Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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The courses are mailed or carried to those who requestthem and instructions are included about what to do withthe completed course.We have used gospel correspondence courses in ourmissionary work in Asia and preached the gospel to nanyhundreds of people by that means. In fact, the man weeventually ordained as the pastor of the first church westarted was saved through the correspondence courseministry and has been serving Jesus Christ for 30 years.An advantage to the correspondence courses is that theycan cover the gospel systematically and thoroughly,whereas a gospel tract is very limited in its scope. Whenpeople complete our seven-lesson correspondence coursein Nepal, we sent them a New Testament and otherliterature and try to make personal contact with them.Tips for Using Gospel Correspondence CoursesEffectively1. Promote the correspondence course ministry to thechurch people.For a correspondence course ministry to be effective, thechurch people must understand its potential, get excitedabout it, and be diligent in advertising it. The role of thepastors is very important in this. It is helpful to giveregular reports to the church about the results of thecorrespondence course ministry, so the people can see theeffects of that outreach.2. Personalize the correspondence course distribution.Assign each person in the church or ministry a numberthat he can write on every tract that he or she distributesto advertise the course. The church member writes his or154

her number on the back of the tract on the section that istorn out and mailed in to request the courses. Thus, whenresponses come back with that number, the individualwill know that the response is from his efforts. This is avery encouraging thing, and it motivates people to bemore diligent in distribution and more earnest in prayer.God has made us in such a way that we desire to see fruitfrom our labors, and the Bible tells us that this is God’sdesire as well (John 15:8).3. Advertise the course widely.People are going to respond only if they know that thecourse is available. The announcement needs to get out toas many people in as many ways as possible. Pamphletsdescribing the course can be printed and distributed doorto-door,mailed to homes, and in other ways gotten out topeople who might be interested. The course can beadvertised in all of the tracts and gospel literaturedistributed by the church. The correspondence course canbe advertised in newspapers. In some parts of the world,thousands of people have responded to ads for gospelcorrespondence courses placed in secular publications. Insome places, posters advertising the correspondencecourse can be effective. We also advertise thecorrespondence course via radio ads.4. Pray much for the correspondence course outreach.Prayer brings the power of God into any spiritualministry. Don’t forget to pray for the correspondencecourse ministry during the church prayer meetings. Thatis also a good time to give a little report about anyresponses that are coming. The members should add thecorrespondence ministry to their daily prayers.155

her number on the back <strong>of</strong> the tract on the section that istorn out and mailed in to request the courses. Thus, whenresponses come back with that number, the individualwill know that the response is from his efforts. This is avery encouraging thing, and it motivates people to bemore diligent in distribution and more earnest in prayer.God has made us in such a way that we desire to see fruitfrom our labors, and the Bible tells us that this is God’sdesire as well (John 15:8).3. Advertise the course widely.People are going to respond only if they know that thecourse is available. The announcement needs to get out toas many people in as many ways as possible. Pamphletsdescribing the course can be printed and distributed doorto-door,mailed to homes, and in other ways gotten out topeople who might be interested. The course can beadvertised in all <strong>of</strong> the tracts and gospel literaturedistributed by the church. The correspondence course canbe advertised in newspapers. In some parts <strong>of</strong> the world,thousands <strong>of</strong> people have responded to ads for gospelcorrespondence courses placed in secular publications. Insome places, posters advertising the correspondencecourse can be effective. We also advertise thecorrespondence course via radio ads.4. Pray much for the correspondence course outreach.Prayer brings the power <strong>of</strong> God into any spiritualministry. Don’t forget to pray for the correspondencecourse ministry during the church prayer meetings. Thatis also a good time to give a little report about anyresponses that are coming. The members should add thecorrespondence ministry to their daily prayers.155

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