Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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The following are some suggestions for pastors whodesire to help revive their congregations in evangelism:1. The pastor must revive himself about evangelism andprovide the leadership in word and deed.He cannot effectively demand that the people dosomething that he is not doing himself. He must providethe leadership in evangelism. It can also be helpful torepent publicly before the church if his own lack of zealin this area has contributed to the overall decline.2. The pastor needs to make the people understand thatthis is a serious matter.He can do this in many ways. One is by preaching onevangelism and using it in his applications. If he focuseson this and really makes an issue of it, the people thatlove the Lord will usually come around.Another way the pastor can make the church understandthe seriousness of evangelism is by requiring that theworkers be involved. A general church member cannotnecessarily be forced to participate in visitation or todress properly during the week or to separate fromworldly music or such things, but a church can certainlyrequire that its workers be examples of what Godrequires of His people. The workers set the tone for thewhole church. They set the tone for what new convertswill eventually become. If the pastor does not requirethat the workers be examples of what he preaches fromthe Word of God, he is undercutting the preaching.Another way the pastor can impress the people with theimportance of evangelism is by emphasizing itfrequently, during announcements, etc.176

Another way is by demonstrating before the congregationthat evangelism is at least as important as the many otherprograms and activities the church pursues.Bethel Baptist Fellowship of Brooklyn, New York, goesout on the streets of New York every Sunday afternoonfor evangelism. Steve Schneider wrote to describe this tous, and emphasized the leadership role played by thepastors as follows:“The pastors of the church always go out with usand thus set the tone for the importance of theoutreach. The outreach, called the 'S.W.A.T. Team,'is always published FIRST in the church bulletin andannounced by the pastor from the pulpit everySunday morning.”3. The pastor should set up a training program to educateand challenge the people--young and old--in evangelism.4. The pastor should develop a program of evangelismthat will encourage the largest number of people to getinvolved.A good start would be to set up the "Visitation NightStations" which are described under the section on “TheVisitation Program” in this book. This encourages peopleto get involved in evangelism in a variety of ways anddoes not try to force everyone to do the same thing.This is only a start, though. The goal should be to getevery church member, young and old, involved in fruitfulevangelism.5. The pastor should evaluate the existing evangelisticactivities with the goal of making them more fruitful.Even many churches that are not very aggressive aboutsoul winning usually have some traditional evangelistic177

Another way is by demonstrating before the congregationthat evangelism is at least as important as the many otherprograms and activities the church pursues.Bethel Baptist Fellowship <strong>of</strong> Brooklyn, New York, goesout on the streets <strong>of</strong> New York every Sunday afternoonfor evangelism. Steve Schneider wrote to describe this tous, and emphasized the leadership role played by thepastors as follows:“The pastors <strong>of</strong> the church always go out with usand thus set the tone for the importance <strong>of</strong> theoutreach. The outreach, called the 'S.W.A.T. Team,'is always published FIRST in the church bulletin andannounced by the pastor from the pulpit everySunday morning.”3. The pastor should set up a training program to educateand challenge the people--young and old--in evangelism.4. The pastor should develop a program <strong>of</strong> evangelismthat will encourage the largest number <strong>of</strong> people to getinvolved.A good start would be to set up the "Visitation NightStations" which are described under the section on “TheVisitation Program” in this book. This encourages peopleto get involved in evangelism in a variety <strong>of</strong> ways anddoes not try to force everyone to do the same thing.This is only a start, though. The goal should be to getevery church member, young and old, involved in fruitfulevangelism.5. The pastor should evaluate the existing evangelisticactivities with the goal <strong>of</strong> making them more fruitful.Even many churches that are not very aggressive aboutsoul winning usually have some traditional evangelistic177

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