Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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BookstallsLiterature tables and bookstalls in public areas can be afruitful way to get the gospel out to the unsaved.The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England,maintains a weekly Saturday bookstall in the Elephant &Castle shopping area that surrounds the church. There isa main entrance to the London Underground right acrossthe street from the Tabernacle. The bookstall offersBibles and literature both for the unsaved and forChristians and prominently displays posters withstatements such as “Answers to Questions EveryoneAsks about Religion.” It is staffed by volunteers.Drive-in MoviesOne church rents a local drive-in movie theater once ayear and invites the public to view a free movie. Theyshow evangelistic films and follow up with a gospelmessage by the pastor and an invitation to learn moreabout Christ.Elevator MinistryA Christian woman in Seoul, Korea, had a novel idea toreach people living in one of the high rise apartmentbuildings. Only the occupants and their visitors can enterthe building, and “solicitors” are not allowed to go doorto door. She rented an apartment in the complex and thenbegan to ride the elevator in her spare time, witnessing tothose that she met. By this means she was invited intosome of the apartments to witness and when some ofthese came to Christ, she taught the new converts toassist in her “elevator ministry”!170

Preaching in Trailer ParksI received the following from Ronnie Meindl on April19, 2000:“A young preacher friend and myself approached ourPastor with this idea. As a matter of fact we aregoing to hold our first meeting April 29. We are goinginto a trailer park that Saturday morning armed withBible tracts and literature about our local assembly.We are inviting the whole park down to a picnic areafor free hotdogs and gospel music, (and when I saygospel, I mean gospel, not this new age stuff). Butmost of all we have two Fundamental Bible-believingpreachers ready to proclaim God’s word. This mobilehome park contains about 275 trailers. If it averagesthree per household, that’s 825 souls that could hearthe gospel. We have sent out a flyer to each homeinviting them out.”In May, Brother Meindl sent us this update:“It went well. Nobody got saved, but we planted awhole lot of seed. We had two main goals, when westarted praying about this. #1, that the Lord JesusChrist be exalted and God’s Word go out. #2, thatthe congregation of our local assembly cometogether in unity, one mind and one accord, willing toserve God. It’s been a long time in our church sincepeople have really been excited about something. Itwas a blessing to see the people get excited. Men,women, boys and girls, people who have neverthought of knocking on doors, showed up. We sent aletter of introduction into each trailer a week aheadof time. But that Saturday we went in armed withBible tracts, and we set out to invite all we couldpersonally down for hotdogs. There weren’t as manyas we would like actually come down, but what I didnotice was the people outside the camp listening in.We set our sound system up on a flatbed trailer. As Igot up to preach I didn’t see anybody but our peoplein the congregation, but when I got up high I couldsee out and people were standing back in thedistance listening, trailer windows were wide open. Iwas told later there were people sitting in their carsin the parking lot behind us. God’s Word definitely171

Preaching in Trailer ParksI received the following from Ronnie Meindl on April19, 2000:“A young preacher friend and myself approached ourPastor with this idea. As a matter <strong>of</strong> fact we aregoing to hold our first meeting April 29. We are goinginto a trailer park that Saturday morning armed withBible tracts and literature about our local assembly.We are inviting the whole park down to a picnic areafor free hotdogs and gospel music, (and when I saygospel, I mean gospel, not this new age stuff). Butmost <strong>of</strong> all we have two Fundamental Bible-believingpreachers ready to proclaim God’s word. This mobilehome park contains about 275 trailers. If it averagesthree per household, that’s 825 souls that could hearthe gospel. We have sent out a flyer to each homeinviting them out.”In May, Brother Meindl sent us this update:“It went well. Nobody got saved, but we planted awhole lot <strong>of</strong> seed. We had two main goals, when westarted praying about this. #1, that the Lord JesusChrist be exalted and God’s Word go out. #2, thatthe congregation <strong>of</strong> our local assembly cometogether in unity, one mind and one accord, willing toserve God. It’s been a long time in our church sincepeople have really been excited about something. Itwas a blessing to see the people get excited. Men,women, boys and girls, people who have neverthought <strong>of</strong> knocking on doors, showed up. We sent aletter <strong>of</strong> introduction into each trailer a week ahead<strong>of</strong> time. But that Saturday we went in armed withBible tracts, and we set out to invite all we couldpersonally down for hotdogs. There weren’t as manyas we would like actually come down, but what I didnotice was the people outside the camp listening in.We set our sound system up on a flatbed trailer. As Igot up to preach I didn’t see anybody but our peoplein the congregation, but when I got up high I couldsee out and people were standing back in thedistance listening, trailer windows were wide open. Iwas told later there were people sitting in their carsin the parking lot behind us. God’s Word definitely171

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