Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preachedunto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For Idelivered unto you first of all that which I alsoreceived, how that Christ died for our sins accordingto the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that herose again the third day according to thescriptures” (1 Cor. 15:1-4).Heaven is definitely a product of salvation, but why is itthat none of the apostles preached on Heaven when theywere presenting the gospel? Why are the sermonsrecorded in the book of Acts so different from the oneHyles preached?Consider the sermon Paul preached on Mars Hills to theidolatrous pagans in Acts 17. Paul did not preach onHeaven; he preached on God and His righteous judgmentso that the idolaters would understand their sin and turnto Christ for redemption. The average person in NorthAmerica today is very similar to those idolatrous pagans,and North Americans need the same type of preaching.An idolatrous and apostate people need sermons on Hellmore than sermons on Heaven. They need sermons onthe law more than sermons on grace, because biblicalgrace is only understood in the context of the law. No onecan understand and appreciate God’s grace unless theyfirst understand His holiness and justice. This is howPeter preached on the day of Pentecost. He didn’t ask theJews if they wanted to go to Heaven.We need to follow the Bible rather than some man todayor a modern soul-winning program. The emphasis of theBible is on telling people that God is holy and just and ajudge of sin, that they are lost and undone, and that Goddemands that they surrender to His authority (repent) andreceive Christ AND BECOME DISCIPLES OFCHRIST IN THIS PRESENT WORLD rather than think198

they can get some sort of cheap ticket to Heaven througha religious ritual (e.g., saying a prayer). Not one personin the book of Acts received the gospel as a mere ticketto Heaven and when his way unchanged. Each one of theconversions recorded in Acts was of a dramatic, lifechangingsort in which the individual not only trustedChrist but also surrendered to Christ.One of the clearest examples of biblical salvation is thechurch at Thessalonica. They didn’t pray a little prayer sothey could go to Heaven one day. They “turned to Godfrom idols to serve the living and true God” (1Thessalonians 1:9).3. THE TYPICAL SOUL WINNING PROGRAMDOESN’T PLOW THE GROND PROPERLY.No individual will cast himself upon Christ in a savingway unless he first is convinced that he is a lost sinnerwith no hope apart from Christ. Most soul-winningprograms pass over this fact far too lightly. They teachyou to quote a verse or two about sin and then ask theindividual, “Do you believe you are a sinner?” Manypeople will answer this in the affirmative but that doesnot mean they understand and believe what the Biblesays.Most people will admit that they aren’t perfect, but theyalso think of themselves as good. They think that theirgood outweighs the bad they do. They know they havedone wrong, but they don’t think of themselves as trulydeserving of hell. In their minds, they typically redefine“sin” to be a lack of perfection or a lack self-esteem or (ifCatholics) they divide sin into “categories” of big andsmall or some such thing. They do not believe that were199

are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preachedunto you, unless ye have believed in vain. <strong>For</strong> Idelivered unto you first <strong>of</strong> all that which I alsoreceived, how that Christ died for our sins accordingto the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that herose again the third day according to thescriptures” (1 Cor. 15:1-4).Heaven is definitely a product <strong>of</strong> salvation, but why is itthat none <strong>of</strong> the apostles preached on Heaven when theywere presenting the gospel? Why are the sermonsrecorded in the book <strong>of</strong> Acts so different from the oneHyles preached?Consider the sermon Paul preached on Mars Hills to theidolatrous pagans in Acts 17. Paul did not preach onHeaven; he preached on God and His righteous judgmentso that the idolaters would understand their sin and turnto Christ for redemption. The average person in NorthAmerica today is very similar to those idolatrous pagans,and North Americans need the same type <strong>of</strong> preaching.An idolatrous and apostate people need sermons on Hellmore than sermons on Heaven. They need sermons onthe law more than sermons on grace, because biblicalgrace is only understood in the context <strong>of</strong> the law. No onecan understand and appreciate God’s grace unless theyfirst understand His holiness and justice. This is howPeter preached on the day <strong>of</strong> Pentecost. He didn’t ask theJews if they wanted to go to Heaven.We need to follow the Bible rather than some man todayor a modern soul-winning program. The emphasis <strong>of</strong> theBible is on telling people that God is holy and just and ajudge <strong>of</strong> sin, that they are lost and undone, and that Goddemands that they surrender to His authority (repent) andreceive Christ AND BECOME DISCIPLES OFCHRIST IN THIS PRESENT WORLD rather than think198

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