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Untitled - Orkustofnun


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Mburu and Mwangi 13 Geothermal development in Kenya and Africa7000MW in the Eastern Africa rift system, should motivate other countries in the region to pursue thisdevelopment. Initiatives like ARGeo and other donor funding agencies augmented with local fundingunder the global framework of renewable resources and climate change will see accelerateddevelopment of geothermal resource development. Manpower development will also play animportant role in getting the job done.Creation of a special purpose geothermal development company by the government will be a usefulmilestone in geothermal energy exploitation and is expected to accelerate geothermal development inKenya to achieve the least cost development plan.Commercial direct uses of geothermal energy should be encouraged in countries with low enthalpyresources. For example Oserian Development Company, Kenya, a flower growing company hasbenefited from the use of geothermal heat leased from KenGen for heating their green houses. As aresult several flower growing companies in Kenya have requested KenGen to look into possibility ofproviding hot water for this use. Tunisia also uses geothermal water to heat the greenhouses forgrowing cucumber, watermelon, pepper and tomatoes.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe management of KenGen is thanked for approving the publication of this report. The authorswould also like to record their gratitude to all those who provided the data and other forms ofassistance during the preparation of this paper.REFERENCESBahati, G., and Tugume, F., 2005: Uganda geothermal energy country update. Proceedings of theWorld Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 9 pp.Clarke, M.C.G., Woodhall, D.G., Allen, D., and Darling, G., 1990: Geological, volcanological andhydrogeological control on the occurrence of geothermal activity in the area surrounding LakeNaivasha, Kenya, with coloured 1:100 000 geological maps. Ministry of Energy, Nairobi, report,138 pp.Hochstein, M.P, Temu, E.P and Moshy, C.M.A., 2000: Geothermal resources of Tanzania.Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2000, Kyushu-Tokyo, Japan, 1233-1238.KPLC, 2005: Least cost power development update. A report for the Government of Kenya.Kwambai, C.B., 2004: Olkaria I power plant: after 23 years of operation. Proceedings of the 3 rdKenya Electricity Generating Co. Geothermal Conference 2004, Nairobi, Kenya.Lagat, J.K., 1995: Borehole geology and hydrothermal alteration of well OW-30, Olkaria geothermalfield, Kenya. Report 6 in: Geothermal Training in Iceland 1995. UNU-GTP, Iceland, 135-154.Mburu, M.N., 2004: Observed changes in wells performance and reservoir characteristics in OlkariaEast field over the last 23 years. Proceedings of the 3 rd Kenya Electricity Generating Co.Geothermal Conference 2004, Nairobi, Kenya.Mohamed, J., 2002: An overview of the geothermal prospects in the republic of Djibouti: results andperspectives. Proceedings of the 2 nd Kenya Electricity Generating Co. Geothermal Conference,2003, Nairobi, Kenya.Mohamed, M.B., 2005: Low-enthalpy geothermal resources application in the Kebili Region, southernTunisia. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey.Mwangi, M.N., 2000: Country update report for Kenya 1995-1999. Proceedings of the World

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