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Simple stepsto stardomArtTrCertificationThe Certification Program is offered worldwide torecognize the quality and level of all <strong>Vizrt</strong> softwareusers. Our certified professionals are growing andwe look forward to expanding our <strong>com</strong>munity further.Our plan is to offer a certification program for allour software.The Viz Artist exam is a bundled package of scenes and instructions issued from thetraining center via ftp. The examinee has a one-month period to <strong>com</strong>plete instructions andreturn for examination.• A person having passed this exam should be able to creatively design in Viz Artist,execute large portions of a project and have good knowledge the software’s capabilities.The final content will demonstrate a high level of knowledge and organization skillsusing Transition Logic, Scripting and Technical Design setup.• The <strong>com</strong>pleted exam product will confirm that the candidate can take a project fromcreation of an idea to a set of graphics ready to be controlled by either Viz Trio and/or VizContent Pilot and understand how solutions can be executed in a larger team togetherwith designers, IT personnel or programmers.The Viz Trio exam is a multiple choice online exam that requires the monitoring of a <strong>Vizrt</strong>representative. Each student has 60 minutes to <strong>com</strong>plete the exam. To pass this exam a usershould have:• A high level of understanding in relation to the operations of Viz Trio.• A high level of understanding of Viz Trio operator’s role in relation with other integratedsystems used for content creation, output and graphic design.Certify Today! Contact us at training@vizrt.<strong>com</strong>I think that to be professional one alwaysneeds an academic evaluation, plus it raises ourself-esteem and serves as recognition in ourprofessional environmentHugo Meza Yañez / Head of Graphics / Canal 13 / ChileThe <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 119

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