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Online & Mobile» The In Page plug-in allows a content editor toedit a website’s text and images, and rearrange contentitems directly in the browser. If the website is basedon the Widget Framework, In Page can also be used tomake changes to the configuration of the underlyingwidgets, thereby enabling layout changes from withinthe browser.In Page lets users edit content directly on thewebsite, using the standard HTML5 features of modernbrowsers:• Edit any text on any content item• Edit images: crop, zoom, pan just like in EscenicContent Studio• Manage widgets: rearrange, reposition, changeparameters, etcEdit text. Using In Page any text on any page maybe edited directly on the site, with the changes saveddirectly back to Escenic Content Engine. Contentproducers may edit using In Page and Escenic ContentStudio alternately, since all content is stored in thesame repository. If a typo is corrected on the site usingIn Page, it will also be corrected in the repository andalso in other channels such as mobile or tablet adaptedwebsite, feeds, iOS apps based on Viz App Framework,etc.Text editing is WYSIWUG: The look of the websitedoes not change while changes are being made andall operations (save, cancel, etc) are available usingright-click. Changing a title so it does not break, makingsure a lead text fills up the right amount of space, etc. isquickly and easily done.In Page also supports editing of multiple versions, forinstance one “full” version for desktop/laptop computers,one tablet version and a mobile version. Eachof these may be edited separately, allowing for quickadaptation to each channel.Edit images. When editing images on a front-page orwithin an article, In Page allows you to zoom in and out,and pan the image to select the precise area of the imageyou want, while retaining the required aspect ratio. Aswith the text, these changes will also be stored with thesource image, and will be instantly updated in EscenicContent Studio.Because Escenic Content Engine supports multiplerepresentations of the same source image, onlythe crop coordinates are saved, and different crops(representations) of the same image are notaffected. This allows for different crops ofthe same image on a front/section page andin an article view. In Escenic Content Studioall the different (soft) crops can be efficientlymanaged in a single view.Manage widgets. For websites basedon Widget Framework, In Page allowscontent producers to make changes to thewidgets and their layout directly on thewebsite. To move the “Most commented” or“Slideshow” widget to a different positionon the front page: Simply drag and drop.The Widget Framework will automaticallytake care of image resizing and any otheradaptation of functionality and design.In Page gives content producers easyaccess to the same configuration optionsthat are available in Escenic Content Studio.For example: The sports editor may want tochange the hash tag of the displayed Twittermessages, and at the same time increasethe number of tweets shown. This is donesimply by right-clicking the Twitter widgeton the website, updating the configuration,and saving. The new Twitter messages areupdated instantly, with no need to changeany code and without involving developers.In Page requires Escenic 5.2 or higher.The Vizrt Catalogue 2011 81

Online & Mobile» The In Page plug-in allows a content editor toedit a website’s text and images, and rearrange contentitems directly in the browser. If the website is basedon the Widget Framework, In Page can also be used tomake changes to the configuration of the underlyingwidgets, thereby enabling layout changes from withinthe browser.In Page lets users edit content directly on thewebsite, using the standard HTML5 features of modernbrowsers:• Edit any text on any content item• Edit images: crop, zoom, pan just like in EscenicContent Studio• Manage widgets: rearrange, reposition, changeparameters, etcEdit text. Using In Page any text on any page maybe edited directly on the site, with the changes saveddirectly back to Escenic Content Engine. Contentproducers may edit using In Page and Escenic ContentStudio alternately, since all content is stored in thesame repository. If a typo is corrected on the site usingIn Page, it will also be corrected in the repository andalso in other channels such as mobile or tablet adaptedwebsite, feeds, iOS apps based on Viz App Framework,etc.Text editing is WYSIWUG: The look of the websitedoes not change while changes are being made andall operations (save, cancel, etc) are available usingright-click. Changing a title so it does not break, makingsure a lead text fills up the right amount of space, etc. isquickly and easily done.In Page also supports editing of multiple versions, forinstance one “full” version for desktop/laptop <strong>com</strong>puters,one tablet version and a mobile version. Eachof these may be edited separately, allowing for quickadaptation to each channel.Edit images. When editing images on a front-page orwithin an article, In Page allows you to zoom in and out,and pan the image to select the precise area of the imageyou want, while retaining the required aspect ratio. Aswith the text, these changes will also be stored with thesource image, and will be instantly updated in EscenicContent Studio.Because Escenic Content Engine supports multiplerepresentations of the same source image, onlythe crop coordinates are saved, and different crops(representations) of the same image are notaffected. This allows for different crops ofthe same image on a front/section page andin an article view. In Escenic Content Studioall the different (soft) crops can be efficientlymanaged in a single view.Manage widgets. For websites basedon Widget Framework, In Page allowscontent producers to make changes to thewidgets and their layout directly on thewebsite. To move the “Most <strong>com</strong>mented” or“Slideshow” widget to a different positionon the front page: Simply drag and drop.The Widget Framework will automaticallytake care of image resizing and any otheradaptation of functionality and design.In Page gives content producers easyaccess to the same configuration optionsthat are available in Escenic Content Studio.For example: The sports editor may want tochange the hash tag of the displayed Twittermessages, and at the same time increasethe number of tweets shown. This is donesimply by right-clicking the Twitter widgeton the website, updating the configuration,and saving. The new Twitter messages areupdated instantly, with no need to changeany code and without involving developers.In Page requires Escenic 5.2 or higher.The <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 81

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