Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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A church in Michigan encourages its young men andwomen (older serious teens and young adults) to adoptone or more of the bus kids and then to do things withthem with the goal of befriending and discipling them.When I preached at a Bible conference there severalyears ago on a Thursday and Friday evening, a 12-yearoldboy was saved. Ordinarily the boy wouldn’t havebeen at the special meeting, but he and his older teenagebrother were brought to the meeting by one of the youngmale adult church members who had been playingbasketball and doing other things with them. Thebrothers came to Christ and are growing in the Lordthrough faithful church attendance and Bible study andthe personal loving attention being given them by thechurch member.Testimony Gospel RecordingsThe following is from Pastor Jamie Coley, Blessed HopeIndependent Baptist Church, Fort Mill, South Carolina:“One way that our Church reaches out to thecommunity is that I put my personal testimony ontape along with a clear presentation of the Gospeland we go out and pass them out. We have foundthat many people will take a tape to listen to in theircar, or stereo at home. I let them know where ourChurch is located and the Lord has really used thisto touch lives. We do not charge a penny for thetapes; they are distributed free of charge. This is justone simple thing that others may want to try.”Street EvangelismSteve Schneider sent us the following testimony about achurch in a large city:“The church which I attend (Bethel BaptistFellowship in Brooklyn, New York) encourages the160

membership to evangelize by going out on thestreets and subways of NYC EVERY SUNDAY afterthe services. We get filled with God’s Word in themorning, and then give it out in the afternoon. Thepastors of the church always go out with us and thusset the tone for the importance of the outreach. Theoutreach, called the ‘S.W.A.T. Team,’ is alwayspublished FIRST in the church bulletin andannounced by the pastor from the pulpit everySunday morning. I know that this is not a ‘fancy’idea, but it is certainly effective since I have neverbefore been in a church here in NYC that has somany people go to give out the Gospel on thestreets.”Tragedy OutreachThe following testimony is by Linda Cloud:“A little seven-year-old bus girl who attended aSunday School class I worked in was kidnappedfrom near her home one morning. Five days later herbody was found. Since this happened in a smallrural town, the entire town was visibly affected.Emotions were running high and surrounding mediaattention was focused on our community. As anoutreach, we decided to make a cassette tapededicated to the memory of this little girl, with songsby her Sunday School class, a story with a stronggospel message (aimed at elementary age children),and a song written especially in memory of the slaingirl. (The emergence of the song is a story in itself. Ihad called a visiting missionary whom I knew wrotesongs. I told her the story of the little girl and askedher to write a song – words, and music – and have itall complete within twenty-four hours. She boldly toldme it was impossible but I urged her to try anyway.After one hour she called back to tell me the Lordhad given her the song and it was completed —music and all! She sang that song before fivehundred people at the funeral and snippets of it werebroadcast on evening news stations all over thestate. Later she was televised singing it again, andwas also live on a radio program where she sang itand gave a brief testimony).161

membership to evangelize by going out on thestreets and subways <strong>of</strong> NYC EVERY SUNDAY afterthe services. We get filled with God’s Word in themorning, and then give it out in the afternoon. Thepastors <strong>of</strong> the church always go out with us and thusset the tone for the importance <strong>of</strong> the outreach. Theoutreach, called the ‘S.W.A.T. Team,’ is alwayspublished FIRST in the church bulletin andannounced by the pastor from the pulpit everySunday morning. I know that this is not a ‘fancy’idea, but it is certainly effective since I have neverbefore been in a church here in NYC that has somany people go to give out the Gospel on thestreets.”Tragedy OutreachThe following testimony is by Linda Cloud:“A little seven-year-old bus girl who attended aSunday School class I worked in was kidnappedfrom near her home one morning. Five days later herbody was found. Since this happened in a smallrural town, the entire town was visibly affected.Emotions were running high and surrounding mediaattention was focused on our community. As anoutreach, we decided to make a cassette tapededicated to the memory <strong>of</strong> this little girl, with songsby her Sunday School class, a story with a stronggospel message (aimed at elementary age children),and a song written especially in memory <strong>of</strong> the slaingirl. (The emergence <strong>of</strong> the song is a story in itself. Ihad called a visiting missionary whom I knew wrotesongs. I told her the story <strong>of</strong> the little girl and askedher to write a song – words, and music – and have itall complete within twenty-four hours. She boldly toldme it was impossible but I urged her to try anyway.After one hour she called back to tell me the Lordhad given her the song and it was completed —music and all! She sang that song before fivehundred people at the funeral and snippets <strong>of</strong> it werebroadcast on evening news stations all over thestate. Later she was televised singing it again, andwas also live on a radio program where she sang itand gave a brief testimony).161

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