Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 2 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 2 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 2 - KiteLife


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<strong>Kite</strong>s Past :Historic <strong>No</strong>tesPerson-Lifting <strong>Kite</strong>sBy Valerie Govigand Robert M . IngrahamPhotographs by Arthur Johnsoncourtesy of Domina C . JalbertThe privilege of being the daughterof Domina Jalbert might not be desiredby everyone, even by ardent feminists .For Jalbert's daughter Dorothy itmeant taking not one but two sky rideslifted by her father's kites, and in sodoing joining a select circle of womenin air history .The group of females who havebeen lifted by tethered kites appearsto be small, but of surprising importance. According to Clive Hart, ¹ thefirst account of a genuine, humanascension accomplished by kite toldof a "lady" in the seat of honor . Thisachievement was performed and documentedby George Pocock, the Englishschoolteacher whose famous char-volantDorothy Jalbert and her father Dominapreparing for her kite ride in 1942 .makes such an interesting chapter inkite history .At some time about 1825, Pocockraised "a lady, whose courage wouldnot be denied," using the power ofhis "buoyant sails ." Hart determinedthat the lady was Pocock's daughter,Martha, who was at least 13 .(There is a story by J . Lecornu, whowas once President of the FrenchLeague of the <strong>Kite</strong>, telling of an earlierflight in the late 18th century, but thereference is apparently insubstantial ;it is doubted by Hart . If it were true,however, it would not deprive femalesof the honor of the first kite lift, forLecornu's legend was of a flight byan English woman .(Even further back in time and mythis Ishikawa Goyamen of Nagoya,Japan, who attempted to steal thegolden dolphins from a castle rooftop,reached by kite . Still further removedis the Greek legend of Icarus, whichhardly deserves mention here .)Pocock tells of his daughter's historicfirst ascent in this manner :"An arm chair was brought on theground ; then, lowering the cordage ofthe <strong>Kite</strong>, by slackening the lower brace,the chair was firmly lashed to the mainline, and the lady took her seat . Themain-brace being hauled taut, thehuge Buoyant Sail rose aloft with itsfair burden, continuing to ascend tothe height of one hundred yards . Ondescending, she expressed herselfmuch pleased at the easy motion ofthe <strong>Kite</strong>, and the delightful prospectshe had enjoyed ."In the intervening years, there havebeen several males lifted by kite . Firstin line was Jean-Marie LeBris, in 1857,whose famous attempt was not quitesuccessful . LeBris rode on his birdshapedglider behind a carriage,planning to be released, but the cordcaught in the carriage and broke, entanglingthe coachman and carryingboth men aloft for a time . Both Hart ²and Pelham ³ describe this as a kitelift, but from the descriptions it seemsclear that the glider was a kite onlyThe girl on the flying trapeze .

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