Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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Starting New ChurchesAn important part of evangelism and fulfilling the Lord’sGreat Commission is starting new churches.We are instructed to preach the gospel to every soulthroughout the earth (Mark 16:15), beginning in our owncommunities (Acts 1:8), and to baptize and disciple thosewho believe (Mat. 28:18-20), which is done by plantingchurches, because it is the church which is the pillar andground of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). The church is thediscipleship center, the preacher/teacher training center,the headquarters for world missions.So churches must start churches. This is the wonderfulpattern for world missions that the Spirit of God gave usin Acts 13-14.Too many churches are content to exist year after year,decade after decade, without reproducing themselves,and too often they don’t reproduce themselves becausethey simply don’t have the vision and objective of doingso.“The Southern Baptists have said that only 4 percentof the churches in America will plant a daughterchurch. That means that 96 percent of theconventional churches in America will never givebirth. ... We need a new form of church that can befruitful and multiply” (Organic Church, Kindle location1249).Those statistics sound right in our own experience, and ina sense we do need a new form of church that can befruitful and multiply, but it is not a “house church” so tospeak; it is a New Testament church that is notcomplacent, a New Testament church with a burden to120

eproduce itself and to bear fruit for the glory of Christ(John 15).It is typical that the older church gets, the less fruitful itbecomes as a body.“Fuller Theological Seminary did a research studythat found that if a church is 10 or more years old, ittakes 85 people to lead 1 person to Christ. If thechurch is between 4 and 7 years old, it takes 7people to lead 1 person to Christ. If a church is lessthan 3 years old, it takes only 3 people to lead 1person to Christ” (Starting a House Church, Kindlelocation 266).Again, this is probably true in general, and it reminds usthat planting new churches is an important and necessarymeans of reaching more people with the gospel.Overseas, on the “mission field,” churches typically wantto start new churches and are earnestly geared towardthat objective, but in the States this is often not the case.But why should the fulfillment of the Great Commissionbe different in one part of the world than it is from otherparts? I know that as a missionary to South Asia, it is ourpassion to plant churches that reproduce themselves. Weare not content to plant one church and merely see itgrow numerically. We have a passion to disciple thepeople so that each member is busy in the Lord’s Harvestaccording to his individual gifts and to train preachersand missionaries who can plant new churches under theguidance of the Holy Spirit.This should be the objective of every church in everyplace. There are never enough truly Bible-believingchurches, and this is truer today than ever, and the housechurch movement can be a challenge to be purposefulabout the matter of planting new churches.121

eproduce itself and to bear fruit for the glory <strong>of</strong> Christ(John 15).It is typical that the older church gets, the less fruitful itbecomes as a body.“Fuller Theological Seminary did a research studythat found that if a church is 10 or more years old, ittakes 85 people to lead 1 person to Christ. If thechurch is between 4 and 7 years old, it takes 7people to lead 1 person to Christ. If a church is lessthan 3 years old, it takes only 3 people to lead 1person to Christ” (Starting a House Church, Kindlelocation 266).Again, this is probably true in general, and it reminds usthat planting new churches is an important and necessarymeans <strong>of</strong> reaching more people with the gospel.Overseas, on the “mission field,” churches typically wantto start new churches and are earnestly geared towardthat objective, but in the States this is <strong>of</strong>ten not the case.But why should the fulfillment <strong>of</strong> the Great Commissionbe different in one part <strong>of</strong> the world than it is from otherparts? I know that as a missionary to South Asia, it is ourpassion to plant churches that reproduce themselves. Weare not content to plant one church and merely see itgrow numerically. We have a passion to disciple thepeople so that each member is busy in the Lord’s Harvestaccording to his individual gifts and to train preachersand missionaries who can plant new churches under theguidance <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit.This should be the objective <strong>of</strong> every church in everyplace. There are never enough truly Bible-believingchurches, and this is truer today than ever, and the housechurch movement can be a challenge to be purposefulabout the matter <strong>of</strong> planting new churches.121

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