Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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“We deliver a pie to first time visitors the weekfollowing their visit to the church. Just a friendly, briefvisit to say ‘thank you for coming.’ I then follow upwith a brief pastoral visit and try to enlist them in aBible Study. This has had a great affect on bringingmore visitors back for a second look at least.”Another twist on this idea is to make pies and deliverthem to new move-ins in the immediate church area,together with literature and an invitation to the church.This is a good summer project for teenage girls. They cango to the home of a godly lady church member eachweek, make the pies, pray together for the Lord’sblessing on the outreach, and have them ready forvisitation. This could possibly get more people involvedin evangelism, at least on the fringes, who otherwisewould not be active. As they work and pray in this way,they start thinking about the visitors and the soul winningaspect of the church services.

Pass It On DiscipleshipThe ONE YEAR DISCIPLESHIP COURSE can be usedas a “pass it on” discipleship program in churches,whereby more mature church members are taught how toteach others. For this purpose, it’s not necessary to gothrough the entire course. Some of the 52 lessons can beselected if the discipleship training needs to be shorterthan one year.The program has the following objectives:Discipleship. The first goal is to disciple every newchurch member.Teacher Training. The third goal is to provide a forum fortraining new teachers and an opportunity to developspiritual gifts. The program provides opportunities forserious ministry, including opportunities for the moremature young people. It takes some of the teachingworkload off of the leaders. And it helps disciple thedisciplers. Few things motivate and facilitate learninglike teaching.Fellowship. The fourth goal is to help develop closerelationships between church members.The “pass it on” discipleship program is set up in thefollowing manner:The first step is to select some church members whohave grown in Christ and proven themselves faithful andthat possess some basic ability to teach at a private level.These can include older teens that meet the standards.The basic requirements are that they have a goodtestimony, that they are faithful to church and submissive

Pass It On DiscipleshipThe ONE YEAR DISCIPLESHIP COURSE can be usedas a “pass it on” discipleship program in churches,whereby more mature church members are taught how toteach others. <strong>For</strong> this purpose, it’s not necessary to gothrough the entire course. Some <strong>of</strong> the 52 lessons can beselected if the discipleship training needs to be shorterthan one year.The program has the following objectives:Discipleship. The first goal is to disciple every newchurch member.Teacher Training. The third goal is to provide a forum fortraining new teachers and an opportunity to developspiritual gifts. The program provides opportunities forserious ministry, including opportunities for the moremature young people. It takes some <strong>of</strong> the teachingworkload <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the leaders. And it helps disciple thedisciplers. Few things motivate and facilitate learninglike teaching.Fellowship. The fourth goal is to help develop closerelationships between church members.The “pass it on” discipleship program is set up in thefollowing manner:The first step is to select some church members whohave grown in Christ and proven themselves faithful andthat possess some basic ability to teach at a private level.These can include older teens that meet the standards.The basic requirements are that they have a goodtestimony, that they are faithful to church and submissive

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