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Great looking contenton any deviceThere's no new media – it’s all new consumption.Online & MobileThe introduction of touch-enabled tabletcomputers has inspired media houses andonline publishers alike. The new publicationchannels demand new ways to bringcontent quickly to multiple platforms. VizApp Framework does exactly this; it helpscustomers to publish to applications thatrun natively on the latest smartphones andtablets powered by Apple’s iOS and Android.Viz App Framework helps online-publishersand media houses to turn onlinecontent into applications for mobile devices.These applications provide a native userexperience on the latest tablet computersand smartphones. Native applications fullysupport all of the devices’ capabilities, suchas multi-touch interfaces, screen rotationand the highest possible resolution for videoplayback.The user apps can be made availablevia iTunes or the Android Market either asfree or paid apps. The applications can alsosupport different methods of monetizingcontent:Publishers can combine editorial contentwith advertising that can be automaticallyadapted to the device and the user profile.Applications also enable content accessPLatFormsTurn youronline contentinto applicationsfor mobile andhandheld devicescontrol, flexible download policies or anauthentication system.Viz App Framework works togetherseamlessly with existing Escenic ContentEngine and Escenic Content Studio installations.Users can easily integrate an existingEscenic Content Engine system into Viz AppFramework, but it is also possible to use VizApp Framework as a stand-alone productusing only a runtime edition of EscenicContent Studio. Future releases of Viz AppFramework will give customers the possibilityto integrate third-party CMS systems aswell.Either solution enables publishers tocross publishing the full range of editorialmaterial, such as texts, images, maps andgraphics, using only one workflow. Furtherintegration with Viz Media Engine allowspublishers to enhance their apps withadditional video content. For operators andjournalists the publishing workflow remainsunchanged, with the app simply representingan additional output channel. All theusual preview and editing features areavailable when creating the app, making VizApp Framework one of the easiest ways ofporting content to mobile devices.Viz App Framework Key Features• Works seamlessly together with existingEscenic Content Engine installations.• Seamless publishing workflow to apps/mobile web• Framework provides great looking contenton any device without need for editorialintervention• Available via iTunes or the Android Market– either as free or paid apps.• Automatically adaptable advertisingbased on device and/or user profile.The Vizrt Catalogue 2011 85

Great looking contenton any deviceThere's no new media – it’s all new consumption.Online & MobileThe introduction of touch-enabled tablet<strong>com</strong>puters has inspired media houses andonline publishers alike. The new publicationchannels demand new ways to bringcontent quickly to multiple platforms. VizApp Framework does exactly this; it helpscustomers to publish to applications thatrun natively on the latest smartphones andtablets powered by Apple’s iOS and Android.Viz App Framework helps online-publishersand media houses to turn onlinecontent into applications for mobile devices.These applications provide a native userexperience on the latest tablet <strong>com</strong>putersand smartphones. Native applications fullysupport all of the devices’ capabilities, suchas multi-touch interfaces, screen rotationand the highest possible resolution for videoplayback.The user apps can be made availablevia iTunes or the Android Market either asfree or paid apps. The applications can alsosupport different methods of monetizingcontent:Publishers can <strong>com</strong>bine editorial contentwith advertising that can be automaticallyadapted to the device and the user profile.Applications also enable content accessPLatFormsTurn youronline contentinto applicationsfor mobile andhandheld devicescontrol, flexible download policies or anauthentication system.Viz App Framework works togetherseamlessly with existing Escenic ContentEngine and Escenic Content Studio installations.Users can easily integrate an existingEscenic Content Engine system into Viz AppFramework, but it is also possible to use VizApp Framework as a stand-alone productusing only a runtime edition of EscenicContent Studio. Future releases of Viz AppFramework will give customers the possibilityto integrate third-party CMS systems aswell.Either solution enables publishers tocross publishing the full range of editorialmaterial, such as texts, images, maps andgraphics, using only one workflow. Furtherintegration with Viz Media Engine allowspublishers to enhance their apps withadditional video content. For operators andjournalists the publishing workflow remainsunchanged, with the app simply representingan additional output channel. All theusual preview and editing features areavailable when creating the app, making VizApp Framework one of the easiest ways ofporting content to mobile devices.Viz App Framework Key Features• Works seamlessly together with existingEscenic Content Engine installations.• Seamless publishing workflow to apps/mobile web• Framework provides great looking contenton any device without need for editorialintervention• Available via iTunes or the Android Market– either as free or paid apps.• Automatically adaptable advertisingbased on device and/or user profile.The <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 85

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