Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature

Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature Ideas For Evangelism - Way of Life Literature
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At that time, they could “graduate” to the regular churchservices. See “Home Bible Studies” for more about this.Virtual English ClassesThe following idea came from Christina Breault:“I have developed a web site (in Portuguese, sinceI’m from Brazil — I have lived in the US for 14 years— and that’s my native language) where I do webevangelism through an English class for theBrazilian community here in the US and all over theworld, mainly in Brazil, using texts from the Bibleonly. It started out as a personal webpublication sharing my testimony, some pamphletsthat I translated, articles and other Christianmaterials. Then the idea of a Christian EnglishVirtual Class popped in my head. I felt that I couldhelp brothers and sisters assisting them in learningthe English language as well as reach non-Christians with the Gospel through their interest inlearning English. To my surprise the web class hasbeen a success and I have an average of 250visitors everyday, mainly students at Brazilianuniversities and government agencies. People enjoythe class very much as they write telling me about it.So, through my English virtual class I make non-Christians read the Word of God as I use biblicaltexts to teach them English. I thought this was agood evangelism idea. I also expose a lot of theheresies going on in churches today (particularly thecharismatic churches, which are epidemic in Brazil)and that has created a lot of controversies in myweb site. People just don’t want/like to hear thetruth.”108

ChildrenWe plan to include more about children’s evangelism in afuture edition of Ideas of Evangelism, if the Lord makesthat possible. Until then, we offer the following few tipsin addition to those already included in other sections ofthis book (particularly those on Vacation Bible School,Sunday School, and Youth).Lee Perrine wrote the following challenge about reachingchildren for Jesus Christ:“I still believe that ‘reaching the children’ is a greatway to evangelize. I have seen it too many times,even in my own walk with the Lord. When you reachthe children, you sooner or later get the parents,grandparents, and relatives. It works domino effect. Ihave already experienced it, and have seen familymembers saved in Jesus Christ. It is wonderful tosee this. People sort of hide out in today’s world.They want to go to church but are afraid of not beingaccepted. When they see that people care andaccept their children, they begin to see that forthemselves and feel freer to ease up those tensions.Families are really hurting out there today, and it is ablessing to them to see people wanting to give loveand concern to their children. Then they begin to seeJesus Christ in those people.”A book which gives information on leading children tosalvation in the Lord Jesus Christ is How Can I ExceptSome Man Should Guide Me? written by Pastor KerryJames Allen, Fox River Baptist Church, Oswego, Illinois,it contains helpful instruction in the challenging andweighty business of leading children to Christ.Chapters include the following—“The Earlier, the Better” (this is an excellent overviewof the biblical method of child discipline)109

At that time, they could “graduate” to the regular churchservices. See “Home Bible Studies” for more about this.Virtual English ClassesThe following idea came from Christina Breault:“I have developed a web site (in Portuguese, sinceI’m from Brazil — I have lived in the US for 14 years— and that’s my native language) where I do webevangelism through an English class for theBrazilian community here in the US and all over theworld, mainly in Brazil, using texts from the Bibleonly. It started out as a personal webpublication sharing my testimony, some pamphletsthat I translated, articles and other Christianmaterials. Then the idea <strong>of</strong> a Christian EnglishVirtual Class popped in my head. I felt that I couldhelp brothers and sisters assisting them in learningthe English language as well as reach non-Christians with the Gospel through their interest inlearning English. To my surprise the web class hasbeen a success and I have an average <strong>of</strong> 250visitors everyday, mainly students at Brazilianuniversities and government agencies. People enjoythe class very much as they write telling me about it.So, through my English virtual class I make non-Christians read the Word <strong>of</strong> God as I use biblicaltexts to teach them English. I thought this was agood evangelism idea. I also expose a lot <strong>of</strong> theheresies going on in churches today (particularly thecharismatic churches, which are epidemic in Brazil)and that has created a lot <strong>of</strong> controversies in myweb site. People just don’t want/like to hear thetruth.”108

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