Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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‘cult’ (most Catholics and Lutherans call our Baptistchurch a cult). I do not pressure them; I simply teachthe Word of God and then trust the Lord to use thatWord in bringing them to a saving knowledge ofChrist. They usually make the decision to repent andtrust Christ in their own homes after a number ofvisits to these meetings and after they have had timeto make an intelligent decision to give their lives toJesus Christ. As I understand the Bible, this was theBible method practiced by Paul (Acts 2) as well asothers. I have heard preachers who have criticizedthis type of ministry by saying it is not local church. Ireally don’t know what in the world that means. I aman Independent Baptist and believe that the Lordhas ordained the ministry of the local church, butdoes that mean that I cannot go to other villagesaround my church and disciple my own people andat the same time evangelize their lost friends andrelatives? Or have I missed something? Of coursethese meetings are in addition to our regular churchservices.”Standards for Church WorkersAnother key to fruitful evangelism is the example andenthusiasm of the church workers. One reason a churchmust require godly, biblical standards for all churchworkers is that they set the spiritual tone and example forthe entire congregation. It is important for the church torequire that the workers have a God-given burden forsouls and a zeal for spreading the Gospel. The exampleset by the church leaders and workers will be amplifiedthroughout the congregation. If the leaders and workersare zealous for evangelism, the congregation will be. Ifthe leaders and workers are lackadaisical in this matter,the congregation as a whole will be.Not only so, but if a church member does not haveenough spiritual zeal to motivate him or her to witness tothe lost and especially to those under their own sphere ofministry (Sunday School teachers visiting the homes of

their students, etc.), they have no business representingthe church in a ministry capacity.If a church has a Sunday School, the teachers areextremely important. Many churches appear not to takethe job of Sunday School teacher seriously. They appointunqualified people to teach, people who do not have arespectable character, people who do not live a consistentChristian life during the week, people who are unfaithful,people who are not good teachers, people who are notknowledgeable in the Scriptures, people who make littleor no attempt to grow the class and to win the unsaved.A boring, ignorant, half-hearted, or worldly SundaySchool teacher can greatly discourage young people fromattending church and going on for the Lord. I rememberhow boring the Sunday School classes were in the churchI grew up in. Furthermore, the Sunday School teacherswere not spiritual men who sought to disciple us in theway of the Lord and they therefore did not have apositive spiritual influence in our lives. They were farmore interested in things such as sports than in the thingsof Christ.I am convinced it is better to have no Sunday School thanto have Sunday School with the wrong teachers.Use the EvangelistsAnother key to fruitful evangelism in the church is toencourage and use the evangelists.There is a ministry gift of evangelism that is not given toevery Christian (Eph. 4:11). While every Christian isresponsible to spread the Gospel (Mark 16:15) and everypreacher should do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim.

their students, etc.), they have no business representingthe church in a ministry capacity.If a church has a Sunday School, the teachers areextremely important. Many churches appear not to takethe job <strong>of</strong> Sunday School teacher seriously. They appointunqualified people to teach, people who do not have arespectable character, people who do not live a consistentChristian life during the week, people who are unfaithful,people who are not good teachers, people who are notknowledgeable in the Scriptures, people who make littleor no attempt to grow the class and to win the unsaved.A boring, ignorant, half-hearted, or worldly SundaySchool teacher can greatly discourage young people fromattending church and going on for the Lord. I rememberhow boring the Sunday School classes were in the churchI grew up in. Furthermore, the Sunday School teacherswere not spiritual men who sought to disciple us in theway <strong>of</strong> the Lord and they therefore did not have apositive spiritual influence in our lives. They were farmore interested in things such as sports than in the things<strong>of</strong> Christ.I am convinced it is better to have no Sunday School thanto have Sunday School with the wrong teachers.Use the EvangelistsAnother key to fruitful evangelism in the church is toencourage and use the evangelists.There is a ministry gift <strong>of</strong> evangelism that is not given toevery Christian (Eph. 4:11). While every Christian isresponsible to spread the Gospel (Mark 16:15) and everypreacher should do the work <strong>of</strong> an evangelist (2 Tim.

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