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Untitled - Orkustofnun


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STEAM OUTPUT (t/hr)Mburu and Mwangi 7 Geothermal development in Kenya and Africa5. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS5.1 Electricity generation in Olkaria fields5.1.1 Olkaria IThe initial design of Olkaria I powerplant and steamfield had proposed alife of 25 years. The units been inoperation for the last 24 years. Inone year’s time, Unit 1 will haveexhausted its initial design life. Thecurrent study shows that the plantand the reservoir are in goodcondition, and the reservoir is havingmore steam than is required togenerate 45 MWe (Figure 5).KenGen is currently conducting anoptimisation study of the field andplants to be completed in 2006 with aview to extending the life of the plantand steamfield and a possibility ofincreasing generation from this field.5.1.2 Olkaria IISince the two turbines installed atYEAROlkaria II plant are more efficient,FIGURE 5: Steam output at Olkaria East field for 23 yearsthere is excess steam at Olkaria NEfield. A proposal to install a thirdunit of 35 MWe in Olkaria II to utilise the excess steam from Olkaria East and Olkaria Northeast fieldsis being evaluated. The funds are already available and the plant is expected to be commissioned inthe year 2008.5.1.3 Olkaria IIIAppraisal and production drilling was completed in 2003 after which enough steam to generate 48MWe over the next 20 years was proven. A 36 MWe plant in Olkaria III is was planned to becommissioned in 2006 (Reshef and Citrin, 2003). This target may however not be realised sincetodate, construction has not commenced.5.1.4 Olkaria IV750700650600550500450400350300250200150100Steam to generate 45 MWeOW-31 & 33KenGen drilled three deep exploration wells in Domes field between September 1998 and May 1999.This field is designated for development with expectation of generating 60 to70 MWe for 25 years andwill be the site of Olkaria IV power plant. Plans are at an advanced stage to drill six (6) directionalappraisal wells in this field.OW-26PredictedActual45 MWeOW-32 & -34OW-5OW-27, -28, -29 & -301984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 20045.2 Direct usesOserian Development Company, which is a flower growing company has realised to advantages ofheating the greenhouses using geothermal brine in heat exchanges. Also, the carbon dioxide gas fromthe wells enhance photosynthesis of the plants. Oserian is therefore planning to lease more geothermal

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