Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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Sunday SchoolsSome of the following is summarized from the bookEffective Evangelistic Churches by Thom Rainer:Sunday Schools offer an excellent avenue for biblicalinstruction geared to specific ages and levels.Evangelistically minded churches have found thatSunday Schools are also one of the better means ofevangelism and perhaps the best means for assimilationof converts into the church family.Because of the small group setting, group fellowships,etc., Sunday Schools can often reach out to newcomersand the lost in a more personal way than the overallchurch can. As the pastor of one church related:“The larger our church became, the more I believedthat we also had to become smaller. As a result, webegan to become more intentional about our smallgroups in our Sunday School classes. Those groupsaccounted for at least one-half of our conversiongrowth last year” (Rainer).Spiritually healthy Sunday Schools have somecommonly shared, basic “ingredients.” Of course, apartfrom reliance upon the Holy Spirit and a solid foundationof absolute trust in the inerrant Word of God, any“ingredients” or “keys to success” or whatever are purelyman’s tactics. Divorced from God’s truth and leading,man’s methodologies are best left on the shelf. With thisin mind, we share some thoughts on how to help makeSunday Schools more fruitful.Prayer is absolutely vital to creating and maintainingeffectiveness in Sunday Schools. Without a prayerminded,burdened staff, the Sunday School is attemptingto carry out spiritual warfare through natural means.

Therefore, it stands to reason that teachers should not beappointed to positions unless they have such a burden forthat class that they will faithfully labor in intercession foreach member of the class. If we were honest, thisrequirement alone would disqualify many of the teachersin our Bible-believing churches today.This brings us to one major key for fruitful evangelisticSunday Schools, which is godly, qualified, qualityteachers. In Rainer’s survey of fruitfully evangelisticchurches the following was reported:“The Sunday School teacher became a criticalposition when churches focused on quality. ‘Werealized that what they were teaching had eternalimpact on children, youth, and adults,’ a Virginiapastor observed. ‘We could no longer be satisfiedwith just filling all the openings. We had too manysquare pegs in round holes.’”As we have noted under the section on Vacation BibleSchools, churches too often assign teachers just becausethey are available with little or no concern as to whetherthey are capable, whether they are truly the right peoplefor the job.There are many qualifications a church needs to look forin those who would teach children and young people.First of all, they must be godly, faithful Christian people.That seems almost too basic to mention, but all too oftenthe teachers who are chosen to do such work lack eventhis basic trait. I know of many churches that allowpeople to teach even though they are not faithful to theservices, don’t dress modestly during the week, involvethemselves in all sorts of worldly forms of entertainment,and in other ways are poor examples to the people theyare teaching. This is spiritual insanity. A church cannot

Therefore, it stands to reason that teachers should not beappointed to positions unless they have such a burden forthat class that they will faithfully labor in intercession foreach member <strong>of</strong> the class. If we were honest, thisrequirement alone would disqualify many <strong>of</strong> the teachersin our Bible-believing churches today.This brings us to one major key for fruitful evangelisticSunday Schools, which is godly, qualified, qualityteachers. In Rainer’s survey <strong>of</strong> fruitfully evangelisticchurches the following was reported:“The Sunday School teacher became a criticalposition when churches focused on quality. ‘Werealized that what they were teaching had eternalimpact on children, youth, and adults,’ a Virginiapastor observed. ‘We could no longer be satisfiedwith just filling all the openings. We had too manysquare pegs in round holes.’”As we have noted under the section on Vacation BibleSchools, churches too <strong>of</strong>ten assign teachers just becausethey are available with little or no concern as to whetherthey are capable, whether they are truly the right peoplefor the job.There are many qualifications a church needs to look forin those who would teach children and young people.First <strong>of</strong> all, they must be godly, faithful Christian people.That seems almost too basic to mention, but all too <strong>of</strong>tenthe teachers who are chosen to do such work lack eventhis basic trait. I know <strong>of</strong> many churches that allowpeople to teach even though they are not faithful to theservices, don’t dress modestly during the week, involvethemselves in all sorts <strong>of</strong> worldly forms <strong>of</strong> entertainment,and in other ways are poor examples to the people theyare teaching. This is spiritual insanity. A church cannot

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