Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature


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delivers the gospel preacher from being impeded bythem.“Spurgeon said: ‘We are <strong>of</strong>ten in the dark, andpuzzled about difficulties, but do you know half thedifficulties in the Bible spring from a cold state <strong>of</strong>mind: but when the heart gets right, the head seemsto get right too, in great measure. I remember aperson puzzling himself fearfully with the passage inScripture about Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. Hewent and looked at Dr. Gill about it, he went toThomas Scott about it, and he went to MatthewHenry about it; and these godly divines all puzzledhim as much as they could, but they did not seem toclear up the matter. The good man could notunderstand how Jesus Christ could say as he did,“How <strong>of</strong>t would I have gathered thee, but thouwouldest not!” One day he received more grace, andgot a love for souls, and then the old skin <strong>of</strong> narrowmindedness which had been large enough for himonce began to crack and break, and he went to thepassage then, and said, “I can understand it now; Ido not know how it is consistent with such and suchdoctrine, but it is very consistent with what I feel inmy heart.” And I feel just the same. I used to bepuzzled by that passage where Paul says that hecould wish himself accursed from God for hisbrethren’s sake. No longer. Why, I have <strong>of</strong>ten felt thesame, and now understand how a man can say inthe exuberance <strong>of</strong> love to others, that he would bewilling to perish himself if he could save them. Ofcourse it never could be done, but such is theextravagance <strong>of</strong> a holy love for souls that it breaksthrough reason, and knows no bounds’ (Murray,Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism, Banner <strong>of</strong> Truth Trust,1995, pp. 93-96).DiscipleshipThe following is from Charlie Bailey:“I am writing in response to your request for ‘<strong>Ideas</strong>for <strong>Evangelism</strong>.’ I believe the reason the Church isnot reaching and reproducing into its communities inthese last days is simply because ‘spiritual babies’have a hard time reproducing in the same manner

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