Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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Vacation Bible SchoolVacation Bible School can be an effective outreachministry. However, effectively winning children to theLord and assimilating them into the church (i.e.discipling them) doesn’t “just happen” because a churchhas a VBS. Truly evangelistic VBS’s must be plannedwell in advance with a concerted emphasis on advertisingand repeatedly encouraging the congregation to go intothe highways and hedges and compel the lost to come in.Add to this the following and the potential for lastingfruit will be greatly increased:1. An effective VBS requires dedicated teachers whohave already demonstrated a burden and love for the ageswith whom they will be working. Churches too oftenassign teachers just because they are available with littleor no concern as to whether they are capable, whetherthey are truly the right people for the job. There are manyqualifications a church needs to look for in those whowould teach children and young people. First of all, theymust be godly, faithful Christian people. That seems toobasic to mention, but all too often the teachers who arechosen to do such work lack even this basic trait.Secondly, the teachers must genuinely love youngpeople. Thirdly, the teachers must be capable of openingup the Word of God to their students, of explaining andapplying spiritual things on the level of their students.Another requirement should be that the teachers have apersonal zeal to reach people with the gospel.2. The VBS curriculum should consist of interesting,biblically-sound lessons with the double goal ofstrengthening and challenging the saved and ofintroducing the lost to Christ. The teachers must112

understand these clear goals. I recall a VBS in which theman who taught the teens did not clearly give the gospeleven though unsaved young people were in attendance.3. Well planned out, interesting programs, crafts, games,songs, etc. can enhance good VBS’s. Ongoing contestscan encourage children to return the next day. These,however, should never detract from the spiritual goalsnor become an end in themselves nor cheapen theatmosphere of the church.4. It is important that the invitations be very carefullypresented. All of us have heard of scores being saved inVBS’s. All too often, however, the fruit was picked toosoon. It’s easy to get professions from children, but weare not commanded to do this. We are commanded tobring forth fruit that remains. With this goal in mind,some churches only extend an invitation after havingcarefully laid and built upon a solid foundation of gospelteaching. When we attempt to reap ahead of the HolySpirit’s working in a heart, we often get a falseprofession. Far better to have three children solidlyconverted and discipled than to have thirty professions offaith with no evidence of any real, lasting change. Ourgoal should be the same as that of the Apostle Paul “thatthey should repent and turn to God, and do works meetfor repentance” (Acts 26:20).5. Most churches, probably better than 90%, end VBS onthe last day of VBS. What does that mean? They have noplan or program to follow up and disciple those whowere saved or whose hearts had begun to be movedduring VBS. No concerted plan is in place to reach thefamilies of visitors who attended VBS. One church weknow of is located in a very small, rural community.113

understand these clear goals. I recall a VBS in which theman who taught the teens did not clearly give the gospeleven though unsaved young people were in attendance.3. Well planned out, interesting programs, crafts, games,songs, etc. can enhance good VBS’s. Ongoing contestscan encourage children to return the next day. These,however, should never detract from the spiritual goalsnor become an end in themselves nor cheapen theatmosphere <strong>of</strong> the church.4. It is important that the invitations be very carefullypresented. All <strong>of</strong> us have heard <strong>of</strong> scores being saved inVBS’s. All too <strong>of</strong>ten, however, the fruit was picked toosoon. It’s easy to get pr<strong>of</strong>essions from children, but weare not commanded to do this. We are commanded tobring forth fruit that remains. With this goal in mind,some churches only extend an invitation after havingcarefully laid and built upon a solid foundation <strong>of</strong> gospelteaching. When we attempt to reap ahead <strong>of</strong> the HolySpirit’s working in a heart, we <strong>of</strong>ten get a falsepr<strong>of</strong>ession. Far better to have three children solidlyconverted and discipled than to have thirty pr<strong>of</strong>essions <strong>of</strong>faith with no evidence <strong>of</strong> any real, lasting change. Ourgoal should be the same as that <strong>of</strong> the Apostle Paul “thatthey should repent and turn to God, and do works meetfor repentance” (Acts 26:20).5. Most churches, probably better than 90%, end VBS onthe last day <strong>of</strong> VBS. What does that mean? They have noplan or program to follow up and disciple those whowere saved or whose hearts had begun to be movedduring VBS. No concerted plan is in place to reach thefamilies <strong>of</strong> visitors who attended VBS. One church weknow <strong>of</strong> is located in a very small, rural community.113

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