Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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“If you want to see churches planted, then you mustset out to plant churches. The same axiom can betaken a step further to say, ‘If you want to seereproducing churches planted, then you must set outto plant reproducing churches’” (David Garrison,Church Planting Movements).122

Friendship Evangelism“Friendship evangelism” has a bad name among somefundamentalists, but the fact is that Jesus was a friend ofsinners and Paul was always out among the people.We are not talking about “lifestyle evangelism” in thesense of trying to win people by our lives without thegospel.And we are not saying that evangelism can only be doneby befriending people. Jesus commanded us to preach thegospel to every person (Mark 16:15) and there is no waythat the believers are going to truly befriend every lostsinner. There is a definite place for mass tract distributionand systematically covering a community door to doorand for gospel radio broadcasts and whatever othermethods we can find to get the gospel to the greatestnumber of people possible.But the fact remains that friendships are important whenit comes to evangelism. We are simply talking aboutgetting to know people so that we can demonstrateChristian grace and neighborliness and communicate thegospel to them.The way to make contacts is to get out among theunsaved and befriend them.Some people get saved “cold turkey” through doorknocking and tract distribution (which are fine inthemselves), but more tend to come to Christ through arelationship with a saved relative, neighbor, friend, or coworker.So believers need to set out to build morerelationships with the lost.123

Friendship <strong>Evangelism</strong>“Friendship evangelism” has a bad name among somefundamentalists, but the fact is that Jesus was a friend <strong>of</strong>sinners and Paul was always out among the people.We are not talking about “lifestyle evangelism” in thesense <strong>of</strong> trying to win people by our lives without thegospel.And we are not saying that evangelism can only be doneby befriending people. Jesus commanded us to preach thegospel to every person (Mark 16:15) and there is no waythat the believers are going to truly befriend every lostsinner. There is a definite place for mass tract distributionand systematically covering a community door to doorand for gospel radio broadcasts and whatever othermethods we can find to get the gospel to the greatestnumber <strong>of</strong> people possible.But the fact remains that friendships are important whenit comes to evangelism. We are simply talking aboutgetting to know people so that we can demonstrateChristian grace and neighborliness and communicate thegospel to them.The way to make contacts is to get out among theunsaved and befriend them.Some people get saved “cold turkey” through doorknocking and tract distribution (which are fine inthemselves), but more tend to come to Christ through arelationship with a saved relative, neighbor, friend, or coworker.So believers need to set out to build morerelationships with the lost.123

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