Commercial ChinaMs Jenifer Thien, Commercial Director Australia Mr MatthewSavage, Global Execution US Mr Mark Philips, SeniorCommercial Manager Ms Choo Fay Fay, Commercial ManagerMr Jeffrey Soo and Consultant to MARS Mr Yee Chow Boi.The entourage was not complete without the presence ofGeneral Manager of Sales and Marketing Mr Sander Fredriksand Business Development Manager Ms Wong Pin Hueyfrom <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan.Brief demonstration tothe MARS Globalvisitors on theprocesses carried outat the mill.This is how palm oil is processed.Pamol Kluang Palm Oil Millwas also visited by Neste Oil on9 March 2011. It was attended byvisitors who were mainly Finnishpoliticians, Neste Oil investors,buyers and shareholders as well asjournalists from America, Japanand Malaysia.During both visits, the EstateManager of Pamol Timur andBarat Estate Mr S Kuppusamy,Assistant Mill Manager In-Chargeof Pamol Kluang Palm Oil Mill MrChai Tian Siang and otherpersonnels from Pamol KluangPalm Oil Complex brought thevisitors on an enlightening tour. Atthe estate, the breeding of palmA token of appreciation fromthe visitors of Neste Oil.oil seedlings in the nursery, crop harvesting and cropevacuation was shown. They were also brought to the millwhere the processing procedures were explainedfrom the initial stage of the fresh fruit bunches rightto the crude palm oil, kernel and shell stage which isthe final product.The visits were useful to the visitors as theyobserved how <strong>IOI</strong> Pamol Kluang conducts its day-todayoperations in accordance with the Principles andCriteria of the governing RSPO body.An eye-opener for the visitors.

CORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong> 09THEGlitz ANDGlamourof <strong>IOI</strong> Gala Nite 2011Proud recipients of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s Long Service Awards.With a theme like ‘glamourous’,the Gala Nite 2011 of <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong> swung into full gear themoment <strong>IOI</strong>’s fabulous andglamourous staff walked down thered carpet at 6:30pm at the PutrajayaBallroom of Putrajaya Marriott Hotel& Spa on 25 February 2011.The evening started with awelcome speech by <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Executive Director Dato’ Lee YeowChor who applauded the idea ofarranging for staff performancesinstead of engaging professionalartistes as this would promotefriendship and team spirit amongstthe staff. In line with his message, theSenior Management <strong>Group</strong> tookcentrestage with their rendition ofappreciation to the staff.While the staff dined in splendour,various awards were rolled out torecognise selected staff for theirloyalty and hard work. The ServiceChampionship and SubsidiaryAwards were newly implementedfor acknowledging the contributions of selected propertystaff while the Employee of the Year and Long ServiceAwards were awarded to dedicated and deserving staff.The staff were entertained next with variousperformances by the Corporate, Property and PlantationDivisions. With a lion dance by the Corporate Division to usherin good luck and abundance, the evening continued with aThe Corporate Division opens up the show with a performance tosignal good luck and prosperity for <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>!The Plantation Divisionsizzling the stage withtheir hot and sexy dance.The Best Dressed Male andBest Dressed Female doinga duet on stage.variety of acts from the PropertyDivision such as a soloist who sanga song entitled “Keliru”, a classicalIndian dance group performance plusan entertaining showcase of thepopular benefits of <strong>IOI</strong>’s propertiesin a light “Hey Big Spender” danceand sketch performance. ThePlantation Division did not fall shortwith their “Lee Po Po” comedicsketch plus a groovy and moderndance that entertained everyoneimmensely. Yet it was the CorporateDivision’s final performance – “ThePhantom of the Opera” which caughtthe judges’ hearts and was judged theWinner of the Staff Performance.In addition to the 40 lucky drawprizes, the audience was treated to aBest Dressed Male and FemaleAward showcasing three males andthree females decked in noteworthyoutfits. Mr Moorthy fromthe Corporate Division andMs Lim Bee Lay from thePlantation Division garneredthe highest votes from thejudges.The night continued withstaff dancing on the dancefloor, posing with friends at thered carpet, catching up with othersfrom other divisions and more.£A heartwarming rendition of appreciation to the staff.

CORPORATE UPDATES10 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Fire AwarenessDrillWhat happens whena fire starts and is indanger of burning down forestsand harming civilians? Mostpeople think that the right thing to do is call the fire departmenthowever it might be too late by then.Fire prevention awareness is essential which is why the coursewas conducted at Gomali Palm Oil Mill and Pukin Palm Oil Mill.On 4 and 13 January 2011, Mr Murad from the Bandar Putrafire station, Segamat held the fire awareness course at GomaliPalm Oil Mill and provided workers with the necessary basicunderstanding of fire and fire procedures during an actual fireemergency. The workers were also given practical training onusing fire extinguishers. The course ended with a Q&A session.Over at Pukin Palm Oil Mill,the fire drill training was conductedon 22 February 2011 by firemenfrom the Balai Bomba MuadzamShah in the presence of Acting MillManager Mr Jerome Lai and all theworkers. The employees wereequipped with the right skills andknowledge on how to respondwhen a fire occurs. They weregrouped into teams, taught how tohandle fire extinguishers and fire hose reels. They were alsobriefed on the fire drill procedures as well as the importance offollowing instructions and safety awareness at the workplace.£A Sweet PongalCelebrationResearch Centre, Batang Melaka ushered in the<strong>IOI</strong> good fortune of pongal with an auspicious celebrationon 15 January 2011 in the presence of Assistant Manager Mr TanTeck Hock who represented Research Controller Mr JoshuaMathews as well as over 50 employees of all races and foreignworkers. A harvest festival, pongal is celebrated with the hope thatthe month of ‘Thai’ will bring in good fortune and the act ofboiling over the milk in claypots symbolise good luck andprosperity. Everyone had a great time working with one anotherand went back with smiles on their faces.£The winning team completing the milk boiling act within just 20 minutes.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT11BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>NewFacesLet us welcomethe followingnew memberinto <strong>IOI</strong> family!Ken YeongCulinary DirectorPutrajaya Marriott HotelMr Ken Yeong Kian Kongjoins Putrajaya MarriottHotel as the CulinaryDirector. Ken bringswith him several yearsof culinary experience.He has spent a numberof years with SheratonUtama in Brunei andsubsequently at LeMeridien, Kota Kinabalu.Ken will be overseeingthe overall kitchenoperations as well as thenew culinary projects thatare in the pipeline.ManagementTrainees’GraduationDato’ David Tan (2nd from right) withthe management trainees (from left)– Alex Eng, Jack Lim and Vincent Tan.The Training and Organisational Development department successfully completedthe training of the 2nd batch of Management Trainees who were recruited in May2010. After having undergone nine months of job rotation in various departmentswithin the Property Division, the three graduates were placed in the Marketingdepartment.The three graduates are Mr Vincent Tan Ming Ser, Mr Alex Eng Yoong Wei andMr Jack Lim Kok Kuan. As part of their final assessment, they were given a case studyand assignment to present to a panel of assessors headed by Dato’ David Tan,Ms Chiew Sin Mei, Ms Molly Tam, Mr Sasidharan and Ms Wendy Ng together with theHeads of Department with whom the trainees were placed during their job rotationwho were Mr Loo Kin Yin, Ms Kristine Ng and Mr Noel Lee.Vincent Tan who has a Bachelor of Arts (First Class with Hons) in Marketing fromthe University of Hertfordshire, UK said “It’s a pleasure to be given the opportunityto join <strong>IOI</strong> as a Management Trainee. In these nine months of training, with exposureto four different departments mainly Sales & Marketing, Customer Relations Unit,Sales Admin and Building Services, I have gained precious knowledge to serve <strong>IOI</strong>better in my capacity as a full time Marketing Executive. I take this opportunity tothank each of the departments for their invaluable guidance as well as TrainingDepartment for their ongoing support.”Alex Eng who joins Vincent as Marketing Executive based at <strong>IOI</strong> HQ has aBachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business and Marketing Management from the OxfordBrookes University, UK. He commented on his journey by saying “It was an awesomeexperience to be exposed to the various departments where I got to not only learnand grow as an individual but also as a professional to the company. The best partabout this management trainee programme was being able to get acquainted with alllevels of executives and personnel that have been of immense help in my ninemonthjourney. Not least, a very sincere thank you to everyone especially to TrainingDepartment for coaching and mentoring us especially in our final presentations.”Jack Lim on the other hand has a Bachelor of Management (Marketing) fromUniversity Malaysia Terengganu and is now based in 16 Sierra. Jack recently won theService Champion award at the <strong>IOI</strong> Gala Dinner based on the most recommendationsreceived from customer comment card. He commented that “It was a challenge toundergo the series of on-the-job trainings at various departments, nonetheless it hasenabled me to gain an overview of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ operation, and understand theworking procedures. In short, it was an eye-opening and exciting learning experiencewhich has given me a positive perspective towards my career development at <strong>IOI</strong>.I would like to address my appreciation to the Training Department besides all theHODs’ guidance to help me succeed in this programme.”The three ‘graduates’ were treated to a sumptuous graduation luncheon at theAroi Dee Thai Restaurant in Palm Garden Hotel.£

12HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>SellingOver 40 participants from <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ Sales and Marketing departmentattended the Selling with Passion Workshop by Raymond Phoon.withPassionWhat is the one thing that can make all thedifference in selling? You have an excellentproduct, a responsive territory and a greatmarketing campaign, but, without this key ingredient, you are unlikely to make the sale.The missing ingredient is passion. Passion can compel a salesperson to communicate,with total conviction and belief, the specific attributes of their product, allow a salespersonto really care and listen to the concerns of their customers as well as allow any challengeor hurdle to be overcome.A group discussion in session.The Selling with Passion Workshop was held inJanuary over two weekends at Palm Garden Hotelwith over 40 participants from <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ Sales andMarketing department.Trainer Raymond Phoon is a sales psychologist,motivational speaker and leadership coach with anextensive background in sales and marketing. He hasworked with thousands of professionals from leadingMNC organisations in the areas of business improvement,life transformation, strategic differentiation and sellingbreakthrough.He says that this old adage is certainly true of selling– “People don't care how much you know until theyknow how much you care.”Think about it – when a customernotices someone looking and soundingexcited when discussing a product,the unconscious mind is saying, “Theremust be something in this.”Why would someone be sopassionate about something thatwasn't good? The unconscious mindis a powerful force and will oftenmake a decision long before theconscious mind has taken in all thelogical information to support such adecision.Selling is all about passion, believing 150% in whatyou’re offering, and demonstrating that in every wayand at every occasion. When you fail to whole-heartedlybelieve in what you’re selling, there’s no way you’ll besuccessful long-term. Add to the mix of the economy’suncertainty and it becomes essential for people to bepassionate.Participants learned how to bring creativity,enthusiasm and passion to the job of selling. Theworkshop motivated the sales people to sell with passionand more importantly, it gives <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ salespeople a solid foundation to succeed.Raymond addressing the queriesraised by Aziman and Chua.Ms Lee Yoke Har presented a memento toRaymond as a token of appreciation.

Business Writing& CommunicationSkills Workshopfor CadetsThe Training and Organisational Developmentdepartment assisted the Plantation Division toprovide soft skills training for their newly-recruitedCadet Trainees in a one-day in-house training cumworkshop conducted by the department’s managerMr Sasidharan on 10 March 2011 at the Gomali PalmOil Estate and Mill.20 young and enthusiastic cadets were taken onan interesting workshop session on the professionalway of writing emails, memos and other workrelatedcorrespondence.After lunch, they were given various activities onwhat causes communication breakdown, how toavoid toxic forms of communication and were givenpointers on how to carry themselves as futuremanagers.Cadet Trainee Redha in action as the class looks on.Mr Sasidharan also stressed on the needfor the cadets to take the initiative to learnthe language of theplantation workers whoare mostly foreigners. Thiswill help them to gainrespect and build betterrapport with the workersas well as create a betterworking environment.HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>The new Plantation Cadet Trainees in deep discussion.13<strong>Group</strong> membersguiding their team.YES! We all want to be positive!Sikap Kerja PositifA workshop session inprogress.Captain Veera stressed on the importance of being positive.It is important to cultivate a positive working environment so that each individualcan contribute fully to the success of the organisation. Lack of the right attitude couldbe a leading cause of conflict at the workplace. The Training and OrganisationalDevelopment department organised a workshop in Bahasa entitled “Sikap KerjaPositif” (Positive Work Attitude) for two batches (17 and 18 February 2011 plus 24 and25 February 2011) for selected clerical staff, technicians and security guards.Trainer Captain Veera gave a stimulating discussion among participants on the importance offorming positive working attitudes for success and the techniques to help themselves become a morepositive person.The trainer holds a Master in Business Administration from University Utara Malaysia and Bachelorof Economics and Administration from University of Malaysia. In addition, he is a PhD (Logistics SupplyChain) candidate in University of Malaya and a member of graduate of Chartered Institute of Logisticsand Transport (CILT), United Kingdom. He has over 10 years of teaching and working experience inboth private and government sectors.During the two-day workshop, the participants learnt to explain the meaning of challenges andimportance of a positive work attitude. They were guided on the steps to create a positive workattitude and explain the nature of behaviour that has been successful and habits of an effective person.Lots of practical exercises were also in place to cultivate their learning.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT14 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>ConstructiveFeedbackMini WorkshopIdeally, you’ll receive feedback on your jobperformance well before your first performancereview. If all is going well, you’ll receive lots ofpositive feedback and encouragement. But if youdon’t, keep reading.This may be the first time in your life that youhear something “constructive.” Most people don’treally hear positive feedback when they get it. Rather,they obsess over the negatives, and they miss the bigpicture.Constructive feedback helps a person toimprovise himself, to learn new skills, to rectify hismistake so that it is not repeated in future. It aims toprovide a solution to the problem. It helps to buildrelationships between managers and employees.Managers should give valuable suggestions to theiremployees in a tactful and polite manner. Employeeswill value their expert suggestions as they know thattheir managers are experienced. Constructivefeedback given to employees should be honestenough and goal-oriented. Managers should listenwith patience to their employees’ complaints withpositive body language such as a pleasant smile,good eye contact, etc despite being busy. Constructivefeedback is one given generally in private becausethe person who is given the feedback might feelembarrassed if it is given in front of all otheremployees. Managers should end with a positivenote and reassure them that they are being valuedand respected in an organisation.With unplanned feedback, the employee iscaught off guard and defensive. This approach alsoconditions employees to expect bad news everytime you approach them. The resulting fear is notconducive to open communication.With regular feedback meetings, employees areprepared. <strong>To</strong> make these meetings a success, first,focus on what has gone well since the last meetingbefore you get into what has not gone well. Second,get the employee to do most of the talking. So, youbegin by asking what has the employee done that heor she is particularly pleased about. Then ask whathas not gone so well and what the employee feelshe or she should do differently. This way, themanager only has to give feedback if the employeedoes not recognise or admit that something has notgone well.Over time, employees will prepare for feedbackmeetings by thinking to themselves: “What can I dothis month that I can say has gone well?” By givingemployees a chance to talk about their successes,you motivate them to achieve more successes tohave something positive to tell you about. Of equalimportance is the fact that because they look forwardto this part of the meeting, they won’t be so anxiousand defensive when unsatisfactory performanceneeds to be discussed. In addition, employees willget used to regular negative discussions handledthrough sensitive questions.By using questions to draw employees out, youcan bring performance problems to their attentionby asking: “Why do you think <strong>To</strong>m reacted that wayto your statement yesterday?” or “What could youhave done differently to have avoided <strong>To</strong>m’sreaction?” The advantage of giving feedback throughquestions is that they are less confrontational anddamaging to self-esteem than statements. Clearly,you may, on occasions, have to state what you think,but these times can be minimised by a coachingapproach.£Constructive feedback aims to providea solution to the problem.

PROPERTYBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>15<strong>IOI</strong> Properties WinsPutra Brand Award 2011Properties Bhd is a Silver Award winner<strong>IOI</strong> under the Property Development category of thePutra Brand Awards 2011. Property Director of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Dato’ David Tan received the prestigious award from thePresident of Association of Accredited Advertising AgentsMalaysia (4 As) Datuk Vincent Lee at a Gala Dinner on 11March 2011. The event was also graced by Selangor’s SultanSharafuddin Idris Shah who is the royal patron of the annual event.“Our long-term vision is to be recognised as a reliable, progressiveand caring community developer not only in terms of our qualityproducts but also in terms of our ability to deliver the distinctive<strong>IOI</strong> Branded Customer Experience not only during sales but throughoutthe process of owning a home and beyond,” said Dato’ David.Launched last year as an extension of the Malaysia’s Most ValuableBrand (MMVB), the Putra Brand Awards is a recognition and brandvaluation exercise initiated by the Association of Accredited AdvertisingAgents Malaysia (4As). It is the only brand award endorsed by theMATRADE, Branding Association of Malaysia (BAM), the MalaysianAdvertisers Association (MAA), and the Media Specialists Association(MSA). The Putra Brand Awards prides itself as the only authority onbrand equity measurement in Malaysia, measuring winning brands byconsumer preferences.Using statistical research and an unbiased research polling systemdeveloped by Pulse <strong>Group</strong> called BRAND PULSE, a total of 6,000consumers are involved in the research process in the selection of theaward winners. This valuable research makes it the largest consumerresearch sampling of its kind covering all local brands and the small andmedium scale enterprises in both East and West Malaysia.The brand council identifies and shortlists brands based on20 categories. Under the Property Development category, Sime Darbywon the Gold award while Sunway City and SP Setia both won theBronze awards.£Dato’ David Tan receiving the prestigious Putra Brand Award.“Our long-term vision is to be recognised as areliable, progressive and caring communitydeveloper not only in terms of our qualityproducts but also in terms of our ability to deliverthe distinctive <strong>IOI</strong> Branded Customer Experiencenot only during sales but throughout the processof owning a home and beyond.”Dato’ David TanProperty Director of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>

PROPERTY16 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Connecting theCommunities withOne <strong>IOI</strong> Net“Over 150,000 householdsand 2,500 businesses livingand doing business in<strong>IOI</strong> Properties townships inthe Klang Valley and Johorwill be connected andunified via One <strong>IOI</strong> Network.”(from left to right): CEO of Observation Sdn Bhd Mr CP Lor, SeniorGeneral Manager of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd Ms Lee Yoke Har andExecutive Director of Wi-Net Telecoms Sdn Bhd Mr Lee Wai Tuck.On 25 January 2011, <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd signed a memorandumof understanding with Observision Sdn Bhd and WinetTelecoms Sdn Bhd to deliver the most advanced broadband networkand related service to all the townships developed and to bedeveloped by <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd throughout the Klang Valley,which includes Bandar Puchong Jaya, Bandar Puteri Puchong,16 Sierra and <strong>IOI</strong> Resort City. The official signing ceremony washeld at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel and Spa and witnessed by DeputyMinister of Rural and Regional Development Yang BerhormatDato’ Hasan Bin Malek.The first stage of the broadband infrastructure which includesa WIFI zone that covers the entire Bandar Puteri and BandarPuchong Jaya commercial areas in Puchong including PuchongFinancial and Corporate Centre (PFCC) and <strong>IOI</strong> Boulevard hasbeen completed. Once fully implemented, the entire commercialand residential areas within <strong>IOI</strong> Properties townships will beconnected via this One <strong>IOI</strong> Network.Over 150,000 households and 2,500 businesses living and doingbusiness in <strong>IOI</strong> Properties townships in the Klang Valley and Johorwill be connected and unified via this intranet. "Our townships willbe one of the most connected places to live and work, and thispresents a good opportunity for us and other businesses to providefurther value-added mobile applications and services to provideeven more conveniences for our community," said Senior GeneralManager of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd Ms Lee Yoke Har. For instance,residents will get updated information on the estimated time ofarrival of the <strong>IOI</strong> Free Shuttle service on their mobile phones.This collaboration is part of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd’s overall visionto build and connect world-class developments. Reliable high speedbroadband is now a basic requirement for all <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’developments, but going one step further is always the goal. It isexpected that this initiative will set the benchmark for all futurecommunities in Malaysia.For the business community, Winet and Observision will beworking on implementing a managed enterprise data centre inPFCC where businesses who choose to set up their offices in PFCCcan outsource the management of their server and other shared ITservices which will save them space and the human resourcesrequired to manage and maintain such services; thereby givingthem added convenience, the flexibility to scale up at a fraction ofthe capital cost and help to cut down their business cost.£Sealed with a handshake... Property Director of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Dato’ David Tan (4th from left) exchanged signeddocuments with Executive Director of Wi-Net Telecoms Sdn Bhd Mr Lee Wai Tuck (1st from right) andwitnessed by Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development Malaysia YB Dato’ Hasan bin Malek.

PROPERTYBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>17<strong>IOI</strong> PROPERTIESLaunches FreeShuttle ServiceThe free shuttle is officially launched... (from left to right):MPSJ Councillor, Mr Pooi Weng Keong; Property Director of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>,Dato’ David Tan; YB Teresa Kok and Selangor MCA Youth ExecutiveCouncillor, Dr Kow Cheong Wei together with the RA representatives.On 18 February 2011, <strong>IOI</strong>Properties Bhd launchedits first-ever community freeshuttle service for its townshipresidents. The launch was officiatedby the Property Director of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Dato’ David Tan and ADUN of Kinrara YB TeresaKok at The Palette, <strong>IOI</strong> Boulevard Puchong.The shuttle bus which was painted in yellow andgreen with a prominent bumblebee graphics stops atguardhouses of neighbourhoods within BandarPuteri and Bandar Puchong Jaya townships as wellas <strong>IOI</strong> Mall, <strong>IOI</strong> Boulevard, Puteri Mart, Giant andTesco.“This shuttle service is the latest initiativeundertaken by <strong>IOI</strong> Properties to further enhance thequality of life in Puchong townships,” said Dato’David in his speech during the official launchingwhich was attended by MPSJ Councillor Mr PooiWeng Keong, Selangor MCA Youth ExecutiveCouncillor Dr Kow Cheong Wei, resident associationscommittee and members of the media.“Other than providing convenience for residents,it is hoped that this service will contribute towardsthe reduction of usage of private cars, hence reducingair pollution, fuel usage thus making the townshipsmore environmental-friendly,” he added. YB TeresaKok felt that the shuttle service was a great moveand believed that it will be able to reduce trafficcongestion in Puchong.<strong>IOI</strong> Privilege Card holders can now enjoy thefree shuttle service from their houses to commercialareas within Bandar Puchong Jaya and Bandar Puteri.The operation hour is between 9:30am and 6:30pmevery Tuesday to Sunday with Monday off. Residentsonly need to show the driver their <strong>IOI</strong> Privilege Cardto come on board the shuttle service. Each residentwill have four cards with the first one free while thesubsequent cards will be at RM10 per card. Boothswere set up during the launch to cater to residentswho have not yet registered for the <strong>IOI</strong> PrivilegeCard. Registration for the card is still open at PFCC<strong>IOI</strong> Galeria for those who would like to register.For more information on the timetable of eachlocation and also the route of the shuttle service,please call 03-8076 9898, or log on to www.facebook.com/ioiproperties or www.myioi.com.£Dato’ David Tan acknowledging the efforts and teamwork of the staff of<strong>IOI</strong> Properties which enabled the Free Shuttle project being materialised.

PROPERTY18 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong><strong>IOI</strong>Properties Berhad partnered with Michael’s BadmintonAcademy (MBA) to conduct a 10-month <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Hopefor Change Badminton Charity Programme for the underprivilegedgroup as part of our corporate social responsibility and continuedcommitment in educational and human resource development.The programme was officially launched by the Property Director of<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Dato’ David Tan and Director of Michael’s Badminton AcademyMr Lee Kok Choong on 16 March 2011 at the Michael’s Badminton Academyin Bandar Puteri Puchong. Other partners, sponsors and members of themedia also witnessed the launching of the event together with the delightedchildren from the homes.HOPEFOR CHANGEBadminton CharityProgrammeAbout 70 children from three participating homes such as Rumah Shalom, RumahAmal Limpahan Kasih and House of Joy will have the privilege of undergoing a10-month badminton coaching and training programme from March until December2011. They will also have the opportunity to participate in field trips, mentor programmesand badminton tournaments.The programme aims to provide the children with an opportunity to learn, exceland discover their talents through sports. Moreover, in the course of practising, theycan also promote friendship and team spirit together.“We believe that sports build characters. By providing them with this platform,we are helping them to shape positivecharacteristics in their growing years.Discipline, confidence, teamwork, leadership– all these qualities can be obtained throughactive participation in an athletic activity,”said Dato’ David.Dato’ David Tan giving an encouraging welcome The first batch of the children was seenspeech to spur the children on.in full gear with racquets in hand, happilyparticipating in a warm-up session and ready for a badminton game as theircoach encouraged them.£All geared up in the court.Dato’ David Tan with the happy children during the launch.Warming up before the training.school going children living in theMaking Good Use 22 Elijah Mission Home, Kulaijaya wereof delighted to receive six used computers whichUsed Computers were still in good working condition from<strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd in Kulaijaya.Brother Phillip who runs the Mission Home extended his deepest appreciation to themanagement and staff of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd, Kulaijaya for the generous contribution by saying,“These 6 computers will be very useful to the children.” Prior to this, the Home had to make dowith only one computer shared amongst the children.Special mention goes out to Ms May Kok from the IT department for re-formating thecomputers’ hard disks, installing the operating systems, setting up the Microsoft Office andcleaning all the computer sets.£

OLEOCHEMICALSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>19Kicking OfftheSAP Roll-Out ProjectPan Century Oleochemicals’ SAP (System Application &Product) roll-out project kick-off meeting was successfully heldat the training centre on 10 January 2010 with a targeted go-live dateon 8 July 2011. Chief Operating Officer of <strong>IOI</strong> OleochemicalsMr Tan Kean Hua started the meeting at 10:00am by sharing thesuccessful journey of the SAP implementation in Prai (Acidchem).He told the project team members that “eventually, SAP will berolled-out to the rest of Penang and Johor plants by January 2012.”During the meeting, Mr Tan Kean Hua also shared the SAPproject’s tagline, vision and mission statement with the teammembers. He also reminded them on the critical success factors ofthe SAP implementation in Prai.In conclusion, it was all about human factors. He furtheremphasised that “We need to have committed and dedicated teammembers. All team members should provide a proper resolution toany issues in a timely manner. <strong>To</strong> attend any meeting punctually.Committed to meet any deadlines or target set. Unlike SAPimplementation in Prai, there will not be any external consultantsinvolved to assist us in this roll-out project. We have to depend oneach other to do it, and must do well too.”Immediately after Mr Tan’s speech, the Project Manager for thisroll-out project Mr Siew See Hiong presented the detailed projectplans, project team structure and upcoming activities to the team.Deputy General Manager of Production Mr Sia Chieng Ho who wasappointed as the Project Director of this project will be providingthe strategic directions or resolutions to issues throughout theproject.The meeting ended with a big applause from the audience. Welook forward to seeing another great achievement after the successfulSAP implementation in Prai with fantastic cohesive teamwork fromeach of the project team member!£The SAP Project’s Tagline,Vision and Mission StatementTagline“Through People, SAP-101 delivers core valuesto meet VISION <strong>IOI</strong>.”Vision“Our vision is to have one common Sustainableand Acceptable integrated electronic basedbusiness Process for the whole Oleo Divisionto achieve VISION <strong>IOI</strong>.”Mission Statement“<strong>To</strong> implement, maintain and improve aSustainable and Acceptable integratedelectronic based business Process with theobjective of enabling employees of OleoDivision to enhance the core values insupport of VISION <strong>IOI</strong>.”Critical Success Factors of theSAP Implementation in Prai• Cohesive teamwork• Can-do and positive mental attitude/mindset of Business Process Owners (BPOs)and key users• <strong>To</strong>tal commitment from the seniors• Well co-ordinated project management– close monitoring of each milestone/KPI“We need to have committed and dedicatedteam members. All team members shouldprovide a proper resolution to any issuesin a timely manner. <strong>To</strong> attend any meetingpunctually. Committed to meet anydeadlines or target set.”Mr Tan Kean HuaChief Operating Officer of <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemicals

20 OLEOCHEMICALSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Rewarding the ContinualImprovement ProjectsIn line with <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical’s <strong>To</strong>tal Quality Managementprogramme, Continual Improvements (CI) projects arepromoted throughout the company to ultimately achieve CI asa work culture in the organisation.On 2 March 2011, the Quality Council Members headed byChief Operating Officer Mr Tan Kean Hua held a rewardceremony to recognise the efforts put in by the employeeswho had carried out CI projects during 2009 and 2010. Theceremony was made even more memorable with a newlyimplemented special award – the Chief Operating Officer(COO) Award for the First Prize Winner.There was an overwhelming response from the employeeswhere a total of 33 CI projects were submitted compared tothe 2008/2009 period where only three CI projects weresubmitted. The CI projects covered improvements in PlantEfficiency, Operational Efficiency,Warehousing Efficiency, WasteTreatment Efficiency and alsoprojects in partnership with <strong>IOI</strong>Oleochemical’s vendors. Besidesproviding tangible benefits, theseCI projects also help cultivate teamspirit and improve workingrelationships among the employees.Norzamly (right) receivingthe COO’s trophy.As Mr Tan pointed out, “our accomplishment proves that CIcan be done successfully if we choose to do so and onceagain reinforce the spirit of ‘<strong>IOI</strong> Oleo Boleh’!”Congratulations to all the teams! Mr Tan challenges all tosustain the improvement and aim for higher targets. Let’s liveup to the ‘<strong>IOI</strong> Oleo Boleh’ spirit and deliver!£CherishingourEmployeesCommunity service is all about giving back to the community. Besides helpingthe community at large, one of the programmes initiated by the Community Service(CS) committee of <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical, Prai is to visit employees who have been medicallyboarded out and the families of our deceased employees. This is to remind theseunfortunate individuals that they are not forgotten and the management appreciates their past contributions.On 15 January 2011, an entourage of about six CS members visited Mr Loganathan Nadayson who had been medically boardedout and the late Supramaniam Murugan’s family. Mr Loganathan had served with the company for 13 years and was attached to theProduction Department, whereas the late Supramaniam had served 29 years and was attached to the Utilities Department.The CS members presented the families with a basket of goodies and caught up on old times.£Extending a touch of kindness to Mr Loganathan and family members.Visiting the family of the late Supramaniam.

cheerful employees from <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical, Prai took part11O in a gotong-royong activity to maintain a green and cleanenvironment within and outside the compound on 19 February 2011. Coordinatedby the S.H.E. Department, the bright and sunny Saturday morningbegan with a speech by Chief Operating Officer Mr Tan Kean Hua who praisedthe participants on their spirit of togetherness and cohesiveness. It was a fruitfulday as the gotong-royong activity demonstrated teamwork from all levels ofemployees in the spirit of ‘<strong>IOI</strong> Oleo Boleh’ in any event organised. It was agreat day to witness such active participation, selfless support and enthusiasmfrom all levels of employees which marked a meaningful day for all even underthe hot sun.No one was afraid or shunned the dirty work of getting down into thedrains to remove the rubbish. Each of them was divided into groups withspecific tasks. <strong>To</strong>ols were given to them to cart away all the collected rubbishonto a lorry. After about an hour of dirty and sweaty job, the employees weretreated to light refreshments where they mingled and shared what they hadaccomplished.Mr Tan congratulated everyone ontheir spirit of gotong-royong which alsogave him an opportunity to interact withthe employees. He hoped that this woulddeter people from dirtying the areaespecially with non-biodegradable items.He further went on to say that they werelooking at prevention instead of correction(prevent indiscriminate throwing of usedpackaging materials, plastic bags, etc).The day ended on a fantastic note as theteam spirit was great and shonethroughout the event.£Mr Tan Kean Hua giving some words ofencouragement to the gotong-royong participants.OLEOCHEMICALSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>‘ <strong>IOI</strong> OleoBoleh’inGotong-RoyongActivityThe participants of the gotong-royong sharing a lightmoment before getting down to serious work.It ain’t heavy… teamwork and high spirits shown by theparticipants.21A job well done… a big thank you to allthe gotong-royong participants.Be careful! Don’t fall into the drain.<strong>IOI</strong> Oleo ladies playing their part in the gotong-royong.

22EDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Aigremont HostsRSPO SeminarThe presentation by <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan’s Sales Manager Mr YvesAugrandjean during the seminar.Picture overview of the congress facility in Gembloux, Belgium.On 2 February 2011, <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’s Belgiumcustomer, Aigremont, a producer of industrialmargarines, hosted a successful RSPO seminar onsustainable palm oil in Gembloux, Belgium. The familyownedcompany followed the example of the seminarsheld by <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe last year in Franceand Germany.In response to rising interest in sustainable palm oil inEuropean markets, it is of growing importance for <strong>IOI</strong> andits customers such as Aigremont to supply market partieswith information on RSPO and the supply of sustainablepalm oil.For Aigremont, the main objective of the seminar wasto demonstrate the benefits of palm oil. The CEO ofAigremont Mr Philippe Thiry opened the seminar withstimulating remarks in the presence of invited guests suchas suppliers, customers, prospects, retailers, tradeassociations and media. With presentations by WWF,RSPO, Carrefour, United Biscuits, Aigremont and <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan (represented by <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders CroklaanEurope Sales Manager Mr Yves Augrandjean), a completepicture of sustainable palm oil was presented.Simultaneous translations allowed the internationalaudience (some 135 participants) to easily understand allpresentations and discussions. It was a professional set-upthat set a good standard for the next host of suchseminars.A tour of the new factory in Flemalle that Aigremontjust opened last year was part of the programme. This newfactory makes several margarine blends. Proud Aigremontstaff showed their guests a packaging line for 500 grams ofFrit’ Olma blocks of fat made from 100% sustainable palmoil. Aigremont purchases this segregated RSPO-certifiedpalm oil from <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan.On a yearly basis, Aigremont buys palm oil fractionsfrom <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan. We expect to deliver margarinesto Aigremont in the near future that will be processed intopuff pastry. At this moment, factory trials are in progress toexplore whether adaptations should be made in order toget the right quality margarine.£New Sustainability Director Appointed at <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders CroklaanMr Hidde van Kersen has been appointed as the new Global Sustainability Director of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan with effectfrom 1 March 2011. With this appointment, <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan will continue to build on its commitment to the sustainabledevelopment of its edible oils businesses.Van Kersen is responsible for developing and executing Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability policies, including theRSPO certification of all <strong>IOI</strong> plantations. He has long experience in the field of sustainable development, having been the directorof the Waddenvereniging, a Dutch nature conservation NGO(2005-2011), a corporate communications consultant andissues specialist with PR firm MS&L (1998-2005) andsustainability officer with Shell UK (1996-1998).“As a Global Sustainability Director, he will help thecompany’s ambitions to achieve more sustainable palm oilproduction in line with the sustainability strategy ofcustomers such as Unilever and the agenda of internationalNGOs such as Oxfam Novib and World Wildlife Fund(WWF),” says Chief Operating Officer of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders CroklaanEurope Mr Loek Favre.£Mr Hidde van Kersen (right) at the<strong>IOI</strong> Research Centre in Malaysia.Mr Hidde van Kersen (left) with <strong>IOI</strong>employees at an <strong>IOI</strong> estate in Malaysia.

EDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>23Audits RevealNumber ofImprovementAspectsThe first SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) auditwas conducted at <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe inJanuary 2011 in combination with the ISO 14001 audit. Bothaudits were held through interviews with a representativegroup of colleagues and emerged well.While ISO 14001 covers environmental care, SEDEX isa system where you share information on the internet withclients about corporate social responsibility. It focuses onCorporate Social Responsibility and sustainable purchasing.SEDEX is important to many clients, because they areaffiliated for their purchasing to the Association desIndustries de Marque (AIM) and is a body that follows theSEDEX programme for sustainable purchasing.In accordance with SEDEX, Corporate Social Responsibilityoccurs in the following fields:• Working conditions• Health and safety• Environment• Integrity(from left to right): Mr Sjaak van der Salm, Ms Wendy Tijssen-Caan andMr Gert Prins from the Safety & Environment department of <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan Europe.The results of the SEDEX audit were that no inadequaciesor ‘non-conformities’ were encountered in the SEDEX auditthough there were three aspects open to improvementwhich were:• Internal communication about the Corporate SocialResponsibility requirements - not everyone is familiarwith our Corporate Social Responsibility statement.• Rolling out the SEDEX principles to our suppliers is stillnot fully functional.• Our Corporate Social Responsibility statement is not yetfully oriented towards the working methods of<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan in Europe.As for the ISO 14001 audit, a number of minor nonconformitieswere revealed:• Exceeding the waste water standards withoutnotification to the permit provider.• Poor follow-up on safety and environmental reports.• Waste flows not well controlled.The Safety & Environment department of <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan Europe will be tackling the improvement pointsand work hard at resolving them.£

24EDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>GreatInterestin Internal Traineeshipin Creative Studio(from left to right): <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan employees:Mr Edwin Geusebroek, Ms Yolanda Koese, Ms SonjaScheurwater and Mr Niels Eitze showing the gloriousresults of their training.Training of internal staff in adepartment of your own choice– this initiative came from themanagement leadership workshops.It could be a training in the factory, atthe marketing or sales department oranother interesting place. It fitsperfectly with the idea of ‘know yourown business’ and the Creative Studioproved to be very popular for doingan internal traineeship. The wishes ofthe trainees who chose to do theirtraineeship in the Creative Studiovaried from getting more knowledgeabout the activities of Application andTechnical Support (A & TS) to learning(from left to right): <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan employees,Mr Hans Harskamp, Mr Davi van Zanen, Mr PaulKoekoek and Mr Louis Thörig participating in thepopular training.about the customer relations programmeand getting to know the melting behaviourof the different fats or the temperingprocess of liquid chocolate yourself.Manager of the A & TS Ms YolandaKoese did the introduction speech in theCreative Studio. She explained in detailsabout the chemical structure of saturatedand unsaturated fats, lauric and nonlauricfats, taste, and discussed thedifferent melting curves of Creamelt ,Biscuitine , CLSP , Coberine andCouva . Additionally, Yolanda paidattention to iAvenue, the customerrelations program which will be used formonitoring the status of customerprojects. As a practical starter, we couldtaste the differences between pralines inwhich Creamelt , Biscuitine or anexperimental fat was processed. It wasremarkable how the cooling effect was inyour mouth – the ‘cool melt’ of a pralinemade with Creamelt .Evelien Zaal and Annet Frericks wereenthusiastic supervisors for the practicalpart of the afternoon where everyonelooked forward to making your ownartisanal chocolate pralines filled withmilk or dark tasty fillings. The first partwas manual tempering of liquid chocolate.For this purpose, chocolate was melted ata temperature above 40°C. At thistemperature, all chocolate crystals willdisappear. Subsequently, the liquid massin whole or in part should be cooleddown to approximately 27°C in a veryshort time. The cooling process was doneby pouring out and moving the hotchocolate on a cool marble table. Duringthe cooling process, crystals will beformed at a temperature of about 27-30°C. Those nice crystals are required togive the chocolate a shining structure.After tempering, the praline forms aremade. Now, it is time to prepare thefillings for the pralines. Everybody couldselect his own flavours obtained from theflavour company Givaudan, to composethe taste of the filling. Subsequently, theempty praline shells were filled with selfmadefillings. The next step was toenrobe the filled praline with temperedliquid chocolate. The last step was tocool down the pralines in the refrigerator.Now the pralines are ready forconsumption. In sum, all participantsreacted very positively to the internaltraineeships.£

Go All OutforMS ResearchEDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>25This year, <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe has sponsored participants in a numberof running events, with an amount per kilometre covered to support the‘Move for MS’ movement. The ‘Move for MS’ – an initiative for running competitionsthat contribute to multiple sclerosis (MS) research – was launched thanks to theefforts of Mr Ruud Zoeteman (who works as a controller for the Schutter company and is involved with the shippingat our branches) and Mr Fred Gebhard (who works in the refinery in Rotterdam). Mr Zoeteman’s wife has sufferedfrom MS for some time and together with Mr Fred Gebhard, decided to initiate the ‘Move for MS’.Prior to the first event, the Egmond half marathon on 9 January 2011, Mr Zoeteman was presented with the firstrunning shirt by <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe Mr Loek Favre.In 2011, the ‘Move for MS’ will run a variety of competitions, climaxing on 17 September 2011 where thespectacular climb of the infamous Mont Ventoux in France is planned. The move will be a running event of no lessthan 25 kilometres over an extremely winding and steep course.The Dutch MS Research Foundation stimulatesand funds research into the disorder, which affectsthe central nervous system. The objective is to trackdown the cause of MS and develop an effectivetreatment. The foundation also publishes informationon the scientific, medical and social aspects of MS.Every year, it funds research projects in Dutchuniversities and research institutions, and in doingso, is fully dependent on private donations.In Egmond, a team of fourteen colleaguescompleted the half marathon. While the event wascancelled last year because of the cold, this year’sconditions were excellent – dry weather, great Financial director of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe Mr Vincent Geerts in action.sunshine and very little wind. After 21.5 kilometres of sheer effort on the beach and in the dunes, all the colleaguesachieved good times. Financial Director of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe Mr Vincent Geerts stole the show as hecrossed the finish line after 1 hour and 39 minutes.Now the keen runners have also put the midwinter marathon in Apeldoorn behind them, as well as the City-Pier-City run in Scheveningen. For more information please go to www.runforms.nl.Victory: fourteen colleagues completed the half marathon in Egmond.

26EDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>First US Sustainable Palm OilShipment Docked-Loders Croklaan proudly welcomed its first bulk vessel shipment of Roundtable on Sustainable<strong>IOI</strong>Palm Oil (RSPO) certified sustainable palm oil to North America. This shipment demonstrates thecommitment of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan in supporting the production and supply of RSPO certified sustainablepalm oil to the global market.<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’s first delivery of fully RSPO certified,segregated oil arrived in New Orleans on 20 February 2011 andwill be kept fully segregated during transport to the <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan refinery.The oil will be offered to the market as certified mass balanceoil with first deliveries of certified oil to customers beginningApril. This market-leading initiative illustrates the flexibility of<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan’s fully integrated, first-class supply chainwhile confirming the ability to effectively offer certifiedsegregated oil to the market.In April 2010, <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan became the first to offerRSPO certified segregated palm oil in continental Europe on alarge scale.“Considering how prevalent palm oil is in our everydaylives, its sustainable production is critical to meet rising demandand to protect the environment in which its grown,” saidManaging Director and Vice President, Agriculture of WorldWildlife Fund Mr David McLaughlin. “We are very pleased to seethe leadership <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan has taken by introducingRSPO certified palm oil to the North American market, givingassurance to buyers that it was produced in ways that avoidillegal deforestation and protects the habitats of some of themost iconic species in the world, like the orangutans andSumatran Tigers. We encourage all users of palm oil to committo using only certified sources, and join the movement tosupport the sustainable production of this commodity.”“<strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan is a global leader in ensuring thesustainable practices and supply of palm oil,” said Director ofSales and Marketing of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Mr Tim Surin. “Wesee our decision to lead the market in offering certified palm oilas a natural fit with our position as a leader in innovation, both inproduct development as well as supply chain management.”

<strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan’sInnovationDrivesTrans-FatEliminationTEliminationhe food industry is under renewed pressure from themarket to eliminate trans-fat from food products. State andTrans-Fatlocal governments, retailers and specific segments of the marketcontinue to set mandates requiring the complete eliminationDrivesoftrans-fat from food products.Responding to industry demands, <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersInnovationCroklaan, aleading innovator of edible fats and oils, continues to developand commercialise healthy products that eliminate trans-fat andhydrogenation from foods while maintaining lower saturated fatlevels in finished products. Theseinnovations help customers developproducts that are in-line with thegovernment’s Dietary Guidelines.Two new products – SansTrans Croklaan’s<strong>IOI</strong>-LodersVLS 30 and SansTrans VLS 40 –illustrate Loders Croklaan’s commitmentto offer highly functional solutions whilemeeting the challenge of balancingfunction, nutrition and cost optimisation.SansTrans VLS 30, an all-purposeshortening, is designed to offer a 30%reduction in saturated fat without increasing the annualshortening spend.SansTrans VLS 40 emulsified shortening offers formulatorswith the ability to reduce saturated fat up to 15% AND decreasethe annual shortening cost by up to 10% annually. BothSansTrans 30 and SansTrans 40 are specifically designed to beideal solutions for cookie, cake and muffin applications.In addition to saturated fat reduction, SansTrans 30 andSansTrans 40 products improve the overall nutritional profile byreducing total fat and total calories from fat; both key attributeswhen formulating products to meet today’s governmentalDietary Guidelines.“The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that transfatty acid consumption should be as low as possible and to try toavoid foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil,”said Vice-President of R&D at <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Mr GeraldMcNeill (PhD). “Although saturated fat is a healthy alternative totrans fats where a solid fat is needed for functionality, SansTansVLS 30 and 40 offer the user a further benefit of lower saturatedfat and reduced annual shortening cost.”Please visit www.sanstransvls.com for more information.£27BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>EDIBLE OILS<strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan’sSuccessful8 th GlobalMeetingThe 8th Loders Croklaan <strong>Group</strong>’s Global Meeting was successfully held on 2 and 3 March 2011at the new office building of <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Asia in Pasir Gudang, Johor. It was opened by <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong> Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng and chaired by <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive DirectorDato’ Lee Yeow Chor. 31 participants from three regions – <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Europe, <strong>IOI</strong>-LodersCroklaan America and <strong>IOI</strong>-Loders Croklaan Asia – attended the meeting.Prior to the Global Meeting, the Loders Croklaan <strong>Group</strong> Strategy workshop which was facilitated byPartners in Performance (PIP), an external consultant, was held on 1 March 2011. It was led by Mr MichaelSpence and supported by Sara Yik and Matti Karinen of PIP who assisted in compiling Loders Croklaan’sregional strategies, reviewed current management process, organisation structure and facilitated discussionsamong the Loders Croklaan regional groups on new strategies to manage the future growth.The overall outcome of both meetings was very satisfying as everyone acknowledged that there is stilla lot of synergy that can be unlocked by better leverage between the different regions and also betweenthe <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> and Loders Croklaan <strong>Group</strong>.£A group photo of the global meeting.Dato’ Lee in a discussion withPIP consultants.

28 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>EDIBLE OILSSatiety Does Not Slow DownAppetite for Success!The multiple award-winning satiety ingredient PinnoThin ® keeps on racking up success in the internationalmarket place. We can now add Brazil to the growing list of countries where it’s been successfullylaunched. PinnoThin ® was introduced to the market by Galena, a leading importer and distributor ofingredients for compounding pharmacies in Brazil. The company is known and highly respected for thequality of its ingredients and products.The Brazilian market has more than10 million people over 20 years of age whoare considered obese. Galena recognised that PinnoThin ® couldbe an excellent solution to this problem, especially since there arefew similar innovations in the market. The company positionedthe product as “More Health and Satisfaction with Less” to medicaldoctors, nutritionists and consumers. Galena also used speciallytargeted tactics to promote PinnoThin ® to each group.Effectively Spreading the Word<strong>To</strong> form a solid, supporting base among professional opinionleaders, Galena arranged for nutritionist Dr Corey Scott from LipidNutrition to speak together with Professor Dr Bruno Geloneze – awell-known national endocrinologist – at a medical symposiumorganised by the company in Sao Paolo. The discussion highlightedthe natural science behind PinnoThin ® , which has the uniqueeffect of creating a long-lasting feeling of satiety for the user.Galena created special brochures to create awareness andexplain the benefits of PinnoThin ®to nutritionists – eachinformative brochure contained a free sample for the recipient.Lastly, the company reached out to consumers through theinternet and print, radio and TV advertisements. This effectivelyspread the word about the new PinnoThin ® ingredient, and howit helps satisfy hunger and can make portion control easier.Thanks to Galena’s efforts, this mighty little ingredient is nowmaking it easier for consumers in Brazil to also achieve theirweight reduction goals.£Industry Leader GNC Takes on Clarinol ® CLALipid Nutrition is proud to announce its new partnership with the GNC brand of nutritional products andsupplements, which is dedicated to helping customers live healthily and well. As the first step in ourcollaboration, the industry leader is including Lipid Nutrition’s signature weight management ingredient,Clarinol ® CLA, in five different products.is the largest global specialty retailer of its kind,GNC offering vitamin, mineral, herbal and otherspecialty supplements, as well as sports nutrition, diet and energyproducts. The company has more than 4,800 retail locations inthe US alone, and franchise operations in 48 international markets.They also offer products worldwide at www.gnc.com. Now,these outlets will feature Clarinol ® CLA in five unique products:ProPerformance CLA, <strong>To</strong>tal Lean CLA, <strong>To</strong>tal Body TransformationKit, Re-Built Mass Shakes, and Amplified Muscle Meals.Benefits for Different Target <strong>Group</strong>sThe unique properties of Clarinol ® CLA make it a valuableingredient in products for different target groups. TheProPerformance line is designed for sport athletes, helping themto reduce body fat and BMI, and increase muscle tone. The <strong>To</strong>talLean line is designed for dieting consumers, supporting them inslimming down and toning their mid-section. This line alsofeatures the <strong>To</strong>tal Body Transformation Kit – a meal and exerciseguide that helps burn calories, enhance metabolism, and supportappetite control and lean muscle formation. Beyond RAW Re-Built Mass is a physique building and performance productdesigned to provide athletes with explosive gains, and helpingthem take their work-outs to the next level: the inclusion ofClarinol ® CLA enables them to maintain lean muscle mass whiledoing so. Amplified Muscle Meals are engineered for athletestrying to gain mass and put on pounds. The product helps themreduce body fat while increasing lean mass, as well as strengthand stamina.Growing Presence in Food As WellThe new relationship with GNC marks an exciting new phase forLipid Nutrition, as it positions Clarinol ® CLA for further growthand expansion in the nutritional supplementmarket. In the meantime, the food industrycontinues to adopt Clarinol ® CLA as well,including it in milks, yoghurts, health barsand more that enable health-consciousconsumers achieve their physical goals.£For more information about Clarinol ® CLA, please visitwww.lipidnutrition.com or www.Clarinol.com.

<strong>IOI</strong> Mall Hangs Tall with theLONGEST TASSEL<strong>IOI</strong> MALLBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>29Ms Stephanie Wong holding the Malaysia Book of Recordsaward for <strong>IOI</strong> Mall’s Longest CNY Hanging Tassel.Once again, <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Puchong has set a recordwith its magnificent mall decoration during theChinese New Year.Its giant hanging decoration at the mall’s OasisAtrium – a 60 feet tall and 18 feet wide tassel formedby a diamond-shaped board, an oriental motif – madeit into the Malaysia Book of Records for the LongestChinese New Year Hanging Tassel.It was created by the mall’s visual merchandisingand maintenance department using metal structures,polystyrene, compressed foam board, ropes, carpetand fabrics.Patterns on the diamond-shaped board were similarto the mall’s ang pow packets, with a rabbit paper cutoutsurrounded by flowers and four Chinese characters– gong xi fa cai.<strong>IOI</strong> Mall Marketing and Promotions Manager MsStephanie Wong said <strong>IOI</strong> Mall has set a total of 12 recordsfrom 1996 including Largest Fire Cracker Replica, BiggestAng Pow Replica, Biggest Chinese Ancient Coin Replica,Tallest Chinese Lantern, Biggest Indoor Board Game,Tallest Brass Oil Lamp (kuthuvilakku) and BiggestSongkok Replica.Watch out because “we will continue this recordbreakingfeat and our target is to set another record nextChristmas,” she said.

30 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong><strong>IOI</strong> MALL<strong>IOI</strong> Mall’sThe Rabbit Fair attracted many rabbit lovers.1 st Rabbit Show 2011Mall Kulai ushered in the Year of the Rabbit with a<strong>IOI</strong> warm and cuddly 1st <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Rabbit Show 2011 heldon 23 January 2011 from 11am to 5pm at the Centre Atrium.Organised by <strong>IOI</strong> Mall and co-organised by the Johor RabbitEnthusiast Association and SouthernStar Farm Ville, the eventattracted 40 rabbit owners from JohorBahru and as far as Kuala Lumpur andMalacca, as well as visitors fromSingapore. Over 60 rabbits of differentbreeds from Dwarfs, Longtail, Cottontail,Domestic, Angora, Lionhead to Lop Earswere exhibited.The Chairman of the Johor RabbitLovers Association Encik Hairul NizamTumin remarked that, “It was importantto know the species as different specieshad to be handled differently.” Headded that although there are noindigenous species of rabbits in The judges inspecting a rabbit thatMalaysia, almost all species can survive in participated in the competition.our climate.These cuddly rabbits mesmerised the shoppers and visitors alikeespecially the children who were wowed by so many rabbits at oneplace. Equally delighted were the contest winners in the ‘Short Hair’,‘Long Hair’ and ‘Best of the Best’ rabbit categories who took homeattractive prizes.Apart from the rabbit contests, other exciting activities included‘Guess the Rabbit Weight’, ‘Guess the Length of Rabbit Ear’ and‘Vote the Cutest Rabbit’. Rabbits and bunnies were also on sale bythe breeders with prices ranging from RM25 to thousands ofringgit.The President of Malaysian Rabbit Breeders Association EncikRosahairil Tan Roslan Tan indicated that the event created betterawareness not only for existing rabbit breeders but also for thoseplanning to get rabbits for breeding purposes or as pets. It was agreat opportunity to learn more about rabbits, their strict diet thatconsisted of vegetable pellets plus alfalfa sprouts, and how tocare for these gentle and lovable creatures.The 1st <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Rabbit Show 2011 was a huge successand everyone had a pet-abulous time! It was definitely oneof the most delightful community events among shoppers at<strong>IOI</strong> Mall.£WINNERSIn The Rabbit Contests‘BEST OF THE BEST’ CATEGORY‘SHORT HAIR’ CATEGORY‘LONG HAIR’ CATEGORY

31BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>HOTELGreat Expectationsat Midori withChef UramotoCooking styles are taking a spin as Marriottwelcomes the new Japanese Master ChefUramoto Katsuyuki who hails from the land ofthe rising sun – Japan. A chef of 45 years,Uramoto presents an expertise in hand-madesoba (buckwheat noodles) that promises anextra sensory dining experience not to be missedat Midori.A chef with high levels of talent coupledwith an infectious wit, Uramoto first started hiscareer as a chef at a tender age of 18. After over 45years of working in many restaurants and hotels inJapan, he ventured into Asia to work predominantly inMalaysian hotels and Japanese restaurants here. He hasbeen in Malaysia for nearly 20 years and have even adaptedwell to the rich culture of our country. Uramoto’s interest inhand-made soba noodles arose from his culinary schooldays. He finds it intricately interesting and something that notmany chefs nowadays would want to specialise in.Great expectations await at Midori with Chef Uramoto’s flaircoming in to play. As food gourmands venture into various diningtrends in the market, this <strong>To</strong>kyo-style Japanese Restaurant has come upwith an exciting dining encounter by offering variety through its all-new,value-for-money “Oishi Buffet on Legs” where ‘the buffet’ is served to you atyour dining table. The food served ranges from appetizers, sushi, sashimi, tempura,teppanyaki, robatayaki, nabemono, soba, udon, chef’s creations and desserts. TheOishi Buffet is available on every Sunday for lunch and dinner priced at RM65++per adult and RM39 per child.Meanwhile, on Saturday at dinner time, Midori also offers genuinelyJapanese Buffet. With a spread of more than 100 types of Japanese delicacies,you can relish in mouth-watering mushimono, robatayaki, crispy deep friedtempura, hot and cold udon and soba dishes, grilled teppanyaki, sukiyakiand not forgetting sushi and sashimi. <strong>To</strong> top it all, there are fresh oysters too!Coupled with un-intrusive yet attentive service, be prepared to be spoiledfor choice when you dine at Midori. The buffet dinner is priced at RM78++per adult and RM47++ per child.So drop by at Midori anytime. Feast your eyeswhile filling up your tummy with Chef Uramoto’s flairin the kitchen. For your vital information, Chef Uramotopresents his hand-made soba noodle makingdemonstration live on weekends*.£* Soba making demonstration is at Midori’s discretion and is subjectto the availability of the Chef.

32 HOTELBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>MarriottHonoursEarth Hourwith aLights-OutPartyGuests signing the pledge board on arrival.Putrajaya Marriott Hotel & Spa switchedoff its non-essential lights on 26 March 2011for an hour from 8:30pm to 9:30pm to honourEarth Hour. All façade lights including signages,billboards, main lobby, function room foyer, restaurants and back of thehouse corridors were in darkness. As a follow up to last year’s activity, thehotel added spark with a special ‘Lights Out Cocktail’ organised for inhouseguests and regulars. This year, guest artistes Malaysia’s pop divaSyazliana and R&B quartet Ruffedge presented a storming performance atthe Lights Out Cocktail. They presented a repertoire of classic favouritesand songs from their own album. Apart from a promising half an hour ofstunning performance, the hotel’s in-house band, ‘Guess Who’ alsoperformed adding cheer to an already eventful evening.The Lights Out Cocktail is the hotel’s simple way of encouragingguests to participate in Earth Hour. Apart from the special entertainmentthis year, the F&B team has designed two special mocktails called‘Cucumber Lemonade’ (a blend of fresh cucumber and lemonade) and‘Lychee Mint Spring’ (a mixture of freshly blended lychee and mint sprigs) –significant to the event. Alongside the healthy mocktails, guests relishedin healthy snacks served that evening, all courtesy of the hotel.On arrival, guests were given the opportunity to post a message onMarriott’s Earth Hour Pledge Board. Guests received glowsticks and a glass candle holder with candles as door gifts.Taking the occasion to greater heights this year, a huge ‘60+’Earth Hour Logo was placed at the heart of the hotel. The logocarried 365 green cylinder candles signifying 365 days a yearthat Marriott pledges to save energy through very simple ways.Meanwhile, part of the launching gimmick was a huge lightbulb that was switched simultaneously as the clock ticked to8:30pm.Not leaving out commitments from associates, throughoutthe month of March, associates were seen wearing buttonbadges carrying the Earth Hour message. It was a form ofawareness towards the Earth Hour movement as a lead up tothe actual occasion.£Huge Light Bulb was one of the manyattractions that night.Earth Hour logo made up of 365 candles.

HOTELBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>33AMAZING RACEand TEAMBUILDINGat Palm Garden HotelWeaving through thespider webs while otherswatched? No, this is theMulti-Facet Spiderwebchallenge whichrequired team membersto skilfully guide anindividual to weave inand out of the websuccessfully.Working together to get three tiresfrom one pole to the other for theTire Transfer activity.Everyone... imagine you arecrossing the river now...These jigsaw puzzles are such mind-puzzling…The Low Entanglement challenge– now how fast can you crawlwithout touching the ropes?Recently, Palm Garden Hotel organisedan Amazing Race session for Allianz <strong>Group</strong>for about 240 persons. The staffs were dividedinto teams of 60 persons and each had tocomplete a set of activities within a stipulatedtime. The fastest team to finish all the activitieswould be the winner.For this Amazing Race exercise, some of theexisting teambuilding obstacles were used asthe activities such as River Crossing, Multi-FacetSpiderweb, Low Entanglement, Tire Transferand Swinging Bridge to name a few. For RiverCrossing, the whole team of 60 would have toget all the members from one point to the otherwith a set of wood in different lengths. They have tostrategise on using wood-building bridges on tires on theground without any of the members touching the ground orbeing left behind. The game looked simple enough butrequired a lot of strategy and teamwork.Besides the obstacles, more fun was injected into theAmazing Race with the challenge of finding a bottle andfilling it with items that can be found around the resort suchas feathers, worms, paper, etc. Another type ofchallenge was the jigsaw puzzles that tested theteams’ speed to piece up the puzzles in the fastesttime. Teams were also given the task of protectingan egg with a certain number of straws and rubberbands. After this was done, the egg was droppedfrom a certain height and the team whose egg didnot break would win and go to the next challenge.The Amazing Race was an invigorating and funaffair for the Allianz staffs, which took almost awhole day to complete. These activities can also bearranged for various corporations.£

34 FOUNDATIONBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Delighted students with their brand new school bags.Student Adoption Programme 2011Teachers of the participating schools with their Student Adoption Programme Certificates.As part of its Corporate Responsibility (CR) initiatives,Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Ching (YTSLSC) sponsored 343adopted students from 157 primary schools and secondaryschools from all over Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah this year.The total sponsorship amounted to RM334,679 under the annualStudent Adoption Programme which has been successfullyimplemented since 2008.About 100 delighted students from the 25 adopted schoolsin Klang Valley received their cheques and school bags from theSenior General Manager of <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Bhd Ms Lee Yoke Harand the Executive Director of the Yayasan TSLSC Dr Chua YeeYen at a Cheques and School Bags Presentation Ceremony heldon 11 January 2011 at the <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Puchong.The Student Adoption Programme aims to give childrenfrom lower income families equal access to good basic educationand the opportunity to have a brighter future. Each adoptedstudent received financial assistance of RM800 and a school bagyearly to ease their families’ financial burdens. Students wereselected based on their excellent academic performances andpriorities were given to those with difficult family backgrounds.Besides that, the Yayasan TSLSC also presented 25 StudentAdoption Programme Certificates to the participating schools asan acknowledgement to entrust the schools to manage thecontributions and to monitor the students’ educational progress.Under the same programme, Yayasan TSLSC also sponsoredschool bags and stationeries for 2,271 children from theHUMANA kindergartens in Sabah.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is thelargest contributor toHUMANA kindergartensthat provides basiceducation to children ofthe foreign workers inSabah. <strong>IOI</strong> has built and iscurrently sponsoring 22HUMANA kindergartensin its plantation estates inSabah.£Presentation of Cheques and School Bags at <strong>IOI</strong> OleochemicalPresenting the cheques and school bags to the students.Recipients at Acidchem and Derichem.Senior Human Resources Manager of <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical IndustriesBerhad Ms Irin DeCruz distributed cheques and school bags to 21employees’ children that were adopted under the StudentAdoption Programme at Acidchem and Derichem (on 24January 2011) and Palmco Bulking Installation (on 26 January2011). During the ceremonies she expressed the management’sdelight and joy to have so many employees’ children under thisprogramme. She congratulated the parents and their children fortheir achievements and wished them success all the way.Recipients at Palmco Bulking Installation.

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