Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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They need to be taught the very basics of biblical truth,such as creation and the fall of man and the uniquenessof the Bible and the character of God, before they canunderstand the gospel of Jesus Christ.All of this can be taught out of Romans, of course,because Romans itself begins with creation and the fallof man and the character of God, but this is not whatmost people do when they present the “Romans Road.”Many people will not be familiar with any of the terms ofthe gospel, such as sin and repentance and grace andfaith. Unless those terms are carefully explained, theywill “hear” the gospel, but they will not understand it.Too much of the soul winning activity in North Americais of this nature because it is simply too shallow andhurried.Missionaries who work in other parts of the world oftendevelop ways of teaching the gospel effectively to theirpeople, but personal workers in North America typicallyapproach foreigners without proper knowledge of howthey think and how to reach them. They try to reach themexactly as they would someone who has grown up in theBible-belt of the United States, and they wonder why itdoesn’t work.Involving select groups of people in Bible studies that aregeared to their needs and that are led by people whounderstand them can solve many of these problems.A series of Bible studies designed for use with those whohave no Bible background is “Firm Foundations:Creation to Christ” by New Tribes Mission. Though wedo not recommend New Tribes as a mission, we do praisethe Lord for their zeal to carry the gospel to those who

have not heard. “Firm Foundations” is available inEnglish, Russian, Spanish, Albanian, and otherlanguages. There are 50 lessons designed for a one-yearcourse, but they also have a plan for teaching the materialin a shorter period, which we believe is the better plan.The lessons begin with creation and follow God’srevelation of the gospel progressively through the Bible,highlighting important themes. The standard edition isdesigned for adults and teens. There is also a children’sedition for younger ages.We do not recommend that the course be used as it iswritten, because it is very long and drawn out, but itillustrates the necessity of starting with Genesis andbuilding a foundation of Bible knowledge. A shorter formof the course could be used effectively in NorthAmerican churches as a Sunday School class for peoplefrom other parts of the world who speak English as asecond language. Many of these people are open tohearing about the Bible and Jesus Christ, but they areconfused by the standard preaching and teaching becausethey don’t understand even the basics of Bible truth.4. Use the Bible studies to assist those who might not beable to attend church. There are people of certainreligions who are not allowed to attend a church, but theymight be able to attend a home Bible study. SomeCatholics fear attending a Protestant or Baptist church.There are young people and wives who are not allowedby their parents to attend a church. The Bible studies canbe a means of reaching these people with the gospel.5. Use the Bible studies in conjunction with evangelisticrevival meetings. It is said that only about 5% of peoplemaking professions at large (mass or city-wide) revivals

They need to be taught the very basics <strong>of</strong> biblical truth,such as creation and the fall <strong>of</strong> man and the uniqueness<strong>of</strong> the Bible and the character <strong>of</strong> God, before they canunderstand the gospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ.All <strong>of</strong> this can be taught out <strong>of</strong> Romans, <strong>of</strong> course,because Romans itself begins with creation and the fall<strong>of</strong> man and the character <strong>of</strong> God, but this is not whatmost people do when they present the “Romans Road.”Many people will not be familiar with any <strong>of</strong> the terms <strong>of</strong>the gospel, such as sin and repentance and grace andfaith. Unless those terms are carefully explained, theywill “hear” the gospel, but they will not understand it.Too much <strong>of</strong> the soul winning activity in North Americais <strong>of</strong> this nature because it is simply too shallow andhurried.Missionaries who work in other parts <strong>of</strong> the world <strong>of</strong>tendevelop ways <strong>of</strong> teaching the gospel effectively to theirpeople, but personal workers in North America typicallyapproach foreigners without proper knowledge <strong>of</strong> howthey think and how to reach them. They try to reach themexactly as they would someone who has grown up in theBible-belt <strong>of</strong> the United States, and they wonder why itdoesn’t work.Involving select groups <strong>of</strong> people in Bible studies that aregeared to their needs and that are led by people whounderstand them can solve many <strong>of</strong> these problems.A series <strong>of</strong> Bible studies designed for use with those whohave no Bible background is “Firm Foundations:Creation to Christ” by New Tribes Mission. Though wedo not recommend New Tribes as a mission, we do praisethe Lord for their zeal to carry the gospel to those who

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