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To start managing time effectively, youneed to set goals. Without proper goalsetting, you'll fritter your time awayon a confusion of conflicting priorities. The key to controlling and ultimatelycombating this destructive habit is torecognize when you startprocrastinating, understand why ithappens and take active steps to bettermanage your time and outcomes.

Common causes ofprocrastination feeling overwhelmed by the task Waiting for the “right” mood or the“right” time to tackle the importanttask at hand. fear of failure or success Undeveloped decision-making skills Poor organizational skills perfectionism

How to OvercomeProcrastination1. Recognize that you'reProcrastinating2. Work out WHY You'reProcrastinating3. Get over it!

Time WastersTo determine where your time goes,try to accomplish a daily log ofactivities.Time Activities DurationValueYour analysis should help you to freeup extra time in your day byapplying one of the followingactions to most activities:

Findings of youranalysis can help: eliminate jobs that your employershouldn't be paying you to do schedule your most challenging tasks forthe times of day when your energy ishighest. minimize the number of times a day youswitch between types of task reduce the amount of time spent onlegitimate personal activities such aschatting or texting.

Advantage of to-do list You remember to carry out allnecessary tasks You tackle the most importantjobs first, and do not wastetime on trivial tasks. You do not get stressed by alarge number of unimportantjobs.

POSEC POSEC is an acronym forPrioritize by Organizing,Streamlining, Economizing andContributing. "It suggests that by attending toone's personal responsibilitiesfirst, an individual is betterpositioned to shoulder collectiveresponsibilities."

1. PRIORITIZE-Your time and define yourlife by goals.2. ORGANIZING-Things you have toaccomplish regularly to be successful.(Family and Finances)3. STREAMLINING-Things you may notlike to do, but must do. (Work andChores)4. ECONOMIZING-Things you should door may even like to do, but they're notpressingly urgent. (Pastimes andSocializing)5. CONTRIBUTING-By paying attentionto the few remaining things that make adifference. (Social Obligations)


Measureable For a goal to be measurableyou need a way to measure the progressand some specific criteria that will tellyou when you can stop and the goal isachieved. Feeling the progress is veryimportant for you to stay motivated andenjoy the process of achieving the goal.

Attainable An attainable goal is agoal for which you see a realistic pathto achievement, and reasonable oddsthat you get there. This does notmean that the lower you aim themore likely you reach success. It iswell known that goals that work besthave a challenge in them. They arechosen as ambitious as possible, butstill reachable. Then they will giveyou more motivation and sense ofachievement.

Rewarding . A goal is rewarding when youhave clear reasons why you want to reachthat goal. This is one more place where it isimportant that the goal is really yours. Haveyour specific reasons and expected reward inwriting. If possible, even with some visualpictures.

Timely. The fifth requirement of theSMART goal setting guidelines is thatyour goal should have a specific timelimit. This is also very important for yoursubconscious mind. Setting the deadlinewill protect you from paying higher pricethan the goal is worth. This is also yourprotection from procrastination andperfectionism.

2. Where am I today in relation tomy three goals, and what actionsdo I need to take to get me fromwhere I am today to where Iwant to be? The answer to thisquestion will help you determinewhat steps you need to take toreach your goal.

3. What is the time framerequired in order to completeeach action step? Puttingtime frames for each actionstep allows you to monitoryour progress, and helps tokeep you on track.

Point to PonderThe bad news is timeflies. The good newsis you're the pilot."- Michael Althsuler

Productivity Productivity = Value / Time(productivity equals value divided by time) The amount of work done, related to the time,effort, money, and energy that was needed toproduce it. The ratio between the quantity of goods andservices produced and the inputs used toproduce these goods and services.

Common barriers to productivitypoor time management lack of effort a negative attitude

Simple Tips forImproving Productivity Invest in self-improvement. Be organized Strive to give the best in every action. Be results-oriented. Be optimistic about your job and allopportunities that may arise.


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