Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21). Any presentation of thegospel should include the fact that God “nowcommandeth all men every where to repent” (Acts17:30). Whether or not the word “repentance” is used ina gospel tract, the idea should be. What is repentance? Itis a change of mind that results in a change of life. It is aturning, a change of direction (1 Thess. 1:9). When Ireceive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I am turningmy back to the old life.3. Another problem is that many tracts simply do not giveenough information. Large numbers of people in NorthAmerica today are as ignorant of the true God of theBible and of the basics of the gospel of Jesus Christ asany Hindu in darkest Asia. It is essential that we beginwith the basics with these people, and that we explainbiblical terms thoroughly, otherwise, when they hearterms such as “saved,” “believe,” “Christ,” “God,” “sin,”they won’t have the right idea of what we are talkingabout, and any “profession” they make will be empty.Some gospel tracts that include repentance are thefollowing:“The Bridge to Eternal Life.” This full-color pamphlet isalso illustrated. [Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary,Majestic Media, 810-725-5800]“Have You Considered This?” [Dennis Costella,Fundamental Evangelistic Association, 1476 W.Herndon, Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93711, 559-438-0080.Also available online at]“I’m a Pretty Good Person” is one of the many tractspublished by the Fellowship Tract League. It is a good

tract to show people that their good works and religionwon’t take them to heaven. [Fellowship Tract League,P.O. Box 164, Lebanon, OH 45036, 513-494-1075,]“The Little Red Book.” This 12-page pamphlet isillustrated and has been effective. [Little Red Book, P.O.Box 341, N. Greece, NY 14515 or P.O. Box 7195,Greensboro, NC 27417,,585-225-0715]“The Most Important Thing You Must Consider.” Thistract is strong on God’s holiness and just punishment ofsin and the necessity of repentance. [Faith BaptistChurch, 105-01 37th Avenue Corona, NY 11368,718-457-5651,]“What Is Your Life?” This pamphlet is illustrated.[Operation Somebody Cares, 1131 Brentwood DriveCollinsville, VA 24078, 276-647-5328,]“What Must I Do to Be Saved” by the late EvangelistJohn R. Rice. [Sword of the Lord, Box 1099,M u r f r e e s b o r o , T N 3 7 1 3 0 . 8 0 0 - 2 4 7 - 9 6 7 3 ,]“Why Should I Let You into My Heaven?” [Dean Myers,]Liberty Baptist Church in Greenville, Michigan, has awide range of helpful Gospel tracts. [Pastor Mike Austin,Liberty Baptist Church, 11845 W. Carson City Road,G r e e n v i l l e , M I 4 8 8 3 8 . 6 1 6 - 7 5 4 - 7 1 5 1 ,

Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21). Any presentation <strong>of</strong> thegospel should include the fact that God “nowcommandeth all men every where to repent” (Acts17:30). Whether or not the word “repentance” is used ina gospel tract, the idea should be. What is repentance? Itis a change <strong>of</strong> mind that results in a change <strong>of</strong> life. It is aturning, a change <strong>of</strong> direction (1 Thess. 1:9). When Ireceive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I am turningmy back to the old life.3. Another problem is that many tracts simply do not giveenough information. Large numbers <strong>of</strong> people in NorthAmerica today are as ignorant <strong>of</strong> the true God <strong>of</strong> theBible and <strong>of</strong> the basics <strong>of</strong> the gospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ asany Hindu in darkest Asia. It is essential that we beginwith the basics with these people, and that we explainbiblical terms thoroughly, otherwise, when they hearterms such as “saved,” “believe,” “Christ,” “God,” “sin,”they won’t have the right idea <strong>of</strong> what we are talkingabout, and any “pr<strong>of</strong>ession” they make will be empty.Some gospel tracts that include repentance are thefollowing:“The Bridge to Eternal <strong>Life</strong>.” This full-color pamphlet isalso illustrated. [Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary,Majestic Media, 810-725-5800]“Have You Considered This?” [Dennis Costella,Fundamental Evangelistic Association, 1476 W.Herndon, Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93711, 559-438-0080.Also available online at]“I’m a Pretty Good Person” is one <strong>of</strong> the many tractspublished by the Fellowship Tract League. It is a good

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