Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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We need preachers who don’t follow the crowd and whoare more fearful of God than the “good old boysnetwork.” We need preachers who want to honor andimpress Christ more than the school they attended orsome well-known Baptist Pubah. We need preachers whodon’t give mere lip service to the doctrine that “the Bibleis the sole authority for faith and practice,” but who arewilling to examine even revered Baptist traditions by thatAuthority and let the chips fall where they may. Myprayer is that the Lord will multiply this tribe.

Training the PeopleNot only must the pastors lead the church in evangelismby their example but also by training and challenging thepeople. Pastors can do only a small part of the ministry.Their chief task is to train the congregation so they cando the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13). It isGod’s will for every believer to be a missionary at somelevel.It has often been observed that most people who getsaved and added to churches do so not through the effortsof a pastor but through the efforts of “ordinary” churchmembers. A pastor’s goal is to train the congregation inevangelism and missionary work, lead them in it, helpthem have a vision for it.In light of the emphasis God puts upon the GreatCommission (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke24:44-48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8), it should be obvious thatthis type of training must have a high priority. Thistraining must involve all levels of the congregation, thenew converts, new members from other churches, theolder saints, the young people, the women, the men, eventhe children. The pastors must develop and carry out atraining program that thoroughly and repeatedly preparesthe congregation for the work of seeking the lost. Thisdoes not have to be the same material used over and over.The pastors should be constantly on the outlook for freshmaterial to use in this task.Emphasize Evangelism by Word and DeedOne of the most important things a pastor can do topromote evangelism through his congregation is to exalt

We need preachers who don’t follow the crowd and whoare more fearful <strong>of</strong> God than the “good old boysnetwork.” We need preachers who want to honor andimpress Christ more than the school they attended orsome well-known Baptist Pubah. We need preachers whodon’t give mere lip service to the doctrine that “the Bibleis the sole authority for faith and practice,” but who arewilling to examine even revered Baptist traditions by thatAuthority and let the chips fall where they may. Myprayer is that the Lord will multiply this tribe.

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