Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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3. Church telephone message recorder. Churches mustmake it easy for people to contact them. If potentialvisitors or people seeking spiritual help for themselves ortheir loved ones are frustrated when they attempt tocontact the church and the pastor, they will usually gosomewhere else. A survey done by Barna ResearchGroup in August 2000 found that it is very difficult to getin touch with pastors. They called 4,000 Protestantchurches during normal business hours. “The callersconnected with a human being on the first try only onethirdof the time. Forty percent of the churches neverconnected the Barna callers with a human being, eventhough some churches were called 12 times” (ReligionToday, August 24, 2000). George Barna rightly observed:“In a world where people are extremely busy and aresuspicious of the practical value of churches, they are notlikely to make three or four calls to a church before theyget to speak to a human being. If churches really want tohelp people, they have to be accessible.” Churches notonly should have an answering machine or voice mail butshould return calls quickly. Callers should be encouragedto leave their phone number with the promise thatsomeone will return the call quickly. It is essential thatthe phone messaging system be checked frequently andthat calls be returned. If the pastor does not have a fulltimesecretary, he should seek volunteers who can helphim on a part-time basis with important tasks like this.4. Newspaper ads. Another very logical way to advertisethe church and to preach the gospel is via localnewspapers. Some papers in the States give churches freeadvertising space once per week. Some newspapers givepastors opportunity to write religious columns from timeto time. Churches should take advantage of this andmake the community aware of their existence. Special

meetings can be announced via newspaper ads. Churchesin some countries have used large newspaper adscombined with correspondence courses effectively topreach the gospel.5. Radio spots. Short advertisements on local radiostations can be an effective way for churches to makethemselves known to the community. The advertisementscan include a verse of Scripture and a short word fromthe pastor.6. Posters. The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London,England, which was made famous by Charles Spurgeon,is still an evangelistic church more than 100 years afterhis death. It is pastored today by Peter Masters. One ofthe ways the Tabernacle attracts visitors is throughposters which are positioned on key London undergroundstations. The design is changed from time to time. Thecurrent posters depict various things that keep peoplefrom attending church to hear the gospel. The title at thetop asks, “WHAT KEEPS YOU FROM HEARING THEGOSPEL?” Beneath are six common excuses people givefor not attending church or giving attention to the Bible.These include “I didn’t come to London to get religious,”“Christianity is nothing but Hebrew myths, old peopleand hypocrites,” and “What would my friends say if theyknew where I’d been?” The posters briefly reply to theseideas and invite the reader to “come, hear, and decide foryourself” and to “FACE THE FACTS AT THETABERNACLE NEXT SUNDAY AT 6:30 p.m.” TheSword & Trowel notes: “These are seen by millions ofpeople, and over the years many people who were firstbrought in by seeing a poster have been saved.”

3. Church telephone message recorder. Churches mustmake it easy for people to contact them. If potentialvisitors or people seeking spiritual help for themselves ortheir loved ones are frustrated when they attempt tocontact the church and the pastor, they will usually gosomewhere else. A survey done by Barna ResearchGroup in August 2000 found that it is very difficult to getin touch with pastors. They called 4,000 Protestantchurches during normal business hours. “The callersconnected with a human being on the first try only onethird<strong>of</strong> the time. <strong>For</strong>ty percent <strong>of</strong> the churches neverconnected the Barna callers with a human being, eventhough some churches were called 12 times” (ReligionToday, August 24, 2000). George Barna rightly observed:“In a world where people are extremely busy and aresuspicious <strong>of</strong> the practical value <strong>of</strong> churches, they are notlikely to make three or four calls to a church before theyget to speak to a human being. If churches really want tohelp people, they have to be accessible.” Churches notonly should have an answering machine or voice mail butshould return calls quickly. Callers should be encouragedto leave their phone number with the promise thatsomeone will return the call quickly. It is essential thatthe phone messaging system be checked frequently andthat calls be returned. If the pastor does not have a fulltimesecretary, he should seek volunteers who can helphim on a part-time basis with important tasks like this.4. Newspaper ads. Another very logical way to advertisethe church and to preach the gospel is via localnewspapers. Some papers in the States give churches freeadvertising space once per week. Some newspapers givepastors opportunity to write religious columns from timeto time. Churches should take advantage <strong>of</strong> this andmake the community aware <strong>of</strong> their existence. Special

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