Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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go on to become active church members. Of course, onewould suppose the percentage to be higher in localchurch revivals. Still, the percentage of those who don’t“stick” is appallingly high in all types of massevangelistic programs today.There are many reasons for this, one of the chief beingthat scores of those making professions do not trulyunderstand the gospel and are, therefore, not fullycommitting themselves to Christ in biblical repentanceand faith. It’s one thing to say, “Yea, I’ll go along withthat; it sounds good,” and quite another to be truly bornagain of the Spirit of God. If most of those comingforward in revivals were encouraged to committhemselves to a multiple-week Bible study course and ifgodly, mature church members faithfully taught thecourse, we can only imagine that the lasting fruit of ourmeetings would be ten-fold greater than would otherwisebe the case.The following is from Connie in Tucson, Arizona:“Last summer you sent out an article on the AlphaCourse and how that was drawing many in. Ofcourse, it is way too compromised, but the idea tohave a home Bible study was mentioned. Then youwent on to say that the New Tribes missionsmaterial, ‘Creation to Christ’ was found to be soundby someone you knew, I think in Russia. I purchasedthe curriculum and made up brochures and started agroup in last September. The group averages threeladies, all unbelievers at the start. It will end in lateMay. I have found the material to be very good! Nowthat we are coming up to the New Testament I wantto get some new ladies that will commit for maybesix weeks and just study the lessons on JesusChrist. Sometimes in the beginning of the study Iwould just read chapter after chapter withoutstopping and the ladies would follow along. PraiseGod for his Holy Spirit who leads and guides! Last

November I found a sound KJB preachingfundamental church in my area (Praise the Lord)and the Pastor’s wife and I are thinking about doingan evening outreach for ladies only starting in thefall. To get people to come I just carry around a stacka brochures and hand them out as the Lord leads.Some that came dropped out and that is annoyingbut the ones that keep coming I am hoping willbecome followers of our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist and get saved.”The Bible’s Amazing StoryThe Bible’s Amazing Story is another example of materialthat can be used for evangelistic Bible studies. It is asummary of the Bible designed for soul winning.Beginning in Genesis and going through Revelation itincludes excerpts from the Scriptures with 205 headingsand 204 explanatory footnotes to enable the reader to seethe unfolding story of the Bible and to understand theGospel of Jesus Christ. The footnotes containexplanations of Bible words and events.The Bible is a large book and to the uninitiated, it iscomplicated and difficult to understand. A teacher isrequired, as we see in Acts 8 in the case of the Ethiopianeunuch. He was a highly educated man, the treasurer ofEthiopia, and was reading the book of Isaiah; but whenPhilip the evangelist asked him if he understood what heread, he replied, “How can I, except some man shouldguide me?”The Bible’s Amazing Story is designed to assist those whoare searching for the truth and who want to know whatthe Bible is all about.It is also an excellent study book for new converts.

November I found a sound KJB preachingfundamental church in my area (Praise the Lord)and the Pastor’s wife and I are thinking about doingan evening outreach for ladies only starting in thefall. To get people to come I just carry around a stacka brochures and hand them out as the Lord leads.Some that came dropped out and that is annoyingbut the ones that keep coming I am hoping willbecome followers <strong>of</strong> our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist and get saved.”The Bible’s Amazing StoryThe Bible’s Amazing Story is another example <strong>of</strong> materialthat can be used for evangelistic Bible studies. It is asummary <strong>of</strong> the Bible designed for soul winning.Beginning in Genesis and going through Revelation itincludes excerpts from the Scriptures with 205 headingsand 204 explanatory footnotes to enable the reader to seethe unfolding story <strong>of</strong> the Bible and to understand theGospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ. The footnotes containexplanations <strong>of</strong> Bible words and events.The Bible is a large book and to the uninitiated, it iscomplicated and difficult to understand. A teacher isrequired, as we see in Acts 8 in the case <strong>of</strong> the Ethiopianeunuch. He was a highly educated man, the treasurer <strong>of</strong>Ethiopia, and was reading the book <strong>of</strong> Isaiah; but whenPhilip the evangelist asked him if he understood what heread, he replied, “How can I, except some man shouldguide me?”The Bible’s Amazing Story is designed to assist those whoare searching for the truth and who want to know whatthe Bible is all about.It is also an excellent study book for new converts.

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