Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature


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The following are some suggestions for pastors whodesire to help revive their congregations in evangelism:1. The pastor must revive himself about evangelism andprovide the leadership in word and deed.He cannot effectively demand that the people dosomething that he is not doing himself. He must providethe leadership in evangelism. It can also be helpful torepent publicly before the church if his own lack <strong>of</strong> zealin this area has contributed to the overall decline.2. The pastor needs to make the people understand thatthis is a serious matter.He can do this in many ways. One is by preaching onevangelism and using it in his applications. If he focuseson this and really makes an issue <strong>of</strong> it, the people thatlove the Lord will usually come around.Another way the pastor can make the church understandthe seriousness <strong>of</strong> evangelism is by requiring that theworkers be involved. A general church member cannotnecessarily be forced to participate in visitation or todress properly during the week or to separate fromworldly music or such things, but a church can certainlyrequire that its workers be examples <strong>of</strong> what Godrequires <strong>of</strong> His people. The workers set the tone for thewhole church. They set the tone for what new convertswill eventually become. If the pastor does not requirethat the workers be examples <strong>of</strong> what he preaches fromthe Word <strong>of</strong> God, he is undercutting the preaching.Another way the pastor can impress the people with theimportance <strong>of</strong> evangelism is by emphasizing itfrequently, during announcements, etc.176

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