Regenair® - Gast Manufacturing, Inc.

Regenair® - Gast Manufacturing, Inc. Regenair® - Gast Manufacturing, Inc.


Regenair®Regenerative Blowers

Regenair®Regenerative Blowers

The <strong>Gast</strong>GroupDifferenceThe <strong>Gast</strong> GroupDifferenceFor over 90 years, <strong>Gast</strong> <strong>Manufacturing</strong> has been providing innovative air solutionsto a broad breadth of customers. With the relatively recent addition of JUN-AIR,we have expanded our capabilities and formed, “The <strong>Gast</strong> Group.” Together, ourdiverse engineering background and pneumatic experience allow us to provide bothcomponent and system solutions to meet all of your pneumatic needs...all backed byour strong commitment to quality and customer support.Products for Almost Any Application – WorldwideWe offer an extensive and versatile line of air-moving products, including vacuum pumps, compressors, air motors,gearmotors, vacuum generators, and regenerative blowers. We design and build these components for originalequipment manufacturers worldwide, but we also develop complete pneumatic solutions to solve tough customerchallenges.To ensure fast, efficient delivery of products, <strong>Gast</strong> has a vast network of sales representatives/distributors throughoutthe United States and the world. Plus, we maintain direct sales and service facilities in Europe, Hong Kong, andShanghai, China.Unparalleled Design ExpertiseUnlike other manufacturers, who might expect you to modify your pneumatic system to fit their available product(s),<strong>Gast</strong> is committed to finding the right product to meet your specific needs. If we don’t have a high-quality, off-the-shelfproduct to fit your existing application or meet your anticipated needs, we’ll propose customized cost-effective designoptions that will serve your special requirements. We can even develop and produce your complete pneumatic systemfor you.Our experienced Research and Development engineers and Product engineers work together to analyze customerneeds and use computer-aided design to generate timely solutions for air-handling problems. The design team hasone goal: to create problem-solving solutions that capitalize on the latest available technology, meet all applicationrequirements, and benefit from cost-effective production methods. The end result: products and solutions that are thebest value in the marketplace for our customers.A Lasting Commitment to QualityWe invest heavily in both equipment and people to maintain the consistent quality for which our products are knownworldwide, and we have done so since day one. As early as 1983, we implemented a total quality process designed toensure the quality of our products. In keeping with that tradition, <strong>Gast</strong> has achieved ISO 9001 certification, making usa member of the elite group of manufacturing companies in the world to receive that certification.European Community DirectivesWith extensive sales outside the United States, <strong>Gast</strong> has pledged to conform to the European Community Directives.These directives contain essential requirements concerning health, safety, environment, and consumer protectionfor all products targeted for the European Community market. Currently, all <strong>Gast</strong> products available for sale inthe European Community are in compliance with the Machinery, Low Voltage, and Electromagnetic CompatibilityDirectives.Pictorial and dimensional data is subject to change without notice. The information presented is based on technical data and test results of nominal units. It is believedto be accurate and is offered as an aid in the selection of <strong>Gast</strong> products. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability of the product for intended use and theuser assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. Environmental and application conditions may affect advertised life.2 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative

Why use a Regenair ® Regenerative Blower?Features and BenefitsStandard Motor Mounted Models• Rugged construction of cast aluminum or cast iron,depending on model size• UL and CSA approved motors; TEFC on singleendedmodels, OPEN on dual-ended models.Permanently sealed ball bearings incorporate newpolyurea grease that extends bearing life and offerssuperior resistance to washout, rust, and corrosion.Integrated mufflers on single-ended modelsminimize operating noiseExplosion-Proof Motor Series• UL and CSA approved explosion-proof multi-voltagemotors with thermal protection• Double sealed ball bearings with a B10 life exceeding30,000 hours of continuous operation at themaximum rated continuous blower load• Sealed air streams; leak tested to less than 5 cc/minSeparate Drive Series• Drive pulley size can be changed to lower speedsand adjust performance• Built-in acoustical muffling reduces operation noise• Precision balanced impellers provide low vibrationoperationThe Regenerative PrincipleIn a regenerative blower, the compression space consists of a hollow,circular ring between the tips of the impeller blades and the walls of thehousing. In operation, the rotating impeller draws in air from the inletport into the compression space and moves it radially outward to thecurved housing by centrifugal force.The action is called “regenerative” because a certain amount of airslips past each impeller blade during rotation and returns to the baseof a succeeding blade for reacceleration.Because of this dynamic principle, regenerative blowers can generatepressure and vacuum performance comparable to many multi-stage orpositive displacement <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 3

Regenair ® Regenerative Blowers Performance OverviewPOWER RATING FREE AIR FLOW MAXIMUM PRESSURE MAXIMUM VACUUMMODEL/ @ 60 Hz CFM M 3 /h inH 2O mbar inH 2O mbarSERIES HP kW 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 HzStandard Motor Mounted ModelsR1* 1/8 0,09 23 27 39 46 21 28.5 52 71 20 26.5 50 66R2* 1/3, 1 /2 0,25, 0,37 33 42 56 71 30 39 75 97 25 35 62 87R3* 1/2 0,37 43-44 52-53 73-75 88-90 31-40 43-55 77-100 107-137 28-35 40-50 70-87 100-125R4* 1 0,75 75 92 127 156 38 52 95 130 35 48 87 120R4P* 1 1 /2 1,1 110 127 187 216 50 65 125 162 45 60 112 149R5* 2 1 /2 1,86 133 160 226 272 50 65 125 162 47 60 117 149R6* 2 1 /2- 1,86- 180 207- 306 352- 40- 45- 100- 112- 50- 55- 125- 137-5 3,73 215 365 78 105 194 262 70 88 194 262R6P* 3 1 /2- 2,6- 225- 265- 382- 450- 50- 30- 125- 75- 50- 35- 126- 87-5 1 /2 4,1 245 290 416 493 85 110 212 274 85 90 212 224R6PP* 11 8,2 420 520 714 884 75 95 187 237 65 80 162 199R7* 10 7,46 350 420 595 714 115 125 286 311 90 110 224 274R7P* 18 13,4 666 795 1132 1351 90 105 284 262 85 95 212 237R9* 15 11,3 585 680 994 1155 125 125 311 311 105 115 262 286R9P* 30 22,4 1140 1350 1937 2294 110 125 274 311 100 110 249 274High Pressure Motor Mounted ModelsR4H* 6 4,5 107 128 182 217 284 284 707 707 183 183 456 456R6PS* 11 8,2 230 280 391 476 145 170 361 423 110 130 274 324R7S* 18 13,4 350 420 595 714 170 200 423 498 130 150 324 374R9S* 30 22,4 585 660 994 1121 208 222 518 553 142 149 354 371Explosion Proof Motor ModelsR3105N-50 1/2 0,37 44 53 75 90 31 43 77 107 28 40 70 100R4110N-50 1 0,75 74 92 126 156 38 51 95 127 35 48 87 120R4310P-50 1 0,75 74 92 126 156 38 51 95 127 35 48 87 120R4P115N-50 1 1 /2 1,1 112 133 190 226 45 65 112 162 40 60 100 149R5125Q-50 2 1,5 — 160 — 272 — 55 — 137 — 60 — 149R5325R-50 2 1,5 133 160 226 272 50 65 125 162 47 65 117 162R6130Q-50 3 2,2 180 215 306 365 75 60 187 149 65 70 162 174R6340R-50 4 3,0 180 215 306 365 75 100 187 249 65 80 162 199R6P155Q-50 5 1 /2 4,1 235 280 399 476 80 95 199 237 65 85 162 212R6P355R-50 6 4,5 232 280 394 476 80 100 199 249 65 85 162 212R7100R-50 10 7,5 350 425 595 722 90 100 224 249 85 110 212 274Separate Drive ModelsSDR4 4 3,0 147 250 110 274 90 224SDR5 10 7,5 240 408 152 379 120 299SDR6 15 11,2 300 510 155 386 135 336*Models equipped with UL and CSA certified motors. (except R1102K (12v DC))Catalog The <strong>Gast</strong> GroupPerformanceDifferenceSpecificationsThe specifications listed are that of a unit at sea level with an ambient temperature of70 °F (21 °C), operating with normal electrical current conditions. The figures stated inthis catalog are nominal approximations for models without accessories. Intake filtersand exhaust mufflers, and the accumulation of contaminants in them during operation,will decrease the flow of air as well as the achievable pressure.The units that we list in this catalog are a small portion of what we actually make. Those listed are considered“standard units” and are normally available from stock in small quantities. Variations are produced for many customersand by informing us of the application specifications we might find an existing unit that fits your requirement. If wedon’t and the quantity is sufficient, we will design a “special unit” for the application.Pictorial and dimensional data is subject to change without notice.The information presented in this catalog is based on technical data and test results of nominal units. It is believedto be accurate and is offered as an aid in the selection of <strong>Gast</strong> products. It is the user’s responsibility to determinesuitability of the product for intended use and the user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connectiontherewith.4 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative

Blower System Design TipsIn order to utilize your regenerative blower most efficiently,proper system design is essential. The most importantthing to recognize is that by utilizing large diameterplumbing, friction losses in plumbing can be greatlyreduced. Here are some guidelines to use when setting upyour blower system:1. The plumbing should at least be the same size as theblower port or ideally one size larger (example - blowerhas ports that are 1-1/2” NPT, plumbing should be 2”NPT). The plumbing should remain this size until it hasreached the location of the work area.2. Plumbing for Separate Drive Blowers operating above3500 RPM should be at least one pipe size larger thanthe blower ports.3. Elbows create additional friction which causes pressureloss and back pressure. Plumbing at least one pipesize larger than the blower pipe ports minimizes thefriction loss they create.4. The pressure/vacuum relief valve should be installedin a “T” which is at least one pipe size larger than thatof the exhaust of the blower. To properly protect alarge horsepower blower, set the relief value to limitthe blowers duty to 5 inH 2O below its continuous dutyrating.5. Operating the blowers at high altitude decreases theirmaximum pressure or vacuum duty rating. If this is aconsideration, review the information on Fan Laws inthe Application Engineering section of this catalog.6. The exhaust air temperature of the blowers increaseswith increasing duty. At duties over 70 inH 2O it istoo hot for most plastic pipe. Metal pipe must beconsidered. To prevent danger of burns, access tothese pipes should be limited, guarded, or marked“Danger Hot.”Performance DataThe performance data shown in this catalog wasdetermined under the following conditions:• Line voltage @ 60 Hz 230V or 460V for three-phaseunits. 115V or 230V for single-phase units.• Line voltage @ 50Hz 220V for three-phase or singlephaseunits.• Units in a temperature stable condition.• Delivery measurements made with output port throttled.• Suction measurements made with input port throttled.• Test Conditions: Inlet air density at 0.075 lbs per cu ft.[20 °C (68 °F), 29.92 inHg (14.7 PSIA)].• Normal performance variations on the resistance curvewithin ± 10% of supplied data can be <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 5

Typical Applications – Imagine what you can do with air,We offer cost-effective solutions to blower applications for both OEMs and end-users. <strong>Gast</strong>’s Regenerative Blower line of products aredesigned and built to meet the changing needs of industry and are ideally suited for a number of blower applications. These are examplesof many applications where <strong>Gast</strong>’s Regenerative Blowers are widely used.Pressure ApplicationsBag Packaging EquipmentVacuum is often used to open,hold, and close bags in fillingmachines.Vacuum ConveyingPlastic pellets, grain, powder, andother bulk dry materials can betransported from one container toanother easily using vacuum. Theyare pulled into a transport tubeand delivered to a separator beforebeing deposited in the final storagecontainer.Pond AerationPond aeration is done for two basicreasons. One is aquaculture, wherelarge numbers of fish are “farmed”in a single pond. The second isecological. As a pond or lake ages,it can lose its oxygen supply andmay die. When air is introduced intoa pond or lake, oxygen becomesplentiful again and life in and aroundthe water can flourish.Paper Stack Air TableThe stacks of paper in all graphicarts applications are extremely heavy.To make matters more difficult, thecombination of high speed pressesand the various types of paper makeit necessary to handle these stacksfrequently. To make the job easier,these stacks are floated on an air tableso they can be manipulated with verylittle effort.Agricultural equipment• Aquaculture/pond aeration• Fish hatchery equipmentTransportation equipment• Suspension systems, tire inflatorsMedical equipment• Medical and dental sterilizing equipment• Dental hand tools, air mattressIndustrial tools and machinery• Fiberglass choppers• Liquid/hydraulic pump drives• Industrial cleaning equipment• Chip removal/parts blowoff• Engraving machineryMaterial handling equipment• Lift tables• Pneumatic conveying systems and drives• Automated assembly machines/roboticsComputer, business, office machines,and equipment• Envelope opening/inserting/labelingequipment• Document scanning equipmentGraphic arts equipment• Folders, presses, counters• Photo processing equipment• Corrugated cutting/printing equipment• Ink jet printer/post press printing equipment• Collating/inserting equipment• Ink drying equipment• Air tableSports and leisure equipment• Spa and hot tub aeration, aquarium aeration• Handicap tub door seals, boat/pond deicingFood, drug, and chemical equipment• Ice cream/yogurt/frosting dispensers• Pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment• Automated food preparation equipmentElectronics and communicationsequipment• Cable pressurization/cable slicing equipment• Circuit board processing equipmentEnvironment, pollution, and safety equipment• Air/water purifiers• Gas generators (ozone, nitrogen)• Sewage treatment• Smoke evacuation• Pest control equipment• Soil/groundwater remediation equipmentPackaging equipment• Marking/labeling equipment• Filling equipment• Food packaging/bag making equipment• Can/bottle making equipment• Liquid packaging equipment• Corrugated sheet making equipmentTextile industry equipment• Sewing machine equipment, scrapcollection equipmentProcessing equipment• Mixing equipment• Vibrators/tumblers• Plating tank agitation• Laundry equipment• Forming equipment• Parts washers/parts drying equipment/airknives• Plastic pellet drying/conveyingEnergy equipment• Oil atomization, industrial burnersMining and construction equipment• Texture spraying, concrete aeration6 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

then call <strong>Gast</strong>Vacuum ApplicationsVacuum Holding ofAutomated CuttingLasers, water jets, and knivesare all precision tools for cuttinga wide variety of materialsautomatically. These computerdriven machines use vacuum tohold materials being cut in place.AutomatedProduct FeedingVacuum force is used toautomatically stack product as itis received or to move the productfrom one process to another.Soil Vapor ExtractionContaminated soil is often treatedby pulling the contaminants,usually gasoline or otherhydrocarbons, out of the soil withvacuum.Dust and Chip CollectionVacuum power is used to collectdust and/or chips from saws, mills,and other cutting machines.Home AerobicSewage TreatmentSome parts of the countrywhere city sewerage is notavailable and high watertables exist, household wastemust be treated aerobically.This means air is mixed intoa solution which activatesmicrobes that feed on thewaste, speeding up thenaturally occurring organicbreakdown.Agricultural equipment• Inoculation equipmentMedical equipment• Dental vacuum ovens, dental aspirationIndustrial tools and machinery• Gas reclaiming equipment• House air/vacuum• Industrial vacuum systems• Industrial cleaning equipment• Vacuum table/hold down• Dust collection equipment• Chip removal• Engraving machineryMaterial handling equipment• Vacuum hoist• Pneumatic conveying systems• Pneumatic tube systems• Automated assembly machinesComputer, business, office machines,and equipment• Envelope opening/inserting/labelingequipment• Vacuum feed, document scanningequipmentGraphic arts equipment• Folders, presses• Vacuum frames• Photo processing equipment• Paper counters• Camera/exposure equipment• Corrugated cutting/printing equipment• Collating equipment• Inserting equipment• Post press printing equipmentFood, drug and chemical equipment• Pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment• Automated food preparation equipment• Electronics and communications equipment• Circuit board processing equipment• Cable splicing equipmentEnvironment, pollution, andsafety equipment• Air sampling/monitoring equipment• Toilet systems• Fume extraction• Vapor recovery• Smoke evacuation• Pest control equipment• Soil vapor extraction• Weather prediction equipmentPackaging equipment• Case erectors/packers• Marking/labeling equipment• Bag making equipment• Filling equipment• Food packaging equipment• Can/bottle making equipment• Liquid packaging equipment• Corrugated sheet making equipment• Packing fill removal equipmentTextile industry equipment• Sewing machine equipment• Scrap collection equipment• Garment vacuum tables• Trim removalProcessing equipment• Vibrators/tumblers, non-medical labequipment• Forming equipment, plastic pellet drying/<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 7

Performance CurvesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersPerformance Curves - Mid Range for Pressure/VacuumMotor mounted series R6, R6P, R6PP, R7, R7P, R9, R9PPerformance at 60 Hzmbar psig4.53004.02503.5200 3.0150 2.01.51001.050.5inH 2 0125100755025R6R7R6PR6PPR9PRESSURER7PR9P0 0 200 400 600800 100040080012001600Free Air Flow120020001400 CFM24003m /hmbar inHg300 9.08.02507.0200 6.05.01504.0100 3.02.0501.0inH 2 0125100755025R6R7R6PR9R6PPR7PVACUUMR9P0 0 200 400 600800 100012001400 CFM400 800 1200160020002400Free Air Flow3m /h<strong>Gast</strong> advertises blower performance in Free Air Flow, or air subjected to only atmospheric pressure. (See above curves)Some blower manufacturers advertise vacuum performance in CFM Inlet Air - measurement of the suction of air at a specific temperature at the inlet port anda specific discharge pressure at the exhaust port, which can be perceived as enhanced performance over Free Air Flow rated blowers. Therefore, we are alsoproviding the following vacuum performance for <strong>Gast</strong> blowers in CFM Inlet Air for comparison to other blower manufacturer’s advertising.mbar inHg300 9.08.02507.0200 6.05.01504.0100 3.02.0501.0inH 2 0125100755025R7R6R6PR6PPR9R7PVACUUMR9P0 0 200 400 600800 100012001400 CFM400 800 1200160020002400CFM Inlet Air3m /<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 9

R1 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R1102, R1102C, R1102KMax. Pressure – 28.5 inH 2O (60 Hz), 21 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. Vacuum – 26.5 inH 2O (60 Hz), 20 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. Air flow – 27 CFM (60 Hz), 23 CFM (50 Hz)AC MotorPRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phaseAC motors• Estimated 3,000 hour brush life on 12 volt DC motor• Can be operated with no air flow through unit.• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingDC MotorRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AJ496• Inlet filter AJ126B (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151A (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121B• K899 foam replacement kit for R1102Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Models R1102, R1102C, R1102K,8.86 AC Motor225,049.21 DC Motor233,937.80198,128.51216,154.56115,82INOUT3.5489,92 8.33Full R. Typ.211,58 2 x .4110,416.50165,106.75171,451.1729,72.399,912.9574,936.50165,106.75171,457.58192,532 x 1"Pipe12 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R1 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR1102R1102CR1102KR1302MotorEnclosureTEFCTEFCTEFCTEFCHP/kW60Hz . 125/0,09. 125/0,09. 125/0,09.125/0.0950Hz . 10/0,07- - .10/0,07Voltage60Hz 115/208-230-1115-112VDC208-230/460-350Hz 110/220-240-1- - 190-220/380-415-3Amps60Hz 2.0/1.1-1.0 1.8 19@ 12V DC1.0-1.1/ 550Hz 2.0/1.1-1.0 - - 1.0-1.1/.5-. 6Starting Amps60Hz 8.5@ 115V9.7 145@ 12V DC3.7 @ 23050Hz 8.6@ 220V- - 3.6 @ 220InsulationClassB B H BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size 00/0000- 00/00NetWeight (lbs/kg)16/7,3 16/7,3 16/7,3 16/7, 3Product Performancembar psig751.0inH 2 030PRESSUREmbar75inHginH 2 030VACUUM5025. Hz60 Hz12V DC50252. Hz60 Hz12V DCPowerInputWatts00 5 10 15 202502001501005010 20 30Free Air Flow50 Hz60 Hz25 30 CFM40 503m /h80Blower60Air Temp 4050 HzORise ( F)60 Hz2000 5 10 15 20 25 302550 75PressureinH 2 0mbarPowerInput(Watts)00 5 10 15 20250200150100501050 Hz60 Hz25 30CFM320 30 40 50 m /hFree Air Flow80Blower 6050 HzAir Temp 40O60 HzRise ( F) 2000 5 10 15 20 25 30 inH 2 02550 75<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 13

R2 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R2103, R2105, R2303A, R2305BMax. Pressure – 39 inH 2O (60 Hz), 30 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. Vacuum – 35 inH 2O (60 Hz), 25 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 42 CFM (60 Hz), 33 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phase motors• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be operated with no air flow through unit• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AJ496• Inlet filter AJ126B (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151B (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121B• Foam replacement kit K900Product Dimensions (inches, mm)10.85 (R2305B)275,5910.57 (R2105)268,489.90 (R2103,R2303A)251,468.93226,82R2303A cap box willadd .41 in. to overallwidth.OUT2 x 1" Pipe9.29235,974.88123,95IN1.1829,979.46240,283.0076,202.3860,454 x .44 Wide11,18Slots Thru1.75 1.7544,45 44,457.50190,507.84199,148.69 8.56 + DFT220,73 217,42.389,6514 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R2 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR2103R2105R2303AR2305BMotorEnclosureTEFCTEFCTEFCTEFCHP/kW60Hz . 33/0,2 5. 50/0,3 7. 33/0,2 5.50/0,3 750Hz . 20/0,1 5. 33/0,2 5. 20/0,1 5-Voltage60Hz 115/208-230-1 115/208-230-1 208-230/460-3575- 350Hz 110/220-1 110/220-240-1 190-220/380-415-3-Amps60Hz 3.8/2.0-1.95.6/3.0-2.81.2-1.2/6. 750Hz3.8/1.95.2/2.6-3.1 1.0-1.2/.5-.53-Starting Amps60Hz 9.3@ 230V23.2@ 115V8.0@ 230V4. 250Hz 17.6@ 220V23@ 220V8.1@ 220V-InsulationClassB B B BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size00/0000/0000/0000/0 0NetWeight (lbs/kg)21/9,523/10,423/10,423/10, 4Product Performancembar psig100 1.50inH 2 040PRESSUREmbar inHg100 3.0inH 2 040VACUUM751.251.035302560 Hz752.52.035302560 Hz5025.75.50.25201510550 Hz50251.51.0.5201510550 Hz00 10 20 30 40 502550 75Free Air FlowCFM3m /h00 10 20 30 40 50 CFM325 50 75 m /hFree Air Flow500Power 40060 HzInput 300200Watts 10050 Hz0Blower 8060Air Temp4050 HzORise ( F) 2060 Hz00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 inH 2 02550Pressure75 100 mbar500Power 40060 HzInput 30020050 HzWatts 100080Blower60Air Temp60 Hz40O50 HzRise ( F) 2000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 inH 2 02550Vacuum75 100<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 15

R3 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R3105-1, R3305A-1Max. pressure – 43 inH 2O (60 Hz), 31 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 40 inH 2O (60 Hz), 28 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 53 CFM (60 Hz), 44 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phase motors• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be operated with no air flow through unit• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AJ496• Inlet filter AJ126C (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151C (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121C• Foam replacement kit K901Product Dimensions (inches, mm)10.94 (Ref)277,88Capacitor on single phase only9.72246,8910.15257,812 x 1 1/4" PipeINOUT1.3534,292.4161,21.03 Ref Typ0,763.0376,963.2582,553.2582,554 x .41 Thru10,4111.04280,424 x .41 Thru10,41.5313,461.9449,288.06204,728.12206,259.38238,251.9449,288.06 Ref204,728.12 Ref206,2516 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R3 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMotorEnclosureTEFCTEFCMODELNUMBERR3105-1R3305A-1HP/kW60Hz. 50/0,37.50/0,3 750Hz. 33/0,25.33/0,2 5Voltage60Hz115/208-230-1208-230/460-350Hz110/220-240-1190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz5.6/3.0-2.82.0-2.0/1. 050Hz5.2/2.6-3.11.6-1.8/.8-.84Starting Amps60Hz23.2@ 115V 10.0 @ 230V50Hz23@ 220V7.9 @ 220VInsulationClassB BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size00/0000/00NetWeight (lbs/kg)29/13,229/13, 2Product Performancembar psig1.61001.275.850.425inH 2 04540353025201510550 HzPRESSURE60 Hzmbar inHg100 3.02.5752.050 2 0403530252015105VACUUM50 Hz60 Hz0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 CFM320 40 60 80 100 m /hFree Air Flow00 10 20 30 40 50 60 CFM25 50 753100 m /hFree Air FlowPowerInputWattsBlowerAir TempORise ( F)60050060 Hz40030020010050 Hz0503040 50 Hz2060 Hz1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 452550 75 100PressureinH 2 0mbar500Power 40060 HzInput 30020050 HzWatts 100050BlowerAir Temp 3040 50 Hz60 HzO 20Rise ( F) 1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 inH 2 02550Vacuum75 100<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 17

R3 Series Higher PressureREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R3105-12, R3305A-13Max. pressure – 55 inH 2O (60 Hz), 40 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 50 inH 2O (60 Hz), 35 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 52 CFM (60 Hz), 43 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phase motors• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AJ496• Inlet filter AJ126C (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151C (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121CProduct Dimensions (inches, mm)10.94 (Ref)277,88Capacitor on single phase only9.72246,8910.15257,812 x 1 1/4" PipeINOUT1.3534,292.4161,21.03 Ref Typ0,763.0376,963.2582,553.2582,554 x .41 Thru10,4111.04280,424 x .41 Thru10,41.5313,461.9449,288.06204,728.12206,259.38238,251.9449,288.06 Ref204,728.12 Ref206,2518 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R3 Series Higher PressureREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR3105-12R3305A-13MotorEnclosureTEFCTEFCHP/kW60Hz. 50/0,37.50/0,3 750Hz. 33/0,25.33/0,2 5Voltage60Hz115/208-230-1208-230/460- 350Hz110/220-240-1190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz5.6/3.0-2.82.0-2.0/1. 050Hz5.2/2.6-3.11.6-1.8/.8-.8 4Starting Amps60Hz23.2@ 115V10.0 @ 230V50Hz23@ 220V7.9 @ 220VInsulationClassB BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size00/0000/00NetWeight (lbs/kg)29/13,229/13, 2Product Performancembar psig1502.0125inH 2 06050PRESSURE60 Hzmbar inHg1253.5100 3.0inH 2 05040VACUUM60 Hz1007550251.51.0.54030201050 Hz7550252. Hz0 0 10 20 30 40 50 6020 40 60 80 100Free Air FlowCFM3m /h0 0 10 20 30 4020 40 60Free Air Flow805060 CFM3100 m /hPowerInputWattsBlowerAir TempORise ( F)80060060 Hz40020050 Hz08060402050 Hz60 Hz00 10 20 30 40 502560inH 2 050 75 100 125 150 mbarPressurePowerInputWattsBlowerAir TempORise ( F)80060040050 Hz200806050 Hz4060 Hz2000 10 20 30 40 50 inH 2 02560 Hz50 75 100 125<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 19

R4 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R4110-2, R4310A-2, R4310B-1Max. pressure – 52 inH 2O (60 Hz), 38 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 48 inH 2O (60 Hz), 35 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 92 CFM (60 Hz), 75 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phase motors• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be operated with no air flow through unit• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AJ496• Inlet filter AJ126D (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151D (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121D• Relief valve AG258• Liquid separator RMS160 (vacuum)• Foam replacement kit K902Product Dimensions (inches, mm)12.82 (Ref)325,63Capacitor on single phase only11.25285,7511.80300,006.18156,971.6842,67INOUT1 1/2" NPT (2).44 Ref11,1812.44315,983.7595,252.8472,143.96100,588.93226,828.86225,0410.00254,00.035 Ref0,89.4711,942 x Full R.Mounting Hole Detail(Typ. 4) Scale 2:120 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R4 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMotorEnclosureTEFCMODELNUMBERR4110-2R4310A-2R4310B-1HP/kW60Hz1.0/0,751.0/0,751.0/0,7550Hz. 6/0,45. 6/0,45-Voltage60Hz115/208-230-1208-230/460-3575-350Hz110/220-240-1190-220/380-415-3-Amps60Hz9.8/5.2-4.93.4-3.2/1.61.2550Hz9.0/4.5-5.72.6-3.3/1.3-1.4-Starting Amps60Hz31.2@ 230V26.5@ 230V7. 650Hz34@ 220V28.4@ 220V-InsulationClassB B BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size0/0000/0000NetWeight (lbs/kg)41/18,641/18,641/18, 6TEFCTEFCProduct Performancembar psig1502.0125100 1.5751.050.525inH 2 060504030201050 HzPRESSURE60 Hzmbar inHg1253.5100 3.02.5752.050 2 0504030201050 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 20 40 60 8025 50 75 100 125 150Free Air Flow100 CFM3175m /h0 0 20 40 60 80 100 CFM2550 75 100 125 150 175m /hFree Air Flow31000Power 80060 HzInput 60040050 HzWatts 2000100BlowerAir Temp 6080 50 HzO 40Rise ( F)60 Hz2000 10 20 30 40 50 60 inH 2 02550 75 100 125 150 mbarPressure900Power60 Hz700Input500Watts50 Hz300100BlowerAir Temp 6080 50 HzO 40Rise ( F) 2060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 inH 2 02550 75 100<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 21

R4P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R4P115, R4P315AMax. pressure – 65 inH 2O (60 Hz), 50 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 60 inH 2O (60 Hz), 45 inH 2O (50Hz)Max. air flow – 127 CFM (60 Hz), 110 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phase motors• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Inlet filter AJ126D (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151E (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121D• Relief valve AG258• Liquid separator RMS200 (vacuum)• Foam replacement kit K906Product Dimensions (inches, mm)11.38 (R4P315A)289,0515.46 (R4P115)394,00Capacitor on single phase only13.26336,8013.61345,696.87 Ref174,50OUT6.98177,29IN2 x 1 1/2 (2)NPT1.8446,74Full R Typ4 x .5914,993.2582,554.50114,3013.95354,334.75120,6510.25260,3510.31261,8711.75298,45.6015,2422 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R4P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR4P115R4P315AMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz1.5/1,11.5/1, 150Hz1.0/0,751.0/0,75Voltage60Hz115/208-230-1208-230/460- 350Hz110/220-240-1190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz17.5/10-95.1-4.9/2. 550Hz14.2/8.13.9-4.3/1.9-2. 0Starting Amps60Hz58@ 230V18.5 @ 460V50Hz56@ 220V19 @ 380VInsulationClassF BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/000/00NetWeight (lbs/kg)61/27,743/24, 1TEFCTEFCProduct Performancembar psig175 2.51502.01251001.5751.050.525inH 2 07060504030201050 HzPRESSURE60 Hzmbar inHg150 4.54.01253.5100 3.02.5752.050 2 060504030201050 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 25 50 75 100125150CFM0 0 25 50 75100125 CFM50100 150Free Air Flow2002503m /h50 1003150 200 m /hFree Air Flow2000Power 1700Input 140060 Hz1100Watts 80050 Hz50080Blower6050 HzAir Temp 40ORise ( F) 2000 10 20 30 40 50255060 Hz6070 inH 2 075 100 125 150 175 mbarPressure2000Power1500Input60 Hz1000Watts50 Hz500100Blower 8050 HzAir Temp 60O 40Rise ( F) 2060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 60 inH 2 02550 75 100 125 150<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 23

R5 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R5125-2, R5325A-2, R5325B-1Max. pressure – 65 inH 2O (60 Hz), 50 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 60 inH 2O (60 Hz), 47 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 160 CFM (60 Hz), 133 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Automatic restart thermal protection on single phase motors• Aluminum blower housing, impeller, and cover• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Inlet Filter AJ126D (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AJ497• Inline filter AJ151E (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121D• Relief valve AG258• Liquid separator RMS200 (vacuum)• Foam replacement kit K903Product Dimensions (inches, mm)16.14 (R5125-2)409,9615.23 (R5325A-2)386,8414.73 (R5325B-1)374,14Capacitor on single phase only13.56344,4213.80350,526.82 Ref173,232 x 1 1/2 PipeINOUT1.8246.237.02178,313.5590,174.50114,3014.22361,19Full R Typ4 x .59 Dia Thru14,9910.31 Ref261,8710.25 Ref260,354.75120,6510.25260,3510.31261,8711.75298,45.6115,494 x .5914.99 14,9924 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R5 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMotorEnclosureTEFCMODELNUMBERR5125-2R5325A-2R5325B-1HP/kW60Hz2.5/1,92.5/1,92.5/1, 950Hz1.5/1,11.85/1,38-Voltage60Hz115/208-230-1208-230/460-3575-350Hz110/220-240-1190-220/380-415-3-Amps60Hz21/12-106.9-6.9/3.452. 950Hz16.5/8.66.6-6.7/3.3-3.5-Starting Amps60Hz58@ 230V58@ 230V23. 450Hz42@ 230V23@ 380V-InsulationClassF B BRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/00/000NetWeight (lbs/kg)76/34,565/29,565/29, 5TEFCTEFCProduct Performancembar psig175 2.51502.01251001.575 1.050.525inH 2 070605040302010PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar inHg150 4.54.01253.5100 3.02.5752.050 2 0605040302010VACUUM50 Hz60 Hz0 0 50 100 150200CFM0 0 25 50 75 100125150 CFM50100 150 200 250Free Air Flow3003m /h50 100 150 200 250 m 3 /hFree Air FlowPower2500200060 HzInput 1500Watts 100050050 Hz80Blower60Air Temp 40ORise ( F) 2050 Hz00 10 20 30 40 5025506060 Hz70 inH 2 075 100 125 150 175 mbarPressure2500Power 200060 HzInput 1500Watts 100050 Hz500100BlowerAir Temp 6050 HzO 4060 HzRise ( F) 2000 10 20 30 40 50 60 inH 2 02550 75 100 125 150<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 25

R6 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R6125-2, R6325A-2,R6135J-10, R6335A-2, R6335B,R6150J-2, R6350A-2, R6350B-2Maximum pressure, vacuum, and air flow varies for the r6 series,depending on the model(s). Reference the chart for the specificmodel performance.Maximum Maximum MaximumPressure (inH 2O) Vacuum (inH 2O) Air Flow (CFM)MODELS 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 HzR6125-2R6325A-2R6135J-10R6335A-2R6335BR6150J-2R6350A-2R6350B-245 40 55 50 215 18080 75 80 65 215 180105 78 88 70 207 180PRODUCT FEATURES• Made in the U.S.A.• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings (R6150J-2 and R6135J-10 has ODPmotor)• Automatic restart thermal protection on R6150J-2, R6125-2,R6335A-2, R6325A-2• Aluminum cover, impeller, and housing• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Inlet filter AJ126F (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Inline filter AJ151G (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121F• Relief valve AG258• Liquid separator RMS300 (vacuum)• Foam replacement kit K904Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted horizontally, foot pad down5.01127,25LCapacitor on single phase only6.82 Ref173,2315.38390,656.08154,4315.17385,323/8-16 ThdMODEL L (in) L (mm)R6125-2 16.45 418R6325A-2 15.53 394R6135J-10 15.86 403R6335A-2 16.59 421R6335B 16.00 406R6150J-2 17.46 443R6350A-2R6350B-217.35 4417.75196,85INOUT2 x 2" NPT3.8597,795.50139,7016.01406,65.5914,99Full R1.9449,28.5213,214.92124,9711.38289,0511.42290,0711.42 Ref290,07 11.38 Ref289,05 Typ (4)26 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers www.gastmfg.com12.96329,18

R6 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMotorEnclosureTEFCHP/kW60Hz3.5/2,65.0/3,75.0/3,75.0/3, 750Hz- - 4.8/3,6-Voltage60Hz575-3230-1208-230/460-3575-350Hz- - 190-220/380-415-3-Amps60Hz3.622.313.0-12.0/6.04. 850Hz- - 14.4-13.4/7.2-6.8-Starting Amps60Hz34.9@ 575V96@ 230V125@ 230V35 @ 575V50Hz- - 57@ 380V-InsulationClassF F F FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size0 1P1/00MODELNUMBERR6125-2R6325A-2R6135J-10R6335A-2HP/kW60Hz2.5/1,92.5/1,93.5/2,63.5/2, 650Hz1.5/1,11.85/1,38- 2.5/1, 9Voltage60Hz 115/208-230-1208-230/460-3230-1208-230/460-350Hz 110/220-240-1 190-220/380-415-3- 190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz22/12.5-116.9-6.9/3.45199.7-8.8/4. 450Hz18/9.56.6-6.7/3.3-3.5- 8.8/4-3. 9Starting Amps60Hz58@ 230V58@ 230V125@ 230V50 @ 460V50Hz42@ 240V23.5@ 380V- 40.5 @ 380VInsulationClassF B F FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/00/001P1/ 0NetWeight (lbs/kg)87/39,576/34,5112/50,882/37, 2TEFCODPTEFCMODELMotorEnclosureNUMBERProduct PerformanceTEFCR6335BR6150J-2R6350A-2R6350B-2NetWeight (lbs/kg)82/37,2125/56,8112/50,8112/50, 8Models R6125-2, R6325A-2ODPTEFCTEFCmbar psig112 1.61001.275.85025.4inH 2 045403530252015105PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar inHg150 4.54.01253.5100 3.02.5752.050 2 0605040302010VACUUM50 Hz60 Hz0 0 50 100 150200250 CFM0 0 50 100 150200250CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h2500Power 200060 HzInput 150050 HzWatts 100050040Blower3060 HzAir Temp 2050 HzORise ( F) 1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 402550 75Pressure10045 inH 2 0mbar3000Power 250060 HzInput20001500Watts 100050 Hz500BlowerAir TempORise ( F)60402060 Hz50 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 60 inH 2 02550 75 100 125 150<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 27

R6 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct PerformanceModels R6135J-10, R6335A-2, R6335Bmbar psig2003.0inH 2 080PRESSUREmbar200inHg6.0inH 2 080VACUUM1501002.52.01.57060504050 Hz60 Hz1501005.04.03.07060504050 Hz60 Hz501.0.5302010502.01.03020100 0 50 100 150200250CFM0 0 50 100 150200250CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /hPower4000300060 HzInput 200050 HzWatts 1000080Blower6050 HzAir Temp 4060 HzORise ( F) 2000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 inH 2 050100 150Pressure200 mbar4000Power 300060 HzInput 200050 HzWatts 10000120Blower8050 HzAir TempORise ( F) 4060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 inH 2 050100 150Vacuum200 mbarModels R6150J-2, R6350A-2, R6350B-2mbar psig3004.02503.5200 3.02.51502.0100 1.5inH 2 0120100806040PRESSURE60 Hz50 Hzmbar250200150100inHg7. 2 0100806040VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz501.0.5200 0 50 100 150200250CFM501.5.5200 0 50 100 150200250CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /hPower45003500Input 2500Watts 1500500Blower150100Air TempORise ( F) 5000 204060 Hz50 Hz50 Hz60 8060 Hz100120inH 2 0Power4000300060 HzInput 2000Watts 10000Blower150100Air TempORise ( F) 5000 20 4050 Hz50 Hz6060 Hz80 100inH 2 050100 150 200Pressure250300mbar50100 150Vacuum200250 mbar28 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R6P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R6P335A, R6P350A, R6P350B,R6P355AMaximum pressure, vacuum, and air flow varies for the r6pseries, depending on the model(s). Reference the chart for thespecific model performance.PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Aluminum cover, impeller, and housing• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingMaximum Maximum MaximumPressure (inH 2O) Vacuum (inH 2O) Air Flow (CFM)MODELS 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 HzR6P335A 30 50 35 60 265 230R6P350AR6P350B60 70 70 70 290 245R6P355A 110 85 90 70 265 225RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Inlet filter AJ126F (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Inline filter AJ151G (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121F• Relief valve AG258• Liquid separator RMS300 (vacuum)• Foam replacement kit K907Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted horizontally, foot pad down19.92 (R6P355A)505,9717.75 (R6P350A, R6P350B)450,8516.69 (R6P335A)423,9316.75425,4518.15461,0110.50 Ref266,709.77248,162 x 2" Pipe3.1580,01Ref5.26133,605.51139,9617.00 Ref.431,804x .59 DIA. THRU14,995.00127,0011.42290,0712.80325,12.5012,<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 29

R6P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR6P335AR6P350AR6P350BR6P355AMotorEnclosureTEFCHP/kW60Hz3.5/2,65.0/3,75.0/3,75.5/4, 150Hz2.5/1,94.8/3,6- 5.0/3, 7Voltage60Hz 208-230/460-3208-230/460-3575-3208-230/460-350Hz 190-220/380-415-3 190-220/380-415-3- 190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz9.7-8.8/4.413.0-12.0/6.04.819.5-18.2/9. 150Hz8-8/4-3.914.4-13.4/7.2-6.8- 14.2-13.4/7. 1Starting Amps60Hz50@ 460V125@ 230V35@ 575V83 @ 460V50Hz40.5@ 380V57@ 380V- 72 @ 380VInsulationClassF F F FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/01/00 1/ 0NetWeight (lbs/kg)150/68176/80176/80215/98TEFCTEFCTEFCProduct PerformanceModel R6P335Ambar psig2.0125100 1.5751.050.525inH 2 05040302010PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar inHg150 4.54.01253.5100 3.02.5752.050 2 060504030201050 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 50 100 150200250300CFM0 0 50 100 150200250300CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /h3100 200 300 400 500 m /hFree Air Flow3500Power 3000 60 HzInput 25002000Watts 1500100050Blower 40Air Temp 30 60 HzO 20Rise ( F) 1000 10203050 Hz50 Hz4050inH 2 03500Power 300060 HzInput2500200050 HzWatts 15001000100Blower 8050 HzAir Temp 60O 40Rise ( F) 2060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 60inH 2 02550 75Pressure100125mbar255075 100 125 150 mbarVacuum30 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R6P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct PerformanceModels R6P350A, R6P350Bmbar psig2003.02.51502.0inH 2 0806050 HzPRESSURER6P350A60 Hzmbar inHg200 6.05.01504.0inH 2 0806050 HzR6P350AVACUUM60 HzR6P350B60 Hz100501.51.0.54020R6P350B60 Hz100503.02.01.040200 0 50 100 150200250300CFM0 0 50 100 150200250300CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /hPower50004000Input 3000Watts 2000100080Blower60Air Temp 40 60 HzORise ( F) 2000 205060 Hz50 Hz50 Hz40 60 80 inH 2 0100 150 200 mbarPressure5000Power 4000Input 3000Watts 20001000120Blower80Air TempORise ( F) 40R6P350B60 Hz00 205060 Hz4050 Hz50 Hz60100 150VACUUM60 Hz80inH 2 0200 mbarProduct PerformanceModel R6P355Ambar psig2.0125100 1.5751.050.525inH 2 05040302010PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar inHg150 4.54.01253.5100 3.02.5752.050 2 060504030201050 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 50 100 150 200100 200 300Free Air Flow250400300500CFM3m /h0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 CFM100 200 300 400 500 3m /hFree Air Flow3500Power 3000 60 HzInput 25002000Watts 1500100050Blower 40Air Temp 30 60 HzO 20Rise ( F) 1000 102520 3050 75Pressure50 Hz50 Hz4010050 inH 2 0125 mbarPower3500300060 HzInput25002000Watts 150050 Hz1000Blower1008050 HzAir Temp 60O 40Rise ( F) 2060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 6025inH 2 050 75 100 125 150<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 31

InletR6PP SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R6PP3110M (Parallel)Max. pressure – 95 inH 2O (60 Hz), 75 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 80 inH 2O (60 Hz), 65 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 520 CFM (60 Hz), 420 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Class F insulation on motors• Aluminum impeller; cast iron cover and housing• <strong>Inc</strong>ludes (2) muffler AJ121F• Smaller and less costly than two motor-mounted unitsRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Inlet Filter AJ126F (pressure), use (2)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Inline filter AJ151H (vacuum)• Relief valve AG258F• Liquid separator RMS400 (vacuum)• Muffler AJ121H (for exhaust)Product Dimensions (inches, mm)TOP VIEW8.29 Approx210,576.61 Approx167,89Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal.Outlet InletOutlet5.56141,22Note: Unit is stocked with plumbing arrangement of parallelcompressor. The end user may reverse intake and exhaustplumbing or tie the inlets together with 2” pipe to make avacuum unit.3" PipeOutlet16.75425,452" Pipe (Inlet) Typ.2 x 29.50749,302 x 18.21462,533 x 15.15384,812 x .184,578.09 7.00205,49 177,8011.59 Approx294,3923.19589,034 x .56 Thru14,229.00 Cent228,6032 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R6PP SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR6PP3110MMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz11/8, 250Hz7/5, 2Voltage60Hz208-230/460- 350Hz220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz36-35/17. 550Hz32/15.5-1 3Starting Amps60Hz181 @ 460V50Hz176 @ 380VInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size2/ 2NetWeight (lbs/kg)309/140ODPProduct Performancembar psig250 3.5inH 2 0100PRESSUREmbar200inHg6.0inH 2 080VACUUM200150100503. Hz60 Hz150100505. Hz60 Hz0 0 100 200 300400500600CFM0 0 100 200 300 400500600CFM200400 600Free Air Flow80010003m /h200400 600Free Air Flow80031000 m /h12Power 108Input60 Hz6K Watts 42125Blower 100Air Temp 75O 50Rise ( F) 2500 2060 Hz4050 Hz50 Hz6080100inH 2 010Power 860 HzInput6450 HzK Watts 20150Blower10050 HzAir TempORise ( F) 5000 10 20 30 40 506060 Hz7080inH 2 050100 150Pressure200250mbar50100 150Vacuum200<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 33

R7 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModels R7100A-3, R7100B-1Max. pressure – 125 inH 2O (60 Hz), 115 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 110 inH 2O (60 Hz), 90 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 420 CFM (60 Hz), 350 CFM (50 Hz)Product Dimensions (inches, mm)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motors with permanentlysealed ball bearings• IP54 rated enclosure on motors• Aluminum impeller; cast iron cover and housing• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133A• Inlet filter AJ126G (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Pressure/vacuum relief valve AG258• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121D• Inline filter AJ151H (vacuum)• External muffler for additional silencing AJ121G• Liquid separator RMS400 (vacuum)• Foam replacement kit K827INOUT34 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R7 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMotorEnclosureMODELNUMBERR7100A-3R7100B-1HP/kW60Hz10/7,510/7, 550Hz8/6-Voltage60Hz208-230/460-3575-350Hz190-220/380-440-3-Amps60Hz35-29.5/159. 650Hz27-23/13.5-12.3-Starting Amps60Hz120@ 460V84 @ 575V50Hz143@ 380V-InsulationClassF FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size2/11NetWeight (lbs/kg)293/133290/131TEFCTEFCProduct Performancembar psig4.53004.02503.5200 3.0150 2.01.51001.050.5inH 2 0125100755025PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar30025020015010050inHg9. 2 01201008060402050 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 100 200 300400500CFM0 0 100 200 300400500CFM200400 600Free Air Flow8003m /h200400 600Free Air Flow8003m /hPowerInputWatts150001000050000160Blower120Air Temp 80ORise ( F) 4000 25 50 755050 Hz50 Hz10060 Hz60 Hz125100 150 200 250 300PressureinH 2 0mbar10000Power 8000Input 600060 HzWatts 400050 Hz2000200Blower60 Hz150Air Temp50 Hz100ORise ( F) 5000 20 40 60 80 100 12050100 150 200 250 300VacuuminH 2<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 35

R7P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModel R7P3180M (parallel)Max. pressure – 105 inH 2O (60 Hz), 90 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 95 inH 2O (60 Hz), 85 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 795 CFM (60 Hz), 666 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Cast iron blower housing and cover. Cast aluminum impeller• Smaller and less costly than two blowers• <strong>Inc</strong>ludes external mufflers for additional silencing AJ121M (2)RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Two inlet filters AJ126G (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Pressure/vacuum relief valve AG258F• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121G• Inline filter AJ151M (vacuum)• Liquid separator RMS400 (for vacuum line)Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal.Note: Unit is stocked with plumbing arrangement of parallel compressor.The end user may reverse intake and exhaust plumbing to make a vacuum unit.14.23361,4428.47723,144" NPT2 x 10.00254,0 Approx tomufflercenter line31.87809,5018.00457,207.25 Approx184,152 1/2"Pipe20.12511,0516.62422,159.23234,4410.00254,004 x .56 Thru14,2211.24285,5010.00254,00.184,5736 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R7P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR7P3180MMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz18/13, 450Hz12/ 9Voltage60Hz230/460- 350Hz190-220/380-440- 3Amps60Hz52/2650Hz52-45/26-23Starting Amps60Hz238 @ 460V50HzConsult Factor yInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size3/ 2NetWeight (lbs/kg)438/198ODPProduct Performancembar psig3004.54.02503.5inH 2 0120100PRESSURE60 Hzmbar300250inHg9.08.07.0inH 2 0120100VACUUM200150100503. Hz6040200 0 100 200 300 400500 600 700800CFM200150100506. Hz6040200 0 100 200 30040060 Hz500 600 700800CFM200400 600 800 1000 1200Free Air Flow31400 m /h200400 600 800 1000 1200Free Air Flow31400 m /hPower2015Input 10K Watts 50Blower150100Air TempORise ( F) 5000 204060 Hz50 Hz6050 Hz8060 Hz100120 inH 2 0Power2015Input 10K Watts 50Blower150100Air TempORise ( F) 5000 204060 Hz50 Hz50 Hz6060 Hz80100120inH 2 050100 150 200Pressure250300mbar50100 150<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 37

R9 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModel R93150AMax. pressure – 125 inH 2O (60 Hz), 125 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 115 inH 2O (60 Hz), 105 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 680 CFM (60 Hz), 585 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• IP54 rated enclosure on motors• Cast iron housing, cover, and muffler enclosure.• Cast aluminum impeller• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Inlet filter AJ126M (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Pressure/vacuum relief valve AG258F• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121G• Inline filter AJ151M (vacuum)• External muffler for additional silencing AJ121H• Foam replacement kit K829Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal.20.63524,0026.13663,7022.63574,8012.09307,092 x 3.00 NPT76,209.00228,6016.54420,1218.05458,473.95100,33.6316,009.45240,0325.99660,154 x.56 Thru14,229.31236,4738 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R9 SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR93150AMotorHP/kWVoltageAmpsEnclosureStarting AmpsTEFC60Hz15/11, 150Hz10/7, 560Hz208-230/460-350Hz190-220/380-440- 360Hz50-50/2550Hz46-42/23-2160Hz173 @ 460V50Hz185 @ 440VFSize2/452/20InsulationClassRecommendedNEMA Starter2NetWeight (lbs/kg)4Product Performancembar psig350 5.0300250200150100504. 2 01401201008060402050 Hz0 0 100 200 30020050PRESSURE40060 Hz500 600400 600 800 1000Free Air Flow20Power 1560 HzInput 1050 HzK Watts 50150Blower50 Hz100Air TempORise ( F) 50 60 Hz00 20 40 60 80 100 120700100 150 200 250 300 350PressureCFM1200 3m /h140 inH 2 0mbarmbar inHg300 9.0250200150100508. 2 0120100806040200 0 100 200 300200VACUUM60 Hz400 600 800 1000Free Air Flow20Power 15Input 10 60 Hz50 HzK Watts 50150Blower10060 HzAir TempORise ( F) 5050 Hz00 20 40 60 80 100 120 inH 2 05050 Hz400500 600700 CFM12003m /h100 150 200 250 300<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 39

R9P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersModel R9P3300MMax. pressure – 125 inH 2O (60 Hz), 110 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 110 inH 2O (60 Hz), 100 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 1350 CFM (60 Hz), 1140 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved ODP motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Cast iron blower housing and covers. Cast aluminum impellers• Smaller and less costly than two motor-mounted units• <strong>Inc</strong>ludes external mufflers for additional silencing AJ121H (2)RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133• Two inlet filters AJ126M (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Two pressure/vacuum relief valves AG258F mounted incustomer supplied plumbing• Silencer for each vacuum relief valve AJ121G• External muffler for additional silencing AJ121N• Two inline filters (vacuum) AJ151M mounted in parallel incustomer provided plumbingProduct Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal.Note: Unit is stocked with plumbing arrangement of parallel compressor.End user may reverse intake and exhaust plumbing to make a vacuum unit.16.38416,0532.78832,615" NPT Exhaust37.56954,0220.63524,006" O.D. for hose slip on1.5338,867.76 Approx197,1022.54572,5218.79477,273" Pipe10.76273.310.00254,0012.00304,84 x .56 Thru14,2211.5012.74292.10323,60.184,5740 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R9P SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR9P3300MMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz30/22, 350Hz19/14, 1Voltage60Hz230/460-350Hz190-220/380-440- 3Amps60Hz78/3950Hz76-70/38-35Starting Amps60Hz280 @ 460V50Hz185 @ 440VInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size3/ 3NetWeight (lbs/kg)622/327ODPProduct Performancembar psig4.53004.02503.5200 3.02.51502.0100 2 0125100755025PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar400300200100inHg11108642inH 2 0150125100755025VACUUM50 Hz60 Hz0 0 200 400 6008001000 12001400 CFM0 0 100 200 300400500 600700CFM5001000 1500Free Air Flow200032375 m /h200400 600 800 1000Free Air Flow1200 3m /h40Power 3060 HzInput 20K Watts 1050 Hz0150Blower 120Air Temp 90O 60Rise ( F) 3050 Hz60 Hz00 25 50 75 100 125 inH 2 030Power20 60 HzInputK Watts1050 Hz0200Blower150Air Temp 100O60 HzRise ( F) 5050 Hz00 25 50 75 100 125 150 inH 2 050100 150 200 250 300Pressurembar100200Vacuum300 400<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 41

R4H SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersHigh Pressure ModelsModels R4H3060AMax. pressure – 284 inH 2O (60 Hz), 284 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 183 inH 2O (60 Hz), 183 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 128 CFM (60 Hz), 107 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• IP54 rated enclosure on motors• Cast aluminum dual impeller, blower housing, and cover• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133F• Inlet filter AJ126D (pressure)• Pressure relief valve PV102 (60Hz), PV098 (50Hz)• Vacuum gauge AE134F• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Vacuum relief valve AG258• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121D• Inline filter AJ151E (vacuum)• External muffler for additional silencing AJ121F• Foam replacement kit K905Product Dimensions (inches, mm)21.47545,3416.90429,2618.82478,0310.63270,002 x 2" Pipe3.1680,266.54166,1218.29464,572 x 5.51139,954 x .59 Thru14,99.51 Typ12,952.5063,502 x 5.71145,0312.80325,122.5063,5042 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R4H SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR4H3060AR4H3060BMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz6/4.46/4, 450Hz5/3.7-Voltage60Hz208-230/460-3575-350Hz190-220/380-440-3-Amps60Hz19.5-18.2/9.17. 350Hz16.8-16.0/8.4-8.0-Starting Amps60Hz83@ 460V67 @ 575V50Hz72@ 380V-InsulationClassF FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/00NetWeight (lbs/kg)200/91200/91TEFCTEFCProduct Performancembar psig750 11700 106008500400 630042002100inH 2 03002502001501005050 HzPRESSURE60 Hzmbar500400300200100inHg15105inH 2 020017515012510075502550 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 20 40 60 80 100 12040 80 120 160 200Free Air Flow140 CFM3240 m /h0 0 20 40 60 80 100 12040 80 120 160 200Free Air Flow140 CFM3240 m /hPower8000600060 HzInput 4000Watts 200050 Hz0250Blower 20050 HzAir Temp 15060 HzO 100Rise ( F) 5000 50 100 150 200 250 300 inH 2 0100200300 400 500Pressure600700mbar5000Power 400060 HzInput 3000200050 HzWatts 10000250Blower 20050 HzAir Temp 15060 HzO 100Rise ( F) 5000 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 inH 2 0100200<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 43

R4H SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersHigh Pressure ModelsModel R4H3060A-1 (vacuum only)Max. vacuum – 204 inH 2O (60 Hz), 176 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 121 CFM (60 Hz), 101 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved TEFC motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• IP54 rated enclosure on motors• Cast aluminum dual impeller, blower housing, and cover• Can be mounted in any plane• Inlet and outlet have internal mufflingRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Vacuum gauge AE134F• Vacuum relief valve AG258• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121D• Inline filter AJ151E (vacuum)• External muffler for additional silencing AJ121FProduct Dimensions (inches, mm)21.47545,3416.90429,2618.82478,0310.63270,002 x 2" Pipe3.1680,266.54166,1218.29464,572 x 5.51139,954 x .59 Thru14,99.51 Typ12,952.5063,502 x 5.71145,0312.80325,122.5063,5044 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R4H SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMotorEnclosureTEFCMODELNUMBERR4H3060A-1HP/kW60Hz6/4, 550Hz5/3, 7Voltage60Hz208-230/460- 350Hz190-220/380-440- 3Amps60Hz19.5-18.2/9. 150Hz16.8-16.0/8.4-8. 0Starting Amps60Hz83 @ 460V50Hz72 @ 380VInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/ 0NetWeight (lbs/kg)200/9 1Product PerformanceinHginH 2 0CFMinH 2<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 45

InletR6PS SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersHigh Pressure ModelsModel R6PS3110M (staged)Max. pressure – 170 inH 2O (60 Hz),145 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 130 inH 2O (60 Hz),110 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 280 CFM (60 Hz), 230 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Aluminum impeller; cast iron cover and housing• <strong>Inc</strong>ludes muffler AJ121F• Smaller and less costly than two motor-mounted unitsRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133A• Inlet filter AJ126F (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Inline filter AJ151H (vacuum)• Relief valve AG258• Liquid separator RMS300 (vacuum)Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal.TOP VIEW2" PipeOutlet4.75 Approx120,65Outlet InletOutlet8.29 Approx210,576.61 Approx167,892" PipeOutlet29.50 Approx749,3016.75425,452 x 18.21462,534 x 15.15384,812 x 18.004,578.09205,497.00177,8023.19589,034 x .56 Thru14,229.00 Cent228,6046 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R6PS SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR6PS3110MMotorEnclosureOPE NHP/kW60Hz11/8, 250Hz7/5, 2Voltage60Hz208-230/460- 350Hz220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz36-35/17. 550Hz32/15.5-1 3Starting Amps60Hz181 @ 460V50Hz176 @ 380VInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size2/ 2NetWeight (lbs/kg)309/140Product Performancembar psig500 7.56.54005.5300 4.53.52002.5100 1.5.5inH 2 020015010050PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar35030025020015010050inHg10. 2 014012010080604020VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz0 0 50 100 150200250300 CFM0 0 50 100 150200250300 CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4003500 m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4003500 m /h15Power10 60 HzInput5K Watts50 Hz0200Blower150Air Temp 100 60 HzORise ( F) 5050 Hz00 50 100 150100200 inH 2 0200 300 400 500 mbarPressure10Power 860 HzInput 64K Watts 250 Hz0200Blower150Air Temp 100O60 HzRise ( F) 5050 Hz00 20 40 60 80 100 12050100150 200 250 300 350Vacuum140 inH 2<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 47

R7S SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersHigh Pressure ModelsModel R7S3180M (staged)Max. pressure – 200 inH 2O (60 Hz), 170 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 150 inH 2O (60 Hz), 130 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 430 CFM (60 Hz), 350 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Cast iron blower housing and cover. Cast aluminum impeller• <strong>Inc</strong>ludes external muffler for additional silencing AJ121GRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133A• Inlet filter AJ126G (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Pressure/vacuum relief valve AG258F• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121G• Inline filter AJ151H (vacuum)• Liquid separator RMS400 (for vacuum line)Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal48 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R7S SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR7S3180MMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz18/13, 450Hz12/ 9Voltage60Hz230/460- 350Hz190-220/380-440- 3Amps60Hz52/2650Hz52-45/26-23Starting Amps60Hz238 @ 460V50HzConsult Factor yInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size3/ 2NetWeight (lbs/kg)431/195, 7ODPProduct Performancembar psig inH 2 0500 7.5 2006.54005.5 150300 4.53.5 1002002.5100 1.550.5PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar500400300200100inHg1412108642inH 2 020015010050VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz0 0 100 200 300400500CFM0 0 100 200 300400500 CFM200400 600Free Air Flow8003m /h200400 600Free Air Flow8003m /h20Power 1560 HzInput 1050 HzK Watts 50200Blower15050 HzAir Temp 10060 HzORise ( F) 5000 50 100 150 200 inH 2 0100200 300 400 500 mbarPressure15Power60 Hz10Input5K Watts50 Hz0200Blower150Air Temp 100 60 HzORise ( F) 5050 Hz00 50 100 150100200 inH 2 0200 300 400 500<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 49

R9S SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersHigh Pressure ModelsModel R9S3300MMax. pressure – 222 inH 2O (60 Hz), 208 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. vacuum – 149 inH 2O (60 Hz), 142 inH 2O (50 Hz)Max. air flow – 660 CFM (60 Hz), 585 CFM (50 Hz)PRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged construction, low maintenance• Oilless operation• UL and CSA approved motor with permanentlysealed ball bearings• Cast iron housing, cover and muffler enclosure. Cast aluminumimpeller• External muffler for additional silencing AJ121H• Smaller and less costly than two motor-mounted unitsRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES• Pressure gauge AE133F• Inlet filter AJ126M (pressure)• Vacuum gauge AE134• Vacuum gauge for monitoring inlet filter restriction AJ497• Pressure/vacuum relief valve AG258F• Silencer for vacuum relief valve AJ121G• Inline filter AJ151M (vacuum)Product Dimensions (inches, mm)Note: Unit must be mounted with shaft horizontal37.56 Approx.954,023" Pipe Inlet2 x 12.90 Approx327,6032.78832,6120.63524,002 x 7.76197,1022.54572,5118.79 Typ477,273" Pipe Outlet.184,5710.00254,0011.00279,4012.00304,804 x .56 through14,228.50215,909.74247,4050 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R9S SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR9S3300MMotorEnclosureHP/kW60Hz30/22, 350Hz19/14, 3Voltage60Hz230/460-350Hz190-220/380-440- 3Amps60Hz98/4950Hz82-47/41-39Starting Amps60Hz320 @ 460V50Hz308 @ 440VInsulationClassFRecommendedNEMA Starter Size3/ 3NetWeight (lbs/kg)606,275ODPProduct Performancembar psig inH 2 06009.0 2508.0500 7.02004003002001006. Hz60 Hzmbar400300200100inHg11108642inH 2 0150125100755025VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz0 0 100 200 300400500 600700 CFM0 0 100 200 300400500 600700CFM200400 600 800 1000Free Air Flow1200 3m /h200400 600 800 1000Free Air Flow1200 3m /h40Power 3060 HzInput 20K Watts 100200Blower150Air Temp 100ORise ( F) 5050 Hz00 50 100 15010050 Hz20060 Hz200 300 400 500 600Pressure250 inH 2 0mbar30Power20 60 HzInputK Watts1050 Hz0200Blower150Air Temp 100O60 HzRise ( F) 5050 Hz00 25 50 75 100 125 150 inH 2 0100200Vacuum300 400<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 51

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersExplosion Proof MotorsMaximum Maximum MaximumPressure (inH 2 O) Vacuum (inH 2 O) Air Flow (CFM)MODELS 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 HzR3105N-50 43 31 40 28 53 44R4110N-50R4310P-5051 38 48 35 92 74R4P115N-50 65 45 60 40 133 112R5125Q-50 55 — 60 — 160 —R5325R-50 65 50 65 47 160 133R3105N-50R6130Q-50 60 75 70 65 215 180R6340R-50 100 75 80 65 215 180R6P155Q-50 95 80 85 65 280 235R6P355R-50 100 80 85 65 280 232R7100R-50 100 90 110 85 425 350R4 - R7 SeriesPRODUCT FEATURES• Rugged design, maintenance free• Quiet operation within OSHA standards• Blowers and motors rated for continuous duty• UL and CSA approved multi-voltage motors, incorporatingapproved thermal protection• Motors classified as Explosion Proof Division 1 and 2, forGroup D explosive atmospheres• Motors carry full rated load at temperatures below Class Bmotor insulation limits• Class F motor insulation used in motors larger than 1 HP• Motors conform to NEMA frame sizes; motor enclosuresconform to IP54 (suitable for outdoor use)• Pilot duty thermal overload protection is standard on all 1 HPand larger motors• Double sealed motor ball bearings with a B10 life exceeding30,000 hours of continuous operation at the maximum ratedcontinuous blower load• Sealed air streams• Aluminum impeller, housing, and cover; viton shaft seal• Pressurized and leak‐tested to less than 5 cc/minuteRecommendedAccessoriesR3 Series R4 Series R4P Series R5 Series R6 Series R6P Series R7 SeriesPressure Gauge AJ496 AJ496 AE133 AE133 AE133 AE133 AE133Vacuum Gauge AJ497 AJ497 AE134 AE134 AE134 AE134 AE134Pressure Filter AJ126C AJ126D AJ126D AJ126D AJ126F AJ126F AJ126GVacuum Filter (Inline) AJ151C AJ151D AJ151D AJ151E AJ151G AJ151G AJ151H52 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct Dimensions (inches, mm)Model R3Models R6P, R7CLIFTING EYE BOLTG3/4 NPTLABEFD.59 Dia. thru(4) R6P15.56 Dia. thru(4) R714,2HJKM2" Pipe (2) (R6P)2 1/2" Pipe (2) (R7)Models R4, R4P, R5, R6CG3/4 NPT (R4, R6)1/2 NPT (R5, R4P)LMounting Hole DetailABDFProduct Dimensions (inches, mm)EMHIJK2" PIPE (2) (R6)1 1/2" PIPE (2)(R4, R4P, R5)R4110N-50 R4310P-50 R4P, R5, R6Model A B C D E F G H I J K L MR3105N-50 5.21 1.37 12.3 3.25 3.06 11.06 12.75 3.88 8.06 8.12 9.38 10.15 .53132 35 312 83 78 281 324 99 205 206 238 258 13R4110N-50 6.18 1.68 15.34 3.75 2.85 12.44 12.34 3.96 8.86 8.93 10.00 11.80 .44157 43 390 95 72 316 313 101 225 227 254 300 11R4310P-50 6.18 1.68 14.09 3.75 2.84 12.44 12.34 3.96 8.86 8.93 10.00 11.80 .44157 43 358 95 74 316 313 101 225 227 254 300 11R4P115N-50 6.98 1.84 17.41 4.50 3.25 13.93 13.75 4.75 10.25 10.31 11.75 13.61 .60177 47 442 114 83 354 349 121 260 262 298 346 15R5125Q-50 7.02 1.82 17.59 4.50 3.55 14.22 13.72 4.75 10.25 10.31 11.75 13.80 .59178 46 447 114 90 361 348 121 260 262 298 351 15R5325R-50 7.02 1.82 16.75 4.50 3.55 14.22 13.56 4.75 10.25 10.31 11.75 13.80 .59178 46 1425 114 90 361 344 121 260 262 298 351 15R6130Q-50 7.75 1.94 18.97 5.50 3.85 16.02 15.17 4.92 11.38 11.42 12.96 15.34 .52197 49 482 140 98 407 385 125 289 290 329 390 13R6340R-50 7.75 1.94 18.82 5.50 3.85 15.89 15.17 4.92 11.38 11.42 12.96 15.34 .52197 49 478 140 98 404 385 125 298 290 329 390 13R6P155Q-50 9.77 3.15 22.81 5.12 5.51 16.85 16.75 5.00 - 11.42 12.80 18.14 .50248 80 579 130 140 428 425 127 - 290 325 461 13R6P355R-50 9.77 3.15 19.92 5.12 5.51 16.85 16.75 5.00 - 11.42 12.80 18.14 .50248 80 506 130 140 428 425 127 - 290 325 461 13R7100R-50 10.79 3.64 22.77 8.36 8.50 21.50 18.00 7.90 - 14.76 16.14 20.03 .56274 92 578 212 216 546 457 201 - 375 410 509 14Notice: Specifications subject to change without<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 53

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERR3105N-50R4110N-50R4310P-50R4P115N-50MotorEnclosureXPFCHP/kW60Hz5.5/4,16.0/4,510/7, 550Hz4.0/3,04.5/3,48.0/6, 0Voltage60Hz230-1208-230/460-3208-230/460-350Hz220-240-1190-220/380-415-3190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz29.920-18/926.5-24/1 250Hz20.8-19.114.9-11/7.45-5.823.2-21.0/11.6-10. 9Starting Amps60Hz198.4@ 230V59@ 460V105 @ 460V50Hz189@ 240VConsultFactoryConsult Factor yInsulationClassF F FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size0/21/02/ 1HP/kW60Hz. 50/0,371.0/0,751.0/0,751.5/1, 150Hz. 33/0,25. 60/0,45. 60/0,451.0/0,75Voltage60Hz115/208-230-1115/208-230-1208-230/460-3115/208-230- 150Hz110/220-240-1110/220-240-1220/380-3110/220-240- 1Amps60Hz5.2/2.9-2.611.4/6.2-5.63.4-3.3/1.620.3/11.2-10. 650Hz4.8/2.4-2.29.2/5.2-4.63.2/1.615.2/7.6-8Starting Amps60Hz12.5@ 230V36.5@ 230V19.7@ 230V60.6 @ 230V50Hz13@ 220V40.6@ 240V23.3@ 220VConsult FactoryInsulationClassB B B FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size00/000/000/01/ 0NetWeight (lbs/kg)52/2460/2858/2779/36XPFCXPFCXPFCMODELNUMBERR5125Q-50R5325R-50R6130Q-50R6340R-50MotorEnclosureXPFCNetWeight (lbs/kg)77/3575/34129/59112/51XPFCXPFCXPFCMODELNUMBERR6P155Q-50R6P355R-50R7100R-50MotorEnclosureXPFCXPFCXPFCHP/kW60Hz2.0/1,52.0/1,53.0/2,24.0/3, 050Hz- 1.5/1,12.5/1,93.0/2, 2Voltage60Hz115/230-1208-230/460-3230-1208-230/460- 350Hz- 190-220/380-415-3220-240-1190-220/380-415- 3Amps60Hz25/12.56.6-6.1/3.0516.313-12/ 650Hz- 5.0-4.4/2.5-2.614.7-13.514.4-13.4/7.2-6. 8Starting Amps60Hz78@ 230V48@ 230V64@ 230V125 @ 230V50Hz- ConsultFactor yConsultFactoryConsult FactoryInsulationClassF F F FRecommendedNEMA Starter Size1/00/01 1/ 0NetWeight (lbs/kg)243/110233/105297/13454 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersR3105N-50mbar psig1.61001.275.850.425inH 2 04540353025201510550 HzPRESSURE60 Hzmbar inHg100 3.02.5752.050 2 0403530252015105VACUUM50 Hz60 Hz0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 CFM320 40 60 80 100 m /hFree Air Flow00 10 20 30 40 50 60 CFM25 50 753100 m /hFree Air Flow600Power60 Hz400Input20050 HzWatts0150Blower50 HzAir Temp10060 HzORise ( F) 5000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 452550 75 100PressureinH 2 0mbar500Power 40060 HzInput 30020050 HzWatts 100050BlowerAir Temp 3040 50 Hz60 HzO 20Rise ( F) 1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 inH 2 02550Vacuum75 100 mbarR4110N-50/R4310P-50mbar psig1502.0125100 1.5751.050.525inH 2 060504030201050 HzPRESSURE60 Hzmbar125100755025inHg3. 2 0504030201050 HzVACUUM60 Hz0 0 20 40 60 8025 50 75 100 125 150Free Air Flow100 CFM3175m /h0 0 20 40 60 80 100 CFM50 1003150 m /hFree Air Flow1000Power 800 60 HzInput 60040050 HzWatts 2000160Blower50 Hz12060 HzAir Temp 80ORise ( F) 4000 10 20 30 40 502560inH 2 050 75 100 125 150 mbarPressurePower100080060 HzInput 600Watts 400 50 Hz200150Blower 12050 HzAir Temp 90O 60Rise ( F) 3060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 inH 2 02550 75 100 125<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 55

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersR4P115N-50mbar psig175 2.51502.01251001.5751.050.525inH 2 070605040302010PRESSURE50 Hz60 Hzmbar150125100755025inHg4. 2 0605040302010VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz0 0 25 50 75 10050 100 150Free Air Flow125200150250CFM3m /h0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 CFM50 1003150 200 250 m /hFree Air Flow2300Power1700Input60 Hz1100Watts50 Hz500200Blower15050 HzAir Temp 100ORise ( F) 5000 10 20 30 40 50R5125Q-50255060 Hz6070 inH 2 075 100 125 150 175 mbarPressure2000Power1500Input60 HzWatts50050 Hz200Blower150Air Temp 10060 HzORise ( F) 50 50 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50 60 inH 2 01000255075 100 125 150Vacuummbarmbar psig1502.0125100 1.5751.0inH 2 060504030PRESSURE60 Hzmbar inHg150 4.54.01253.5100 3.02.5752.0inH 2 060504030VACUUM60 Hz5025.5201050251.51.0.520100 0 50 100 150200CFM0 0 25 50 75100125150 CFM50100 150 200 250Free Air Flow3003503m /h350 100 150 200 250 m /hFree Air FlowPower25002000Input 150060 HzWatts 10000Blower150Air Temp100ORise ( F) 5060 Hz00 10 20 30 40 502560 inH 2 050 75 100 125 150 mbarPressurePower2500200060 HzInput 1500Watts 1000500150Blower100Air Temp60 HzORise ( F) 5000 10 20 30 40 50 60 inH 2 02550 75 100 125 150 mbarVacuum56 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersR5325R-50mbar psig175 2.5inH 2 070PRESSUREmbar inHg175 5.0inH 2 070VACUUM1501252.0605060 Hz1501254.0605060 Hz1007550251.51.0.54030201050 Hz1007550253.02.01.04030201050 Hz0 0 50 100 150200 CFM0 0 25 50 75 100125150CFM50100 150 200 250Free Air Flow3003m /h50 1003150 200 250 m /hFree Air FlowPower2500200060 HzInput 1500Watts 100050 Hz500Blower150Air Temp100ORise ( F) 5050 Hz00 10 20 30 40 50R6130Q-50255060 Hz6070 inH 2 075 100 125 150 175 mbarPressurePower2500200060 HzInput 1500Watts 100050 Hz500200Blower15050 HzAir Temp 10060 HzORise ( F) 5000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 inH 2 0255075 100 125 150 175 mbarVacuummbar psig2003.0inH 2 080PRESSUREmbar inHg175 5.0inH 2 070VACUUM150100502. Hz60 Hz1501251007550254. Hz60 Hz0 0 50 100 150200250 CFM0 0 50 100 150200250CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h3500Power2500Input1500Watts500200Blower 150Air Temp 100ORise ( F) 5060 Hzwww.gastmfg.com60 Hz0 10 20 30 40 505050 Hz60100 150Pressure50 Hz7080 inH 2 0200 mbar3500Power60 Hz2500Input1500 50 HzWatts500150Blower10060 HzAir Temp 50 HzORise ( F) 5000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 inH 2 0255075 100 125 150 175Vacuummbar<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 57

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersR6340R-50mbar psig250 3.5inH 2 0100PRESSUREmbar inHg200 6.0inH 2 080VACUUM200150100503. Hz60 Hz150100505. Hz60 Hz0 0 50 100 150200250 CFM0 0 50 100 150200250 CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4003m /hPower45003500Input 2500Watts 1500500200Blower150Air Temp 100ORise ( F) 5000 2060 Hz50 Hz40 6050 Hz60 Hz80 100 inH 2 0PowerInputWatts35002500150050060 Hz50 Hz200Blower15050 HzAir Temp 10060 HzORise ( F) 5000 20 40 60 80 inH 2 0R6P155Q-5050100 150Pressure200250 mbar50100Vacuum150200mbarmbar psig250 3.5inH 2 0100PRESSUREmbar250inHg7.5inH 2 0100VACUUM200150100503. Hz40200 0 50 100 15060 Hz200250300CFM200150100506. Hz40200 0 50 100 15060 Hz200250300 CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /h7000Power5000Input3000Watts1000150BlowerAir Temp 100ORise ( F) 5000 2060 Hz50 Hz40 6050 Hz60 Hz80 100 inH 2 06000Power 5000Input 40003000Watts 20001000150Blower100Air TempORise ( F) 5000 2060 Hz4050 Hz50 Hz6060 Hz80 100 inH 2 050100 150Pressure200250 mbar50100 150Vacuum200250 mbar58 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

R3-R7 Explosion-Proof SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersR6P355R-50mbar psig250 3.53.02002.51502.0100 2 010080604020PRESSURE60 Hz50 Hzmbar25020015010050inHg7. 2 010080604020VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz0 0 50 100 150200250300CFM0 0 50 100 150200250300 CFM100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /h100200 300Free Air Flow4005003m /h6000Power 5000Input 40003000Watts 20001000200Blower150Air Temp 100ORise ( F) 5000 2060 Hz4050 Hz50 Hz60 Hz60 80 100 inH 2 05000Power 4000Input 3000Watts 20001000200Blower150Air Temp 100ORise ( F) 50 50 Hz00 2060 Hz4050 Hz60 Hz60 80100 inH 2 0R7100R-5050100 150Pressure200250 mbar50100 150Vacuum200250 mbarmbar psig inH 2 02503.5100200 3.0 802.5150602.0100 1.5 40501.020.5PRESSURE60 Hz50 Hzmbar30025020015010050inHg9. 2 012010080604020VACUUM60 Hz50 Hz0 0 100 200 300400500 CFM0 0 100 200 300400500CFM200400 600Free Air Flow8003m /h200400 600Free Air Flow8003m /h10000Power 800060 HzInput 60004000Watts 200050 Hz0200Blower50 Hz150Air Temp60 Hz100ORise ( F) 5000 20 40 60 80 100 inH 2 050100 150 200 250 mbarPressure10000Power 800060 HzInput 60004000Watts 2000050 Hz250Blower 20050 HzAir Temp 150O 100Rise ( F) 5000 20 40 60 805010060 Hz120 inH 2 0100 150 200 250 300<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 59

SD SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersProduct SpecificationsMODELNUMBERSDR4SDR5SDR6SDR6PMaximum RPM5500550055004500HP/kW required at maximum RPM and Vacuum3/2,28/611.5/8,610.6/7, 9HP/kW required at maximum RPM and Pressure4/310/7,515/11,115/11, 1NetWeight (lbs/kg)27/1237/1770/32111/50SDR4mbar psig3004.02503.5200 3.02.51502.0100 2 012010080604020PRESSURE5500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPMinHginH 2 00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 CFM350 100 150 200 250 m /hFree Air FlowCFMHorsepower4. 205500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM40 60 80 100 120 inH 2 050100 150 200Pressure250300mbarinH 2<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 61

SD SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersSDR5mbar inHg400 6.05.03004.0200 3.02.01001.0inH 2 016014012010080604020PRESSURE5500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM0 0 50 100 150 200100 200 300Free Air Flow400250CFM3m /hmbar30025020015010050inHg9. 2 012010080604020VACUUM5500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM0 0 50 100 150 200100 200 300Free Air Flow250 CFM3400 m /h8.00SDR6Horsepower10. 20401005500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM60 80 100 120 140 160 inH 2 0200 300 400 mbarPressureHorsepower6.004.002.0000 20505500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM40 60 80 100 120 inH 2 0100 150 200 250 300 mbarVacuummbar psig400 6.05.03004.0200 3.02.01001.0inH 2 016014012010080604020PRESSURE4500 RPM 5500 RPM5000 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM50 100 150 200250300 CFMmbar inHg35010.0300 9.08.02507.0200 6.05.01504.0100 3.0502.01.0inH 2 0140120100806040202850 RPMVACUUM5500 RPM5000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM0 0Free Air Flow1002003004005003m /h50 100 150 200250300CFM0 0Free Air Flow16.001002003004005003m /hHorsepower12.008.004.0000 20401006080100200Pressure5500 RPM120 140 160 inH 2 03005000 RPM4000 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM4500 RPM400 mbarHorsepower12.0010. 2040602850 RPM803450 RPM5500 RPM1005000 RPM4500 RPM4000 RPM120140 inH 2 050 100 150 200 250 300 350 mbarVacuum62 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

SD SeriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersSDR6Pmbar psig400 6.05.03004.0200 3.02.01001.0inH 2 016014012010080604020PRESSURE4500 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPMmbar inHg35010.0300 9.08.02507.0200 6.05.01504.0100 3.0502.01.0inH 2 014012010080604020VACUUM4500 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM0 0Free Air Flow50 100 150 200250300350 400 CFM50 100 150 200250300350 400CFM0 0Free Air Flow1002003004005006003m /h1002003004005006003m /h16.0012.00Horsepower12.00 4500 RPM8.004.0000 20402850 RPM60803450 RPM100120 140 160 inH 2 0Horsepower10. 20404500 RPM3450 RPM2850 RPM60 80 100120140inH 2 0100200Pressure300400mbar50100150<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 63

REGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersRegenair ® Liquid SeparatorThe separator removes liquidsfrom the gas stream in a soilvapor extraction process, tohelp protect both blower andvapor treatment system fromcorrosion and mineral depositbuildup. The separator islocated between the extractionwells and the blower. An inlinefilter is installed betweenseparator and blower.inH 2 0CFMCut away to show ball float. Abovemodel shows optional explosion prooffloat switch AJ213SpecificationsPractical Design Engineered to remove and contain moistureranging from a fine mist to slugs of water from blower inlet airstreams, <strong>Gast</strong> separators incorporate a cyclonic action whichresults in a very high degree of efficiency. A floating ball valvewhich closes when the liquid level becomes too high preventscollected liquid from overflowing back into the air stream. Whenthe float valve closes an integral vacuum relief valve opens,admitting air to cool the blower and prevent overheating.Rugged Construction <strong>Gast</strong> separator drums are made fromribbed heavy gauge cold-rolled steel, with heavy steel inlet, drainand float switch ports welded to the drum wall. Drum interiors areepoxy coated to resist abrasion, corrosion and chemicals, whilethe drum exterior is coated with durable urethane. For ease ofconnection, the outlet port of female pipe threaded. The heavyduty304 stainless steel ball float resists chemicals. Maximumrated vacuum is 22 inHg(299 inH 2O).<strong>Inc</strong>luded is a pilot operated precision relief valve capable offunctioning over a wide duty range. This vacuum relief valve isdesigned and built to proven reliability and durability standards.Moving parts are nickelplated for corrosion resistance andsmooth operation. Explosion proof AJ213 float switch is optional;single pole double throw, electrical rating 5 amp @ 125/250VAC, 1” NPT mounting.Part No. Liq. Cap.(gal.) A(dia.) Dim. B C(NPT) D(dia.) Dim. E Dim. F Used OnRMS160 10 14.8” 37.5” 2” 2” 7.5” 26.6” R3, R4, R5RMS200 19 19.7” 35” 2” 2” 7.5” 26.6” R4, R4H, R4P, R5RMS300 19 19.7” 35” 2.5” 2.5” 7.5” 26.6” R4H, R4M, R5, R6, R6P, R6PS, R7HRMS400 40 24” 44” 3” 3” 9.7” 29” R6PP, R4M, R6, R6P, R7, R7S, R7P, R7H,R9, R9S64 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

2AccessoriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersMufflersDesigned to reduce noise by 5-8 dBa and remove high frequencysound associated with all blowers.Part No. Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Used OnAJ121B 7.46” 2.38” 1” NPT R1, R2AJ121C 7.94” 2.62” 1 1 / 4” NPT R3AJ121D 12.75” 3.25” 1 1 / 2” NPT R4, R5, R4P, R4H, R7AJ121F 17.05” 3.63” 2” NPT R4H, R6, R6P, R6PP, R6PSAJ121G 17.44” 4.25” 2 1 / 2” NPT R7, R7P, R7S,AJ121H 20.25” 4.75” 3” NPT R6PP (Exhaust), R9, R9P, R9SAJ121M 33.50” 6.00” 4” NPT R7P (Exhaust)Pressure-Vacuum GaugeTo monitor the system performance so maximumduties are not exceeded. Using two gauges(one on each side of the filter) is a great wayto know when the filter needs servicing.40604020068010012014016011810Part No.Used OnAJ497 Vacuum gauge 0-60 inH 2O, 1/4” NPT connection R1, R2, R3, R4 R4H, R4P, R5, R7, R7P, R7S, R9, R9P, R9SAE134 Vacuum gauge 0-160 inH 2O, 1/4” NPT connection R4P, R6PP, R6PS, R6P, R4M, R6, R7, R7S, R7P, R9, R9P, R9SAE134F Vacuum gauge 0-15 inHg, 1/4” NPT connection R4H,AE133 Pressure gauge 0-160 inH 2O, 1/4” NPT connection R6PP, R6P, R5, R4P, R6, R7P, R9, R9PAE133A Pressure gauge 0-200 inH 2O, 1/4” NPT connection R6PS, R7, R7SAE133F Pressure gauge 0-15 psi, 1/4” NPT connection R4H, R9SAJ496 Pressure gauge 0-60 inH 2O, 1/4” NPT connection R1, R2, R3, R4Check ValveDesigned to prevent back-wash of fluids that would enterthe blower. Also prevents air back-streaming if needed.Can be mounted with discharge either vertical or horizontal.Valve will open with 3” of water pressure.Part No. Dim. A Dim. B Dia. CAH326B 3.57” 2.32” 1” NPTAH326C 4.19” 2.69” 1 1 / 4” NPTAH326D 4.50” 2.94” 1 1- / 2” NPTAH326F 5.25” 3.82” 2” NPTRelief ValveBy setting a relief valve at a given pressure/vacuum youcan ensure excessive duties will not harm the blower orproducts in your application.AG258 SeriesPV SeriesPart No.Used OnAG258 Relief valve 1-1/2” NPT adjustable 30-200 inH 2O, vac. or press., 200 CFM max. R4, R4H, R4P, R5, R6, R6P, R6PS, R7AG258F Relief valve 2-1/2” NPT adjustable 25-200 inH 2Os, vacuum or pressure, 570 CFM R6PP, R7P, R7S, R9, R9P, R9SPV102 Relief valve For pressure, pre-set for 10.2 psi, 1-1/4” NPT connection (60 Hz)<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 65

AccessoriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersFiltersInlet filters (for pressure)Part No. Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Filter Replacement Used OnAJ126B 6.00” 4.62” 1” MPT AJ134B (10 micron) R1, R2AJ126C 6.00” 7.12” 1 1 / 4” MPT AJ134C (10 micron) R3AJ126D 7.70” 7.25” 1 1 / 2” MPT AJ134E (10 micron) R4, R4H, R4P, R5AJ126F 10.63” 4.81” 2” MPT AG340 (10 micron) R6, R6P, R6PS, R6PP, R9AJ126G 10.00” 13.12” 2 1 / 2” MPT AJ135A (10 micron) R7, R7P,AJ126L 10.00” 14.62” 4” MPT AJ135C (10 micron) Consult factoryAJ126M 16.00” 14.62” 5” MPT AJ135H (10 micron) Consult factoryMPT = Male Pipe Thread. FPT = Female Pipe Thread. All are heavy-duty for high amounts of particulates.Inlet filters for REGENAIR ® blowers are drip-proof when mounted as shown.FiltersIn locations where there are high amounts of dust, powder, or dirt suspended in the air, inline filters (for vacuum applications)and inlet filters (pressure applications), should be used. Keeping particulates from entering the blower will ensuresmooth operation and trouble free service life.Inline filters (for vacuum)AV seriesPart No. Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. D Used OnAV460 8 1 / 4” 8 7 / 8” 1” FPT 1” FPT R1, R2AV460C 8 1 / 4” 8 7 / 8” 1 1 / 4” FPT 1 1 / 4” FPT R3FReplacement elements for AV460 and AV460C:AV463A - Cloth bag, 50 micron, sold in 3 pack (letter F on diagram).AV469A - Paper filter, 5-10 micron, sold in 12 pack (letter E on diagram).AJ seriesPart No. Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. D Dim.E Filter Replacement Used OnAJ151A 5.88” 4.50” 2.75” 1” FPT 1” FPT AJ135D (10 micron) R1AJ151B 7.38” 6.81” 4.62” 1” FPT 1” FPT AJ135E (10 micron) R2AJ151C 7.38” 6.81” 4.62” 1 1 / 4” FPT 1 1 / 4” FPT AJ135E (10 micron) R3AJ151D 7.38” 6.81” 4.62” 1 1 / 2” FPT 1 1 / 2” FPT AJ135E (10 micron) R4, R4PAJ151E 8.75” 10.25” 5.00” 2” FPT 2” FPT AJ135F (10 micron) R4H, R4P, R5AJ151G 8.75” 10.50” 5.50” 2 1 / 2” FPT 2 1 / 2” FPT AJ135G (10 micron) R6, R6P,AJ151H 14.00” 27.13” 18.50” 3” MPT 3” MPT AJ135C (10 micron) R6PP, R6PS, R7AJ151M 18.50” 28.13” 19.50” 5” MPT 5” MPT AJ135H (10 micron) R7P, R7S, R9, R9P, R9SMPT = Male Pipe Thread. FPT = Female Pipe Thread. All are heavy-duty for high amounts of particulates.Inline filters for REGENAIR ® blowers are drip-proof when mounted as shown.66 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

AccessoriesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersRegenair ® Filter Restrictions with Clean ElementInlet FiltersBlower Filter Restriction ininH 2O at CFM FlowIndicatedR1 AJ126B 2.2” @ 27 CFMR2 AJ126B 4.5” @ 40 CFMR3 AJ126C 2.5” @ 50 CFMR4H AJ126D 8” @ 120 CFMR4 AJ126D 4” @ 85 CFMR4P AJ126D 8” @ 120 CFMR5 AJ126D 11” @ 146 CFMR6 AJ126F 7” @ 200 CFMR6P/R6PS AJ126F 11” @ 265 CFMR6PP (2) AJ126F 10” @ 240 CFMR7/R7S AJ126G 12” @ 400 CFMR7P (2) AJ126G 12”@ 400 CFMR9S AJ126M Consult factoryR9P AJ126M Consult factoryInline FiltersBlower Filter Restriction inSize Number inH 2O at CFM FlowIndicatedR1 AJ151A 1” @ 25 CFMAV4602” @ 25 CFMR2 AJ151B 2” @ 40 CFMAV4605” @ 40 CFMR3 AJ151C 2” @ 50 CFMAV460C3” @ 50 CFMR4 AJ151D 3” @ 100 CFMR4P AJ151E 3” @ 100 CFMR4H AJ151E 3” @ 120 CFMR5 AJ151E 4” @ 160 CFMR6 AJ151G 2” @ 200 CFMR6P/R6PS AJ151G 3” @ 300 CFM6PP AJ151H 8”@ 400 CFMR9S AJ151 M Consult factoryR9P AJ151 M Consult<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 67

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersStandard ConversionsMultiply By To GetAtmospheres 29.92 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of MercuryAtmospheres 14.70 PsiAtomspheres 76.0 Cms of MercuryBars 0.9869 AtmospheresBars 14.50 PsiBritish Thermal Units 3.927 x 10 -4 Horsepower-HoursBritish Thermal Units 2.928 x 10 -4 Kilowatt-HoursCentimeters of Mercury 0.1934 PsiCubic Feet 7.481 GallonsCubic Feet 28.32 LitersCubic Feet/Minute 1.6992 Cubic Meters/HourCubic Meters/Hour .5886 Cubic Feet/MinuteCubic Meters 35.31 Cubic FeetCubic Meters 61,023 Cubic <strong>Inc</strong>hesCubic Meters 1.308 Cubic YardsHorsepower 42.44 British Thermal Units/Min.Horsepower 745.7 WattsHorsepower .746 KilowattsHorsepower-Hours 2547 British Thermal Units<strong>Inc</strong>hes 2.540 Centimeters<strong>Inc</strong>hes 25.40 Millimeters<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Mercury 0.03342 Atomspheres<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Mercury 13.60 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of Water<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Mercury 0.4912 Psi<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Water 0.07355 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of Mercury<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Water 25.40 Kgs/Sq. Meter<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Water 0.03613 Psi<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Water 1.868 Mm of Mercury<strong>Inc</strong>hes of Water 2.491 mbarKilograms/Sq. cm 14.22 PsiKilopascals (kpa) 0.145 PsiKilowatts 1.341 HorsepowerKilowatts 56.92 British Thermal Units/Min.Kilowatt-Hours 3415 British Thermal UnitsLiters 61.02 Cubic <strong>Inc</strong>hesLiters 0.03531 Cubic FeetMillibar .0145 PsiMillibar .402 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of WaterMms. of Mercury 0.0394 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of MercuryMms. of Mercury 0.01934 PsiPsi 0.06804 AtmospheresPsi 27.7 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of WaterPsi 2.036 <strong>Inc</strong>hes of MercuryPsi .07031 Kgs/Sq. CentimeterPsi 6.895 Kilopascals (kpa)Psi 68.95 mbarPsi .069 barPounds of Water 27.68 Cubic <strong>Inc</strong>hesPounds of WaterEvaporated at 212° F 970.3 British Thermal UnitsTemp. (Degs.C.) + 273 1 Abs. Temp. (Degs.C.)Temp. (Degs.C.) + 17.8 1.8 Temp. (Degs. Fahr.)Temp. (Degs. F.) + 460 1 Abs. Temp. (Degs F.)Temp. (Degs. F.) - 32 5/9 Temp. (Degs. Cent.)Watts 0.05692 British Thermal Units/Min.Watts 1.341 x 10 -3 HorsepowerWatts 10 -3 KilowattsWatts-Hour 3.415 British Thermal UnitsWatts-Hour 1.341 x 10- Horsepower/HoursWatts-Hour 10 -3 Kilowatt-Hours68 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersIP Codes (Ingress Protection)IEC 60529 outlines an international classification system forthe sealing effectiveness of enclosures of electrical equipmentagainst the intrusion into the equipment of foreign bodies (i.e.,tools, dust, fingers) and moisture. This classification systemutilizes the letters “IP” (“Ingress Protection”) followed by twodigits. (An “X” is used for one of the digits if there is only oneclass of protection; i.e., IP X 4 which addresses moisture resistanceonly.)Degrees of Protection - First DigitThe first digit of the IP code indicates the degree that personsare protected against contact with moving parts (other thansmooth rotating shafts, etc.) and the degree that equipment isprotected against solid foreign bodies intruding into an enclosure.0 No special protection1 Protection from a large part of the body such as a hand(but no protection from deliberate access); from solidobjects greater than 50 mm in diameter2 Protection against fingers or other objects not greater than80mm in length and 12 mm in diameter3 Protection from entry by tools, wires, etc., with a diameter orthickness greater than 2.5 mm4 Protection from entry by solid objects with a diameter orthickness greater than 1.0 mm5 Protection from the amount of dust that would interfere withthe operation of the equipment6 Dust-tightDegrees of Protection - Second DigitThe second digit indicates the degree of protection of the equipmentinside the enclosure against the harmful entry of variousforms of moisture (e.g. dripping, spraying, submersion, etc.).0 No special protection1 Protection from dripping water2 Protection from vertically dripping water3 Protection from sprayed water4 Protection from splashed water5 Protection from water projected from a nozzle6 Protection against heavy seas, or powerful jets of water7 Protection against immersion8 Protection against complete, continuous submersion in waterAir Flow Through An Orifice (in CFM)• Downstream pressure = 14.7 psia (standard atmospheric pressure)• Air Temperature = 70 °F (21 °C)• Cd (discharge coefficient) = 0.65 (for sharp edge orifice — See drawing)Up StreamPressureOrifice Diameters (in <strong>Inc</strong>hes)in. H 2O 1/32 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 31.00 0.014 0.054 0.217 0.489 0.869 1.36 1.96 2.66 3.48 7.82 13.9 21.7 31.3 42.6 55.6 70.4 86.9 105 1252.00 0.019 0.077 0.307 0.691 1.23 1.92 2.76 3.76 4.92 11.1 19.7 30.7 44.2 60.2 78.6 99.5 123 149 1773.00 0.024 0.094 0.376 0.846 1.50 2.35 3.39 4.61 6.02 13.5 24.1 37.6 54.2 73.7 96.3 122 150 182 2174.00 0.027 0.109 0.434 0.977 1.74 2.71 3.91 5.32 6.95 15.6 27.8 43.4 62.6 85.1 111 141 174 210 2505.00 0.030 0.121 0.486 1.09 1.94 3.04 4.37 5.95 7.77 17.5 31.1 48.6 69.9 95.2 124 157 194 235 28010.00 0.043 0.172 0.686 1.54 2.75 4.29 6.18 8.41 11.0 24.7 43.9 68.6 98.9 135 176 222 275 332 39515.00 0.053 0.210 0.840 1.89 3.36 5.25 7.56 10.3 13.4 30.3 53.8 84.0 121 165 215 272 336 407 48420.00 0.061 0.242 0.970 2.18 3.88 6.06 8.73 11.9 15.5 34.9 62.1 97.0 140 190 248 314 388 469 55925.00 0.068 0.271 1.08 2.44 4.34 6.77 9.76 13.3 17.3 39.0 69.4 108 156 212 277 351 434 525 62430.00 0.074 0.297 1.19 2.67 4.75 7.42 10.7 14.5 19.0 42.7 76.0 119 171 233 304 385 475 574 68435.00 0.080 0.320 1.28 2.88 5.13 8.01 11.5 15.7 20.5 46.1 82.0 128 185 251 328 415 513 620 73840.00 0.086 0.342 1.37 3.08 5.48 8.56 12.3 16.8 21.9 49.3 87.6 137 197 268 351 444 548 663 78945.00 0.091 0.363 1.45 3.27 5.81 9.07 13.1 17.8 23.2 52.3 92.9 145 209 285 372 470 581 703 83650.00 0.096 0.382 1.53 3.44 6.12 9.56 13.8 18.7 24.5 55.1 97.9 153 220 300 392 496 612 740 88155.00 0.100 0.401 1.60 3.61 6.41 10.0 14.4 19.6 25.7 57.7 10.3 160 231 314 411 520 641 776 92460.00 0.105 0.419 1.67 3.77 6.70 10.5 15.1 20.5 26.8 60.3 107 167 241 328 429 542 670 810 96465.00 0.109 0.435 1.74 3.92 6.97 10.9 15.7 21.3 27.9 62.7 111 174 251 341 446 564 697 843 100370.00 0.113 0.452 1.81 4.06 7.23 11.3 16.3 22.1 28.9 65.0 116 181 260 354 463 585 723 874 104175.00 0.117 0.467 1.87 4.21 7.48 11.7 16.8 22.9 29.9 67.3 120 187 269 366 479 606 748 905 107780.00 0.121 0.482 1.93 4.34 7.72 12.1 17.4 23.6 30.9 69.5 124 193 278 378 494 625 772 934 111285.00 0.124 0.497 1.99 4.47 7.95 12.4 17.9 24.4 31.8 71.6 127 199 286 390 509 644 795 962 114590.00 0.128 0.511 2.04 4.60 8.18 12.8 18.4 25.1 32.7 73.6 131 204 294 401 524 663 818 990 117895.00 0.131 0.525 2.10 4.73 8.40 13.1 18.9 25.7 33.6 75.6 134 210 302 412 538 680 840 1016 1210100.00 0.135 0.538 2.15 4.85 8.61 13.5 19.4 26.4 34.5 77.5 138 215 310 422 551 698 861 1042 1241105.00 0.138 0.551 2.21 4.96 8.82 13.8 19.9 27.0 35.3 79.4 141 221 318 432 565 7151 882 1068 1271110.00 0.141 0.564 2.26 5.08 9.03 14.1 20.3 27.6 36.1 81.2 144 226 325 442 578 731 903 1092<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 69

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersTechnical Information and DefinitionsDefinitions:CFM – cubic feet of air per minuted – density in pounds per cubic footSP – static pressure inches of water1 – known conditionsHP – horsepower2 – desired conditionsRPM – speed in revolutions per minuteStandard Air-air at 68 °F (absolute temperature 528°) and 29.92 inHg. (barometric pressure at sea level). The density of such air is0.075 lbs/cu ft. and the specific volume is 13.29 cu ft./lb The specific gravity is 1.0.H 2O CFM vs SCFMThe difference between “Cubic Feet Per Minute” and “Standard Cubic Feet Per Minute” is simply one of air density. The word“Standard”, in this unit of measure, refers to the air being at standard temperature and pressure. In this case it will have standardair density. Regenair blowers performance is stated in terms of CFM, the volume of air they move.Fan LawsThe following fan laws apply for the range of air performance where induction motor-driven blowers operate, that is, under 100inches of water static pressure or vacuum (where it may be assumed that air is incompressible). The fan laws may also be used ifthe pressure of both fan conditions is over 100 inches of water but the pressure change is less than 30%.1. Effect Of A Speed ChangeCFM is proportional to Speed CFM 2= CFM 1X (RPM 2/RPM 1)(The volume changes in direct ratio to the speed)SP is proporational to Speed 2 SP 2= SP 1X (RPM 2/RPM 1) 2(The pressure changes as the square of the speed ratio)HP is proportional to Speed 3 HP 2= HP 1X (RPM 2/RPM 1) 3(The horsepower changes as the cube of the speed ratio) (Also known as the 1-2-3 rule of blowers)2. Altitude And Temperature Change The Density Of AirCFM is constant CFM 2= CFM 1SP is proportional to density SP 2= SP 1(d 2/d 1)HP is proportional to density HP 2= HP 1(d 2/d 1)Volume Changes In Direct Ratio To SpeedFor example, a blower is operating at 3500 RPM and delivering 800 cfm. If the speed is reduced to 3000 RPM, what is the newvolume?Let:V 1– original volumeV 2– new volumeRPM 1– orginal speedRPM 2– new speedV 2= V 1X (RPM 2/RPM 1) 1V 2= 800 X (3000/3500) 1 = 800 X .857 = 686 CFMPressure Changes As The Square Of The Speed RatioFor example, a blower is operating at a speed of 3500 RPM and delivering air at 3 psi. If the speed is reduced to 3000 RPM, whatis the new pressure?Let:P 1– orginal pressure (3 psi)P 2–new pressureRPM 1– original speedRPM 2– new speedP 2= P 1X (RPM 2/RPM 1) 2P 2= 3 X (3000/3500) 2 = 3 X .735 = 2.21 psig = 83 inchesof water pressure70 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersAir Density Varies In Inverse Proportion To Absolute TemperatureFor example, a blower is to handle 150 °F air at 40 inches of water pressure. What pressure (standard air) blower is required?Let:P 1– pressure hot air (40 inches of water)P 2– pressure standard airAT 1– absolute temperature hot air (150+460=610°)AT 2– absolute temperature standard air (68+460=528°)P 2= P 1X (AT 1/AT 2)P 2= 40 X (610/528) = 40 X 1.15 = 46 inches of waterTemperature in Degrees% Of Change In Airof Fahrenheit Density Compared to 70°100 –590 –470 060 +250 +440 +630 +820 +1010 +13If a blower is capable of delivering 30 inches of water pressure with standard air, what pressure will it develop handling 150 °F inletair?P 1= P 2X (AT 2/AT 1)P 1= 30 X (528/610) = 30 X.866 = 26 inches ofwater pressureRelation Of Density To Inlet VolumeAt high altitudes it is frequently specified that a specific blower must be capable of handling a given volume of “standard air”. Forexample, a blower is to operate at 5000 feet and is to handle 500 CFM of standard air. To determine the equivalent volume of airthe blower must handle at the higher altitude:Let:V 1– volume of standard air (500 CFM)V 2– volume of thinner airHg 1– barometric pressure sea level (29.92)Hg 2– barometric pressure at altitude (24.89 for 5000 feet)V 2=V 1X (Hg1/Hg2)V 2= 500 X (29.92/24.89) = 601 CFM of air at 5000 feet altitudePressure Varies In Direct Proportion To DensityFor example, a blower operating at 80 inches of water with standard air is to be used to handle air having a specific gravity of 0.8.What pressure does the blower create when handling the air?Let:Pa – air pressurePg – gas pressureSG – specific gravity of gasPg = Pa X SGPg = 80 X 0.8 = 64 inches of waterHorsepower Changes As The Cube Of The Speed RatioFor example, a blower is operating at a speed of 3500 RPM and requiring 5 horsepower. If the speed is reduced to 3000 RPM,what is the new required horsepower?Let:HP 1– original horsepowerHP 2– new horsepowerRPM 1– original speedRPM 2– new speedHP 2= HP 1X (RPM 2/RPM 1) 3HP 2= 5 X (3000/3500) 3 = 5 X .630 = 3.15<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 71

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersPressure Varies In Direct Proportion To AltitudeAt low altitudes in an indoor environment, the small changes in Regenair ® Blower performance are usually ignored.At high altitudes, these changes become significant and should not be ignored.The performance of all regenerative blowers varies directly with changes in air density according to the Fan Laws. These FanLaws don’t apply to our positive displacement pumps. Altitude changes air density as well as air temperature.All the catalog performance tests for Regenair ® Blowers were conducted at an altitude of 635 ft. This makes the Regenair ® Blowerscapable of 2% more pressure than the nominal advertising indicates. So in predicting changes in performance we should use the635 ft. altitude as a starting point.A 10% decrease in air density reduces pressure performance by 10%. For example: if a blower like the R5 produces 110 CFMat 40 inches of water pressure, with a 10% decrease in air density, it will produce this same air flow at 90% of 40” or 36” of waterpressure. The open, no duty flow ratings of any of the blower don’t change with air density changes. The maximum rated pressureor vacuum changes the most.For example, a blower is to operate at an elevation of 5000 feet and is to deliver 60 inches of water pressure gage. What pressureat standard air is required?Let:PB – pressure (standard air) blower = 60 inches of waterPSL – absolute pressure at sea level, inHg. = 29.92 inches Hg.inH 2O – inches of water pressurePA – absolute pressure at altitude, inHg. = 24.89 inches Hg.from table for 5000 feet altitude.PB = InH 2O X (PSL/PA)PB = 60 X (29.92/24.89) = 72 inches of water atstandard conditionsTo determine what pressure a 90 inches of water (standard air) blower will deliver at 5000 feet:Let:PD – pressure delivered by a 90 inches of water(standard air) blowerPD = InH 2O X (PA/PSL)PD = 90 X (24.89/29.92) = 74.9 inches of water<strong>Gast</strong> offers a program called “REGPER” that calculates changes in performance at 60 Hz. for changes in altitude or air temperatureand the effect of operating with both pressure and vacuum on a blower at the same time. This program can be found on<strong>Gast</strong>’s Web Site,; you may also contact your <strong>Gast</strong> Representative for more information on this program.Ft. Altitude InHg inH 2O PSIA0 29.92 406.73 14.69500 29.39 399.53 14.431000 28.86 392.32 14.171500 28.34 385.25 13.912000 27.82 378.19 13.662500 27.32 371.39 13.413000 26.82 364.59 13.173500 26.33 357.93 12.934000 25.84 351.27 12.694500 25.37 344.88 12.465000 24.89 338.49 12.235500 24.44 332.24 12.006000 23.98 325.98 11.776500 23.53 319.87 11.557000 23.09 313.89 11.347500 22.66 308.04 11.138000 22.23 302.19 10.918500 21.81 296.49 10.719000 21.39 290.78 10.509500 20.98 285.20 10.3010000 20.58 279.76 10.1072 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersCalculating System Friction LossFriction causes pressure loss in all systems. Plumbing design and length affect this loss in air flow.1. Determine total straight pipe equivalent.List number of each fitting in system. Circle the column under the supply pipe size. Multiply the number of each item by the pipesize conversion factor to find the equivalent amount of straight pipe. Add equivalent figures to actual straight pipe figures.Friction loss in pipe fittings equivalent length of straight pipeFitting # 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 2-1/2” 3” 4” 5” Equivalent Ft.90° Elbows ___x 2.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.6 =Std. through tees ___x 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 7.0 8.4 =Std. branch tees ___x 4.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 10.5 12.5 15.5 20.0 25.2 =Check valves ____x 7.0 9.0 11.5 13.5 17.0 20.5 25.5 34.0 42.0 =Gate Valves ____x 0.55 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.4 =Total length of straight pipe = _______ft.Total straight pipe equivalent = _______ft.2. Determine total friction loss in pipe system.On bottom line of the pipe friction loss chart, mark the air flow needed. Using a ruler, scan vertically from the CFM figure to thediagonal line for the proper pipe size. Mark the intersection and then scan to the left (vertical) axis to find the friction loss figure.3. Divide the Total straight pipe equivalent from step 1 by 10; multiply by friction loss figure just determined to get thetotal friction loss in the pipe system._________________________ ÷ 10 x _____________________ = __________________Total feet of pipe in system Friction loss factor Total friction loss in system in inches of H<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 73

ReferenceREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersSound Pressure Level Decreases With Distance According To This Formula:(SPL)2 = (SPL)1 - 20LOG (d2/d1)Where:(SPL)2 = New Sound Pressure Level(SPL)1 = Original Sound Pressure Leveld2 = New distance from sound generatord1 = Original distance from sound generatorThus, each doubling of distance results in 6 dBa reduction in Sound Pressure LevelNOTE: this formula assumes that no noise is reflected. In a room that reflects most sound energy (having walls with a low noise reductionco-efficient) much less reduction in noise level with increased distance will be observed than is predicted with this formula.Noise Q & AQ. How do I decrease blower noise?A. Common methods used to decrease blower noise include:• Having the cover side face where you want thereduction in noise to be and having sound absorbingmaterial diminish sound reflected from the motor sideof the blower• Checking the supporting structure for rattling• Controlling reflected noise with sound absorbing material• Moving the blower away from the operator, in anotherroom, possibly in a different area or outside.Q. Typically how much does the noise output of <strong>Gast</strong>blowers vary with changes in pressure or vacuum?A. This varies a lot from model to model with some models littleor no change and with others, as much as 9 dBa.Q. Tyically how much does the noise output of <strong>Gast</strong> blowerschange between 60 Hz and 50 Hz?A. Generally 50 Hz is 3 dBa quieter than 60Hz but this variesfrom model to model.Q. On <strong>Gast</strong> dual blowers when do I need the large accessorymuffler?A. These blowers provide silencing for either the inlet or exhaustbut not both. If, for example, the discharge of the bloweris underwater or in some location where the noise passingthrough the pipe is contained and not objectionable noadditional silencer is needed. Where this ringing noise is notcontained and noise control is needed, we manufacture accessorymufflers to greatly reduce noise levels.Q. What happens to the noise when I locate two blowersclose together?A. If the blowers are of the same design they produce soundfrequencies that are close together. These may cause a“beating” change in volume of the blower noise. This isbecause the units are not synchronized. If two small blowersare needed this change in volume can be reduced by movingthem further apart. With larger blowers a dual blower withtwo blowers on one motor will solve this problem.Q. What causes the noise relief valves make?A. Air rush through the valve.Q. How do I control relief valve or bleed off valve noise?A. Attach AJ121 Series silencer on the port of the relief valvethat is open to atmosphere.Contact <strong>Gast</strong> at 269-926-6171 or with anyfurther questions you may have on reducing blower noise in yourapplication.74 <strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers

Performance CurvesREGENAIR ® Regenerative BlowersBlower Sound Levels of <strong>Gast</strong> BlowersData is highest sound level out of 4 places around the blower at1 meter.Data represents average of several units run at nominal voltage.Lowest to highest maximum dba level throughout performancerange is shown.Readings at other than the maximum around the blower at1 meter may be from 2 to 10 dba less than data shown.Readings taken in a laboratory sound room that does not reflectmuch noise.Note: For comparison purposes, some blower manufacturersshow sound data from 1–1/2 meters instead of from 1 meter;also, some blower manufacturers show an “average” sound levelacross performance instead of the full range between minimumand maximum sound levels; either of these methods will providedifferent and usually lower sound levels compared to <strong>Gast</strong>’ssound level method.60Hz dBa at Pressure 50Hz dBa at PressureR1 59-67 R1 59-64R2 66 R2 61-63R3 67-70 R3 63-68R4 69-73 R4 64-69R4P 69-75 R4P 64-71R5 73-77 R5 71-77R6 73-79 R6 70-79R6P 82-83 R6P 77-80R6PP 77-79 R6PP 73-76R6PS 76-77 R6PS 72-75R7 82-84 R7 77-79R7P 77-80 R7P 74-79R7H 83 R7H 79-8160Hz dBa at Vacuum 50Hz dBa at VacuumR1 58-63 R1 54-60R2 67 R2 63-64R3 67-71 R3 64-69R4 70-72 R4 66-70R4P 73-74 R4P 68-71R5 75-76 R5 71-73R6 78-80 R6 74-77R6P 81-85 R6P 79-81R6PP 81-83 R6PP 78-79R6PS 79-81 R6PS 76-77R7 85-87 R7 79-84R7P 84-86 R7P 80-83R7S 82-83 R7S 78-80R9 85-90 R9 83-84R9P 88-90 R9P 84-87R9S 87-88 R9S 83-86R4H 82-89 R4H 79-88R4M 85-89 R4M 80-85R7H 82-91 R7H 80-90R7S 75-77 R7S 72-76R9 82-85 R9 78-85R9P 81-88 R9P 79-86R9S 79-81 R9S 77-81R4H 80-82 R4H 75-81R4M 82-83 R4M<strong>Gast</strong> Regenair® Regenerative Blowers 75

<strong>Gast</strong> <strong>Manufacturing</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>.A Unit of IDEX CorporationPost Office Box 972300 M-139 HighwayBenton Harbor, Michigan 49023-0097Phone 269-926-6171Fax<strong>Gast</strong> Hong KongRoom 6, 9/F, New Commerce Centre19 On Sum Street, ShatinHong KongPhone 852-2690-1008Fax 852-2690-1012<strong>Gast</strong> Group Ltd.A Unit of IDEX CorporationUnit 11, The I O CentreNash RoadRedditch, B98 7ASUnited KingdomPhone +44 (0)1527-504040Fax +44 (0)1527-525262® Registered Trademark/Trademark of <strong>Gast</strong> <strong>Manufacturing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>.Copyright ©2012 <strong>Gast</strong> <strong>Manufacturing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. All rights reserved.F2-10 (03-12)

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