Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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eating we gave them, we feel as though we reallypreached a barn burner. When the people don’tcome back or soon transfer to another church, weskin them alive, and tell everyone, ourselvesincluded, that they probably are not saved or theyjust can’t take the ‘strong meat’ of the Word. I am notsuggesting compromise, I am simply suggestingsound biblical preaching that brings Holy Ghostconviction on the lost as well as feed the people ofGod and cause them to want to bring their friendsand neighbors to hear more of the same. . . . [Notefrom Bro. Cloud: We agree completely with Bro.Darnell about the importance of sound biblicalpreaching and we also agree that much of thepreaching in fundamental Baptist circles is shallow.We believe a mixture of expository and topicalpreaching is the ideal balance. The bottom line isthat the pastor must carefully teach the Word of Godso that the people become strong in the Scripturesand become real disciples of Christ, and thismissionary’s comments remind us that in manycases this is not happening.]“(3) I think we would do well to reexamine our ‘altarcalls.’ Only the Lord knows how many people havewalked an isle and parroted a prayer and werebaptized, that have left the church never to be seenagain. The modern altar call as we have practicedfor so many years and believed to be a fundamentalof the faith, sometimes neglects the need of goodold-fashioned Holy Ghost conviction. In examiningthe soul winning methods of our Savior, we can’thelp but notice that He never pressed for‘decisions.’ He never tried to maneuver people intopraying a prayer so He would look successful. Hepreached and taught the Word of God and usuallyleft the people to themselves to think over what Hehad said. He realized that sowing and reapingseldom happen on the same day. He expected theWord to do its work in the heart of the individual. Hedid not run after people who were not willing torepent and trust Him. In my opinion, we need to quittrying to manipulate those who come to listen to usand permit God to use the Word that we preach todo a real work in their lives. This does not mean thatwe should not give them an opportunity to respondto Christ in some way after the sermon, but if we are

consumed with our ‘record’ of having someone downthe isle every Sunday and go into the baptistry, I fearwe will be an easy prey for ‘an ego driven ministry’rather than a ministry that glorifies the Lord.“(4) I think that ongoing discipleship classes wouldhelp make our churches stronger and would producereal converts for the glory of God. Of course, if apreacher is consumed with being ‘successful’ he willwant to be out beating the bushes trying to getsomeone lined up for the baptistry for the comingSunday, rather than discipling his people. Pleaseforgive me if I sound somewhat sarcastic, but I amsimply preaching to myself with the thought thatthere may be some more of the brethren that havebeen tricked by the enemy into a carnal, fleshly,egotistic ministry, most of which will go up in smokeat the judgment seat of Christ. Most of us wouldrather blast our people for their lack of Christiangrowth rather than take the time to disciple them aswe should. Maybe the reason they are not growingis that they were never really saved and maybe theywere never really saved because they were victimsof our pulling and tugging or high pressure ‘soulwinning’ tactics. Or maybe they are not growingbecause they are saved but don’t know how to growand learn and mature, because all they have everheard from us has been our list of hobby horses thatwe have come to believe are the marks of trueChristianity. ...“In closing, I think we need to try to thinkbiblically. . . . Christ told us to be faithful and Hereminded us that our works will be tried at the Bemaseat as to ‘what sort’ they are. God help us not tosimply sit passively by and let the world go to hell,but at the same time not to forget that only He cangive the increase as we are faithful in ministeringbiblically.”Thanks for your very informative ministry, BrotherCloud,Barry Darnell_________________This is the type of preacher that we need.

eating we gave them, we feel as though we reallypreached a barn burner. When the people don’tcome back or soon transfer to another church, weskin them alive, and tell everyone, ourselvesincluded, that they probably are not saved or theyjust can’t take the ‘strong meat’ <strong>of</strong> the Word. I am notsuggesting compromise, I am simply suggestingsound biblical preaching that brings Holy Ghostconviction on the lost as well as feed the people <strong>of</strong>God and cause them to want to bring their friendsand neighbors to hear more <strong>of</strong> the same. . . . [Notefrom Bro. Cloud: We agree completely with Bro.Darnell about the importance <strong>of</strong> sound biblicalpreaching and we also agree that much <strong>of</strong> thepreaching in fundamental Baptist circles is shallow.We believe a mixture <strong>of</strong> expository and topicalpreaching is the ideal balance. The bottom line isthat the pastor must carefully teach the Word <strong>of</strong> Godso that the people become strong in the Scripturesand become real disciples <strong>of</strong> Christ, and thismissionary’s comments remind us that in manycases this is not happening.]“(3) I think we would do well to reexamine our ‘altarcalls.’ Only the Lord knows how many people havewalked an isle and parroted a prayer and werebaptized, that have left the church never to be seenagain. The modern altar call as we have practicedfor so many years and believed to be a fundamental<strong>of</strong> the faith, sometimes neglects the need <strong>of</strong> goodold-fashioned Holy Ghost conviction. In examiningthe soul winning methods <strong>of</strong> our Savior, we can’thelp but notice that He never pressed for‘decisions.’ He never tried to maneuver people intopraying a prayer so He would look successful. Hepreached and taught the Word <strong>of</strong> God and usuallyleft the people to themselves to think over what Hehad said. He realized that sowing and reapingseldom happen on the same day. He expected theWord to do its work in the heart <strong>of</strong> the individual. Hedid not run after people who were not willing torepent and trust Him. In my opinion, we need to quittrying to manipulate those who come to listen to usand permit God to use the Word that we preach todo a real work in their lives. This does not mean thatwe should not give them an opportunity to respondto Christ in some way after the sermon, but if we are

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