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BroadcastComplex channelbranding made simpleViz Multichannel makes it easy to utilizehigh-quality Vizrt graphics for channelbranding. The application simplifies theplayout of playlists, providing a single clientthat handles the playlist elements of one ormore channels. Viz Multichannel helps topromote commercial messages on multiplechannels in a fully automated way. It combinespre-scheduled, time code based playlistoperations with the possibility of adding realtime2D and 3D graphic effects and powerfulbranding capabilities. In complex environmentsthe application helps to centralize theentire workflow onto one desktop.Integration with the workflow. VizMultichannel integrates seamlessly withexisting channel traffic and scheduling solutions.It supports the import of playlists fromall major traffic and automation systems.Support for automation systems. VizMultichannel’s integration with the automationsystem guarantees that every singleelement is played out at exactly the righttime. After receiving a playlist from thetraffic system, the automation takes controlduring playout, telling Viz Multichannelwhen to run a specific item.Last-minute changes – made in theautomation system – will automaticallybe synchronized with the playlist in VizMultichannel. This means that the solutionas a whole always reflects the latest status,regardless of when a playlist is changed.Event handling. While shows or ad-blocksare considered primary events, the graphicseffects within the show, like squeezebacks,tickers and lower thirds, are seen as secondaryevents. After a primary event has beentriggered by the automation system, VizMultichannel takes control of the secondaryevents and plays them without the needfor user intervention, this way guaranteeingaccurate timing. Optionally, secondaryevents can also be triggered by the automationsystem.BRANDINGUtilize high-qualityVizrt graphicsfor your channelbranding.Viz Multichannel’s flexibility is basedon relative time codes: Offsets are based onthe time code of a specific program ratherthan on an absolute time of day. Because therelative start point of a template in relationto the main program always stays the same,updates in the playlist do not affect thegraphics schedule.The communication between VizMultichannel and the automation systemuses standard protocols like VDCP andIntelligent Interface and is open to otherthird party systems.Adjusting the playlist. Last-minutechanges to existing playlists are verycommon in broadcasting. Whether sportsevents go overtime or breaking newsdemands its own space in the playlist, VizMultichannel handles time-critical changeswithout the need for user interference.Staying in control. Viz Multichannelallows users to maintain full control overthe playlist up to the very last minute beforeplayout. Templates automatically collectinformation such as the program’s nameand start time. Should any changes occur,all relevant information is updated instantly.An automatic error check makes surethat changes in the original playlist do notcorrupt the graphics playlist. Advancederror protection features include alertsconcerning overlapping animations,mismatches, or other deviations fromthe schedule.Branding and promotions.Viz Multichannel does much more thansimply merge your promotion and brandingstrategy with the playlist. It also helps youto control and monitor the content.Templates make graphics accessiblein next to no time. Vizrt’s template systemlets users create branded graphics with onlya few clicks. Or even completely automaticallyif you prefer.Viz Multichannel Key Features• Hands-off workflow for graphic elementcreation, directly from the channel trafficsystem• Advanced support for promotions andbranding• Automation for an unlimited number ofchannels• Cutting-edge real-time 2D/3D graphicsand DVE effects• Supports all SD and HD formats• Interfaces with all major automation solutionsvia GPI, Chyron Intelligent Interface,RS-232/242 and TCP/IP• Multichannel elements can be triggeredthrough the Vizrt REST API• Supports playlist changes up to the verylast minute• One operator can monitor all channelsfrom a single client• Full preview functionality• Automatic notification of traffic errors• Automated billing and reports• Runs on standard, rack-mountable PChardware and laptopsThe Vizrt Catalogue 2011 51

BroadcastComplex channelbranding made simpleViz Multichannel makes it easy to utilizehigh-quality <strong>Vizrt</strong> graphics for channelbranding. The application simplifies theplayout of playlists, providing a single clientthat handles the playlist elements of one ormore channels. Viz Multichannel helps topromote <strong>com</strong>mercial messages on multiplechannels in a fully automated way. It <strong>com</strong>binespre-scheduled, time code based playlistoperations with the possibility of adding realtime2D and 3D graphic effects and powerfulbranding capabilities. In <strong>com</strong>plex environmentsthe application helps to centralize theentire workflow onto one desktop.Integration with the workflow. VizMultichannel integrates seamlessly withexisting channel traffic and scheduling solutions.It supports the import of playlists fromall major traffic and automation systems.Support for automation systems. VizMultichannel’s integration with the automationsystem guarantees that every singleelement is played out at exactly the righttime. After receiving a playlist from thetraffic system, the automation takes controlduring playout, telling Viz Multichannelwhen to run a specific item.Last-minute changes – made in theautomation system – will automaticallybe synchronized with the playlist in VizMultichannel. This means that the solutionas a whole always reflects the latest status,regardless of when a playlist is changed.Event handling. While shows or ad-blocksare considered primary events, the graphicseffects within the show, like squeezebacks,tickers and lower thirds, are seen as secondaryevents. After a primary event has beentriggered by the automation system, VizMultichannel takes control of the secondaryevents and plays them without the needfor user intervention, this way guaranteeingaccurate timing. Optionally, secondaryevents can also be triggered by the automationsystem.BRANDINGUtilize high-quality<strong>Vizrt</strong> graphicsfor your channelbranding.Viz Multichannel’s flexibility is basedon relative time codes: Offsets are based onthe time code of a specific program ratherthan on an absolute time of day. Because therelative start point of a template in relationto the main program always stays the same,updates in the playlist do not affect thegraphics schedule.The <strong>com</strong>munication between VizMultichannel and the automation systemuses standard protocols like VDCP andIntelligent Interface and is open to otherthird party systems.Adjusting the playlist. Last-minutechanges to existing playlists are very<strong>com</strong>mon in broadcasting. Whether sportsevents go overtime or breaking newsdemands its own space in the playlist, VizMultichannel handles time-critical changeswithout the need for user interference.Staying in control. Viz Multichannelallows users to maintain full control overthe playlist up to the very last minute beforeplayout. Templates automatically collectinformation such as the program’s nameand start time. Should any changes occur,all relevant information is updated instantly.An automatic error check makes surethat changes in the original playlist do notcorrupt the graphics playlist. Advancederror protection features include alertsconcerning overlapping animations,mismatches, or other deviations fromthe schedule.Branding and promotions.Viz Multichannel does much more thansimply merge your promotion and brandingstrategy with the playlist. It also helps youto control and monitor the content.Templates make graphics accessiblein next to no time. <strong>Vizrt</strong>’s template systemlets users create branded graphics with onlya few clicks. Or even <strong>com</strong>pletely automaticallyif you prefer.Viz Multichannel Key Features• Hands-off workflow for graphic elementcreation, directly from the channel trafficsystem• Advanced support for promotions andbranding• Automation for an unlimited number ofchannels• Cutting-edge real-time 2D/3D graphicsand DVE effects• Supports all SD and HD formats• Interfaces with all major automation solutionsvia GPI, Chyron Intelligent Interface,RS-232/242 and TCP/IP• Multichannel elements can be triggeredthrough the <strong>Vizrt</strong> REST API• Supports playlist changes up to the verylast minute• One operator can monitor all channelsfrom a single client• Full preview functionality• Automatic notification of traffic errors• Automated billing and reports• Runs on standard, rack-mountable PChardware and laptopsThe <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 51

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