Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 2 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 2 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 2 - KiteLife


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aided or monofilament nylon .Here in Seattle last summer, TakeshiNishibayashi showed us a movie of his400-kite train . He used Eddys withIndia fighter-type stabilizers . Hisbook illustrates his bridling method,a modified tiller hitch .NISHIBAYASHI'S HITCHThe advantage of Nishibayashi'smethod is that the main line is unbroken. But I noticed in the movie thatseveral of the kites were flying sideways. They didn't seem to swivel on themain line . I worried about having tofind the exact center of lift for eachkite .Another . envy admitted : my colleagueDave Checkley has a beautiful60-disk Chinese centipede, which haslots of gold mylar to sparkle, a gooddragon face, and a flight angle that isoutrageous-some 70 degrees . Aftertwo attempts at constructing my owncentipede, I gave up and use the creaturesnow for wall decorations . Buteven Dave complains about repairsand tangled lines-and I've noticedthat he always has to have a groundcrew to help launch it .What I was really looking for, whenI thought about it, was a kite trainthat would be satisfying, that wouldgive a sense of accomplishment, thatwould, if you will, draw a crowd . Todo this, it would have to be huge, looksensational, sparkle with color, andundulate' provocatively. All this, andbe cheap to build, extremely easy totransport, launch and retrieve - popout of the car, spring into the air, flystably at a high angle and then retractquickly and easily - with a crew of one!<strong>No</strong>thing in this world is perfect . Butfrom my experienced experimentation,I'd say the kite train that comes nearestTHE VAN GILDER CONNECTIONShort, 12-in . 12-lb .-test braided nylon tether is used toattach the kite to the main line . This allows for swivelingand twisting of line . The tether is tied to a 1/2-inch toothpickstick and run through the hole in the keel like abutton hole . <strong>No</strong>te that the main line pierces the kitecover through a slot for flexibility of flying angle . Justabove the kite cover is the tiller hitch, attaching to themain line of the kite above . This allows one kite to beremoved from the train . <strong>No</strong>te that the keel is oversize forstability. The lower kites could be bridled farther forwardto lessen pull on the main line .tiller hitchto perfection in meeting the criteriaabove is the pre-tied, through-the-kite,container-transported delta train .John Dusenberry and I each haveone . We both use dime-store tissuepaper covering, curtain shade bamboospars and 1/8-in . diam . dowel spreaderbars . So the kites are cheap, about14¢ each . Even adding the cost of 110-lb-test braided nylon seine twine, it'sonly about a $20 investment . And thekites look like a million . 0Above, Jack flies 72 of his 101 kitesin train for all of Seattle to seeon KOMO-TV .Left, Bob McCort defends himself againstkite attack while assisting Van Gilder .When the top kite loops, starting a chainreaction, it means the wind is tooheavy and it's time to haul in .

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