Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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We invested in a nice Bar-B-Q grill, and beganpraying for our lost relatives and neighbors. The nextthing we did was to quit Thursday night visitation.This was done after much prayer and talking to ourpastor. We simply did not find it effective and wantedto bring forth fruit that would remain, rather thansimply knock doors because it is ‘the way it is done.’We began to invite neighbors over for dinner,sometimes on Thursday nights but also on Fridaysor Saturdays as this seemed to fit into theirschedules better. True, many neighbors were busy,but we found that if we kept at it we can get variousones to come over. After having them over for foodand sometimes games, we would begin witnessingto them. Sometimes we watch a Creation ScienceDVD or a good Christian film with them. Other timeswe have a Bible study. We’ve gone on picnics, andwith more interested ones, even on overnightcampouts. Near Christmas, because we have a lotof snow in our area, we have a big snowmanbuilding contest. For this I cook huge pots of chili,make homemade cornbread, pies, apple cider, etc.We try to award nice gifts for the family that makesthe best snowman within one half hour. Each yearthe competition has gotten stiffer and the snowmenmore creative. This has been very popular and weoften have ten or more families involved. We findthat doing something like this in the winter causeseven the immodest neighborhood girls to come fullycovered, and in this way we can include a fewfamilies we would otherwise not be able to invite.After this we gather around a huge bonfire while myhusband shares the real meaning of Christmas withthese lost neighbors. We always take this time toinvite the people to a special Christmas cantata atour church and many of them come.I could go on and on about the creative ways myhusband has come up with to share the gospel withour neighbors. But methods aren’t the end inthemselves and our family has a monthly day offasting and prayer for those to whom we arepresenting the gospel. We encourage our children toallow the Lord to lay some particular person on theirhearts and to especially pray for that person’ssalvation. EVERY evening we pray for theseoutreaches. We have tried to keep two things before130

our children in this, the first being that we are to beSERVANTS and the next that we are to be SOULWINNERS. Of course our Christian walk comes first,but these are the things we’ve emphasized beyondthat.There are so many different ways we have sharedthe gospel through the years since we banned theTV, and our children truly have grown up with aburden for others. They are soul winners! We live afishbowl life and invite others into our family to seeour walk with the Lord and to learn of Him forthemselves. The result is that three neighborfamilies, two older ladies, and a teen have beensaved since we cast out the TV! And we have othersfor whom we are praying and hope that soon they,too, will embrace the Saviour. From one of the firstfamilies we led to the Lord the oldest boy has goneto Bible College to prepare to serve the Lord as amissionary!As for missions, we have challenged each of ourchildren to adopt a missionary and to faithfully prayfor that family or individual every day. Not only thatbut they are encouraged to work all year long and tosend at least one offering a year to that missionary.One of our children cut grass all summer for threedifferent families and was able to send over $700 tohis missionary at the end of the summer. This wasall of his own accord but it set an example for theothers and they are (in fun) trying to compete and tosee who can raise the most for his/her missionaryfamily this next year. We really emphasize prayerand even fasting for those missionaries and areoften blessed to have them in our home on theirfurloughs. What a special time that is as we hearstories in more detail of those for whom we’d beenpraying.Twice a year we participate in a special program at alocal mission (for homeless) in town. This gives ourchildren more exposure to what happens whenpeople become entrapped in drugs, sin,slothfulness, etc. It also fills their hearts with love asthey reach out to these people. We go to nursinghomes often, but most of our outreach is within theconfines of our home. As a result our girls have had131

We invested in a nice Bar-B-Q grill, and beganpraying for our lost relatives and neighbors. The nextthing we did was to quit Thursday night visitation.This was done after much prayer and talking to ourpastor. We simply did not find it effective and wantedto bring forth fruit that would remain, rather thansimply knock doors because it is ‘the way it is done.’We began to invite neighbors over for dinner,sometimes on Thursday nights but also on Fridaysor Saturdays as this seemed to fit into theirschedules better. True, many neighbors were busy,but we found that if we kept at it we can get variousones to come over. After having them over for foodand sometimes games, we would begin witnessingto them. Sometimes we watch a Creation ScienceDVD or a good Christian film with them. Other timeswe have a Bible study. We’ve gone on picnics, andwith more interested ones, even on overnightcampouts. Near Christmas, because we have a lot<strong>of</strong> snow in our area, we have a big snowmanbuilding contest. <strong>For</strong> this I cook huge pots <strong>of</strong> chili,make homemade cornbread, pies, apple cider, etc.We try to award nice gifts for the family that makesthe best snowman within one half hour. Each yearthe competition has gotten stiffer and the snowmenmore creative. This has been very popular and we<strong>of</strong>ten have ten or more families involved. We findthat doing something like this in the winter causeseven the immodest neighborhood girls to come fullycovered, and in this way we can include a fewfamilies we would otherwise not be able to invite.After this we gather around a huge bonfire while myhusband shares the real meaning <strong>of</strong> Christmas withthese lost neighbors. We always take this time toinvite the people to a special Christmas cantata atour church and many <strong>of</strong> them come.I could go on and on about the creative ways myhusband has come up with to share the gospel withour neighbors. But methods aren’t the end inthemselves and our family has a monthly day <strong>of</strong>fasting and prayer for those to whom we arepresenting the gospel. We encourage our children toallow the Lord to lay some particular person on theirhearts and to especially pray for that person’ssalvation. EVERY evening we pray for theseoutreaches. We have tried to keep two things before130

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