Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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to the leaders, that they agree with the church’s doctrineand practice, and that they have read the Bible through atleast once.After the potential teachers have had an opportunity tostudy the material on their own, the church leaders set upsome training sessions. They go through the course withthe potential teachers, hitting the high points of thelessons and providing teaching tips. During the trainingsessions, the potential teachers get up one by one andpresent a portion of a lesson to the leaders and the othertrainees, after which they are critiqued.When the teachers are deemed ready, they are prayerfullyassigned a student, females being assigned to a femaleteacher and males to a male teacher.The next step is for the teachers to set up appointmentswith their students to meet privately with them and gothrough the material. The leaders should try to attendsome of the first lessons to provide further training.Another option is to appoint two-person teams fordiscipling. A more mature and knowledgeable Christianis teamed with a younger or newer Christian. Both teammembers participate in the teaching, but the older teammember is responsible to help develop the newer one. Asthe second members of the teams mature, they canbecome the leaders in new teams.The course WON BY ONE can also be used for basic“pass it on” discipleship, though it is much more shallowand less practical as far as Christian living. The firstsection has 13 lessons on Bible doctrines: the Scriptures,God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, theDevil, the Creation, Sin, Repentance, Faith, Salvation,

the Second Coming of Christ, Heaven, and Hell. Thesecond section contains instructions for believers, anddeals with things such as assurance of salvation,Christian victory, separation from the world and falseteaching, the church, and the believer’s witness forChrist. [Dye Printing Inc., 435 Wade Hampton Blvd.,Greenville, S.C. 29609, 864-233-8646]Pastor John Mincy, Antioch Baptist Church, Antioch,California, gives the following testimony:“We have used the ‘Won By One’ Bible studybooklet for years and have seen many saved anddiscipled. It has been the most effective evangelistictool, and the large majority of those who finish thecourse stay and serve in the local church.”

to the leaders, that they agree with the church’s doctrineand practice, and that they have read the Bible through atleast once.After the potential teachers have had an opportunity tostudy the material on their own, the church leaders set upsome training sessions. They go through the course withthe potential teachers, hitting the high points <strong>of</strong> thelessons and providing teaching tips. During the trainingsessions, the potential teachers get up one by one andpresent a portion <strong>of</strong> a lesson to the leaders and the othertrainees, after which they are critiqued.When the teachers are deemed ready, they are prayerfullyassigned a student, females being assigned to a femaleteacher and males to a male teacher.The next step is for the teachers to set up appointmentswith their students to meet privately with them and gothrough the material. The leaders should try to attendsome <strong>of</strong> the first lessons to provide further training.Another option is to appoint two-person teams fordiscipling. A more mature and knowledgeable Christianis teamed with a younger or newer Christian. Both teammembers participate in the teaching, but the older teammember is responsible to help develop the newer one. Asthe second members <strong>of</strong> the teams mature, they canbecome the leaders in new teams.The course WON BY ONE can also be used for basic“pass it on” discipleship, though it is much more shallowand less practical as far as Christian living. The firstsection has 13 lessons on Bible doctrines: the Scriptures,God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, theDevil, the Creation, Sin, Repentance, Faith, Salvation,

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