Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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The Right MessageThe first thing that we need to learn in order to be aneffective evangelist is the right message. In Acts 20:21the Apostle Paul summarized the message that hepreached: “Testifying both to the Jews, and also to theGreeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward ourLord Jesus Christ.” Christians today must be taught toavoid all forms of “quick prayerism.” Any Christian, nomatter how young in the Lord, can testify for JesusChrist; but it is also crucial that Christians be instructedin the gospel message and God’s obligation upon sinners.It is crucial that they understand that salvation is of Godand that people cannot be saved merely by mouthing aprayer. There must be the working of the Holy Spirit inconviction. The sinner must exercise repentance towardGod and faith toward Christ.These things are dealt with extensively in the bookRepentance and Soul Winning [Way of Life Literature,]The Soul Winner by Charles Haddon Spurgeon has muchexcellent material for challenging Christians inevangelism. There are online editions.An excellent tool for explaining biblical repentance andfaith is Salvation Bible Basics by Pastor Doug Hammett,[Lehigh Valley Baptist Church,]This consists of four in-depth lessons on Bible salvation.A good foundation is laid by defining sin from God’sperspective and helping the sinner to see his lostcondition before God. In Lesson Four, Repentance andFaith are carefully explained. It is very unusual for anevangelistic Bible study to go into repentance asthoroughly as this one does. A simple chart helps

illustrate the Bible truths. This is not only a good courseto use with the unsaved but is also a good training toolfor church members. By taking the members through thiscourse, the pastor can present the gospel clearly to hisown people and can also show them how to use thecourse with their unsaved friends.Scripture MemorizationAnother important aspect of evangelistic training is thememorization of Scripture. The better the churchmembers know the Scriptures, the more effectively theycan witness for Christ.The first thing that impressed me about the man that ledme to the Lord in 1973 was his thorough knowledge ofthe Bible. As I spouted off to him the various foolishthings that I believed in those days, having been deeplyinfluenced by New Age philosophy, he was able to quotespecific Scriptures that contradicted my false beliefs.I said, for example, “I believe in reincarnation.” Hereplied, “The Bible says that ‘it is appointed unto menonce to die, but after this the judgment’ (Heb. 9:27).” Isaid, “Well, I believe that every man who is sincere willbe accepted by God.” He replied, “The Bible says,‘There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but theend thereof are the ways of death’ (Prov. 14:12).” I said,“I believe a man must follow his own heart.” He replied,“The Bible says, ‘The heart is deceitful above all things,and desperately wicked: who can know it?’ (Jer. 17:9).”He was able to wield the sword of the Spirit veryskillfully, and God used His Word to cut through the liesthat bound me and to shine light into my darkened heart.

illustrate the Bible truths. This is not only a good courseto use with the unsaved but is also a good training toolfor church members. By taking the members through thiscourse, the pastor can present the gospel clearly to hisown people and can also show them how to use thecourse with their unsaved friends.Scripture MemorizationAnother important aspect <strong>of</strong> evangelistic training is thememorization <strong>of</strong> Scripture. The better the churchmembers know the Scriptures, the more effectively theycan witness for Christ.The first thing that impressed me about the man that ledme to the Lord in 1973 was his thorough knowledge <strong>of</strong>the Bible. As I spouted <strong>of</strong>f to him the various foolishthings that I believed in those days, having been deeplyinfluenced by New Age philosophy, he was able to quotespecific Scriptures that contradicted my false beliefs.I said, for example, “I believe in reincarnation.” Hereplied, “The Bible says that ‘it is appointed unto menonce to die, but after this the judgment’ (Heb. 9:27).” Isaid, “Well, I believe that every man who is sincere willbe accepted by God.” He replied, “The Bible says,‘There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but theend there<strong>of</strong> are the ways <strong>of</strong> death’ (Prov. 14:12).” I said,“I believe a man must follow his own heart.” He replied,“The Bible says, ‘The heart is deceitful above all things,and desperately wicked: who can know it?’ (Jer. 17:9).”He was able to wield the sword <strong>of</strong> the Spirit veryskillfully, and God used His Word to cut through the liesthat bound me and to shine light into my darkened heart.

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