Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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It is a program that can be used (or not used) as the Lordleads each individual congregation. The same is true forall of the services and programs.It is evident that the early Christians met togetherregularly and they certainly had meetings on the Lord’sDay, which is the first day of the week, the day Jesus rosefrom the dead. The New Testament, though, does notgive specific instructions about how the churches are tomeet. That is left for each church to determine before theLord. Each church meeting should have a specificpurpose or purposes, and every aspect of the meetingshould be designed to meet those goals.The typical Sunday School-Sunday/morning worshipservice of the average Baptist church today appears to besomething that is done largely because “it is what wehave always done,” rather than something that has beencarefully thought out and planned to effectivelyaccomplish specific biblical goals.Consider, for example, the typical 45-minute SundaySchool followed by the typical 60-minute worshipservice, beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 12 p.m.Everything is hurried. The prayers are rushed. Thesinging is rushed. The teaching and preaching is rushed. Idon’t know how many times I have sat in Sundaymorning services during the past 38 years and thought tomyself, “Is this merely a ritual we are going through likethe Episcopalians?”The actual teaching time in Sunday School is usuallylimited to 30 minutes or less. It is therefore usually veryshallow and there can be little or no significantinteraction between the teacher and the students. Thepreaching during the worship service is likewise limited

to 30-45 minutes or so because of the necessity ofwrapping up the service in time for lunch. In that brieftime the preacher attempts not only to build up the saintsbut also to evangelize the lost!Following are some suggestions about how to changethese things.Afternoon Sunday SchoolsOne possibility is to separate the evangelistic SundaySchool from the regular Sunday School for churchmembers. The original Sunday Schools were conductedin the afternoons following regular church services forthe Christians. The goal was to gather together unsavedchildren and teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ andthe basics of Christian discipleship. Since they were heldin the afternoon, there was sufficient time for singingsongs, teaching the Scriptures, and dealing individuallywith the children and young people without the pressureof having to finish quickly and get to the next service.Sunday afternoons are a good time to have anevangelistic outreach to children and young people,because they are typically home from school andtherefore more available than during the week. They canalso be held on Saturdays.The Fair Havens Baptist Church of Sardis, Ontario,operates its evangelistic bus ministry on Saturdayafternoon.The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England,conducts its large Sunday School outreach in theafternoons. The Sunday School and Young People’sBible Classes are at 3:00 p.m. The staff numbers over

It is a program that can be used (or not used) as the Lordleads each individual congregation. The same is true forall <strong>of</strong> the services and programs.It is evident that the early Christians met togetherregularly and they certainly had meetings on the Lord’sDay, which is the first day <strong>of</strong> the week, the day Jesus rosefrom the dead. The New Testament, though, does notgive specific instructions about how the churches are tomeet. That is left for each church to determine before theLord. Each church meeting should have a specificpurpose or purposes, and every aspect <strong>of</strong> the meetingshould be designed to meet those goals.The typical Sunday School-Sunday/morning worshipservice <strong>of</strong> the average Baptist church today appears to besomething that is done largely because “it is what wehave always done,” rather than something that has beencarefully thought out and planned to effectivelyaccomplish specific biblical goals.Consider, for example, the typical 45-minute SundaySchool followed by the typical 60-minute worshipservice, beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 12 p.m.Everything is hurried. The prayers are rushed. Thesinging is rushed. The teaching and preaching is rushed. Idon’t know how many times I have sat in Sundaymorning services during the past 38 years and thought tomyself, “Is this merely a ritual we are going through likethe Episcopalians?”The actual teaching time in Sunday School is usuallylimited to 30 minutes or less. It is therefore usually veryshallow and there can be little or no significantinteraction between the teacher and the students. Thepreaching during the worship service is likewise limited

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