Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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for a large percentage of fundamental Baptists. Theprogram simply isn’t questioned.Second, it is not necessarily the word “repentance” thatalways has to be used; it is the concept and meaningthat the soul winner must get across. We must make theindividual understand that God requires surrender.Third, we need to deal with each case individually. Paulpreached repentance directly and forcefully to theAthenians because they needed to be confronted withGod’s requirement (Acts 17:30). On the other hand, hedidn’t have to preach repentance to the Philippian jailer,because the Spirit of God had already done a great workin his heart and he was ready to do whatever is necessaryfor salvation (Acts 16:30-31).2. THE TYPICAL SOUL-WINNING PROGRAMEMPHASIZES HEAVEN TOO MUCH.It is very common for soul-winning programs toemphasize “going to Heaven when you die.” The courseentitled In the Highways and Hedges, published by FirstBaptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, takes thisapproach.This soul-winning plan instructs the evangelist to beginby asking the individual, “If you were to die today, areyou 100 percent sure you would go to Heaven?”When the individual replies, “No,” the soul-winner isinstructed to give a simple little Romans Roadpresentation (you can know that you have eternal life,you are a sinner and under God’s condemnation, Jesusdied for your sin, salvation is a gift that you can receivetoday).196

After the very brief presentation using a few isolatedverses, the soul-winner is instructed to say the following:“Now, John, if you will trust Jesus to take you toHeaven when you die, just bow your head and closeyour eyes with me right now. If you mean this with allyour heart, pray this prayer after me: ‘Dear Jesus,forgive me of my sins. I trust You today. Jesus, andonly You, to take me to Heaven when I die. ThankYou for saving me. Amen.’”It’s all about “going to Heaven when you die.”There is absolutely nothing like this in Scripture. Neverdid Jesus or the apostles and preachers in the earlychurches approach someone and ask if they wanted to goto Heaven when they died. Who doesn’t! But salvation isnot a mere ticket to Heaven. It is a saving, life-changingrelationship with the living God through Jesus Christ inthe here and now.The “do you want to go to Heaven when you die”approach was used by Jack Hyles on May 3, 1998, whenhe claimed that more people were saved then than on theday of Pentecost. Hyles preached a message titled “APlace Called Heaven.” His text was John 14:1-6, which,of course, is addressed to believers, not unbelievers.After preaching on Heaven, he told the crowd, “If youhave the least desire to go to Heaven, if there’s just alittle bit of a desire to go to Heaven, then this morning,you trust Jesus as your Saviour.”Heaven is a wonderful subject, but the gospel is notabout Heaven. The gospel is the death, burial, andresurrection of Jesus Christ for our sin.“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospelwhich I preached unto you, which also ye havereceived, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye197

for a large percentage <strong>of</strong> fundamental Baptists. Theprogram simply isn’t questioned.Second, it is not necessarily the word “repentance” thatalways has to be used; it is the concept and meaningthat the soul winner must get across. We must make theindividual understand that God requires surrender.Third, we need to deal with each case individually. Paulpreached repentance directly and forcefully to theAthenians because they needed to be confronted withGod’s requirement (Acts 17:30). On the other hand, hedidn’t have to preach repentance to the Philippian jailer,because the Spirit <strong>of</strong> God had already done a great workin his heart and he was ready to do whatever is necessaryfor salvation (Acts 16:30-31).2. THE TYPICAL SOUL-WINNING PROGRAMEMPHASIZES HEAVEN TOO MUCH.It is very common for soul-winning programs toemphasize “going to Heaven when you die.” The courseentitled In the Highways and Hedges, published by FirstBaptist Church <strong>of</strong> Hammond, Indiana, takes thisapproach.This soul-winning plan instructs the evangelist to beginby asking the individual, “If you were to die today, areyou 100 percent sure you would go to Heaven?”When the individual replies, “No,” the soul-winner isinstructed to give a simple little Romans Roadpresentation (you can know that you have eternal life,you are a sinner and under God’s condemnation, Jesusdied for your sin, salvation is a gift that you can receivetoday).196

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