The ALICE guide to Shift Leadership - Alice - CERN

The ALICE guide to Shift Leadership - Alice - CERN

The ALICE guide to Shift Leadership - Alice - CERN


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Start of pp PHYSICS run5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 5/

Calibration run during LHCramp-up or flat <strong>to</strong>pSystem Run Frequency Duration When DCS stateHMPID calibration fill 2 min pre ramp/ramp up HMPBEAM_TUNINGTOF Noise fill 3 min pre ramp**/ramp up/flat <strong>to</strong>p*repeat if FERO_NOT_READY** try <strong>to</strong> perform it at pre-ramp <strong>to</strong> avoid possible failures due <strong>to</strong> clock oscillationsTOF BEAM_TUNINGZDC Pedestal fill 4 min ramp up ZDC READYSSD pedestal fill 6.5 min ramp up SSD READYSDDPedestal,Pulser,Injec<strong>to</strong>r,INIT_FEROfill 6.5 min ramp up SDD READYM_TRK pedestal* fill 2.5 min ramp up MCHBEAM_TUNINGPMD pedestal fill 5 min flat <strong>to</strong>p/squeeze PMDBEAM_TUNING5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 6/

Calibration runs during LHCramp-downsystem run frequency duration when DCS stateT0 amp_cal fill 20 min. ramp down T00 READY, Right BM_TRK elec. cal. fill 25 min. ramp down/adjust MCH BEAM_TUNINGM_TRK pedestal* fill 2.5 min. ramp down/adjust MCH BEAM_TUNINGEMCAL pedestal fill 1 min. ramp down/adjust EMC READYM_TRG calibration fill 5 min. ramp down MTR READY* repeat if FERO_NOT_READY5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 7/

How <strong>to</strong> deal with calibration runs●●●●●●SL should check that all central calibration runs are donecheck the calibration run page in the logbookECS shifter moni<strong>to</strong>rs the correct ending of the runsIf error try once more. If error, give up and call expertStand alone calibration runs may be carried out on request,at an appropriate timeDo not wait <strong>to</strong> start a run for systems which run standaloneNote that now RAMP down time is very short; runs mayhave <strong>to</strong> be s<strong>to</strong>pped if a new handshake is issued: in thatcase, DO NOT WASTE ANY TIME and bring <strong>ALICE</strong> <strong>to</strong>SAFE immediately.5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 9/

In case of Problems●●●●●●●a detec<strong>to</strong>r’s busy time substantially slows down the run: s<strong>to</strong>p, exclude,and restart. <strong>The</strong>n call expert if neededa detec<strong>to</strong>r is producing <strong>to</strong>o much data: exclude it in the next chance:s<strong>to</strong>p, exclude, and restart. <strong>The</strong>n call expertTPC, ITS, MCH and MTR should be included asapfor other detec<strong>to</strong>rs, try <strong>to</strong> group several actions in one single break(exclude/include detec<strong>to</strong>rs, pedestal runs, lumi adjustment), even if ittakes much longer than 1 hour <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>pconsider <strong>to</strong> run a MCH and/or PMD pedestal during breaksproblems with main system: shifter calls on-call expert if needed.Consult with PRC and RC if problem persistsa trigger detec<strong>to</strong>r or the TPC is not operable: call expert; consult withPRC about how <strong>to</strong> proceed5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 10/

Current issuesenter value andclick <strong>to</strong> changetarget lumi●Lumi: we aim at a 500 Hz V0ANDrate per colliding bunchN bunches ⋅ 500Hz= N54.2mbbunches ⋅ 6.944 ⋅ 10 −3 ub s −1where N bunches is the number of colliding bunches●Publish this value via DCS: LHC-> Target Lumi●If needed, <strong>guide</strong> CCC <strong>to</strong> reach our lumi(either through target lumi or through V0AND rate)●●●●restart run after all lumi scans finishedLumi 10 times larger for high lumi fills; see PRC daily instructionsSPD alignment <strong>to</strong> be checked by shifter at each runif wrong, s<strong>to</strong>p and start a new runALI_DCS-> LHC_DCS->ALILUMINOSITY●Try <strong>to</strong> run as efficiently and for as long as possible - avoid short runs●Try <strong>to</strong> document (EOS) the reasons and time lost due <strong>to</strong> problems●Do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> add log entries (even associated <strong>to</strong> a run) along the shift; no need <strong>to</strong> wait till the EOS report●Please make sure the messages in the DCS big screen are meaningful and up-<strong>to</strong>-date (this is web-broadcasted!)5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 11/

L2a rates, dead times●●●●●●●●For a given L0 rate (e.g. V0AND in DCS for the ALL cluster) and the correspondingdead time fraction ,l, of this cluster, the rate of accepted triggers, L2a, is given byL2a = (1-l) L0l = t·L2awhere t is the average busy time of the cluster, determined by the slowest detec<strong>to</strong>r.<strong>The</strong>reforeL2a = L0/(1+t·L0)i.e. Poissonian Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA)With this simple formula you can check the consistency of the event recording rateand how far from saturation is the system. For example, if V0AND = 3 kHz and t =0.001 s,L2a = 3000/(1+3) = 750 Hz● l = 75%●Tip: use your pocket calcula<strong>to</strong>r: the numbers should come out quite exact5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 12/

Tips●●●●●●●look at the recovery procedure of TPC in case of trips (s. TPC: ERROR_RECOVER) before ithappens, so you are preparedWe go <strong>to</strong> supersafe when machine announces beam losses, loss maps, injection tests,collima<strong>to</strong>r set-upsDAQ shifter should issue CHECK_FERO <strong>to</strong> HMPID, PMDClock switches au<strong>to</strong>matically from LOCAL <strong>to</strong> BEAM1 (and back)do not delay the injection permit despite TOF going MIXED during clock changeIf a run doesn’t really s<strong>to</strong>p, ask DAQ shifter <strong>to</strong> select ‘Force timeout’ in File tab in PCA, orsee if the option ‘Abort’ is active in Run Control panelAnticipate the action: make sure all shifters know what <strong>to</strong> do before it comes● Pro<strong>to</strong>n Physics beam modes: INJECTION – (PREPARE) RAMP – FLAT TOP – SQUEEZE –ADJUST – STABLE BEAMS – (ADJUST) – DUMP – RAMP DOWN●●You can use the computers at your desk: shift shift.123If ECS errors mention machines alidcscom026-027,alidcsvme001-008, or alidcsvme0017,then this is a CTP problem; DAQ machines are aldaqxxxx5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 13/

Handshakes●●●●●●●LHC must go through the handshake procedure <strong>to</strong> get the <strong>ALICE</strong> injection permits.If LHC asks for injection permits without handshake the SL must contact the(P)RC before any action is taken.All handshakes (INJECTION, ADJUST, DUMP or TI2_SETUP) produce an audible gong atthe DCS console. Make sure the DCS shifter promptly reacts <strong>to</strong> it (two actions, one clickeach).<strong>ALICE</strong> must be safe before proceeding with a handshake; do NOT delay the handshake forany other reason but <strong>ALICE</strong> safe.If a handshake is received but one or more subsystems cannot be moved <strong>to</strong>SAFE/SUPER_SAFE the DCS opera<strong>to</strong>r must issue REPORT_PROBLEM. <strong>The</strong> SL mustcontact CCC <strong>to</strong> inform them and contact RC <strong>to</strong> decide. <strong>The</strong> Run Coordina<strong>to</strong>r will decide onthe further procedure.If a handshake (INJECTION, TI2_SETUP) is active but the injection permits are notgiven/res<strong>to</strong>red the SL has <strong>to</strong> check that <strong>ALICE</strong> is safe/super-safe and ask the DCS opera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong>give the injection permits manually.Before manually removing permits (if it does not happen by post-mortem or dumphandshake) the SL must contact CCC.5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 14/

SMAQ plots●●●●●●●SMAQ is a <strong>to</strong>ol that the CTP shifter should run every now and then,certainly every time there is a new filling scheme.It should be run as soon asInjection is finished; trigger on one PBTX and check filling schemethe first PHYSICS run in a fill is started; trigger on 0SMH (0MSL forpp) and check alignmentAnticipate: make sure the CTP shifter knows and understands the <strong>to</strong>olbefore hand. Otherwise s/he should call the oncall.<strong>The</strong> shifter should set up as many zoomed windows as there arecolliding bunches. <strong>The</strong> time buckets where <strong>to</strong> expect each bunch is forexample in the CTP configuration in ACT (please find it)Make sure these plots are put in the logbook at least once per fill.5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 15/

SMAQ plotsAll (relevant) triggers should be aligned.Note the tails of V0 and the two groups of4 BCs for SPD (all BC must fall in one of the 4 phasesof the first SPD group).In this example there is a problem with theclock alignment of the SPD: 3 groups!SPD expert should be called5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 16/

Trigger DQM•CTP shiftershould befamiliar withthis; you <strong>to</strong>o.•Examine the‘main’ tab(here theALLNOTRD tabis selected)amore -d TRI -m MyModule15/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 17/

Technical runs●During periods with no or non-stable beams, SL organises for TECHNICAL runs●this allows us <strong>to</strong> check if the experiment is ready for data taking●configure partitions (PHYSICS_1, PHYSICS_2, …) CTP (without trigger detec<strong>to</strong>rs) as, e.g., CTP_BCMASKACWU●<strong>ALICE</strong> is safe if needed●During the day or if Physics imminent, call experts if problems●if busy, let the expert investigate before s<strong>to</strong>pping the run●no change in ECS partition●recording OFF (for now), mark run as ‘bad’●consider <strong>to</strong> make a short run with recording ON●(run a PMD PEDESTAL calibration at the beginning of the session)●you may run all calibration runs as during a fill●you may s<strong>to</strong>p the run <strong>to</strong> take new pedestals for MCH●remember <strong>to</strong> load the ‘good’ configuration before Physics!●remember <strong>to</strong> turn on recording in ACT/ECS before Physics!●in supersafe, currently only FMD is unable <strong>to</strong> run5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 18/

Ramping up/down the magnets●●●●●●When scheduled, SL asks CCC <strong>to</strong> ramp down the <strong>ALICE</strong> solenoid and/or the dipolecheck before that DCS brings detec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> the right state (HMPID, T0, MCH, PMD)<strong>The</strong>re is a dedicated tab ‘magnet safe’ in the central DCSinform CCC that you will turn on the interlocks (keys next <strong>to</strong> the magnet console)When scheduled, SL asks CCC <strong>to</strong> switch polaritiesWhen scheduled, or if ready, SL informs that <strong>ALICE</strong> is ready for the magnets <strong>to</strong> beramped up, and disables the interlocks (keys in the back side of the control room)● In case of problems call the magnet piquet 162082●●●●Before starting a run:T00 should be configured properly wrt. the magnet state.No need <strong>to</strong> notify HMPID OnCall before runSame applies for ramp up after magnet trips5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 19/

Run coordinationhomepage & links<strong>Shift</strong> instructions5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 20/

<strong>Shift</strong> crew - all present?incl. on-call, SLIMOS and RPESL ticks present shifters<strong>Shift</strong>ers must do their full shifts,but you should tick them within the first 2 hours.5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 21/

LHC page 1, 35/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 22/

Magnets, beam permit,detec<strong>to</strong>r status5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 23/

LHC beam data:intensities, rates, luminosity5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 24/

Statistics of Physics runs5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 25/

Log entrieswrite SL EOS report!5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 26/

Example of SL EOS report5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 27/

ACT - overviewconfigure partitions (this view)configure CTP (next slide)5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 28/

ACT - CTP globalACT -> Run Coordination -> CTPtechnical runs -> DAQRANDOMphysics runs -> pp11apply filter if adetec<strong>to</strong>r is notavailable astrigger inputfilling schemefrom LHCleave the other settings as they are5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 29/

change the trigger configuration for this partitionwithout reconfiguring the detec<strong>to</strong>rsACT - PHYSICS_1technical runs -> ERP_2011cosmics -> CTP_<strong>to</strong>fCosmicscollisions -> pp11mb015/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 30/

Trigger overview screenaverage busy times in microseconds0SMB - SPD min bias0VBA - V0 A-side0VBC - V0 C-side0BPA - beam pickup A-side0BPC - beam pickup C-side0MSL - muonINT1/2 - interaction triggers5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 31/

Useful phone numbers and links●●●●●●<strong>ALICE</strong> run coordinationhttp://aliweb.cern.ch/Run_Coordination/Run09/index.html<strong>ALICE</strong> logbookhttps://alice-logbook.cern.ch/logbook/<strong>ALICE</strong> Configuration Tool (ACT)https://alice-logbook.cern.ch/act/<strong>ALICE</strong> DCS moni<strong>to</strong>ringhttp://alicedcs.web.cern.ch/<strong>Alice</strong>DCS/moni<strong>to</strong>ring/<strong>ALICE</strong> trigger pagehttp://alidcscom188/<strong>ALICE</strong> shift management systemhttps://alicesms.cern.ch/● LHC page 1http://op-web<strong>to</strong>ols.web.cern.ch/opweb<strong>to</strong>ols/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC1CCC7760070480RC (Paolo) 163757PRC(MinJung)163889Coolingpiquet72201Gas piquet 162516Magnetpiquet162082Depannage 72201Guardians 78878GLIMOS 162237●LHC logbookhttps://ab-dep-op-elogbook.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-opelogbook/elogbook/eLogbook.php5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 32/

TPC: ERROR_RECOVERIn case of TPC ERROR in the DCS due <strong>to</strong> HV trip, the TPC DCS statewill change <strong>to</strong> ERROR_RECOVER.●●●●●●<strong>The</strong> run will be paused au<strong>to</strong>matically and there is no need <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p therun.Notify the TPC HV oncall immediately who will have 20 minutes <strong>to</strong>recover.If TPC is recovered within the time window, the run will restartau<strong>to</strong>matically.If the trip is not recovered within the time window, the run will s<strong>to</strong>pau<strong>to</strong>matically.A new run should start once the TPC state goes <strong>to</strong> READY.<strong>The</strong> DCS shifter should be very alert <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r this error.5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 33/

TRDIn order <strong>to</strong> avoid possible trips due <strong>to</strong> beam losses:- TRD has <strong>to</strong> go SUPERSAFE before theinjection*- TRD has <strong>to</strong> go back <strong>to</strong> SAFE at the pre-ramp** keep TRD in the safety matrixmove TRD <strong>to</strong> supersafe/safe acting only on TRDin the safety matrixThis should be done only for Injection Physics Beam(not for Injection Probe Beam)

HLT●●●●●●●If the HLT times out during engaging or s<strong>to</strong>pping, before calling the on-call expert,the shift crew should try the following procedure:Do not release the HLT lock from ECS.Go <strong>to</strong> the HLT screens and click on the big red "ABORT HLT" but<strong>to</strong>n. (If the abortbut<strong>to</strong>n is missing try the "Start abort but<strong>to</strong>n" instructions below).It will change <strong>to</strong> "ABORTING..." and takes about 20 seconds maximum.After the abort procedure is done the but<strong>to</strong>n should read "ABORT HLT" again andthe HLT state in the ECS should be INITIALIZED or OFF.At this point try start the run again as per normal.If the run fails a second time due <strong>to</strong> HLT then call the HLT on-call expert and thistime release the HLT lock, plus put HLT in<strong>to</strong> mode A.5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 35/

Detec<strong>to</strong>r FSM statesin SAFE and SUPER-SAFE5/31/2011 <strong>ALICE</strong> SL <strong>guide</strong> 36/

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