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Possibly the most flexiblereal-time 3D tickerBroadcastViz Ticker3D is an advanced ticker systemthat makes it possible to build creative andcompelling graphic tickers with total flexibility.With Viz Ticker3D, multiple graphicalelements (both scrolling and flipping) withvarious speeds can be displayed simultaneously.The elements can include text,animated images, and sound.Flexibility. Viz Ticker3D is highly flexible,allowing users to create tickers of live data,animated 3D objects, images, and text. Thetickers themselves are 3D objects, and canbe designed to scroll around objects, forexample a desks in a virtual set or the wallsof a real studio.Two Ticker concepts. Viz Ticker3D supportstwo major ticker concepts: scrollingand flipping 3D tickers. With scrolling tickers,multiple ticker lines can be scrolled over thescreen. The flipping ticker concept makes itpossible to flip between pages, as if througha stack of cards. This solution allows foradvanced visual transitions between pages,as well as automatically alternating pageswith real-time content, such as the stockexchangesindices.Data entry. Ticker content can easily beadded through the use of templates. Contentcan be manually entered or auto-retrieved.For example, in breaking news stories or textmessaging (SMS/MMS) interactivity, contentis manually entered. Election or sportsresults, news wires, weather or financialdata is typically auto-retrieved from externaldata feeds.Typical workflow. The ticker creationworkflow typically starts with the designof a scene in Viz Artist. The next step isto scan and verify the scene structure inTicker Wizard, and then to build the logicfor the ticker by performing a few quickCAROUSELControl your livetickers with scrollingand flippingtext, images andanimated 3D objects,with various speeds,simultaneously.configurations. The final step in the workflowis to launch Ticker Client and add messagesto the carousel. The ticker is then ready to goon air.Multiple clients. The solution architectureallows for multiple clients to create andcontrol the live tickers. The Viz Ticker3D userinterface manages all information and taskscheduling in a user-friendly manner.Ticker Wizard and Ticker Client.The Viz Ticker3D solution consists of twoapplications. Ticker Wizard is Vizrt’s tickerconfiguration application. In this system,carousels (scrolling or flipping) are selected,and equipped with templates. Adjustmentsof the GUI settings in Ticker Client can bedefined from this system. The typical userof Ticker Wizard is a graphical artist.Ticker Client is Vizrt’s ticker client application.In this system, messages (instancesof templates) are created, added to thecarousel, and sent to air. The typical userof Ticker Client is a journalist or operator.Advanced features. Viz Ticker3D distinguishesitself through several noteworthyfeatures. Ticker elements can, for example,trigger events when entering the scrollingticker. Such an event may be the start of ananimation, or the display of pre-definedtext or graphic objects positioned anywhereon the screen. Stock price movements cangenerate up or down markers, voting resultscan render 3D charts, and so on. In addition,the system features multi-render supportand can be set up to feed several multipleoutput channels from one message carousel.Multiple clients can control a shared tickermessage pool, as well as perform on-aircontrol. Viz Ticker3D also supports theLook-Ahead Transition Logic to facilitateand simplify visual transitions of multipletickers on-air simultaneously.Viz Ticker3D Key Features• Real-time 3D text, graphics, and animationsdisplayed simultaneously withminimal buffering delay• Direct editing of content on-air. Controlkeys and GPIs for on/off air, switching betweencarousel and animation transitions• Multiple clients for on-air control andediting• Multiple clients control a shared tickermessage pool• Open interface for data feed applicationintegration• Step-by-step setup of tickers in only a fewminutes• Multiple scrolling tickers• Supports expire settings on individualelements according to time/date and/ornumber of runs• Multi-render support allows you to choosetickers from a common pool of content• Full unicode language support, includingcomplex scriptThe Vizrt Catalogue 2011 53

Possibly the most flexiblereal-time 3D tickerBroadcastViz Ticker3D is an advanced ticker systemthat makes it possible to build creative and<strong>com</strong>pelling graphic tickers with total flexibility.With Viz Ticker3D, multiple graphicalelements (both scrolling and flipping) withvarious speeds can be displayed simultaneously.The elements can include text,animated images, and sound.Flexibility. Viz Ticker3D is highly flexible,allowing users to create tickers of live data,animated 3D objects, images, and text. Thetickers themselves are 3D objects, and canbe designed to scroll around objects, forexample a desks in a virtual set or the wallsof a real studio.Two Ticker concepts. Viz Ticker3D supportstwo major ticker concepts: scrollingand flipping 3D tickers. With scrolling tickers,multiple ticker lines can be scrolled over thescreen. The flipping ticker concept makes itpossible to flip between pages, as if througha stack of cards. This solution allows foradvanced visual transitions between pages,as well as automatically alternating pageswith real-time content, such as the stockexchangesindices.Data entry. Ticker content can easily beadded through the use of templates. Contentcan be manually entered or auto-retrieved.For example, in breaking news stories or textmessaging (SMS/MMS) interactivity, contentis manually entered. Election or sportsresults, news wires, weather or financialdata is typically auto-retrieved from externaldata feeds.Typical workflow. The ticker creationworkflow typically starts with the designof a scene in Viz Artist. The next step isto scan and verify the scene structure inTicker Wizard, and then to build the logicfor the ticker by performing a few quickCAROUSELControl your livetickers with scrollingand flippingtext, images andanimated 3D objects,with various speeds,simultaneously.configurations. The final step in the workflowis to launch Ticker Client and add messagesto the carousel. The ticker is then ready to goon air.Multiple clients. The solution architectureallows for multiple clients to create andcontrol the live tickers. The Viz Ticker3D userinterface manages all information and taskscheduling in a user-friendly manner.Ticker Wizard and Ticker Client.The Viz Ticker3D solution consists of twoapplications. Ticker Wizard is <strong>Vizrt</strong>’s tickerconfiguration application. In this system,carousels (scrolling or flipping) are selected,and equipped with templates. Adjustmentsof the GUI settings in Ticker Client can bedefined from this system. The typical userof Ticker Wizard is a graphical artist.Ticker Client is <strong>Vizrt</strong>’s ticker client application.In this system, messages (instancesof templates) are created, added to thecarousel, and sent to air. The typical userof Ticker Client is a journalist or operator.Advanced features. Viz Ticker3D distinguishesitself through several noteworthyfeatures. Ticker elements can, for example,trigger events when entering the scrollingticker. Such an event may be the start of ananimation, or the display of pre-definedtext or graphic objects positioned anywhereon the screen. Stock price movements cangenerate up or down markers, voting resultscan render 3D charts, and so on. In addition,the system features multi-render supportand can be set up to feed several multipleoutput channels from one message carousel.Multiple clients can control a shared tickermessage pool, as well as perform on-aircontrol. Viz Ticker3D also supports theLook-Ahead Transition Logic to facilitateand simplify visual transitions of multipletickers on-air simultaneously.Viz Ticker3D Key Features• Real-time 3D text, graphics, and animationsdisplayed simultaneously withminimal buffering delay• Direct editing of content on-air. Controlkeys and GPIs for on/off air, switching betweencarousel and animation transitions• Multiple clients for on-air control andediting• Multiple clients control a shared tickermessage pool• Open interface for data feed applicationintegration• Step-by-step setup of tickers in only a fewminutes• Multiple scrolling tickers• Supports expire settings on individualelements according to time/date and/ornumber of runs• Multi-render support allows you to choosetickers from a <strong>com</strong>mon pool of content• Full unicode language support, including<strong>com</strong>plex scriptThe <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 53

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