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Fast and safe mobileInternet publishingOnline & MobileThe bewildering array of new devices,each with their specific capabilities ofscreen size, format capabilities and userinterfaces makes it impossible to deploy aone-size-fits-all content approach to mobilepublishing.The sensible method is not to buildelements that are specific to a device, butinstead create a template based environmentthat contains policy informationindicating how content should be displayedon any device – not just on any one specificdevice. It is a logical architecture whichprovides both scalability and flexibility.The Viz Mobile Expansion achieves thisby providing a device database, a devicefilter and a presentation template configurationwhich makes content and layout‘device-aware’.Content and page layout are optimizedand formatted to support the fullHIT THE POCKETWork with yourpublications formobile from thesame user interfaceas your publicationsfor web. Read moreabout EscenicContent Studioon p. 78capabilities of each individual device. Theend result is that mobile end users receivethe richest, most compelling user experiencepossible for their device.The Viz Mobile Expansion interfacesdirectly with Escenic Content Engine,appearing as a separate publication channelon the same server. Escenic Content Studiousers can simply drag-and-drop theirarticles, including all images and videos,into this new publication and all deviceadaptation is performed automatically inthe background.All handheld devices, browsers andplatforms can be handled by one singlecode base, allowing for rapid developmentand easy maintenance. A web developmenttoolbox with HTML5 support provides buildingblocks, enabling easy design for rich andcompelling mobile web sites.Viz Mobile Expansion Key Features• The Related Contents Widget is supposedto be used only in article context, not insection context.• Support for all types of mobile digitalcontent• Automatic multimedia converter andstreaming to mobile formats (images,video, audio)• Multiple dimension adaptation and segmentation:Device, operator and market• Advanced functions for increased usability• Mobile optimized AJAX engine• Powerful widget collection• Always up to date device database• Use same URL for mobile and desktop site• Possibility for location-based content withintegrated map generator• Enhanced support for Google Android andApple iPhone platforms• Extended RSS syndication• Send and receive SMS, MMS or WAP-push• Charge or identify end user• Flexible JSP template system for optimizedpresentationThe Vizrt Catalogue 2011 83

Fast and safe mobileInternet publishingOnline & MobileThe bewildering array of new devices,each with their specific capabilities ofscreen size, format capabilities and userinterfaces makes it impossible to deploy aone-size-fits-all content approach to mobilepublishing.The sensible method is not to buildelements that are specific to a device, butinstead create a template based environmentthat contains policy informationindicating how content should be displayedon any device – not just on any one specificdevice. It is a logical architecture whichprovides both scalability and flexibility.The Viz Mobile Expansion achieves thisby providing a device database, a devicefilter and a presentation template configurationwhich makes content and layout‘device-aware’.Content and page layout are optimizedand formatted to support the fullHIT THE POCKETWork with yourpublications formobile from thesame user interfaceas your publicationsfor web. Read moreabout EscenicContent Studioon p. 78capabilities of each individual device. Theend result is that mobile end users receivethe richest, most <strong>com</strong>pelling user experiencepossible for their device.The Viz Mobile Expansion interfacesdirectly with Escenic Content Engine,appearing as a separate publication channelon the same server. Escenic Content Studiousers can simply drag-and-drop theirarticles, including all images and videos,into this new publication and all deviceadaptation is performed automatically inthe background.All handheld devices, browsers andplatforms can be handled by one singlecode base, allowing for rapid developmentand easy maintenance. A web developmenttoolbox with HTML5 support provides buildingblocks, enabling easy design for rich and<strong>com</strong>pelling mobile web sites.Viz Mobile Expansion Key Features• The Related Contents Widget is supposedto be used only in article context, not insection context.• Support for all types of mobile digitalcontent• Automatic multimedia converter andstreaming to mobile formats (images,video, audio)• Multiple dimension adaptation and segmentation:Device, operator and market• Advanced functions for increased usability• Mobile optimized AJAX engine• Powerful widget collection• Always up to date device database• Use same URL for mobile and desktop site• Possibility for location-based content withintegrated map generator• Enhanced support for Google Android andApple iPhone platforms• Extended RSS syndication• Send and receive SMS, MMS or WAP-push• Charge or identify end user• Flexible JSP template system for optimizedpresentationThe <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 83

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