Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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gives the results of his research on Mount St. Helensafter its 1980 explosion. The presentation describes theexplosion in some detail and then examines thegeological phenomena that occurred, such as theformation of canyons, strata, and log deposits. Austindemonstrates that the evolutionary model requiringthousands or millions of years does not fit the reality ofwhat has occurred right before our eyes in modern timeson this mountain. Institute for Creation Research, P.O.Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021, 800-628-7640,www.icr.orgNOAH’S ARK: THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX byTim Lovett, John Whitcomb, and Ken Ham. In thisinteresting video presentation, Tim Lovett, a mechanicalengineer, demonstrates how that ancient ship-buildingtechnology was sufficient to make the Ark strong enoughto withstand the conditions it faced during the flood. Thisvideo debunks the attempt by British BroadcastingCorporation to discredit the biblical account of the Ark.Answers in Genesis. P.O. Box 6330, Florence, KY41022. 800-778-3390, www.answersingenesis.orgA QUESTION OF ORIGINS. This excellent videopresentation answers the following questions: Did thesolar system evolve out of the Big Bang? Can chemicalcompounds spontaneously evolve into life? Doesevolution explain the great variety of life on earth? Thegraphics are exceptional, and there are many briefinterviews with scientists, such as Dr. Gary Parker. Thevideo comes with soundtracks in eight languages:English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish,Serbian, and Slovakian. Eternal Productions,877-370-7770, www.eternal-productions.org146

RAGING WATERS, narrated by David Aikman. Thisvideo presentation gives evidence for a worldwidebiblical flood from geological studies in Australia.Geologists Andrew Snelling, Graeme Watmuffand, andPhilip Hohnen present evidence that Uluru, that rises upthe heart of the red desert, was formed rapidly andrecently in torrential flooding. Folded strata, ripplemarks, marine fossils in high mountain ranges, and therapid formation of coal, mineral ores and opals all pointto a recent cataclysm, when Australia was swept byraging waters. Answers in Genesis, 800-778-3390,www.answersingenesis.orgUNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE. Thispresentation argues for the intelligent design of creationfrom a scientific viewpoint. The scientists who areinterviewed are not all Bible-believing Christians, butthey argue that the complexity of life requires some sortof Higher Intelligence. One of the evidences featured inthe presentation is the amazing flagella molecule, whichis actually a complex microscopic rotary motor that spinsat 100,000 rpm and drives a propeller-like tail. Anotherof the evidences is the DNA code that is more complexthan any computer network. The presentation featuresastonishing high-quality graphics depicting the operationof molecules and cells. This is a very interesting, veryconvincing video. Illustra Media, www.illustramedia.comWHERE DOES THE EVIDENCE LEAD? Thispresentation features excellent graphics and interviewswith scientists to prove that life did not evolve accordingto Darwinian processes. It deals with molecularmachines, DNA, the possibility of life evolving fromnon-life, and scientific evidence for intelligent design.Illustra Media, www.illustramedia.com147

RAGING WATERS, narrated by David Aikman. Thisvideo presentation gives evidence for a worldwidebiblical flood from geological studies in Australia.Geologists Andrew Snelling, Graeme Watmuffand, andPhilip Hohnen present evidence that Uluru, that rises upthe heart <strong>of</strong> the red desert, was formed rapidly andrecently in torrential flooding. Folded strata, ripplemarks, marine fossils in high mountain ranges, and therapid formation <strong>of</strong> coal, mineral ores and opals all pointto a recent cataclysm, when Australia was swept byraging waters. Answers in Genesis, 800-778-3390,www.answersingenesis.orgUNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE. Thispresentation argues for the intelligent design <strong>of</strong> creationfrom a scientific viewpoint. The scientists who areinterviewed are not all Bible-believing Christians, butthey argue that the complexity <strong>of</strong> life requires some sort<strong>of</strong> Higher Intelligence. One <strong>of</strong> the evidences featured inthe presentation is the amazing flagella molecule, whichis actually a complex microscopic rotary motor that spinsat 100,000 rpm and drives a propeller-like tail. Another<strong>of</strong> the evidences is the DNA code that is more complexthan any computer network. The presentation featuresastonishing high-quality graphics depicting the operation<strong>of</strong> molecules and cells. This is a very interesting, veryconvincing video. Illustra Media, www.illustramedia.comWHERE DOES THE EVIDENCE LEAD? Thispresentation features excellent graphics and interviewswith scientists to prove that life did not evolve accordingto Darwinian processes. It deals with molecularmachines, DNA, the possibility <strong>of</strong> life evolving fromnon-life, and scientific evidence for intelligent design.Illustra Media, www.illustramedia.com147

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