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A real-time 2D/3Dcharacter generatorBroadcastViz Trio is the number one character generator (CG) for live televisedevents anywhere on the globe.IT’S THE SYSTEM’S FLEXIBILITY and the high level of built-in intelligencethat sets it apart. Forget about the limitations of traditionalCGs and work instead with an intelligent application that exceedsyour expectations. Viz Trio is a system that delivers more than youthought was possible and may perhaps even inspire you and yourdesigners to try something completely new.A FEATURE RICH 3D DESIGN SYSTEM. In addition to basic CGfunctionality, a set of advanced features supply the operator withcomplex graphical and operational possibilities. Viz Trio supports,amongst other features, connectivity to multiple newsroom systems,seamless context switching on graphics, Look-Ahead TransitionLogic, multiple clients controlling a single output channel, andintegration with non-linear editing systems.ALL GOOD THINGS COME IN THREES. As its name suggests, Viz Trioit is often used as a combination of three products. With the VizTrio client you control the video output and make changes to yourcontent, whenever needed. Then there is the Viz Engine, which is areal-time 3D rendering software that delivers animations in HD SDIvideo or as a DVI digital output. Finally, there is Viz Artist, which isan animation and visual effects creation tool.TV PRODUCERS often faces the challenge of how to present thesame news or sports results cost-effectively across various channelsor even for different shows on the same channel. Viz Trio’s templatevariants make it possible to deliver several different graphicsstreams from a single CG and a single set of data.MULTIPLE CLIENTS ON ONE OUTPUT CHANNEL. Multiple Viz Trioclients can prepare graphics simultaneously without tying up theon-air graphics channel during the preparation process. Further,during play out, multiple clients can operate one output channel.Viz Trio includes a simple built-in macrolanguage that designers can use to customizefurther the way graphics are rendered.Ready-made examples are available at allstages for a huge variety of functions. VizTrio is not just a pre configured application– its behavior can be customized to yourworkflow needs.LOOK-AHEAD TRANSITION LOGIC is uniqueto Vizrt. It makes sure that for any newpage taken to air, the system automaticallyperforms optimal transitions between existingand new graphics elements. Graphicselements intended to be on the screen at thesame time are put in different logical layers.The concept of independent layers makesit possible to put on air any combinationof graphics and still control them independentlyof each other.VISUAL DATA TOOLS. Viz Trio supportsViz Artist’s Visual Data Tools plug-ins forshowing information such as bars, graphs,lines, pies, scatters or stocks. Charts can beedited in the same way as common spreadsheets.As Viz Trio supports the ADO interface,it is also possible to connect to anydatabase or spreadsheet for fetching data.NEWSROOM INTEGRATION. Apart fromintegrating with other Vizrt systems,Viz Trio also integrates with major newsroomsystems, automation systems,general purpose interfaces and nonlinearediting system.Viz Trio Viz Trio allows operators to fill out graphicstemplates and add video files to them.Available clips can be searched within a VizMedia Engine database and be edited usingnon-linear editing systems such as Viz PreCutor Viz EasyCut. From within the Viz Trio interfaceit is possible to choose templates andedit them on the fly. Headlines can be addedand video files can be searched and added tothe template. The end result can be instantlypreviewed on the operator’s machine with alow-resolution version of the selected clips.Key Features:• Runs on a rack mountable PCs as well asstandard desktop PCs• True real-time 3D graphics• Look-Ahead Transition Logic enablesseamless automatic transitions betweengraphics (no need for mix off/on)• Integration with the leading non-linearediting (NLE) systems from Apple, Avidand Quantel• Supports all major SD and HD formats• Advanced multi-layer logic reducesnumber of pages needed for compositegraphical elements• Real-time video output with adjustablevideo buffering• Maps integration for adding high-resolutioncustom maps with style definitions,and real-time animations and hierarchicalzoom from globe to street-level• Integration with all major newsroomsystemsIT’S ALL IN A BOX. You need the full functionality of Viz Trio, butdon’t have the space to spare? Then simply run Viz Trio on a singlePC! With a single PC setup you get all the features of a regular VizTrio with having two graphics card in the same machine. The VizTrio client that is used for organizing playlists, controlling the videooutput and making fast changes to content, and the Viz Enginefor rendering the graphics both run on the same hardware, withno significant effect on rendering performance. In fact, with twographics cards on board the setup not only saves space, costs andsimplifies setup and maintenance; it even allows for a full localpreview directly on the Viz Trio. It is the perfect CG for OB vans andall locations where rack space is limited.The Vizrt Catalogue 2011 41

A real-time 2D/3Dcharacter generatorBroadcastViz Trio is the number one character generator (CG) for live televisedevents anywhere on the globe.IT’S THE SYSTEM’S FLEXIBILITY and the high level of built-in intelligencethat sets it apart. Forget about the limitations of traditionalCGs and work instead with an intelligent application that exceedsyour expectations. Viz Trio is a system that delivers more than youthought was possible and may perhaps even inspire you and yourdesigners to try something <strong>com</strong>pletely new.A FEATURE RICH 3D DESIGN SYSTEM. In addition to basic CGfunctionality, a set of advanced features supply the operator with<strong>com</strong>plex graphical and operational possibilities. Viz Trio supports,amongst other features, connectivity to multiple newsroom systems,seamless context switching on graphics, Look-Ahead TransitionLogic, multiple clients controlling a single output channel, andintegration with non-linear editing systems.ALL GOOD THINGS COME IN THREES. As its name suggests, Viz Trioit is often used as a <strong>com</strong>bination of three products. With the VizTrio client you control the video output and make changes to yourcontent, whenever needed. Then there is the Viz Engine, which is areal-time 3D rendering software that delivers animations in HD SDIvideo or as a DVI digital output. Finally, there is Viz Artist, which isan animation and visual effects creation tool.TV PRODUCERS often faces the challenge of how to present thesame news or sports results cost-effectively across various channelsor even for different shows on the same channel. Viz Trio’s templatevariants make it possible to deliver several different graphicsstreams from a single CG and a single set of data.MULTIPLE CLIENTS ON ONE OUTPUT CHANNEL. Multiple Viz Trioclients can prepare graphics simultaneously without tying up theon-air graphics channel during the preparation process. Further,during play out, multiple clients can operate one output channel.Viz Trio includes a simple built-in macrolanguage that designers can use to customizefurther the way graphics are rendered.Ready-made examples are available at allstages for a huge variety of functions. VizTrio is not just a pre configured application– its behavior can be customized to yourworkflow needs.LOOK-AHEAD TRANSITION LOGIC is uniqueto <strong>Vizrt</strong>. It makes sure that for any newpage taken to air, the system automaticallyperforms optimal transitions between existingand new graphics elements. Graphicselements intended to be on the screen at thesame time are put in different logical layers.The concept of independent layers makesit possible to put on air any <strong>com</strong>binationof graphics and still control them independentlyof each other.VISUAL DATA TOOLS. Viz Trio supportsViz Artist’s Visual Data Tools plug-ins forshowing information such as bars, graphs,lines, pies, scatters or stocks. Charts can beedited in the same way as <strong>com</strong>mon spreadsheets.As Viz Trio supports the ADO interface,it is also possible to connect to anydatabase or spreadsheet for fetching data.NEWSROOM INTEGRATION. Apart fromintegrating with other <strong>Vizrt</strong> systems,Viz Trio also integrates with major newsroomsystems, automation systems,general purpose interfaces and nonlinearediting system.Viz Trio Viz Trio allows operators to fill out graphicstemplates and add video files to them.Available clips can be searched within a VizMedia Engine database and be edited usingnon-linear editing systems such as Viz PreCutor Viz EasyCut. From within the Viz Trio interfaceit is possible to choose templates andedit them on the fly. Headlines can be addedand video files can be searched and added tothe template. The end result can be instantlypreviewed on the operator’s machine with alow-resolution version of the selected clips.Key Features:• Runs on a rack mountable PCs as well asstandard desktop PCs• True real-time 3D graphics• Look-Ahead Transition Logic enablesseamless automatic transitions betweengraphics (no need for mix off/on)• Integration with the leading non-linearediting (NLE) systems from Apple, Avidand Quantel• Supports all major SD and HD formats• Advanced multi-layer logic reducesnumber of pages needed for <strong>com</strong>positegraphical elements• Real-time video output with adjustablevideo buffering• Maps integration for adding high-resolutioncustom maps with style definitions,and real-time animations and hierarchicalzoom from globe to street-level• Integration with all major newsroomsystemsIT’S ALL IN A BOX. You need the full functionality of Viz Trio, butdon’t have the space to spare? Then simply run Viz Trio on a singlePC! With a single PC setup you get all the features of a regular VizTrio with having two graphics card in the same machine. The VizTrio client that is used for organizing playlists, controlling the videooutput and making fast changes to content, and the Viz Enginefor rendering the graphics both run on the same hardware, withno significant effect on rendering performance. In fact, with twographics cards on board the setup not only saves space, costs andsimplifies setup and maintenance; it even allows for a full localpreview directly on the Viz Trio. It is the perfect CG for OB vans andall locations where rack space is limited.The <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 41

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