2013 Medicare HMO Blue ValueRx/PlusRx Formulary - Blue Cross ...

2013 Medicare HMO Blue ValueRx/PlusRx Formulary - Blue Cross ...

2013 Medicare HMO Blue ValueRx/PlusRx Formulary - Blue Cross ...


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metaproterenol sulfate syrup,-tablet ................. 93metaxalone .............. 76metformin hcl. ............ 44metformin hcl er 500 mg tab,-750 mg tablet .......... 44metformin hcl er 500 mg tablet,-1,000 mg tab .......... 44METHACHOLINECHLORIDE ............ 40methadone hcl injection .... 24methadone hcl solution,-tablet ................. 24methadone intensol ....... 24methadose. .............. 24methamphetamine hcl ..... 25methazolamide tablet . . . . . . 90methenamine hippurate .... 14methenamine mandelate e.c. tab,-tablet ................. 14methimazole tablet ........ 41METHITEST ............. 83methocarbamol tablet. ..... 76methotrexate injection ..... 17methotrexate tablet. ....... 17methscopolamine bromidetablet. ................. 46methyclothiazide .......... 36methyldopa .............. 33methyldopahydrochlorothiazide...... 35methyldopate hcl. ......... 33methylergonovine maleate .. 89METHYLIN TABLET ....... 25methylphenidate cd 10 mgcap ................... 25methylphenidate cd 50 mg cap,-60mg cap ............. 25methylphenidate er 10 mg tab,-20 mg tab ............. 25methylphenidate er 18mg tab,-27mg tab, 54mg tab .... 25methylphenidate er 20 mgcap ................... 25methylphenidate er 30 mg cap,-40 mg cap. ............ 25methylphenidate er 36mgtab .................... 25methylphenidate solution ... 25methylphenidate tablet ..... 25methylprednisolone injection 42methylprednisolone tab(inconvenience package),-tablet ................. 42methyl salicylate .......... 39metipranolol. ............. 90metoclopramide hcl tablet .. 46metoclopramide injection. .. 46metoclopramide syrup ..... 46metolazone .............. 36metoprololhydrochlorothiazide...... 35metoprolol succinate ...... 32metoprolol tartrate injection . 32metoprolol tartrate tablet ... 32metronidazole capsule, -tablet 7metronidazole cream, -gel,-lotion ................. 37metronidazole injection. ..... 7metronidazole vaginalproducts ............... 85METVIXIA ............... 39mexiletine hcl capsule. ..... 31MIACALCIN INJECTION. .. 44miconazole 3 ............. 15MICRODOT HIGH-LOWCONTROL SOL ........ 64MICRODOT NORMALCONTROL SOLUT. ..... 64microgestin .............. 84microgestin fe . . . . . . . . . . . . 84MICROLET LANCETS .... 64MICROTAINER SAFETYLANCET ............... 64MICRO THIN 33GLANCETS. ............. 64midodrine hcl. ............ 35migergot. ................ 26MILLIPRED DP. .......... 42millipred tablet. ........... 42milrinone in 5% dextrose ... 35milrinone lactate .......... 35mimvey .................. 85MINI ULTRA-THIN II PEN NDL31G. .................. 64minocycline hcl capsule, -tablet,-tablet sustained action. .. 14minoxidil tablet. ........... 36mirtazapine 7.5 mg tablet, -15mg odt, -30 mg odt, -30 mgtablet, -45 mg odt, -45 mgtablet. ................. 28mirtazapine 15 mg tablet ... 28misoprostol .............. 46mitomycin. ............... 17mitoxantrone ............. 18M-M-R II VACCINE. ....... 49modafinil tablet ........... 26moexipril hcl. ............. 31moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide 35mometasone furoate. ...... 39MONOJECT 0.3 ML INSULINSYR................... 64MONOJECT 0.5 ML INSULINSYR................... 64MONOJECT 0.5 ML SYRN28GX1/2 .............. 64MONOJECT 0.5 ML SYRN29GX1/2 .............. 64MONOJECT 1 ML INSULINSYRINGE. ............. 64MONOJECT 1 ML SYRN25X5/8 ................ 64MONOJECT 1 ML SYRN27X1/2 ................ 64MONOJECT 1 ML SYRN28GX1/2 .............. 64MONOJECT BLOOD LANCETSTERL ................ 64monoject heparin 10 units/ml 82monoject heparin 10 units/ml,-heparin 100 units/ml .... 82MONOJECT INSULIN SYR 0.3ML. ................... 64MONOJECT INSULIN SYR 0.5ML. ................... 64MONOJECT INSULIN SYR 1ML. ................... 64MONOJECT INSULIN SYRN3/10 ML ............... 65MONOJECT INSULIN SYRU-100 ................. 65MONOJECT INSUL SYRU100. ................. 64114

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