Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature


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those which would warn against evil and aboutkeeping our hearts, separation, holy living, etc., ANDthose regarding our duties to preach the gospel toevery creature. He asked our forgiveness forallowing a TV into our home and gave pretty graphicdetails as to why he felt he had done wrong. Ourchildren were somber and we couldn’t tell what wasgoing on in their minds.The next evening, after supper my husband sat usall down and again confessed his wrong doing inregards to the TV. Again he spoke <strong>of</strong> our duty to tellour fellow man about the Lord. He brought anexcellent lesson to us all about hell and thenoutlined in great detail different ways we could beginto reach out to others to share the gospel to them.Then he threw it open to debate, asking the childrenwhat we should do. Do we keep the TV and continueto drift further and further from the Lord and fromcarrying out the Great Commission, or do we throwout the TV and earnestly seek to bring others toChrist? I knew my husband had fasted the last twodays and that he had experienced a tremendousrevival in his heart, but I was wondering how ourchildren would respond. The response was far morewonderful than I can describe. Our second daughterbegan to weep and explained that she’d beenpraying we would get rid <strong>of</strong> the TV as she knew itwas causing stumbling in her life and she wasn’t asclose to the Lord as she had been before. Our oldestson said basically the same. In fact, all <strong>of</strong> ourchildren without exception displayed a desire to getrid <strong>of</strong> the TV and to come closer as a family to theLord.The next day we all took the TV to the dump. It hadonly been in our home six months, but we had allnoticed the difference it had made.That night we began memorizing Scriptures togetheras a family. We have continued this practice nearlyevery night since and can recite all <strong>of</strong> 1 Peter, 1John, and major portions <strong>of</strong> Romans and the Gospel<strong>of</strong> John. But that’s only one tiny fruit <strong>of</strong> our ‘sacrifice’<strong>of</strong> the TV.129

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