Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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and emphasize the work of the gospel. There arecountless ways to do this: Mentioning it often during themessages, having regular training sessions, bringing inspecial speakers, requiring that church workers beinvolved in evangelism, etc.A pastor must also remember that he sends messages tothe congregation not only by his speech but also by hisactions. If he says he is concerned about evangelism andwants the people to be involved but he isn’t involved, orif he promotes members of the congregation as workersand leaders who care nothing for evangelism, his actionswill say more than his words.I recall a pastor who had allowed the evangelismprogram to die in his church because of lack of interestby the people. After a year or so, he announced to thechurch that he was deeply concerned about the situationand was convicted that he had not done right to stop theorganized visitation program. For several services he toldthe people that the visitation would start again and thathe wanted large participation. In several sermons hepreached boldly that it is wrong for deacons and SundaySchool teachers or choir members, etc., never to sharethe gospel and visit the unsaved. He had meetings withhis deacons and Sunday School teachers and told themthat he wanted all of them to participate in the visitation.After a few weeks of this he re-started the visitationprogram on a Thursday night. Only a handful of peopleshowed up. If I remember correctly, there were nodeacons or Sunday School teachers there. After a fewweeks of this, with little or no noticeable increase in thenumber of church members who came out for visitation,he let the subject drop. He kept up the visitation program

in a low-key manner, but he did very little to push it andhe stopped rebuking the people for their lack ofparticipation.In fact, even though most of the men refused to come outon visitation, he let them start up a new inter-churchsoftball league for Saturday evenings just a few weeksafter starting the new visitation program. Lots of peoplewho showed zero interest in evangelism gotenthusiastically involved in this new scheme.Through all of this the people received a loud message:the pastor will preach about some things that might makeyou uncomfortable once in a while, but you don’t have totake it seriously. If you simply ignore him he willeventually let it slide and things will get back to normal.The people are in charge in that church, and they knowjust what to do to manipulate the pastor.This reminds me of how crucial it is to have highstandards for church workers. An “ordinary” churchmember cannot necessarily be forced to participate invisitation or to dress properly during the week or toseparate from worldly music or such things, but a churchcan certainly require that its workers be examples ofwhat God requires of His people. The workers set thetone for the whole congregation. They set the tone forwhat new converts will eventually become. If the pastordoes not require that the workers be examples of what hepreaches from the Word of God, he is undercutting thepreaching. We have seen this scenario repeated time andtime again across the country.

and emphasize the work <strong>of</strong> the gospel. There arecountless ways to do this: Mentioning it <strong>of</strong>ten during themessages, having regular training sessions, bringing inspecial speakers, requiring that church workers beinvolved in evangelism, etc.A pastor must also remember that he sends messages tothe congregation not only by his speech but also by hisactions. If he says he is concerned about evangelism andwants the people to be involved but he isn’t involved, orif he promotes members <strong>of</strong> the congregation as workersand leaders who care nothing for evangelism, his actionswill say more than his words.I recall a pastor who had allowed the evangelismprogram to die in his church because <strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> interestby the people. After a year or so, he announced to thechurch that he was deeply concerned about the situationand was convicted that he had not done right to stop theorganized visitation program. <strong>For</strong> several services he toldthe people that the visitation would start again and thathe wanted large participation. In several sermons hepreached boldly that it is wrong for deacons and SundaySchool teachers or choir members, etc., never to sharethe gospel and visit the unsaved. He had meetings withhis deacons and Sunday School teachers and told themthat he wanted all <strong>of</strong> them to participate in the visitation.After a few weeks <strong>of</strong> this he re-started the visitationprogram on a Thursday night. Only a handful <strong>of</strong> peopleshowed up. If I remember correctly, there were nodeacons or Sunday School teachers there. After a fewweeks <strong>of</strong> this, with little or no noticeable increase in thenumber <strong>of</strong> church members who came out for visitation,he let the subject drop. He kept up the visitation program

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