hacien 4814 retenci.n del 7% - Departamento de Hacienda

hacien 4814 retenci.n del 7% - Departamento de Hacienda

hacien 4814 retenci.n del 7% - Departamento de Hacienda


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for his <strong>de</strong>fense) and the payment is ma<strong>de</strong> through athird person (i.e., the payment is ma<strong>de</strong> through hisbusiness or corporation). Are these paymentssubject to withholding?Yes, as long as the payments are ma<strong>de</strong> through a tra<strong>de</strong> orbusiness or as part of an activity for the production of income inPuerto Rico, such payments will be subject to withholding.6. Which payments are exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the <strong>7%</strong>withholding? Which payments are not <strong>de</strong>emed ma<strong>de</strong>for services ren<strong>de</strong>red, thus not subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding?The following payments are exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the <strong>7%</strong>withholding:• the first $1,000 paid during the calendar year to theperson who ren<strong>de</strong>red the service;• payments to hospitals and clinics that offer hospitalizationservices (not including those essentially offeringambulatory services);• payments to non-profit organizations qualified as such bythe Department of the Treasury;• commissions paid to direct sellers for the sale ofconsumer products;• payments to contractors or subcontractors forconstruction projects, excluding payments forengineering, architectural, consulting, <strong>de</strong>sign or otherservices of similar nature;• payments to businesses exempt or partially exempt fromincome tax un<strong>de</strong>r the Puerto Rico Tax IncentivesPrograms;• payments for services ren<strong>de</strong>red to bona fi<strong>de</strong> farmers who3

comply with the requirements for the <strong>de</strong>duction provi<strong>de</strong>dun<strong>de</strong>r Section 1023(s) of the Co<strong>de</strong>;• payments for services ren<strong>de</strong>red by nonresi<strong>de</strong>ntindividuals or foreign corporations or partnerships notengaged in tra<strong>de</strong> or business in Puerto Rico, which areotherwise subject to income tax withholding at sourceun<strong>de</strong>r the Co<strong>de</strong>;• payments of salaries subject to withholding un<strong>de</strong>rSection 1141 of the Co<strong>de</strong>;• payments to the Government of Puerto Rico, itsagencies, public corporations and political subdivisions;• payments to an eligible carrier, which means a personwhose principal tra<strong>de</strong> or business is air transportation,maritime transportation of cargo or passengers, or toprovi<strong>de</strong> telephone communication services, betweenPuerto Rico and any other <strong>de</strong>stination outsi<strong>de</strong> PuertoRico; and• payments for ecclesiastic services ren<strong>de</strong>red by priests orother ministers of the gospel duly authorized or ordained,including rabbis.The following expenses incurred by the service provi<strong>de</strong>r arenot subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding:• travel, lodging and meals;• machinery, equipment and parts furnished by the serviceprovi<strong>de</strong>r, if the title of such items is transferred as part ofthe contract;• stamps and internal revenue vouchers; and• financing charges.In or<strong>de</strong>r to exclu<strong>de</strong> the previously mentioned expenses from4

the <strong>7%</strong> withholding, the service provi<strong>de</strong>r should <strong>de</strong>tail theseitems separately in the invoice submitted to the payor.7. Which activities do not constitute the ren<strong>de</strong>ring ofservices for purposes of this provision?The following activities do not constitute the ren<strong>de</strong>ring ofservices, and therefore, are exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the <strong>7%</strong> withholding:• contracting of insurance;• leasing or selling of tangible personal or real property;• printing;• selling newspapers, magazines or other publications(including placing advertisements); and• contracting of radio and television time.8. Payments to an eligible carrier are not subject tothe withholding. What is an eligible carrier? Whichpayments are exclu<strong>de</strong>d?Payments ma<strong>de</strong> directly, or through agents, representativesor other intermediaries, to an eligible carrier are not subject to the<strong>7%</strong> withholding.The term eligible carrier means a person whose principalindustry or business is air transportation, maritime transportationof cargo or passengers, or to provi<strong>de</strong> telephone communicationservices, between Puerto Rico and any other <strong>de</strong>stination outsi<strong>de</strong>Puerto Rico.9. Are payments ma<strong>de</strong> to a truck driver fortransportation services subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding?Yes, payments ma<strong>de</strong> to a truck driver are subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding. However, he may be eligible for a waiver, as further5

explained in questions 28 through 44 of this booklet.10. If a natural or juridical person engaged in tra<strong>de</strong> orbusiness within Puerto Rico makes a payment to aradio or television station for advertisement orother services, will such payment be subject to the<strong>7%</strong> withholding?No, because payments ma<strong>de</strong> for contracting radio andtelevision time are not consi<strong>de</strong>red payments for servicesren<strong>de</strong>red.11. If a taxpayer has a personal property un<strong>de</strong>r aleasing contract, for example a copier, thatinclu<strong>de</strong>s maintenance, which item will be subjectto the <strong>7%</strong> withholding?The withholding will only apply to payments ma<strong>de</strong> for themaintenance. If the contract does not specify the distributionbetween the maintenance and the rental portion of the payment,and there is no other method for segregating the payments, thetotal amount shall not be subject to withholding.12. Which payments ma<strong>de</strong> by a partnership to itspartners are subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding?Those payments that constitute a guaranteed payment forservices ren<strong>de</strong>red. For these purposes, a guaranteed payment isa payment that complies with the following requirements:a. must be ma<strong>de</strong> by the partnership to a partner;b. in consi<strong>de</strong>ration for services ren<strong>de</strong>red or for the use ofcapital;c. <strong>de</strong>termined without reference to the partnership’sincome; andd. ma<strong>de</strong> to the partner as part of a transaction as a partner.6

13. If a person ren<strong>de</strong>rs services as a minister or priestand his income is not subject to withholding as anemployee, will payments be subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding?No. Payments for ecclesiastic services ren<strong>de</strong>red by ministersor priests duly ordained are not subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding.14. Are nonprofit organizations required to withholdthe <strong>7%</strong> from payments ma<strong>de</strong> to persons ren<strong>de</strong>ringservices for them?Yes. Even though these organizations are exempt from thewithholding with respect to the services they ren<strong>de</strong>r, such entitiesare required to withhold <strong>7%</strong> on payments ma<strong>de</strong> to a person forservices ren<strong>de</strong>red to the exempt entity.15. Is the withholding applicable when a payment iscredited to a bank account, or property istransferred in exchange for services, or a paymentis ma<strong>de</strong> to a third party to be credited to a serviceprovi<strong>de</strong>r account?Payments in kind, or by means of credits or property, areconsi<strong>de</strong>red payments for services ren<strong>de</strong>red and, therefore,subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding.16. What are payments in kind?As a general rule, a payment in kind is a payment ma<strong>de</strong> inproperty other than cash in exchange for services. For example,a car transferred to the person that ren<strong>de</strong>red the services. Inthese cases, the <strong>7%</strong> withholding will be <strong>de</strong>termined taking intoconsi<strong>de</strong>ration the fair market value of such property.17. Are payments ma<strong>de</strong> to laboratories subject towithholding?Payments for laboratory services ren<strong>de</strong>red by medicallaboratories are subject to withholding, unless such services are7

en<strong>de</strong>red by laboratories which are an integral part of a hospitalor clinic. However, the <strong>de</strong>ductibles paid by the user of theservices are not subject to withholding.18. Are the costs and charges for medicinedistribution (Facility or Dispensing Fee) subject tothe <strong>7%</strong> withholding?Sale of medicines and other drugstore products, as well ascharges paid to the drugstore for medicine distribution, do notconstitute payment for services ren<strong>de</strong>red. Therefore, they are notsubject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding imposed by the Co<strong>de</strong>.19. How does the insurance contracting exclusionapply?The Regulations issued un<strong>de</strong>r the Co<strong>de</strong> provi<strong>de</strong> thatcontracting of insurance does not constitute services ren<strong>de</strong>red.The transaction between the buyer of an insurance policy and theinsurance agent represents a sale, therefore, not subject to the<strong>7%</strong> withholding. Nevertheless, payments of commissions ma<strong>de</strong>by the insurance company to insurance agents constitutepayments for services ren<strong>de</strong>red, subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding.20. Are payments ma<strong>de</strong> to persons who ren<strong>de</strong>redcatering services subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding?No, because the catering business constitutes essentially thesale of food. Nevertheless, payments ma<strong>de</strong> to waiters by acaterer are subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding, if the waiters are notemployees of the caterer.21. How does the exclusion of the first $1,000 paid forservices apply? For example, I pay $500 per weekto a service provi<strong>de</strong>r.The exclusion applies to the first $1,000 paid every calendaryear. Therefore, in the previous example, payments ma<strong>de</strong> duringthe first two weeks will be exclu<strong>de</strong>d, and starting with the third8

week, the corresponding withholding (<strong>7%</strong> or 5%, as the casemay be) should be ma<strong>de</strong>.22. How does the exclusion apply to contractors orsubcontractors of construction projects?Payments ma<strong>de</strong> to contractors or subcontractors forconstruction projects are exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the <strong>7%</strong> withholding. Theterm construction projects do not inclu<strong>de</strong> services forarchitecture, engineering, <strong>de</strong>sign, consulting or otherprofessional services of similar nature. If the contractorsubcontracts these services, he must withhold <strong>7%</strong> from thepayments.Example: ABC Corporation (ABC) entered into acontract with a municipality for the construction of abuilding. ABC subcontracted an engineering firm as partof the project. ABC is required to withhold the <strong>7%</strong> fromthe payments ma<strong>de</strong> to the engineering firm, unless thefirm provi<strong>de</strong>s the payor with a waiver certificate. Themunicipality, however, is not required to withhold the <strong>7%</strong>from payments to be ma<strong>de</strong> to ABC.23. Can a withholding of more than <strong>7%</strong> be ma<strong>de</strong> withrespect to payments un<strong>de</strong>r these provisions?No. The Co<strong>de</strong> provi<strong>de</strong>s a fixed withholding rate of <strong>7%</strong>applicable to payments for services ren<strong>de</strong>red.24. What are construction projects?The term construction projects is the skill or process ofconstructing, building or erecting any building or structure suchas bridges, homes, buildings, roads, si<strong>de</strong>walks or sewers,among others. Also, it inclu<strong>de</strong>s improvements or land<strong>de</strong>velopment and the installations that are integral orcomplementary to such structures, such as the installation ofelectrical, telephone and plumbing facilities.9

25. Can a substantial rehabilitation business beconsi<strong>de</strong>red a construction business forwithholding purposes?Yes. A substantial rehabilitation business can be consi<strong>de</strong>reda construction business and therefore, it would not be subject tothe <strong>7%</strong> withholding.26. If a person is engaged in the sale of consumer orusage products, such as encyclopedias, perfumes,Tupperware, Avon or Amway, from a site that is nota retail sales establishment, are the commissionpayments for these sales subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding?No, because these commissions are paid for the sale of useor consumer products where the direct beneficiary of the sale isan individual.27. If a person is engaged in the sale of beverages toretailers, are the commissions received from thesesales subject to withholding?Yes, because these commissions are paid for sales ma<strong>de</strong> toa business and not to the consumer.28. What is a waiver certificate?A waiver certificate is a document issued by the Departmentof the Treasury that grants a special tax treatment with respect tothe <strong>7%</strong> withholding to all those who are current on theirresponsibilities with the Department of the Treasury. It isimportant to clarify that the special tax treatment granted is onlywith respect to the withholding at source from the paymentsreceived for services ren<strong>de</strong>red, and does not exempt thetaxpayer from reporting such income on his income tax return.The waiver can be total (no withholding), in the case ofcorporations or partnerships, or partial (5% withholding), in caseof individuals.10

Taxpayers must provi<strong>de</strong> copy of the waiver certificate to theperson required to make the withholding with respect topayments for services ren<strong>de</strong>red, so that the right to the waiver berecognized.29. How can I obtain a waiver certificate?If you have filed all the required income tax returns and do notowe taxes, the Department of the Treasury will issue a waivercertificate automatically.30. If an individual ren<strong>de</strong>rs services un<strong>de</strong>r contractand has not received a waiver certificate, whatshould he do?The individual must visit the nearest Collections District or theTaxpayer’s Service Offices located in San Juan, Bayamón,Caguas, Ponce and Mayagüez. Remember that it is necessaryto comply with the requirements of having filed the requiredreturns and not having exigible tax <strong>de</strong>bts. If you owe any taxes,you can either pay them or make a payment plan approved bythe Secretary and keep it up to date. If the records showoutstanding <strong>de</strong>bts that were already paid or that you un<strong>de</strong>rstandare incorrect, you must submit evi<strong>de</strong>nce to correct them.31. If an individual receives a partial waiver certificateand he ren<strong>de</strong>rs services un<strong>de</strong>r contract, what isthe purpose of this certificate? What should hedo?The purpose of this certificate is to grant him a partial waiverfrom withholding. Instead of the applicable <strong>7%</strong>, he will only besubject to a 5% withholding. The individual must provi<strong>de</strong> copy ofthe partial waiver certificate to the person making servicepayments in or<strong>de</strong>r to avoid the over withholding.11

32. An individual that previously ren<strong>de</strong>red servicesun<strong>de</strong>r a contract receives a partial waivercertificate; now he is a salaried employee whoseonly source of income is such salary, what shouldhe do?The provisions of the <strong>7%</strong> withholding apply only to servicesren<strong>de</strong>red that are not otherwise subject to withholding. In thiscase, the individual is not subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding becausehe is a salaried employee whose only source of income is suchsalary. Un<strong>de</strong>r these circumstances, he should disregard thepartial waiver certificate.33. Who qualifies for a partial waiver certificate?Individuals who comply with the following requirements:a. have filed all their income tax returns, provi<strong>de</strong>d they wererequired to file; andb. have paid the tax <strong>de</strong>termined therein, or in case of havingany outstanding <strong>de</strong>bts, the same are up to date pursuantto a payment plan approved by the Secretary.34. Where are the Collections Districts and theTaxpayer’s Service Offices located?For your convenience, we have 10 Collections Districtslocated throughout the Island. We also have the Taxpayer’sService Offices in San Juan, Bayamón, Caguas, Ponce, andMayagüez. You can obtained there partial waiver certificates forindividuals and total waiver certificates for corporations. At theend of this booklet you will find a list with the addresses andtelephone numbers of such Districts and Offices you can visit inor<strong>de</strong>r to obtain your waiver certificate or assistance on any othertax matter.35. Does an individual have the right to obtain a totalwaiver certificate?12

The total waiver certificate is granted only to those individualswho have started an activity of ren<strong>de</strong>ring services after December31, 1994 and comply with the following requirements:1. Visit the General Consulting Section (Office 601) of theDepartment of the Treasury in San Juan or anyCollections District to complete a sworn statement (FormAS 2614) indicating the following:a. name, social security number and the address of theoffice or business where the services are ren<strong>de</strong>red;b. <strong>de</strong>scription of the service activity;c. date such service activity was commenced;d. account his eligibility for the waiver; an<strong>de</strong>. attesting that he has not previously availed himself ofthe benefits of the waiver.2. Comply with the income tax filing requirements and haveno outstanding tax <strong>de</strong>bts. If there was no such obligationto file income tax returns for previous taxable years, thetaxpayer must file Form AS 2638, Information About YourIncome Tax Return. In or<strong>de</strong>r to obtain a recent tax <strong>de</strong>btcertification the individual must visit Office 404 at theDepartment of the Treasury or any Internal RevenueCollections Office.This waiver shall be allowed during the first three yearscounting from the year during which the ren<strong>de</strong>ring of servicecommenced, and may be used by each individual only once inhis lifetime.36. What should be done when the waiver was issuedun<strong>de</strong>r the husband’s name and the wife is the onewho ren<strong>de</strong>rs the services?The taxpayer must visit the nearest Collections District or any13

Taxpayer’s Service Office and request a waiver certificate to beissued un<strong>de</strong>r his wife’s name.37. What should be done when the waiver was issuedun<strong>de</strong>r the taxpayer’s name and he makes businessusing a commercial name?The taxpayer must visit the nearest Collections District or theTaxpayer’s Service Office, and request a waiver certificate to beissued un<strong>de</strong>r his name and the business name (for example:Juan Taxpayer, d/b/a ABC Maintenance).38. Which requirements must be met by a corporationor partnership that has not received the waiverautomatically, in or<strong>de</strong>r to request a total waivercertificate?In or<strong>de</strong>r to request a total waiver certificate, every corporationor partnership (including associations, corporations of individualsand special partnerships) must comply with the followingrequirements:a. have filed all their income tax returns, provi<strong>de</strong>d they wererequired to file; andb. have paid the tax <strong>de</strong>termined therein, or in case of havingany outstanding <strong>de</strong>bts, the same are up to date pursuantto a payment plan approved by the Secretary.To request this waiver you can visit the nearest CollectionsDistrict or the Taxpayer’s Service Offices.39. If a corporation began operations during thetaxable year and has not filed an income tax returnyet, how can such corporation obtain the waiver?An official or an authorized representative of the corporationor partnership must visit one of our Collections District orTaxpayer’s Service Offices and must submit evi<strong>de</strong>nce indicatingthe date the company began operations in Puerto Rico. A waiver14

certificate will be issued to the corporation.40. If an individual received a total waiver and bymistake was classified as a partnership, whatshould he do?He must visit the nearest Collections District or the Taxpayer’sService Offices where a partial waiver will be issued.41. For how long the waiver certificate will beeffective?Waiver certificates are issued annually and will remain ineffect during the entire calendar year for which were issued.42. If a person is engaged in any activity exclu<strong>de</strong>d fromthe withholding requirement, does he need awaiver certificate?No. However, if the payor requires you the waiver, you canrequest an exclusion certification in the General ConsultingSection (Office 601 of the Department of the Treasury) or in anytax Collections District.43. Can an exclusion certificate from withholding begranted to an entity that is not subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding?Yes. Nevertheless, the entity must submit evi<strong>de</strong>nce showingthat it is entitled to the exclusion (i.e., copy of the tax exemption<strong>de</strong>cree or copy of the administrative <strong>de</strong>termination issued to nonprofitorganizations).44. Can an exclusion certificate be issued to anindividual that is not subject to the <strong>7%</strong>withholding?Yes. The individual must submit evi<strong>de</strong>nce of the activity inwhich he is engaged, including copy of the municipal license, ifapplicable.15

45. What is the responsibility of the withholdingagent?The person acting as withholding agent, that is, the entity towhom the service is ren<strong>de</strong>red, shall withhold the required amountfrom every payment in excess of the first $1,000 paid during thecalendar year. Also, the withholding agent will be responsible ofmaking the <strong>de</strong>posit and payment of the amounts withheld to theSecretary of the Treasury, as follows:a. the amount withheld must be <strong>de</strong>posited in any InternalRevenue Collections Offices;b. the <strong>de</strong>posit must be ma<strong>de</strong> using the Payment Voucher ofTax Withheld (Form 480.9A). This form is available in theForms and Publications Division (Office 603) of theDepartment of the Treasury in San Juan and in everyInternal Revenue Collections Office; andc. the amounts withheld must be <strong>de</strong>posited not later thanthe 10th day of the month following the month in whichthe withholding was ma<strong>de</strong>.Withholding agents must file an annual informative return tothe Secretary, covering the payments and withholdings for theprevious year, not later than February 28 of the following year.This return must be filed with respect to every service provi<strong>de</strong>r towhom the withholding was ma<strong>de</strong>, on Form 480.6B (InformativeReturn - Income Subject to Withholding) along with Form 480.5(Summary of the Informative Returns). The return must inclu<strong>de</strong>the name, address, social security or employer’s i<strong>de</strong>ntificationnumber of the service provi<strong>de</strong>r, the amounts paid during the yearand the amounts withheld.If the income is not subject to withholding, you must useForm 480.6A (Informative Return - Income not Subject toWithholding).Copies of Forms 480.6A and 480.6B shall be remitted to theperson receiving the payment not later than February 28 of the16

following year. These forms are available at the Employer andEstimated Tax Payments Application Section (Office 511) of theDepartment of The Treasury.The withholding agent must retain a copy of the waivercertificates. Also, must file annually the Annual ReconciliationStatement of Income Subject to Withholding (Form 480.6B.1) notlater than February 28 of the following calendar year.It is important to clarify that Forms 480.9A and 480.6B.1must be filed and completed on the withholding agent’s nameand not on the name of the person that received the paymentsfor services ren<strong>de</strong>red.46. Which payments must be inclu<strong>de</strong>d on Forms480.6A (Informative Return - Income not Subject toWithholding) and 480.6B (Informative Return -Income Subject to Withholding)?Form 480.6A must inclu<strong>de</strong> payments of compensation forservices ren<strong>de</strong>red not subject to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding, as well asthose payments over which no withholding was ma<strong>de</strong> becausethere was a waiver certificate in effect or because payments didnot exceed the first $1,000.Form 480.6B must inclu<strong>de</strong> all payments ma<strong>de</strong> that aresubject to withholding, as well as expense reimbursements andpayments that inclu<strong>de</strong> maintenance un<strong>de</strong>r leasing contracts.47. We are a corporation that ren<strong>de</strong>rs legal servicesand have a total waiver certificate. On which formdoes income from services ren<strong>de</strong>red will bereported?The corporation will receive a copy of Form 480.6A reportingthe amount of payments received for services ren<strong>de</strong>red notsubject to withholding, which income must be inclu<strong>de</strong>d on thecorporation’s income tax return.17

48. What should you do in or<strong>de</strong>r to claim the credit forthe amounts withheld, if you do not receive Form480.6B?You must inclu<strong>de</strong> with your income tax return a swornstatement indicating the name, address, employer’s i<strong>de</strong>ntificationnumber, if known, and the telephone number of the person whoma<strong>de</strong> the payments, the amount of the payments and theamount withheld. You can also submit payment slips where theamounts withheld are shown.49. If payments ma<strong>de</strong> to an individual during the yearare less than $1,000, what form must be used toreport such payments?If payments are less than $1,000, they must be reported onthe Informative Return - Income not Subject to Withholding (Form480.6A).50. How do you claim the credit for the amount of taxwithheld?The amounts withheld will be credited and treated as apayment of estimated tax or of the final tax for the taxable year ofthe corporation or for the calendar year of individuals.In or<strong>de</strong>r to claim the credit you must attach to your incometax return Form 480.6B provi<strong>de</strong>d by the person who ma<strong>de</strong> thepayments and the withholding.51. Where can I obtain copy of the Regulation relatedto the <strong>7%</strong> withholding?Regulation No. 5619 related to the <strong>7%</strong> withholding can beobtained at the Puerto Rico Department of State.52. We are a group of physicians engaged in businessas a partnership. Some of the payments forservices ren<strong>de</strong>red are received un<strong>de</strong>r ourindividual names, as well as the withholding. Other18

payments are received un<strong>de</strong>r the partnership’sname. Who has the responsibility to inform theincome, the partnership or each physician as anindividual?Payments ma<strong>de</strong> to the individuals physicians will be inclu<strong>de</strong>din their income tax return and they can claim the amount withheldagainst the tax <strong>de</strong>termined. Payments ma<strong>de</strong> to the partnership,however, are consi<strong>de</strong>red income of the partnership.53. What other booklets or informative material doesthe Department of the Treasury have issued inor<strong>de</strong>r to provi<strong>de</strong> additional orientation?The Department of the Treasury is constantly issuinginformative booklets and materials for orientation purposes. Thefollowing booklets are available and can be obtained at theDepartment:• Carta <strong>de</strong> Derechos <strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong> Contribuyente (Spanish only)• Informative Booklet to Provi<strong>de</strong> Orientation about yourIncome Tax Return (English and Spanish version)• Folleto Informativo sobre la Contribución sobre Ingresos<strong>de</strong> Sacerdotes o Ministros (Spanish only)• Folleto Informativo para Aclarar sus Dudas sobreAspectos Contributivos en la Venta <strong>de</strong> CiertasPropieda<strong>de</strong>s Inmuebles (Spanish only)• Folleto Informativo <strong>de</strong> Herencias y Donaciones (Spanishonly)• Informative Booklet to Provi<strong>de</strong> Orientation on the IncomeTax Responsibilities of Fe<strong>de</strong>ral, Military and OtherEmployeesFor a fast and direct tax orientation, the Department of theTreasury has set up a mo<strong>de</strong>rn computerized system known as19

Tele<strong>Hacienda</strong>. This is an automatic telephonic system thatthrough a recording provi<strong>de</strong>s orientation. For information on thetopics, refer to Folleto Informativo Tele<strong>Hacienda</strong>.You can call Tele<strong>Hacienda</strong> at (787) 721-0510 or toll free at (1)(800) 981-0675, any day of the week, 24 hours a day. Thisservice is available only in Spanish.You can access our site at:http://www.<strong>hacien</strong>da.gobierno.prAlso you can let us know your opinion through our E-mail at:support@<strong>hacien</strong>da.gobierno.prThe Taxpayer’s Service Offices are located in:San JuanInten<strong>de</strong>nte Alejandro Ramírez Building#10 Paseo Covadonga2nd Floor, Office 211San Juan, P.R.Tel: (787) 724-6666, (787) 721-2020 ext. 3610and (1) (800) 981-7666Fax: (787) 725-2319BayamónGutiérrez Building2nd FloorRoad #2Bayamón, P.R.Next to Hermanos Melén<strong>de</strong>z HospitalTel: (787) 778-4949, (787) 778-4950,(787) 778-4951, (787) 778-4973 and(787) 778-4974Fax: (787) 778-497520

CaguasGovernmental Center1st Floor, Office 110Goyco Street, Corner Acosta StreetCaguas, P.R.Tel: (787) 258-5255, (787) 258-5272 and(787) 745-0666Fax: (787) 258-5465PonceEurobank Building1st Floor#26 Hostos AvenuePonce, P.R.Tel: (787) 844-8800Fax: (787) 842-3856MayagüezGovernmental Center1st Floor, Office 102#50 Nenadich StreetMayagüez, P.R.Tel: (787) 265-5200, (787) 265-5235,(787) 265-5882 and (787) 265-5285Fax: (787) 834-3919For orientation about technical matters you can call:General Consulting SectionInten<strong>de</strong>nte Alejandro Ramírez Building#10 Paseo Covadonga6th Floor, Office 601San Juan, P.R.Tel: (787) 723-7085, (787) 723-7086,(787) 721-2020 ext. 3611 and (1) (800) 981-9236Fax: (787) 977-847421

The Collections Districts are located in:AreciboGovernmental CenterBuilding B, Office 13Rotarios AvenueArecibo, P.R.Tel: (787) 880-1388 and (787) 880-1133Fax:(787) 817-0092BayamónGutiérrez Building2nd FloorRoad #2Bayamón, P.R.Next to Hermanos Melén<strong>de</strong>z HospitalTel: (787) 740-3366 and (787) 740-3200Fax: (787) 740-3455CaguasGovernmental Center5th Floor, Office 508Goyco Street, Corner Acosta StreetCaguas, P.R.In front of Public Transportation TerminalTel: (787) 258-1597, (787) 258-1598And (787) 743-4557Fax: (787) 747-1435CarolinaCarolina Government Center1st FloorMuñoz Rivera StreetCarolina, P.R.In front of School of ArtsTel: (787) 769-7620 and (787) 769-7630Fax: (787) 768-415022

GuaynaboGovernmental Center1st Floor, Office 105Parque <strong>de</strong> los Niños AvenueGuaynabo, P.R.In front of Guaynabo Arts CenterTel: (787) 272-8422 and (787) 272-8424Fax: (787) 272-4675HumacaoGovernmental Center3rd FloorCruz Ortiz Stella StreetHumacao, P.R.Next to District Court of HumacaoTel: (787) 852-2225, (787) 852-2226And (787) 852-2257Fax: (787) 285-5707MayagüezGovernmental Center2nd Floor, Office 211Nenadich Street #50Mayagüez, P.R.Tel: (787) 805-7545, (787) 805-5535And (787) 831-8231Fax: (787) 831-6260PonceGovernmental Center1st Floor, Office 101Las Américas AvenuePonce, P.R.Tel: (787) 843-6775 and (787) 844-2541Fax: (787) 844-254223

Río PiedrasMuñoz Rivera Avenue #10581st FloorRío Piedras, P.R.In front of Reliable BuildingTel: (787) 767-8248, (787) 767-8150and (787) 767-8470Fax: (787) 765-0885San JuanInten<strong>de</strong>nte Alejandro Ramírez Building#10 Paseo Covadonga4th Floor, Office 404San Juan, P.R.Tel: (787) 721-1110, (787) 721-1114and (787) 721-1126Fax: (787) 725-206924

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