Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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4:5), not every Christian is an evangelist. Philip is anexample of an evangelist (Acts 21:8). He was a godlydeacon in the church at Jerusalem (Acts 6:5) and hepreached the gospel in Antioch and to the eunuch in thedesert (Acts 8:5-8, 26-40) and in many other places.Note that Philip was not a man who went from church tochurch preaching to the congregations. That is theoccupation that is typically called an evangelist in NorthAmerica today, but that is not what we see in theScripture. The scriptural evangelist is a man givenexclusively to preaching the gospel.I have met many men and women who have the ministrygift of evangelism, and the churches should encouragethem greatly and help them fulfill their calling. Wisepastors will also seek counsel from gifted evangelistsabout how to get out the gospel, because those with thegift of evangelism think about soul winning and oftencome up with good ideas about how to get the gospel outto the community.When we went to Nepal in 1979 to start a church, mywife and I were all alone, but we prayed earnestly for theLord to send us help. He answered that prayer bytouching the hearts of two men who had the gift ofevangelism to join us. One man was from India; theother, from Switzerland. We encouraged them to spendtheir time in evangelism, and the church grew rapidlythrough their efforts.If I were pastoring in the States, I would pray earnestlyfor the Lord to send evangelists to the church; and Iwould then do everything possible to support themfinancially so they could give themselves wholly to their

calling. I would do this long before I would think aboutsupporting a youth director or a music director.Encourage the ExhortersA ministry that was practiced in some churches in pastcenturies but has gone out of common usage is that of theexhorter.These are church members that have a special ability andburden to exhort visitors about salvation. They areindividuals who are alert to the Lord’s direction and whospeak privately with unsaved visitors and try to followupon the preaching. Romans 12:8 and Hebrews 3:13 hintat such a ministry, both toward the unsaved and thesaved.We find an example of this in the membership of CharlesSpurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle. Spurgeon spoke ofsome who “made it their special work to ‘watch forsouls’ in our great congregation, and to seek to bring toimmediate decision those who appeared to be impressedunder the preaching of the Word.” Spurgeon describedone of these as follows:“One brother has earned for himself the title of myhunting dog, for he is always ready to pick up thewounded birds. One Monday night, at the prayermeeting, he was sitting near me on the platform; allat once I missed him, and presently I saw him rightat the other end of the building. After the meeting, Iasked why he went off so suddenly, and he said thatthe gas just shone on the face of a woman in thecongregation, and she looked so sad that he walkedround, and sat near her, in readiness to speak to herabout the Saviour after the service” (C.H. Spurgeon,The Full Harvest, p. 76).

calling. I would do this long before I would think aboutsupporting a youth director or a music director.Encourage the ExhortersA ministry that was practiced in some churches in pastcenturies but has gone out <strong>of</strong> common usage is that <strong>of</strong> theexhorter.These are church members that have a special ability andburden to exhort visitors about salvation. They areindividuals who are alert to the Lord’s direction and whospeak privately with unsaved visitors and try to followupon the preaching. Romans 12:8 and Hebrews 3:13 hintat such a ministry, both toward the unsaved and thesaved.We find an example <strong>of</strong> this in the membership <strong>of</strong> CharlesSpurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle. Spurgeon spoke <strong>of</strong>some who “made it their special work to ‘watch forsouls’ in our great congregation, and to seek to bring toimmediate decision those who appeared to be impressedunder the preaching <strong>of</strong> the Word.” Spurgeon describedone <strong>of</strong> these as follows:“One brother has earned for himself the title <strong>of</strong> myhunting dog, for he is always ready to pick up thewounded birds. One Monday night, at the prayermeeting, he was sitting near me on the platform; allat once I missed him, and presently I saw him rightat the other end <strong>of</strong> the building. After the meeting, Iasked why he went <strong>of</strong>f so suddenly, and he said thatthe gas just shone on the face <strong>of</strong> a woman in thecongregation, and she looked so sad that he walkedround, and sat near her, in readiness to speak to herabout the Saviour after the service” (C.H. Spurgeon,The Full Harvest, p. 76).

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