Plant Hazard Checklist - WorkSafe Victoria

Plant Hazard Checklist - WorkSafe Victoria

Plant Hazard Checklist - WorkSafe Victoria


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<strong>Plant</strong> hazardchecklist Some of thequestions youshould ask to helpidentify hazardsarising from plant

HAZARD CHECKLIST Page 1IntroductionThis checklist provides a typical range of questions that can beasked to help with the identification of hazards associated withplant. It may be used as a starting point, with certain questionsadded or deleted to make the checklist appropriate to the plantand associated systems of work being examined.If “yes” is the answer to a question in the checklist, the plant,parts of the plant and/or the situation associated with the hazard,should be identified on the checklist.The following are examples of hazards identified and recordedin checklists:• someone’s fingers may get caught between the two rollersof the paper processing machine• the pipe containing high pressure fluids in the stampingmachine may burst• the boom of the mobile crane may touch the overhead powerlines• people may trip over the electric power lead for the bench grinderWhen completing the checklist, consider the hazards that may affect:• plant operators• anyone working, or in the vicinity of, the plant• others who could be affected, such as visitors, contractors, etc.

HAZARD CHECKLIST Page 3CCUTTING, STABBINGAND PUNCTURINGCan anyone be cut, stabbed or punctureddue to:a. coming in contact with sharpor flying objects?b. coming in contact with movingparts of the plant during testing,inspection, operation, maintenance,cleaning or repair of the plant?If “yes” is theanswer to aquestion in thechecklist, theplant, parts ofthe plantand/or thesituationassociated withthe hazardshould bewritten in thespace provided.c. the plant, parts of the plant orwork pieces disintegrating?d. work pieces being ejected?e. the mobility of the plant?f. uncontrolled or unexpected movementof the plant?g. other factors not mentioned?DSHEARINGCan anyone’s body parts be shearedbetween two parts of the plant,or between a part of the plant and awork piece or structure?EFRICTIONCan anyone be burnt due to contact withmoving parts or surfaces of the plant, ormaterial handled by the plant?

HAZARD CHECKLIST Page 5H. ELECTRICALCan anyone be injured by electricalshock or burnt due to:a. the plant contacting live electricalconductors?b. the plant working in close proximityto electrical conductors?c. overload of electrical circuits?If “yes” is theanswer to aquestion in thechecklist, theplant, parts ofthe plantand/or thesituationassociated withthe hazardshould bewritten in thespace provided.d. damaged or poorly maintainedelectrical leads and cables?e. damaged electrical switches?f. water near electrical equipment?g. lack of isolation procedures?h. other factors not mentioned?IEXPLOSIONCan anyone be injured by explosion ofgases, vapours, liquids, dusts or othersubstances, triggered by the operationof the plant or by material handled bythe plant?

Page 6HAZARD CHECKLISTIf “yes” is theanswer to aquestion in thechecklist, theplant, parts ofthe plantand/or thesituationassociated withthe hazardshould bewritten in thespace provided.JSLIPPING, TRIPPING AND FALLINGCan anyone using the plant, or inthe vicinity of the plant, slip, tripor fall due to:a. uneven or slippery work surfaces?b. poor housekeeping, eg. swarf in thevicinity of the plant, spillage notcleaned up?c. obstacles being placed in the vicinityof the plant?d. other factors not mentioned?Can anyone fall from a height due to:a. lack of a proper work platform?b. lack of proper stairs or ladders?c. lack of guardrails or other suitableedge protection?d. unprotected holes, penetrations orgaps?e. poor floor or walking surfaces, such asthe lack of a slip-resistant surface?f. steep walking surfaces?g. collapse of the supporting structure?h. other factors not mentioned?

HAZARD CHECKLIST Page 7KERGONOMICCan anyone be injured due to:a. poorly designed seating?b. repetitive body movement?c. constrained body posture or the needfor excessive effort?d. design deficiency causing mental orpsychological stress?If “yes” is theanswer to aquestion in thechecklist, theplant, parts ofthe plantand/or thesituationassociated withthe hazardshould bewritten in thespace provided.e. inadequate or poorly placed lighting?f. lack of consideration given to humanerror or human behaviour?g. mismatch of the plant with humantraits and natural limitations?h. other factors not mentioned?(For more information on hazardsassociated with manual handling,refer to the <strong>WorkSafe</strong> publicationManual Handling – Code of PracticeNo. 25, 2000)LSUFFOCATIONCan anyone be suffocated due to lack ofoxygen, or atmospheric contamination?MHIGH TEMPERATURE OR FIRECan anyone come into contact withobjects at high temperatures?Can anyone be injured by fire?

Page 8HAZARD CHECKLISTIf “yes” is theanswer to aquestion in thechecklist, theplant, parts ofthe plantand/or thesituationassociated withthe hazardshould bewritten in thespace provided.NOTEMPERATURE [THERMAL COMFORT]Can anyone suffer ill-health due toexposure to high or low temperatures?OTHER HAZARDSCan anyone be injured or sufferill-health from exposure to:a. chemicals?(For more information on hazardsassociated with chemicals, refer tothe Code of Practice for Storage &Handling of Dangerous Goods andthe <strong>WorkSafe</strong> publication <strong>Hazard</strong>ousSubstances – Code of PracticeNo. 24, 2000)b. toxic gases or vapours?c. fumes?d. dust?e. noise?(For more information on hazardsassociated with noise, refer to the<strong>WorkSafe</strong> website or WorkCoverAdvisory Service)f. vibration?g. radiation?h. other factors not mentioned?

WORKSAFE VICTORIA CONTACTS<strong>WorkSafe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong><strong>WorkSafe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> offers a complete range of healthand safety services:• emergency response• advice, information and education• inspections• licensing and certification• publicationsFor further assistance and information, contact anyof the <strong>WorkSafe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> offices listed below.Head Office<strong>Victoria</strong>n WorkCover Authority222 Exhibition StreetMelbourne <strong>Victoria</strong> 3000GPO Box 4306Melbourne <strong>Victoria</strong> 3001Phone 9641 1555Fax 9641 1222WorkCover Advisory Service222 Exhibition StreetMelbourne <strong>Victoria</strong> 3000Phone 9641 1444Fax 9641 1353Toll-free 1800 136 089Local OfficesBallarat 5338 4444Bendigo 5443 8866Dandenong 8792 9000Geelong 5226 1200Melbourne 9941 0558Mildura 5021 4001Mulgrave 9565 9444Preston 9485 4555Shepparton 5831 8260Traralgon 5174 8900Wangaratta 5721 8588Warrnambool 5564 3200PublicationsPhone 9641 1444Email publications@workcover.vic.gov.auWebsitewww.workcover.vic.gov.auEmailinfo@workcover.vic.gov.au

<strong>WorkSafe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> is a division of the <strong>Victoria</strong>n WorkCover AuthorityVWA 556/03/11.05

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